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Show (I OGDEN BMLY COMMERCIAL. - & VOLUME IV. NUMBER 22. 7 OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1690. itjce, -V FIVE CENTS. rli natures to buujW 4 out, and Lac This aftTOuoa the arrttxl isumetLin twyouJ anoe Tl llxxe Notarial j THE BufACCEPTED. Fri.k for the pvopW that etsl help f rout uui FATHERLAND. THE Bjrns, who says be is from Moa-treaof L..J.U a this hank tuk.uf ti falo; TLotnas Sy, tailing frota city abundance and in eucuMM.-t.ajwith the or fed pajrr again GolJtbaaU A II w ai-- J Joha Murphy, from Turofitv tariff of 140 I rail your attention hi a ird aad a lire aoioutit is held tv ti torn-allon of hating murdered UmtlL two other tariff in a liitn-U- i to OVEL THE NCIL OH THE BEBLIX SEW AGITATED AIWITED BLAISE MAKES HIS INITIAL EFSTILL Brorktoa Nijckl tttnk and llvatoulti a ere found in Ike burhuuJ that, the only threw tariff that th Tby nka. RuiiuMun s ewtumers' kaw a Ul a here the crine was eoeaiuittnl WATER SYSTEM. Laild Slate Las ever Suddenly TXCLE SAM'S SEW TARIFF. FORT FOB MCKIXLEV. t ne ATUr the murderers aggregate thousnda. It is fnared the village loaerwg tha tluUea, was 000 maiie after tlx-- y took to the coiais. aul be ruinnl by tl bVflc&tiu. The Here they the war of Hli The compromise tariff Text of tbe Besolurioa Paaas4 and om in l"v4u, and every one Inquiries Eeinc aUde With a View to cause of hm do ul il is that be has lm-The Friends and Neighbors of the Tariff of unul midnight, whesi vpeculating hosvily unknoaa to Lis of thorn led to business prostration in they setiatated. One them endeavor Last Ktgbt Whlcto Aooompll-JseBill France Boy ally Wokxxoa the FinHa Ne w Channels for German ed to board a train oa the WaKiouia Cen partners. this country, which Wind in a greater Tbls Important Act Trade Affected by the BUL Great Statesman. tral railway. Ilia manner attractor fees degree untd there was protec Toa Voltae's ed the attention of two reptirtrrs ft tits tive tariff enacted. (Applause. lou never beard of a free tariff dom frk--r Cri.pl ana Va faariri to Ceafc t Bniix, Oct 25. -- Twenty thousand Oc&a Ham llu tbe Wtlrf Aartot'iatvd prem and Uwy took bcld uf Wiprarlty a4 a foapariuMi of Trt Trad ing to the relief of the trade him. aoouteing him of the asurder. He people I laughter UzJk. part tonight in a torch light Wafe-With Aarfrta's persona lulled the FrotMtioa lirar4-CarUat, rl Mraariag Ki ud Eloqaeatlr broke away and ran into the woods. AU and the only three times that the peo which ec It ef lay Ctlj la la procession Toaarc Italy-Tinaugurated the TripW aJ!iaas Scksru Brought ap fur ul with. nighi long the reporters ple of the United States tried a free of the ninetieth anniversary of lanlMns in the neighborhood. Offreeod. trade tariff they fell into adversity unWkk West. la Peager-Bsafe- rrt In is fur Sialry. rfforts were rewarded by their til a protective tariff came to the remorning of Von Field Marshal the birthday Turk eD. aatoriatad The City Council met in special seiauoa finding the twketbook of Brazed, wi'Ji Canton. Ohio, Oct 25. -- Secretary of lief of the people. Some of the people CopfriaM I by Srm Moltke, all clasHe of people being repre- last Beau. Oct US. Several official move sented. night at the Council Chamber, City the notes and papers belonging to him. 8Ute Blaine arrived here from PitUburg want us to let protective tariff go by The w venerable uresoldier as of The ca-the ments n to order make the to posk'ibuity however, w as miiaung. Hall. exijvriiueuta again. point met Alliance He noon at his m t at today. rvidne, with congratu I would like to see that experiment tariff questions engaging attention in the aented, addretMee. Well, were who There present Mayor Kieuel, latory Implying briefly, by the reception committee from Canton tried. If only one or two people were to Sherman un Third Parties. rendering necessary a careful he thanked the citizens and said the presided. and escorted to the city over the Penn- suffer, but it is a pretty hard thing to lYnsM-Mufoundation of was the Oct Four thousand work emtire the A ministerial of the majority. Aldermen Shilling, Whalen, Snyder sylvania railroad. A crowd of 3,000 time the dreadful and terrible ctanue of nursing f mighty Emperor William I. If Lin at the tall tonight gathemd people to in has been commuwion city ooun industries the of the and Preehaw. appointed ehare in the reult was attributm to him people greeted Blaine with loud cheering prostrating to liiOen U u address by Senator John when there are sixty-fou- r millionsof quire into the Austro-Germa- a Coum-ilmrcom try, Aku his hearers Hlaadel, Hank, must also re fol (Von and Moltke) Chapae he alighted from the train, mouths to be fed applause; w hen the Sherman on the iiwuev of Lai relations with a view to recip member Lis faithful companions, and man, Douglass, Ziemer, Cory, Anderson, In the course of bis the , campaign. lowed the carriage, cheering all the way taritr of llo was enacted there were mere Hetuttor brave men who waled their loyalty the Com tariffs. rocal of the diminution Turner Ilncorder and McNutt ttune Hurlbut, aiheruian said there can really be but only twenty millions of people in the to the home of Major McKinley, a to with death. the lauienanu their r We now have sixty-foumil muLicau ns have been sent leadinr firms Also City Attorney Hey wood, Martha wo great parties. There are, some guest he w as d u r ing h is stay here. Blaine country. lions, r our years after the tana was in Hamburg, Bremen, and other trade NOT THE K I ITER. time, people alio think they area little Metcalf, Water CtMumitwioner FarrelL waa accompanied by Mrs. Blaine and enacted according to the census of the Major Kkwel staled tliat the meeting better than their neighbors, go off to asking I wn to report on the daughter Mis Ilattie Blaine, and Hon. United Stated, we only ha 1 seven thous- centres, was called to con eider the proposition roost by themselves on some side issue and rail themselves a third party. I William Walter Phelps, minuter to Ger- and millions of property. We now have effects of the McKinley bill in their lines The Whitwhapel Artist Fancy Work to accept the new wat--r kvsI e sixty-fou- r Absent in the Lat Victim. millions of people and sixty of trade. They are also aked hat the have had more in political ? The resolution was then following many. thousand millions of property.! Applause). prosiiects are for finding new channels life of some than beam r, and I never my Be it: read: The 21 of Oct the LowDox, body Upon their arrival at the residence of v good come out of a third party Uentleuien.you cannot six rt with that for merchandise affected by the Mc Uf-- ,h fl -- By the City Council of saw anWe woi a 1 found in the South Hampstead s are all Republicans or all Major McKinley, an informal reception number of people and with th it mam of water and sys yet that the Ogdeu City cjty mission on bilL The V e cannot coin foreign locality kut night shows that the crime tem be turned over to the Bear Lake waa held. Early trains in the forenoon property. in a general meaning of the term experiment at this Kinley and hazard vast interests when we tariffs further has to consider the new bears no retwmblance to thoje committed and River Water Works and have brought large delegations of Re time Irrigation because ae are all in favr of a form of could not put the country where it Russian protective measure. The Rus lW-on under the government of which all powers rest October 27, examithe Medical "Jack Couiriiy from Ripper." Youngstown, Alliance, stands today for ten peuitential years sian commission will begin work next by publicans with the people. terms of them. contract the with Maasilon, Wooster, Wellsville and other thereafter (applause.) Mr. Schurz con week upon the details of the new tariff nation proves that the woman did not some discussion After the preliminary to the Whitechael class. The A CLOSE CALL. towns In this and adjoining districts. demns the effort of Congress to secure which, Novoe Vremya declares, wilt be belongwaa that of a woman about thirty resolution was adopted. coun- the highest in Europe. body of with certain trade reciprocity 1:30 were streets and at The p.m. thronged an well of and action. chid. The althroat age important have Othcial circles continue to doubt that years Km-aa parade of marching columns occurred. tries (laughter). The actum of the City Council in ac Governor Hill hat a Narrow us that if we would an been altera! ion will t made in was cut and the skull fractured. All Shortly after noon it began raining and ways their telling we would have a theimportant In Accident. were Railroad A a the pocket empty. perambulawith Austria oeptiug the new dintnbutive system of theory, existing treaty it waa decided to have the mooting at adopt new era in this country. On that form and are equally skeptical aa to any tor contaii ing a bloodstained fur rug was water works for Ogdcn, is the climax to Camekon, W. Va Oct 25.- - Governor the tabernacle instead of the fair grounds of is statement I will not differ with them Herman reprisals upon American trade. found near by. It suppoet d that th s the most i uportant, greatest act of the Hill and as originally intended. The bnilding was party, accompanied by T. S, I think we should have Reports thus fir received tend to disi--i had been used to convey Uie body from present City Government In lees than (laughter.) of the Democratic State packed, as waa alto the Academy of a where Chairman crime been comhad the the fifteen months from of spot at created the new Riley, of alarm tbo the era. the signing by Congress feeling pate Music, in which an overflow meeting was contract with the IWr Lake and River committee. Gov. Fleming and ethers, concluded to augmented American tariff. Leading mit tod to where the body waa found. session last its bed. The body has been idontitiod as that Water Works and Irrigatioi Company, left looked at eioort houses appear to be doing Blaine's principal address was at the adopt the new polioy. They Wheeling this morning over tbe Bal we normal trade and American orders in of Mrs. Uobba, wife of a porter. Mrs. the oonHtrucuou of thirty miles of dis- found and that America South they waa A Ohio. They wet e to have stopped followed timore the tabernacle, where he left husband Hobbt her were receiving from those people lost leading commercial centers do not ap yesterday, tak tnbi ti ig pipe in the city, and eight by Major McKinley. Mr. Blaine said child whom she carried in the miles of supply conduit conducted at all the stations between Wheeling and her in The dim However ing ah. them. to thefi.ture little preciably exporting imports, "Mr. Chairman and Fellow Citizens of found near the place through a ditlicult canon, tapping the Harper a Ferry to allow the Governor to war, shall we repeal the duty on may affect export, the government win perambulator Ohio: The contest that is now waging question w a discovered: The pure waters of Ogdeu river and its make addresses. The programme, how where the s to and not South concerted driven body be that into America, give reprisa for the membership of the next Con sugar was Interfered with by the col of the child is a mystery. whereabout tributaries by a gravity system affording ever, and coffee and addition in to a sudden ut with Austria hides, dye collapse lision at Moundsville. His train waa gross is not properly a contest between woods, and rubber, and other things American trade.by a the throughout pressure city attaining the Republican and Democratic parties. from South a maximum of 500 pounds to the square about starting when Engineer Wells The Crime Traced Down. America, and Bhall we ask Reports emanating ftOTj Paris and It is a contest between protectionists men, if we give controlled to inch a for of but that degree heard the warning note from the engiVienna attributing the initigtion the easily you our markets and free traders. Applause.! There London, Oct 25. Investigations show which is safe and necessary for utility, neer of the Chicago Express which told few proposed concerted legislation in retaliaa us for to enter let theirs pound, are a few free traders among the Repub a train wan approaching on the bim Applause.! Oh. no, Mr, tion for the McKinley bill to the Berlin that Mrs. Hobbs, whose murder caused peaks eloquently the vigor of western samethat licans and many protectionists among shillings? track alnrnt 50 feet ahead of where comof You and the the Chando are untruo. all. won't at Schurtz that reliability growth, another started the says government, utterly seare, "Jack, Ripper" the Democrats. I Applause.! It is a con which undertook this great work. the Governor's train waa standing. A resort to free trade, but I would cellor Von Caprivi will meet Signor yesterday to visit a Mrs. test that goes to the root of the matter must Piercy. The pany now posaetwes a water system wide and low highway bridge spans the Ohio Mr. before at this Italian like to ask the Ogdon Schurtz minister, CrispL, prime house waa visited today and showed aa to national prosperity Applause, and audience how free railroad tracks it impossiin the 8. first The will to is November Interview trade easily Monza, region, ble to see tbe here, makingtrains going marks of a terrible struggle, A bloody on the on that issue we should settle the qties-tio- u approaching our at lor of the sutilcient with concern in market us settlement the into their present time, pro intrigue knife and a bent poker, smeared and, in favor of home interests, good lot twenty-fiv- e About side of the other carving bridge. of of inhabi a Vatia the 200,000 in favor of the the Austrian court ducts. We have been giving Brazil supply city with blood and to which adhered locks feet behind the Governor's train, wages and sound prosperity. Great ap market for nearly sixty millions for their can against the Italian government of the woman's hair were found. Mrs. tanta, with almost unlimited capacity tbe accommodation plause.! As I was coming out to this train, running of for the past increase. The experience products, and they were taking from us Signor Crispi declares Italy's contin- Piercy waa arrested, charged with tour between Wheeling and Cumberland, place I found in a newspaper the speech sevenresults millions. and a member acromtiiiuheduv as the nine of alliance uance or or the ejiffin eight triple Mrs. Hobbs and her child. TV ohu " of Carl Schurz, made a week ago in sumu. ivaiyimier declare is menaced by prominent members of daring we Now eering skill, -'if Boston, and I may say in all candor it absolute suppose niaiTtrade. would How b Austrian free funily,whoaeomis-sariethe proved imperial was an able speech on the rreo trade Scottish HomeJnl f Brazil? with us at the Vatican encourage side. Rut, like all free traders, Mr. that help London, Oct 25- .- In an address at water stv Kalnoky, Schurz goes back fortho golden era of They have not been buying anything and that the overthrow of Count do not let anything in tree, tinny or the death of Emperor Francis Jo- Dalkeith tonight referring to the Scot- sure an un . . American xwypprity' to the tariff of they 1840. A rCirynHant view backward. six million dollars' worth of coffees, thir seph will be the signal for a rupture of tish home rule movement Gladstone needs of a unvirKT thnt. teen to sixteen millions of rubber, sev- the Austro-Italiaalliance, which would Laughter. said he believed that whatever Scotland pendod in elaboratWliiewn restore effort and a an to in bides result eral millions of the many great . . . . "I have often heajfcl of great and genl power of the pope, Signor Crispi deliberately asked would be found to be without taking mt oonsiuerauon meir coiiclVs. eral prosperity unfler the tariff of 1840 dye stuffs and wood of that kind, all rrs train liovornor water be without but it he allowed demands deal to trinsic of United with value into that tht States the itself; coming consistent with the unity of the Empire that If you will bear with me I shall say a thrown back on tho accommodation is now send want to to we cannot with a matters that hand denied free be of the but Ogden relating shilliug and would obtain the assent of parliaduty, something of that period. Mr. Schurz down train. The of that locomothere some flour, some lumber, Vatican. Another Italian grievance is ment Touching the matter of Soot.ch more than equal to the payment of a tive n was smashed. Behind the quotes me as saying and that is why I some corn while Joon of of Francis dividend the fair avoidance and tl the Emperor expenditure, wheat, products crofters Gladstone deprecated the idea make a personal reply that the ten was loaded train a heavily satin of Humbert's that not to are west as well as the east, and visit regard seph to return King of emigration as a remedy for the dis- the hopes the fi.ture years between 1846 and 1856 under that hed as freight train and the trains were toare as secure as Oe everlasting hills. things wore going. I Laughter. Vienna. Emperor Francis Joseph of- tress. tariff were years of very great prosperity gether thrown back on that with alight to and them awakened on to fered we went to but Turin, Woll, go King to NEAR OGDEN. reference Wit DEVEtiOPMKNT the disestablishment ji in this country.' I frankly repent that force, but with no damage to the latter and we Humbert declined to receive him any- of the Scottish church Gladstone said it those years were years of great prosper- - the necessities of the situation If the Bear Lake and River Water except that the waa torn we do Rome. feel as that found at where that that Holding except be would an enormous just advantage to Works and Irrigation Coin puny had dorre away. Had the governor's train conity. Now, let me say why those years two nationsthey of each Austrian other with to refusal the the if dealing emperor Scotland and to the cause of religion were prosperous. That tariff of 1846 nothing: else for Ogden, they would be sisted of ordinary coaches it would have was approved just about the time the must deal as two men do with each oth go there was equivalent to a refusal on the Presbyterian churches were united. worthy of an abiding place in the rec- been crushed like nn eggshell between so to the that Rome the of Austria recognize This step however, he did not deem ad- ord of the city's growth nnd prosperity. the two part Mexican war broke out and within less er, fairly, honestly, liberally; heavy trains. As it waa, both than a year, more than one hundred advantage shall not always bo on the side as the capital of Italy. Personal and visable at rrsent. for in tbe approachBut the company has utill greater claim theso cars escaped without a scratch. court feuds with Vienna are of the most ing general election? the disestablishfrom millions of dollars were disbursed by the or one man or one nation. Applause. the vast Tbe accident was due to the failure of on the gratitude of Ogden was reciprocity. It is not a intense nature and hamper the relations ment of the church would be made a government in all branchos of mechan- Well, that development of the surrounding coun- the air brakes to work on the Chicago Mr. Schurz of the governments. tost all complex problem. very totheexclusionof others, try that must necessarily result from express. question ism. We had just made that expendia strange way The national Zcitung states that demanding adjustment by pailiament ture when the famine in Ireland called rather intimates that it isHow the construction of the great irrigation will Von soon to of at Chancellor things. go strangely Caprivi getting WANTED A NEW STVLK. for every surplus barrel of flour and from Bear river. The two great system is as three will i&; where he it stay Madrid, days. BEHRLVG SEA FISHERIES. just bushel of grain in the country. We had mysterious, reciprocity which, one on either side, pursue canals, communia when and as that Starke renews This the reports mysterious their course by cut and tunnel through The President Sought to Make a Mahardly transported that grain to the strange farmer brings a hundred bushels cations are being exchanged looking to Hopeful Signs of a county other side and sold it at a Inch price of the rocky gorge of Bear River canon Set Satisfactory trimonial Hitch. wheat to Canton, gets his money for concerted action by Germany, Austria, until gold was discovered in California, until the level plain is reached below, tlement. and for retaliation in for his and the it, goes family buys supplies Spain Italy with the and the world was enriched into life nnd activity over 300,000 Washington, Oct. 25. Among the visOct 25. A statement bring adoption of the new tariff legislation by in tho world. vast output of the mines. We had back home. Laughter. That is a mysWashington, Hnest land of the acres itors at the While House yesterday was and very difficult to un- the United States. terious has been telegraphed from Canada, upon The Great Western Canal, with an hardly pnt that gold in circulation derstand,process all of and am Brazil nintieth sure celebration the The I couple whose attire beyet grand bo when the great revolution aggregating 100 miles in length, South American states understood anniversary of Von Moltke's birth takes the authority of a British member of branches in the backwoods. a residence 1848 spoke and Great to Salt is now the paralyzed the in gan Like, completed place tomorrow. Bismarck has not yet Parliament, that it has been resolved to which includes excavations, tunnels, When they got inside the house they the industrial energies of all Europe and it the moment it was mentioned. I bearfavorable will we make William's invitation a lieve very submit the Behring Sea fisheries dispute iron acqueducts and bridges with a ca- glanced about and then weut out on the replied to Emperor ga.e th 3 United States a market that rangement to trade with South America. to attend the celebration. was unparalleled. Europe had hardly to arbitration. It is premature, so far pacity of 1,000 cubic feet per second of lwrtico and held un animated discussion. When reciprocity was first suggested, as it may be taken to imply a completed water, enough to irrigate all the arable The man was apparently about 4ft years quieted the Revolutionary disturbance free traders The New French Tariff. all, or nearly all, approved. His companion was a woman when Prance and England and Russia agreement on the part of both govern- lands west of Bear river. This entire of age.fif Leon diyears his junion, pretty and went into the Crimean war, and for two At that time they thought it would is tributary to Ogden, and to about 25. The new French tariff ments. It is learned that a correspondOct. country Pakis, vide the protectionists in Congress and Like the man, her clothing had modest its on is its ence come must the still this in produce, years and a half those great nations subject progress. city as bill was issued to the Chamber of Depu- But there are service. done outgood were paralyzed in their industries. Now they urged it very earnestly as long difor a satisand its trade that everything people hopeful signs ties today. It dwells upon the tendency When they ceased their conversation there are four or tive of what you may they thought there would be some factory settlement will be reached at a side of country life. New towns and the mansion and timidly and Ogden must they call accidents or incidonts of history vision, as long as they conceived it was toward protection displayed by most comparatively early day. will villages spring up that might obstruct nations. approached Captain Dinsmore, tho chief commercial center. that would have insured great prosperity the dividing line the to their be refers It high especially to this country if there had not been a protectionists. Just as soon as the free tariff of the United States, Canada and Indians on the War Path. The eaHt branch of the great canal, doorkeeior. In a low voice tho man infound reciprocity could not be w ith a capacity of 1,000 cubic feet formed tho captain that he wanted to t iriff of any kind whatever. Applause traders also states. It proSanta Fie, N. M., Oct. 25. A small they the South American is practically completed. A get married. If the duties, instead of being what the used to divide the Republican partyone second, 100 per kilos: of poses the following duties per band of Arizona Apaches, evidently not vast natural reservoir, "What ia your name?" asked Captain tariff made them had been only 1 per were all against it; Cheers. every covering thirty-liv- e five flour, eight francs; more than four Dinsmore. mountains the cent advalorem, or if there had been no them; and now they are repudiating it Wheat,three francs;corn of base in the at acres has been number, meal, tive francs; francs; "John Gillingharo," replied the man. telling you what a humbug .it is, corn, settlers along the Arizona east of the city, has been purchased by duties, the country would have been and how little value there is in it, and salt pork, twelve francs. The duty on terrorizing and New can Mexico and if line for the past six the company affording it ample protec- "I am from Culpepper." prosperous. Now, produce how small a result there will be to the petroleum has not been fixed, pending you Upon further questioning the captain weeks in western such convulsions in the world today, if Sierra and Grant tion against accident. of this country from it. It is not tbe decision on the proposals of the counties. learned that the couple had been told has been you can start a great famine, if you can people for Cavalry tot In scouting the commission. regard budget by some practical jokers in their native disc ver new gold fields, with uncounted wise for free traders to proclaim cattle of weeks without result Thus far four The Count Grandly Received. bilL it reserves liberty We at failure town that if they would come to Washpresent. have been mulions thrown into the laps of the peo- its murdered the persons by henceforth are given a year in which to try it. Let action, but the duty Oct. 25. A grand banquet ington and present themselves at the Montral, band. J. J. a ranchMexican ple, if you can have every nation in EuBarrira, us wait a year and see what can be done. will be levied on weight, instead of by man in western Grant White House president would tie rope disturbed by a revolution, if you county, and his in honor of the Comtede Piris was given the matrimonialtheknot head. Cocoons and thrown silk will They were much are can have three of the greatest nations of S Cheers. I am not here to boast of it, the son the last A victims. Silver The cabinet bo citizens free. will French City silk Raw a nav tonight duty. by free of course am here to condemn the chagrined and disappointed upon being inthe settlers are says dispatch Europe go to war for two years and a traders very fleeces, raw all and Senators cotton, flax, hemp, ministers, judges, told that such such services were out who, as long as it promis- Wool, halt, then we will all quit talking tariff ed to divide from the dignant over the management of 'San leaders of the French Canadian society of the protectionists were in hides and jute are exempted president's line and that it would Carlos agency in allowing the Indians and go to supplying the vacum, which for duties navment The dutv. eggs. of received a were present. The Comte of it, but who are set against it the be impossible to be married by the chief to the inacthat condition of things in Europe would favor reservation and the jeave woods, moment they find protectionists will not buttor, oils, oleaginous, seeds, of the army in pursuing and tremendous ovation, and the proceedings executive. create. Applause. were often interrupted by cries of "Viva cheers. Your duty, geutlemen, foreign wines and textile fabrics are in tivity Another consultation was held and the renegades. "In the fall of 1856, when this tariff had divide, punishing creased. The duties on coal and chemi Lo Itoi." The greeting was such that then the man was oaked if it was posbeen under way fourteen years, this if I may suggest it, is to electa protec- cal tionist to Cheers and cries of has never been accorded here to any sible for them to procure a minister to products remain as at present, but Without Supplies. great war in Europe came to an end, and 'we will.' Congress. That is your interest; that the tariff on metals has been revised, the foreigner. All talk of counter demon- have the ceremony performed on the ao did all prosperity under the tariff of Topek a, Oct 25. The settlers in the stration has diod away before the enis the interest of every district in the dutv on steel being lowered. top of the Washington monument Ho remember 184o. You all Applause. western port of Oklahoma are without thusiasm of the French royalists. I appeal to this district beb. lid in explanation of this strange request what happened in 1857 one of the country. and cause of the interest at your doorsill A Heavy Defaulter. supplies. Their wives and children are "that he and Sallie had boen courting severest panics and depressions that without clothing. Much suffering and I appeal to every man in Starke for nine years and that a commonplace Made a Biir Haul. 25. W Charles this country ever encountered, and as fireside;and Oct Mass., Brockton, starvation will ensue unless they are in three other counties that widding would by no means be equal to tolearned was long as these accidental props, theso county 25. Oct. well stock known It broker, speedily supplied. Chioaoo, the district. But you have a Robinson, a the occasion." Captain Dinsmore laughfortuitous happenings, these accidental make upreason. Mr. Brezell, w ho was murdered ingly conducted tbe couple to the city It is a very great dis- who has been doing business through that special day famine of discoveries gold, The revolutions, Bank Statement. distinction to house in Boston, at Desplaines last night, had about fGOOO hail, where they finally procured a as soon as they ceased the prosperity tinction to any man, and distinction the to John Stetson's banking district represented, license and were married in evcry-daNew 25 The stateOct York, bank The amount confessed under the tariff of 1847 ceased also. is a self in money and notes upon his persons, of forger. the man himself to be placed at the head humdrum shows style. ment a reserve "Now I insist that we do not want increase of over 11,000 was in cash. Aa the the committee of ways and moans, and will not fall short of 185,000. A short time The banks hold $119,000 less than which famines. We don't want revolutions, we of runEmdeed of House ware lead the men who committed tho Representatives. since he took Sewall P. Howard and Senor Amador Dead. the requirements. do not want to have thousands of men to Cheers. erson Goldthwait as special partners in ning away they passed under a gas-ligslaughtered bv war, in order to keep up Panama, Oct. 25. Juan Bantista Amthe brokerage business. Last Monday, in front of the juatice of the i)eace. Further Decline in Price. free trade tariff and make it look prosThe Strike Ended. who haa been senator and dej uty over accounts firm's with ador, the looking that there, hearing cooly stopped perous when it is not (laughter and apAmsterdam, Oct 25. The price ct They 25. Miners are resuming Stetson had been closed, they informed contents of Brezell's wallet selecting in congress, deputy in the state assembly the Oct and tariff Stdniet, a us Give protective plause.) and Robinson and insisted upon an examina- fine silver has further declined to 85 the money, then tossed the wallet and and secretary of the treasury for the we oan get along without the slaughter work. Many seamen are applying state of Panama, is dead. tion. He confessed to the forging of guilders per kilo. papers over the fence and separated. or starvation of men. We can make our- - the strike is virtually ended. THE FLUID KNIGHT. alra sustaining nlliS dpfari. l; ru-io- w't ui. k-f- IS, n d OU-bralk.- n. Kin-Hea- r oele-bratio- o jr fnl -- h, Rek-htfta- t , ee-h- eitt-rieno- lleiu-ocrat- Free-trade- inter-mountai- n the-beim- n tem-pori- .... cow-catch- er aiioom-modatio- cow-catch- . g y |