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Show Army Nine Meets Arsenal Tonight for Title Will Local Ickens ff Employes Given .r Victory Wrest Stiltner Oa Mound lor Finale Ixjcals in eason h Ogden Service when the KuTwill be Army nine ciasnes who ffSden Arsenal tonight in the Tyotf game in John Affleck park Watting less Own Tat the SjOfden. Game time for the arclight tilt m. slated fpr 7 p Winner of two to Touch-Tackl- e Annual Leave For Deer Hunt Ail-O- ut legs in the three-roun- d campaign, the Arsenal will the crown with a victory the HiH Fielders ffit. Shouldanother final playoff wtaTnowever, for. called be will pme Probable starting hurler for the Arsenal will be Dale Laybourne, the league's ace tosser, who holds League for Gv. Employes Offering employes an opportunity to get some of that missing quantity known as meat, officials are granting annual leave for deer hunting trips next month to those whose services can be spared, according to word just released. Especially welcome news this year, the decision was recently made in answer to the many inquiries that have been received. Employes desiring to try their hand at hunting are requested to submit an application for leave as soon as possible in order that supervisors may plan their work accordingly. Hill Field, Ogden, Utah Sept. 15, Received as good news to civil" ian sports circles was the recent 1943 announcement that a touch Fort Douglas Has Bob Bjorklund Fort Douglas pigskin out win in his last start against i 174Hill 1943 Field team, the game the second-roun- d look took on a brighter hue over which decided the tne week-en- d with the announcechampion. ment that Bob Bjorklund, captain LAYBOURNE IS WINNER . Facing Laybourne will be Sgt the mound for p army club. The last the time the two opposed each other, both yielded 12 bingles, but Laybourne managed- to eke out a Stiltner on Forrest bill-to- - win. 5 powder - makers had the "Indian 4gn en the Hill Fielders during the campaign, the local army base-laOwith two wins in their last two (tarts will be out to capture ttsJcfafs game and wind up the season on top of the league ladder. No lineup changes are contemplated by either Laybourne, Arsenal manager, or Lieut. R. E. Pickens, coaching the Hill Field Although the seemingly have en team. The Hill Fielders right to play in the N taking the the title game. earned cham-Mhi- third-roun- d p the ASF Depot Ci-iin a playoff game, Sunday, two teams finished the round chase ' with four vic-raone loss apiece. 7 from ns and star center on the 1940 Minnesota university football squad, had been signed to coach the soldier eleven on a part-tim- e basis. Bjorklund, who received honors during his collegiate days and who performed one season with the professional Philadelphia Eagles club, is now a shift supervisor at the Utah ordnance plant. He will mentor the Fort Douglas outfit daily from 5 to 7 p.m. For registering or for further information, contact the recreation unit, Employe Relations branch, Civilian Personnel section, extension 8315 or 8316. Inter-Dep- develops a& in the fifth the spectators, and T larticipants, some excitement. fight developed over one of jt Visual "base runner charging la catcher blocking the plate" sasaents, but was quickly quelled, wm only a few bloody noses, and awe raffled tempers to show for rVief free-for-- all a fracas. The Civilans. however, annarent- rj capitalized on the excitement. n put together 3 hits, an error, nd a couple of stolen bases for three runs in the next inning. Wltner pitched himself out of the We, however, by out two striking "tters and forcing a third to fly a which ended the depot men's wing for the day. Cpl Francis Smith led the Hill " batters with a brace of f"Mes against Pitcher Johnson w the depot Johnson was re- in the seventh by Jackie Cart CUyt)RD HOMES Jfft Wednesday, night, " army "naaa nine the HID FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! . . . Lt. Pickens tells the Hill Field Army baseball team before the game. The Army won.. tie. was the winning pitcher tame too. A homer by oer 7.Slei b m. flM.a Smith aided i Box Scores SUNDAY'S GAME Hill Field Army ASF Depot Civilian ABHOA AB MO A F.E.Smith.lf 5 2 4 0 Bowker, b 2 0 0 F.J.Smith.lb 4 2 5 1 3 0 2 3 Stiltner, p ..3 1 1 3 Line, 2b- Clarke, If .4 0 0 0' Coffin, e Card, M-- p .4 0 0 BlLehman, rf 5 0 10 Evans, lb .4 1 12 0 Clifford. Cf 5 2 5 0 Hemphlll,3b 4 2 3 2 Verdonckt, z x x v o; ao Todd, e . .z Harris, rf .2 0 0 OlCastelI 2 0 0 2 ss laneta, Johnson, v x A 1 O 3TOUI, ZD 0 Oreenwell.e 2 Calton, rf .2 0 0 0 . ...4 cf-2- ..3190 Dinner Headed tfnpT" by ,l its full Field physical J". HiH . Were ( nut. ft .ienaance . ill t... tMtlmAnUt MmnCV Z t.Z. ver-donc- Stanfleld. lt.y - Time times up, ""n'-kt8tca- Smith. Umpires 2:10. and Ballif OA ME WEDNESDAY'S F. E. Smith 4 3 2 0 Peterson, 2b4 J J 2 (Chandler. m m a '"' ' M JlrHwe aa 2rfie?iUtw, col-f-s- wuen also in theprovost party. ' hit """ i. b,eacher" !SA drit. ? Icessive 0 0 ; At Thury tv.. e!1 2 .4010 JiDnamllli o " .aneta. M a. 2 3 4 4 1 10 0 iiayiwr, F. J. Smith, 7 1 0 10 2 Dopp, c . 44 00 3 3 lb 0 0 0 2 kwo.3b 3 1 Totals 35 8 27 9 Totals 37 13 27 16 Score by Innings: 032 -- 0 Hill Field Army 100 000 1 Hill Field CivMians .....000 m a o -,- CI"fKrlUtah in Salt Ulaoi. Smith. evening -rrlveK i pwri writers or me pitcher Innings pitched I 1.3. Strikeout aty dailies. 1. lUi oTT-Whonored as he be-- Ounderson en bases r. the man coaching atn. 2 Castel .net., jl year Stanfleld and Agricultural Other local officers t.V George Thorn p-- Ex-Rin- g vicvn nuwir I whal1 ' Brady & 7.2 Ist.mev. If MOte' . Mo the team 3003 ....4 Kr"2b...; i and training . . ac me Four-Bagge-rs hard-hittin- laneta, . six Bangs Out Trio Of e Planning The Totals 33 0 27 8 33 8 24 16 landed another victory in the cifluin hv inninff: 000 000 ASF Civilians league by outplaymx i vilian softball 220 Hill Field Army crew 12 to ing the Little Siberia Runs Merapniii, Summary: v. one step closer are KJ. 2. Smith, and F. Smith 7 risiion. recently 2. Errors to game Stiltner. Verdonckt, Csetellaneta the championship taking a Two-bhits Hemphill 2. Todd, Toth. Stiltner. Runs for next Sunday. Hemphill, W. E. Smith. r. batted In Qreenweii, nowner, Three of Planning five homers 2. F. J. Smith, Coffin, Toth. Base on were released by Charles Tomeballs Johnson. Lin., F. J. Smith, Stiltner, other two Coffin 2. Verdooekt, Castellanetm 2. Vot- tich, husky catcher, the knocked out by Ernie Odle, ing pitcher Johnson. Runs Off being T IB 5 Innings. Double plays and Duane Woodland, Toth to J. nerSmith, Card to Line shortstop, baseman. mrlkeouu-stmthird five 1 Card 4. Hit by pitchedn2, ball Collecting three hits for Has-pert, by Card. Wild pltche-JohOreenwell 2, Todd, Taunt, Woodland, . Captain Menger R'chard Pickens Chuck Tometich Totals Cajtel- - Party 7 ....2 16 P-- Stiltner, p. Coffin, e Grid Poor Siberia! Downed By Planning, 12-- ll Verdo7kt, 'Attend the civilian The postponing of golf tournament until next Sunday hasn't dampened the spirits of Hill Field's entered team but rather has given players a chance to do some practice shooting In preparation for the event. All eleven of the veteran golfers who will represent us in the competition at Ogden's El Monte course are employes of Machine Services unit, OASC Control Hill Field Boxers Downed By Wendover Squad in Return Match Last Week m the army Be Held on Sunday inter-dep- ot team beat the local by a 1 count. In the iiltMr "aw which gave them the thlrd-"-5 baseLlne. tttt Toth. 9-- Golf ot Matches Will . last-minu- te le hit UrtimLn. ,IJf"),, YUm Winning Paige. ' Oun.leron P J, X stiltner 7, Odle, Hales and Perry of averPlanning all upped their who Tometich got did as ages four'for five. Frank Perry, pitcher, finished the game with only one defeat in nine starts so far. Outstanding in the competition r, Dick put up by Siberia were Anderson and Bowman. chamIn a strong race for the will play Planning title, pionship 4 project team Sunday afternoon at Monroe park, Ogden. or Planning crew consists Charles Tometich, catcher; Frank first Perry, pitcher; Ben Yaunt,second base- - Beus Soderquist, third base; base; Duane Woodland, Francis shortstop; Odle, Ernie Hales, Wright, right field; Jack center left field; Frank Lininger, field; Edward Haspert, short field; man. and Bill MacFarlane, utility Arm-bruste- B-2- 2 gloI. coffin .,.. Umpires Two l"ri,l0 More Posts Drop Football Champion For 1943 Season Wright Both Patterson and their In Inducted in Navy announced have Fields feather .... A..t.i..if : -former . Was weight box.ng cna.P " rwhen -- joey the Polo day. in 1921. year, wastoinauw sailed 450 feet the navy. assigned regumi ; fall. Touch foot- in which more men Ukf SS part will replace outside games. grid drop lMtlon this .VT .... ' section. nd CI foot- ball league starting September 25 will highlight the fall activities being directed by the recreation unit, Employes Relations branch. Teams comprised of employes from the various sections or branches are being lined up this week, as well as several others that will represent the local hous ing project areas. Schedule of chosen fields and dates for the games will be drawn up and announced upon completion of the registering, according to Ford Rose, league official. Those teams already organized are urged to notify the recreation unit of their intention to participate. Individual employes desiring to be included in one of the squads yet to be made up are also invited to register as soon as possible in order that final plans may be made. Bert France i Starting the ball rolling early, the first matches are slated for 10 o'clock Sunday morning, it was announced this morning by officials in charge. Curtain Drops On Wins Only Bombers Season Nod for H.F. As Douglas Wins Wendover Field came up with a new crop of boxers who promptly proceeded to take the Hill Field soldiers into camp by a count of S bouts to 1, in the Wendover gym, last. Wednesday night. Hill Field had easily won the , pre vious encounter between the two squads. Pfc. Bertrand France was the only winner for the Hill Fielders. France took the decision over trvz. setto. Joe Elliot in the He was highly praised by Co- Coaches Paul Rusnik and Homer Romberger. Nomination for losing in the most unusual way goes to Hill Field's Pvt. Johnny Dunbar. Fighting an even battle all the way, Dunbar was stricken with an at In tack of appendicitis midway the second round, and ' the bout had to be stopped.' Credit for a technical K.O. went to Pfc. Izzy 165-pou- nd Having dropped a close S--t decision to a strong Fort Douglas team in the semi-finaof the State softball tournament last week, the Hill Field Army Bombers have eiosed the curtain on their 1HS season, it was annouced yesterday by Sgt. Byron Lunday, team mmm ager. "Wbitey" Mecham, local twirler, gave up four hits in the first Inning to the Fort Douglas club and that spelled defeat Mecham was in little trouble from then on, hut the Bombers, except for one attempt, failed to find the range of the opposing chucker's slants. Kiddie Toth handled Mecham behind the plate. Hill Field's two runs came on Lunday's single, followed by a ls scored Lunday ahead of him. Lunday also connected for another bingle, the Bomber's only other hit of the game. Garry Varick and Jack Raymond played sensation' al ball in the field for the erstthat carried form the while 482nd outfit. Displaying him to a national AAU crown in FOOTBALL NOW of Millard McMurray 1940, Sgt. Wendover Jabbed and hooked his Prior to departure for OC3 and way to a decision over cpl. ran-ci- s other training schools of some key go men, the Hill Field organization Kelly in the which highlighted ' the evening's won the championship of the field and was favored to win the city festivities. The latter was lost in the The heavyweight bout of the title. Boude-kin- g final round. Manager Lunday InJohn Pvt. matched evening dicated that the boys will form a T. Booker Smith Pvt. against club. Boudeking football team now for entry In of the Hill-To- p leagues. battered out a decision win in a one of the touch-tackclosely-fougbattle. Mrs. Anne Back to Denver In the other fights, Sgt. Noah Valades of Hill Field lost to Pvt. Mayer, who has been employed Bill Valenero at 126 pounds, while in Receiving branch since last Pvt. Eugene Samuel of Wendover January, returned Saturday to her home in Denver, where she will decisioned Pvt. Joe Carrington. rejoin her family. Mrs. Mayer ALL BOUTS CLOSE was a resident of civilian dormiUnable to fight for the Hill on the field.' Fielders was Pvt. Louis Gianotti tory while working to on ill the who became way over, decisioned Bgt. Noah Valadet, HM Wendover Field. Field; 133 pounds. Sgt. Millard McMurray, were and bouts All the close, Wendover, decisioned Cpl. Francis Kelly, Field; 14S pounds. Pvt. Eugene Samwith the exception of the unusual Hill Wendover, decisioned Pvt. lot Cartechnical K.O., no man on either uels, rington, Hill Fled; 150 pounds, Pfe. team was In any serious trouble Neufell, Wendover, technical K.O. over luy Pvt. Dunbar, Hill Field; 165 pounds, Pfc. or near m knockout during the John HIH Bertrand France, Field, decisioned Pvt. Joe Billot, Wendover; 180 pounds. Pvt. evening. John Boudeking, Wendover, Aecietoaed Pvt. The summary: BIB Wm4- Booker Hll. Neufell, AAU CHAMP 150-pound-er. . 135-pou- le ht . 12S peunds, Pvt. Talanere, Smith, Field. |