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Show !' ah. 4yAEiai "KYI HQ- - Squadron, OASO MWtMfimS' tj" uff-mind- ed 5 Wednesday Sept, 15, 1943 Ord. went at it quite will undoubtedly be glad to see t "1JT.;r a lunch Jperic lastJames Connelly, who is re SSgt Prov"yhind Barracks ceiving a aiscnarge, go. However the rest of the boys will miss Jim' and wish him the best of luck in of deX gave Sgt Wilbur his departure. Sgt. Jesse Bennett . . , has been accused of sleeni nc with few lessons in boxing Tan exhibition given his J new radio, but who wouldn't. . , ' Jmbers of this squadron by -- va mmII.. a icaiijr ueauiy ana tuoes can t Kosof and Cpl. De naa either. Well, that's all for - the 'eally mis week, but remember fellows. some fast and any news . the boxing run acrossis good news. So if you footwork7 . anything you would was highlighted by some like to have printed iust it to your reporter or the first ser At Bodied Seaman) Cpl? Arthur Reno, Sgt. geant. . Cpl. John H. Mead, Jfftohnson, Cpl. Frank Zappia Reporter. KAat "Joisey Flash" Cpl. Frankthis leather- 93rd Depot Supply i.,vin Squadron session was the bout be- -l 31st ADO Murphy Sgt. Irving rTcnl Rusnik in which our Busy was the word for the 93rd with this past week as , the. fellows hoi.w Paulmean-S zoomed around from one bed to haymakers ijjy prodigioushimself well another trying to find someone keeping shield furnished their own weight. But now the John Koden . v . all in dust has settled (inside the barracks anyway) and " once more all 3 ilot of fun was had by every is calm and serene. concerneu. one M.M. Co. They Taxpayers Rush to File are ignition and light truck driver, respective- ly. - B-1- 5. ga T-- M 1 . 1 g&fy -, & SgW pro-Ewund- l?L , as- squadron now has an f fine athletic equip ment secured by Cpl. Rusnik and some of Cpl- Romberger. Among .... the equipment iU members of this squadron are 1e following: Football, basketball, wtball and bat; horseshoe set, Chery set, volleyball and a set of It is requested that dTjnembers avail themselves of This - h We do things m groups of two, T3rd Peter C. Lucas has been laid up in the barracks for a week or so, and Pfc. Rudolph C. Leek in the Station hospital, each with associated ailments. While last week, both MSgt. Kenneth M. Davis and T74th Jessie R. Stout had s. Of course, we wish them now-a-day- s. '1 f tonsil-ectomie- well, but somehow something new must have been added to the Base Nurse Corps Detachment. that's all right! The wife T4th James H. Stevens of Atlanta, Ga., paid her husband a of - Say, surprise visit. are in order to T5th Astarita, William H. Griffin, T5th Arthur H, Kahl, T5th Wilson I. H7 Kurtz, and T5th William E. Poplowski, since they have advanced from Pfc; also, to Pfc. Calvin R. Congratulations T5th Thomas to T4th Haie C, According late flash has it that Cpl. Al Atamian and T4th Knox, Kent's latest poetic masterpiece is wnere mere s a Jack W. mere s a win; for ready publication. It is a saga Of course, it's known the of American life entitled "The OCS way." world over that Salt Lake City has Blues" and runs something like some fine structural attractions. this; "Twinkle twinkle little bar, Pfc. William J. Harrisson, how I wonder where you are." Al Reporter. promises that his publishers will A : 1 1 ... - ... j: HUNDREDS WERE AIDED By expert assistance from A. N. Bloch, tax consultant of Payroll and Records branch, as' they rushed to fill out an estimate ot income under the new tax law. This picture shows a few of them in line. In a rush to meetf viewed and figured each case be- today's deadline for the filing of fore presenting an individually preincome tax declarations, several pared declaration for signature. hundred employees awaited their In order to keep up with the line, turn to receive assistance from he has put in long hours of volunA. N. Bloch, tax consultant of tary overtime, but according to him, being able to'lielpTJthefs and--- , Payroll and Records branch. Over 2000 employess have thus assist in the conservation of man far taken advantage of this service, hours has well repaid him for his . with the waiting Jine growing in extra effort. to Plans are already underway length for the past three weeks, ' next unit for this Leder-mato E. enlarge spring Lieut. E. according in" charge of Payroll and Rec- when the next tax payments are due, according to Lieut. Lederman. ords branch. A Though .one of the newest of the many service units established un- AKERS FUNERAL SERVICES der the Civilian Personnel section, Joseph L. Akers, husband of Mrs. the fact that most of these em Lillian Akers of the civilian dorployees would have taken a day's mitories, died Saturday morning in leave in order to receive outside a Salt Lake Death "was assistance had this service not due to naturalhospital. causes. been available here has made it Mrs. Akers is employed in suptruly beneficial, - reported ' Lieut ply division. The body of Mr. AkLederman. ers was taken to. the former famHaving personnally assisted each ily home in Boise, Idaho, where employee has been no light task services were held Monday afterfor Mr. Bloch, who has inter- - noon.' , r Come out with the first copies in 880th Guard Sqdn. just a few days autographs free Attending the officers and non to all GI's, commissioned officer gas school . i atnieUC equipiii"i. conducted by Base Chemical offi 3Bewhen oft duty. , Congratulations are in order to cers, are Lt. Gatling, Cpl. Faith, Sgt. and Mrs. Dale Wynn who are Cpl. Lachman and Cpl. Boyd. on the subject of now the beaming and proud parfinntinuinsr ents of a bouncing baby boy. athletics, it is urged that all. mem Lt William J. Manzel reported for duty with the squadron on bers with basketball ability sign np for the team that will repres Lt. Joseph F. O'Marah, man- Sept 2 as squadron mess officer. ent this sauaaron. i.nere wm ue ager of the famous Notre Dame (Heres hoping he serves well!) i basketball league formed and it football team of 1933, claims that it our desire to put an outstanding Sgt. Jack Steilen and five dog team spirit shown by the boys in instructors were transferred into team on the court So, sign, up you the outfit far exceeds the cooperbasketball sharp shooters! ation ever displayed by the men the Kansas territory with 24 war in the Rockne lineup. This view dogs. Their duties will be teaching was expressed in a talk on the new men the art of guard duty Those members who underwent with war dogs. the last phase in first aid training value of military customs the other and who passed the, written ex evening. Submitting their application last amination will receive as recog nition for this training a first aid A challenge from the 32nd Sup- week for aviation cadets were Cpl. Faith. card issued by the Red Cross. Sgt. ply has been received by Capt. Boyd and CpLthe .... MHJ o ' T w. .art Designated Special Service done to can be see what Murphy is officer and the SpeLt. Gatling the to Softball between act as instructors for the in a game of Mm next group all we can say is cial Information they have done two outfits is Cpl. John T. Faith. They a fine job and deserve a round tune in tomorrow and watch the officer welcome all members of the squad our of thanks. of hands the at 32nd's fur fly to come ron in and talk over their That's all for now boys, will be stalwarts. troubles. , teein' you next week! Pfc. E. S. Levme, T. Faith, John Cpl. Reporter. Cpl. Sal Ferrari, Reporter. , Reporter. 2491st QM Trk. Co. (Avn.) S04th Depot Repair Sqdn, ADO istnd AB Squadron ' N. C. Hoffler, who used We are SSgt proud of our This squadron welcomes another to be truckmaster with this or boys who extremely home honors brought new addition to it's staff of offeanization. is now on special duty when they won a softball game icers in the person of Lt. Charles at Base garage and may be seen Saturday afternoon from Hq. and E. Haynes. 'Lt Haynes, formerly driving one of the big ui Duses Hq. squadron to the tune of 16 our at of the 880th Guard to 0. squadron, has around. He was replaced As this was the first game since additional own craraee Dy isogu wwcjiw jut returned-frochooling at the. ' Command and (better known as "Daddy" BrooKs, team was organized, we are the General Staff school, located at who. bv the wav. iust recently reof also proud of the great interest Port shown by all and want the boys Leavenworth, Kan. Assigned turned from the territory Hawaii. Ss:t Brook was serving to know that we are behind them training Lt officer, Haynes In already initiated .several new with the 13th QM Truck company 100 per cent policies and will continue with the at Hickman Field when tne Japtaik of anese attack occurred December Congratulations are in order to training the squadron 7, 1941. the following men on their recent H. CofTSgtA. Allan back and forth, promotions. After Clarence Swanson, Cpl. The new reveille hours have fin, Sgt of last Clifford V. Swanson, Cpl. Clifford n acclaimed bv all. as the "vo's" in the softball eame Sunday and Headquar Truckers V. Swanson, CpL Waldo C. Amato, the week "wuiy beard at 5:30 now echo at C. Amendolare, Pfc. to. Calisthenics follow from six ters squadron finally enaea up Cpl. Nick more like Standley D. Bartnett, Pfc. Victor seven, but the new hours have with a score that looked score, 30 to 27, Head- P. Dini, and Pfc. Kocco u. Bravo. n brought out such Rip Van a basketball being the win Winkles squadron as Set Bvron Lundav quarters oi iooks After encountering the sand and the From Pvt. Thomas Stanberry, not ner. J dust storm that covered Hill Field tne DOyS got piem-jmention yours truly. and vicinity last Wednesday morn Reporter. ing, some members of this outfit no of the squadron's most have come to the conclusion that rvpuwr NCO'a. r"ni nmn Tnvlor Platoon Medical we have had complete experience Supply 82nd N Cpl. Harold Matheson, have in desert operations. How about ror new outfits, ADO S2nd joinTaylor it SSgt Burns and SSgt O'Neal, " the- 327th unH Marhaann rt- after a iainfhnnv P. Midey, Texas ever like this : was to the 324th. The latter und furious courtship, and "waiting call to the "paratroop-- recently married to a loveiy ? u. gang wiau . .i.k vt . left Hill A certain sergeant in barracks .whera oil VII: lady in onNevada, has justhomeward 285 is raoidly becoming a casa furlough m.M nova. What a terrible disaster if field's better golfers and af- - bound. The young bridegroom was he should be transferred. Eh, Crr-wdubbed "The Head," to mirouuw ZarisJ UD tne famous "dreaded new parents in New to her spouse nd their poker sessions) . York. First Sgt. Parker has been given . mq ior all, it is hoped. T4th Josepn Reporter, a leave of absence from physical uivrv ntiH. .u . . . ... training since he has been getting win moon tak.- iwT his exercise nightly. (Rock a Bye ADO iimeiignt with the 1719th Ord. M.M. Co. (Avn.) Baby.) that plans are Peter Pfc. Buddy, Taylor, T3rd ago months few A annual ce rtain w.',8 the Reporter, use for no had tournament,, and C Lukas are his conas irirst Sgt LoeD, reptiles; now, theyJust '- sthe other stant companions. friends wriggling the others of are expected to com-th- e L"y Jf reknowned various prizes. All interested in slightly entering the becamebeer. The dance scheduled in the Litto see First much HL iXlw tle theatre last Friday night for the aTT.' fwiing also will share W Powell T4th the 368th and 308th Aviation Robt T4th nr,i?llt,J.wl,at with the H,,! iwiwin when iu af. R!S8&,rS Stout and Cpl.chemica .n.irnna . was postponed the from received Ogden studying are was word .we wcn. Buwrci ) chools. Thto40 colored USO that no girls were Ned if, .,,CTiaea and those Inter- - warfare at Post available for that nigm. ni the 1a b ur lne "quaaron The new date has been set for wriVTgue are Ufed to contact this Friday, September 17, provided girls can be secured as partUwnom hnv u v- -i This week, ners, Sgt. Bob Wise of the Special vPt. n lne reason . . yana n Tttrrtr Sandaker the ,,.Stc hair his Uom' losing fart " " lB the fact tfcat as Kay transferred w TIT - last-minu- te : l! I t. n, ' " . ... V THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT : I, t . Wednesday, Sept 15 Quia show in Little theatre. Team of WACS vs. soldiers. Thursday, Sept 1 Weekly radio show; Keep 'Em Flying orchestra. Special Service entertainers, newscast Ogden USO . Center, broadcast from KLO, 10:05 to 10:30 p.m. 308th Friday, Sept 17 Dance at little theatre.- 368th and r" ; aviation squadrons. T Monday, Sept 20 Dance at Little theatre. Open .to all soldiers, WACS, and girls from civilian dormitories. Tuesday, Sept 21 GI variety movie program in Little theatre, 8 p.m. . 448 8.00 - 7:00 7:00 8:00 aee-sawi- ne 10:05 7:30 8:00 8:00 11:00 4:00 r - . Jng 4:0O 4:30 8:30 9:30 8:15 9:00 - tt 8:0O . rj Vr W """K Set for Friday PSnatllK--other- s. I - ' . 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. T Postponed Dance Street mm4 - """ra USO Twenty-fourt- h Telephone WEDNESDAY, 8KPTKMHER 15TH COLLEGIATE p.m. PROM, Formal Dance, Kefreahments, floor Floor,- Main Recreation Hall. THUR8DAY, 8EPTKM SEK 16TH p.m. Thursday Hoateia Meeting, Club Room. Art Club with Max Germer, Club Lounge. p.m. p m. ARMY AIR BASE "KEEP 'KM FLYING" ORCHESTRA, from Hill Field. General Dancing, Main Recreation Hall. p.m. Orchestra Broadcast over Station KLO, Courtesy Special Service Section, Hill Field. FRIDAY, HEPTEM BER 1TTH p.m. Spanish War Veterans' Auxiliary, Club Room. p.m. "Rag Doll Party" Dance, Main Recreation Hall. SATURDAY, HEFTEM BKB I8TH p.m. "School Days Pup," Dancing Party, Main Recreation Halt HUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH , a.m. GO TO TH ECHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE. p.m. Art Club, Club Lounge. p.m. Silhouettes by Charlotte McUrath, Servicemen's Lounge. p.m. SUNDAY PICNIC, Lester Park. - ' ' Extra Special Military AMraetlona. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER SOTH p.m. Bingo Games In Main Recreation Hall. p.m. Dancing Party. . TUEHDAY, MEPTEMBRR 21 ST p.m. Latin Night, Dancing Party In Main Recreation Mall. p.m. Dancing Instruction by Althea Johnson, Club Lounge. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 33ND p.m. Sunspree, Dancing Party In Main Recreation Hall. . Wall Avenue USOMen 2CC0 Wall Avenue War r reduction Workers Operated for Negro Service y CJr? 2" Street Twenty-fourt- h . 7:30 8:30 9:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 7:30 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:45 1:00 3:00 6:00 8:00 5:00 6:00 9:30 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. s.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. , p.m. p.m. p.m. T:30 p.m. '8:30 pm. 9:30 p.m. v.8:00 0:aStt p.m. p m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TM Social Oames. Stunts and Dancing. Informal Singing. THURMItAY, HEFTEM SCR ISTH ' Popular Request Recorded Hour. . USO Clef Club Rehearsal. Oames and Dancing. 17TH SEPTEMBER FRIDAY, Reharsal for Floor Show, Junior Hostesses. Dart Ball Contest. Sing and Dance, Recorded Music. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH , Washboard Gang. Social Games. Amateur Hour and Stunts. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I9TR Coffee Hour. Leave for the Church of Your . Choice. Homes Hospitality. ' , , Symphonic Hour. . , Tea; Hostesses, Inspiration Clun. Social Hour and InformnI Sintrine;. 0TMMONDAY, SEPTEMBER Voice Recordings. ' Take It Easy Sport Dance (slacks and. anklets permitted) with Pipers Hepcats. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1 ST IraimrK Course. Second Class, Junior Hostee i ; Learn a New Oame Gin Kummy. Pinochle, etc. .. While. Sing WEDNESDAY, aErTEnntn Workers (Women) Stitch and Chatter, Wax aTouuction and Soldiers Wires. Relax a While. . 7, 1:1 . if' |