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Show All Hill Golf Cham pionsliip Slated Field-OAS- C First Annual Affair Is Opening Now 1 Players List on fm All-Sta- rs Game Grows Tournament Play Scheduled Stephens, Mesner Top Names for for El Monte Course An all Ogden Air Service Field army alrbaae championship golf tournament, open to all officers, enlisted and civilian personnel of the two Installations, will be held this month at Ogden's El Monte golf course, was announced today by Captain Carl Monger, Special Services Heartily endorsed by Menger, who plans on making it an annual affair, sponsored and directed by Command-Hi- ll fals special services was conceived Qualifying Early staff, the idea . by Lieut. Charles F, Mallory, Public Relations offi cer. It is hoped that the yearly tourney can be held alternately at one of Ogden s two courses. More than 100 golfers are ex pected to turn out for the qualify' ,ing round over 18 .holes, to be than this Sunday, Sept 19. A nominal entrance fee of S2.00 will be charged, which will cover all green fees and costs of prizes. PRIZES GALORE scorers will The sixteen low qualify for the championship brack et, all play to be on a scratch basis. The remainder of the field will be paired off in handicap flights based on qualifying scores, the number of flights being de termined by the entry list There will be prises galore,' stated Menger, "and everyone will have an opportunity to walk off with one of the handsome awards. All of the entry fee, except that which will be used to defray the aUght green fees, win be turned into prises.' Awards ' will be made to the medalist and runner-u- p in the quail- fying round, both scratch and handicap (the latter being by the established handicap of the player) and to the winner and runner-u- p of each flight It is hoped that Colonel Morris Berman will be able to personally present the prises, First and second round matches be completed ' by the week end of Sept 26, with the finals in all brackets scheduled for the first week of October. It is being run off in two weeks time in order not to conflict with the military and civilian bowling leagues slated to open soon. WELL KNOWN GOLFERS A formidable array of stars will by such Ud.4r the title, headedDick Mc- golfers as Salt Lake and Utah simon pure star, Captain Jim McAIvin, Country chib champion, 'Cart Van Meeteran, medalist In the recent Ogden city championships, and SSgt. Bill Wank, one time contender for the national With each day bringing r , ; if 4 & i tftifr. i With over 100 Interested parplay ticipants already in the fold, Field in the second annual HiU bowling leagues will get underway next Wednesday? Sept. 22, it was .Officially announced this morning by SSgt. Maxie Kosof, bowling director for Capt Carl Menger's Special Services staff. Leagues have been organized for both officers and enlisted men, and Kosof reports that their enthusiasm is at fever pitch. Many of last season's keeling stars are still on the field and all have "1 signified their intentions of bowling again this year. League play will be every Wed nesday, starting time having been g. set at 6:30 p.m., j at the Ogden i i.T! all-st- ar vv f - -. m- league players who have ttrZ to play in the baseball exhibition in Ogden rnm v longer and longer. The National and A met leu league players will pair off againi each other in John Affleck T Saturday evening, October 9. tJ game will be one stop in a tout to aid the third war bond drive. Curt Davis, a star hurler on the Brooklyn Dodger staff, and a tot. mer Salt Lake Bee; Vernoa Stephens, St. Louis Brown short. stop; John Lozar, Boston Red Sot ouineiaer; ana sieve Mesner, Red third baseman. Wen four players who last Saturday announced their intention to play, LINKUP TO DATE Previously, announced partid. pants included Ernie Lombard!, catcher for the New York Giaati, and Roy Partee, Boston Red Su backstop. The lineup to date for the Nt. tional league includes Jim ToMi, hurler for the Boston Brtra; Pete Coscarat, Pittsburgh Pint) third Backer; Al Lopes, Finn catcher; ' Bill Masi, Boston Bran receiver; Tommy Holmes, ewttt fielder for the same Boston tew; Stan Bordagarary, Brooklyn tain baseman; and Coker Tripiett, trkt patrols the outer garden for nt Phillies. Signed np en the Amnion league club are Dizzy Tront, Detroit Tigers flinger; Milo CsainJ, Washington pitcher; Jack Prifr Bed Sox chucker; Jerry dy, keystone seeker for Mm Athlenc's first bameV Dick 8iebert; Eddie Lake, ltd Keglers Prepare to Wed. Season Open Leading Goiters Of Tourney Plan of-fio- er. Major League Tilt 6 Wednesday, Sept. 15,' 1943 Hiil Field, Ogden Utah M Bowling Center. Kosofallhas14 re-al served Field annual Of the first NOTCH GOLFERS TOP tournament are the three men pictured above, considered the leading leys at the Wash entries from their resoective fields. Left to right, Dick McKean, Salt ington Street 10- Lake City amateur ace, Captain Jim McAIvin, Ogden Country club pin house, and li.miliui im1 sumff fhiwMnt Rill Wank, former national amateur promises 14 teams, Fop tnrthn details see story on this page. (Photo by eight for enlisted rf men and six it Sergi George Kinney, Public Relations staff photographer.) officers. Six lanei? mwA Ml iillll J GLmp win aiso oe avail- able for open play outfielder Jeff Heath. on Friday night Max Kosof Enlisted men will be represented by the following clubs: Hq. and Hq. Sq., OASC will have three teams, 482nd, 880th and 1003rd QM will each have one, and the station hospital will have two units. Names of the officers' teams will Gym Archie Williams, former world be released next week, Kosof More Army-Nav- y Athletic eauinment. valued is record holder, set another stated. STARS ALL cess of SSOOO. has been purebwl Teams Playing became record last week when he new Hill Field Army w for the fivehas Kosof a pieced together the first negro from west of the be itBase team that he feels gymnasium and will man, For Grid Opener ev become to an Air next oiyi, Mississippi Corps will be the Hill Field team Inso stalled within the kf far as outside matches are con- was announced this morainr Action on the gridiron front got weather officer. SpeeM S. Cari Menger, Lt Williams received his com' cerned. "However, if any other Captain underway last Saturday as service Services and physical trsWsi mission in the Los Angeles Me bowlers prove their right, to be chief. on team the , the will b big the lineup Parallel bars, overhead w ners m the flrst footbaP.elon morial Coliseum, scene of many of change acordingly," remarked Ko his triumphs when he starred on sof. weight lifting pieces, wrenw of the current campaign. punnon Bowlers team this are of the boxing and tumbling mais, the cinder for Pvt the Outstanding game day University path rowinf and bags, Pfc. Bill Water ing striking was the battle tnat pitted the of California. Lyman Wakeman, w man, SSgt Bill Wank, Kosof and ntilnoa fnnaH until weienU.cltabtaf Great Lakes Naval Training Sta 'amateur gonfalon. Bunts. Wank' heads cine balls and ropes for last year s outstanding serv frank L. tion, Fred Budde, machine services ice squad, against the Fort Riley the list with an averase of 202. exercises are among tne employe, is expected to enter as cavalry men. A blocked conversion and the others are in the 190 or tWlUO lUCtfc WM are 1 other workers from that attempt of a last 'ditch Fort Riley better class." The only officers available to all mflitary periowa ee office who have been representing touchdown saved the day for the team known to date Is the one Menger states that a large for Oil Field and the OA8C in play Sailors, and earned them a 9 la of planned being composed Capts. Banks Wan mony amaker. Bill Bannard, Roland official opening of the pa. ' agains teams irom enter noaroy triumph. this betaf" erriee depots. to Great Free," and Lts. Cleon Hutchison, definite report on .Gaptalas Bob Camp Grant, runner-u- p - Tf im nnderiUN Clarke, Ted Bruno and Banks Lakes last season, got off to an ana tjnucK Mallory. wanamaner ana ueuts. ueon auspicious start against the Uni that the building will ha,r "X! tsowung lanes on the field. Hatohtson are also eeasidered versity of Illinois by handing the total of nine, will be ready for ball and squash courts, aafl o Rome A i r Service Command's material zor tae championship collegians a 33-- 0 lacing. piay aoout October 1. Located plana eall for volley oau With George Cafego and Pug football squad will take on the south of the barracks area, near minton Indoors during the Clght. to enter may do so Menders spearheading the attack, N. Y., Naval Base grid the new gymnasium, they will be ment weather. at the Special Services office in the professional Brooklyn Dodgers Sampson aers, outstanding service team, in kept open at all times for the new gym, the AER office, Rm. swamped the Camp Lee soldiers by i wo games this season. The two play. A grand opening cere 106, Base will meet on October 16 and Oc mony is anticipated. Headquarters, or the II a 28-- e count Civilian recreation office, Employe Fort Warren tober 31 on a home and home ' v5 score of the day was basis. Biggest Contest tvlth Ikkllrat T T assisting Captain Menger with kv tPhvt.rt .u- tourney plans, can be reached at Naval Station, and Camp Edwards! ,u 'M,k ct Don Kolloway, on a old JJJ Mass, are also slated for the Rome Battalion of Fort Jackson, 41-5 Camp Grant, I1L, to his Halfback Frank Inman of Presby Kannibals. buddies: "Know whstT terian romped through the signal four-Jmore Five the were awards other day? After a received for to men account for five of the Bowling Leagues T by members of the Col. Paul W. hike with full pack touchdowns. of Wolf Civilians Will Open calesthenwj hour last an family week when three through In Denver, the Lowery Field of their champion dogs were And then did we get to t0 " Second Air Force team took a 0 In Ogden on Sept. 28 win judged winners in their class and barracks and rest? We i from Fort Warren. A third breed at the 19th Intermountaln We went to the mess haU Whether you bowl for a strike period aerial attack did the trick Kennel show, held under the aus- for two hours wonder war or just for the sport of it you're for the Lowery Bombers, of the Utah State fair. the In Peru other service do.uSr thought playing Invited to organize your own team game, Bushnell general hospital is go pices best of brawl tv.. second base was Judged and register for the new fall bowl (Neb.) Teachers took the measure ing in for football in a e owned achipperke and handled by way, having scheduled games with Mrs. Wolf, ing league being planned for ail of Rosencrans Field, Maneke of civilian Utah State, Logan naval training Kelso," who champion aLo Slated to begin September 28, and Fort Warren, the latter rated 15. awards. has already won over Young David Wolf one of the top service teams in showed "Widzet the league will be held at Maple- of D" t..i and having this way alleys In Ogden. If a sufficient tentatively iature . a a region, . a ta a who poodle, Salt Lake owe umm university, it was in w urew ana Dest took both best number of teams from of puppy class fltw rmtr afar nlana ttt nrnnlu dieated today. More than 40 men, many with winnings. there will also be made by recrea- Little Alice Cynthia Wolf, seven- OOflSOMIfIOU Inn nlt F.mnlov enviable college and professional m?. ,d.aughter of Colonel and Another recruit fortbiJr branch. grid records, answered the initial Lieut Cleon Hutchison defeated practice call. Included among the AlicesWolf, led h from the major league, "r All Interested are urged to reg j r Red Lullabye" who was vealed g Ister at the recreation office, Ci Capt Robert Clark 1 up. Sunday, candidates for by the PitUburgl honors ,, beaaqo-",,,club's the to win are: club to when consolation as that the vilian Personnel section early Jerry Burns, former Oonzaga ' ana "erve in win nouncea cne oepn. as possible. Arrangements may championship at the Ogden Coun- U. and Green Bay Packers star, ner s class, ".jfl around th Van Robays, Buccaneer also be made by dialing extension try club. Both are HiU Field of and Sammy Queen, .. T. Rmiirlhui. fred ficers. man oi me new Orleans club, 315 or 8310. divUion employe, is executive sec MnM ... ' - all-H- ill Sain-so- . forf'' K:w'iwwwi Track Star Sworn in As Officer Service Units Outnumber College 11 V 8es-ato- sj ; Sports Equipment Purchased for New Military 400-met- er - all-st- ar - ' wr RomeASQ Sampson Face on Grid 20-1- 1 I , - ' All-desiri- ng non-leag- 1 ' Col. Wolfs Dogs i- 1 Wins 0. ue Don Kolloway Tells of Army Awards J 7-- Bushnell Has Strong Team - big-tim- 7-- 0. pin-pushe- rs. . Virotes to Ace Outfielder As Army Induct Hutchison Downs Capt. Clark in ons Meet first-strin- ..i |