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Show Reclaim 52,000 Gallons of About the Field In 5 Minutes Named Hill. Field, Sept. Wednesday, 1 , '" - Captain A. B.' Wanamaker Special Information Officer ' Public Relation! Officer, Lieutenant Charles , flneelal Services lieutenant Arthur Bernstein 5, 1943 of his recruit of the : ' EDITOR Staff Sergeant Ryland M. Thomason on or one at Camp Miss Helen Wilson and Miss Lillian Kulkajan of Civilian Personnel. Miss Wilson will attend the Presbyterian college in Arkansas and Miss Kulkajan will resume studies at the Barnes School of Commerce, Denver. Both have been employed in the record unjt Automotive Course Tenth Assessment Taken By Officers Levied By Mutual llaneous records unit, where the bride is employed, honored her at September Romance Two main employes, the former MissAlice Baugh and Charles L. Fad- dis, were married Friday in bait Hill-field- er tenance , Gall Five Weeks Training Program By Benefits Due To Hancey Death Instructor the course is E. I Rosengreen, who is of one of the most experienced automotive men, and who is expected td thoroughly train the Hill Field officers in the proper maintenance of all automotive vehicles. The course of study emphasizes the supervision and field instruction of soldiers during combat service. . Ordnance officers taking the course are; Lieuts. Henry Sumsion and Joseph F, Morello, while the "Quartermaster officers are; Lieuts. Faddis Civilian Recovers Miss Mary Beth Som- of mismers, maintenance employe recovercellaneous records unit, is ing from a recent appendectomy. a Miss is now Sommers on Job Just returned to her duties in the maintenance division, Miss Betty Jo'Tronholme jrs 'Vr-- Back has' been vacationing in Harden, Mont., her home town. Personnel section, - raoae it Officer of Day to Have New Address Approve Three for Warrant Officers Hill-field- er, TH PARTY, ALL U5 by Milton Caniff, creator of Tarry and tha Piratos Fuiiw f GOOD OLD I K WE THOU6WT WE'D 6TART aV iaei i v-- NATURE... Y ON... J V$ffiSrt UA DyJSSJvS' DANCE , TORN WHEN C3E75 Off THE U6HTS LETWE U LACE TH LI6H75 COME OH, THATSVP?dhi rDO HONORS.'X WHATCHA THE R$T...y Tm?jj- - V 55-gall- on . f " w A FINE JOB . . . Was done, this past week by a group of 11 ut from the S08th Avn. squadron. Under the direction of Major w A. Webster they helped to salvage, load and make ready for nx ment 850 drums of oil for reclamation. This big salvire k win save aoous s,uuu gauons ei ou ior me war eiiorb Residents Urged nouses j.o AT i ' in living -- UC w Morgan. Three Lucky Ones To Collect Tonite m, MK ..WT.vaMaaMaaMa is Miss Fran Vacation on Coast of the rec ces Heflen, supervisor Payments may be made eitner ords unit, Civilian Personnel secto section solicitors or directly to tion, , left Sunday for a week's va the office of the Mutual Benefit cation in Los Angeles and San society, Employe Relations branch, Francisco. . IDEA, MCE rM s. - members employed - in the lower to California Vacationing warehouse area can pay Miss Alice inTrip is Miss Flora TanCalifornia 45. Olhoft, warehouse ner, employe of miscellaneous recIra J. Nye, Walter J. Doolen, ords unit, Maintenance. Miss TanJames M. Paris, George T. Anderner plans to spend most of her son, Stephen O. Duzik, Jay Need-baleave at the San Diego naval base John E. Black, Tom W. her brother is stationed; where Vernon Jesse P, Martin, Gropper, Ingebretsen, Harold VA. Tobias, Joins Seibees Austin VW Otis C. Coldeway, Clayton D. Ryan, Three lucky Hillcresters who at (Wayne) Baker, assistant engin William N Anderson. tended last week's "Meet the Gang" eering draftsman in the Control show will each be $6.25 richer if office, OASC resigned his position they are on hand at tonight's show on Sept 4, to enlist in the U. S. to claim their prizes of war stamps, Navy. He will join the Seabees. Havinar marked their true or His home is in Salt Lake City and JLdsi false quiz cards with the correct he has been at Hill Field since three winners will April, 1943. Residents of the Ogden defense answers, the share in the prize a area with houses and apartments, each have re accumulated which has money Bsvck at Work After vacationor furnished unfurnished, avail a War for of winner. lack cently for a week in Denver, Sterling, able for rental, were urged again ing amounting to $10.00 will and Julesburg, Colo., Dorothy this week to list them with the stamps to the winner or Breakey, Adjutant General's office be also awarded ' ;. War Housing Center in order 'that of ' winners quiz.' tonight's OASC, and Elleanor Shaub, Paywar production workers may - be The variety show, to which all roll section, are back at their jobs. r; adequately housed. A letter from Fred M. Abbott, field employes are invited, is be 1 ing staged each Wednesday eve' who has Leaves Ruth manager of the Ogden War Hous ning hall, ci been employed in Markt, War Bond ins Center, this week contained vilian in the east recreation the 7:30. at dormitory area, office for several months, left this the following plea: "Will you list with the War week to accept a position at Fort Housing Center at 25th and Wash Douglas in the Ordnance division. lngton Boulevard, any apartments or houses, furnished or unfur Little First Sergeant TSgt. nished. People who rent their Ed Berry, acting first sergeant homes can make some extra money of the 408th AAF band, is father son born Thursday morn with which to buy bonds, and also The officer of the will here- of a newDee at Memorial hospital in help out in our war effort by after be stationed atday ing the military Ogden. The little sergeant housing war workers." haa Dein Mobile barracks the guard named Edward Robert. pot Group area. Building No. 12211, been and candy, please, Sergeant according to announcement this Cigars Berry! week by Base Headquarters. The telephone number of the New Job, New Baby G. A. officer of the day will be 8263, A duty officer will remain at McDougal became new supervisor The OASC board for selecting the Base Headquarters each night of disposal unit of Warehouse 22 this week, also became the father properly qualified candidates for until 10 o'clock. extension for of warrant officers selected three men the duty officer isThe a new baby daughter. His new 239 or 336. this week: T4th Joseph E. Meador, Job was formerly held by L. D. f 859 Signal company; Pfc. Ralph Holsinger, who has been transOverseas J. Carroll and Pvt. Maxwell M. Another former ferred to the new air base at Pfc. Claude Berglund, is Mountain Home, Idaho. Mr. Hol Miller, both of Hq. and Hq. squad ron, OASC Their papers have been also overseas with the air corps. He singer was honored at a recent sent forward to ASC. Patterson formerly was a supervisor in the farewell party given by employes Field. hangars here. ox me unit. r WE GOT OS A i. - the misce- shower Thursday. Mr. section. . considered f.lalo Call irinr.Nr. " '- " employed in the airplane repair assessments for the tenth call are due September 20 and will be delinquent after September 30, according to Miss Kay Olander, in charge of collections. Assessments being made are for the payment of death benefit to the beneficiary of Justus C. Hancey, Utilities employe who was recently killed in an automobile five weeks. for City. Girls ""'-.,- A resident of the Philippine Is All members of the Mutual Bene lands up until evacuation proceed fit society are being notified that ing the invasion of the islands, Fourteen junior quartermaster of- -- Lake Issued Here Sixteen Enrolled in ficers and two ordnance officers are enrolled in a practical basic which began automotive course September 8 and will continue for - conmany training Associates '..'.': Sergeant Claude McGraw Corporal Sylvester Adeisa August Kettmann Art and rtaowgrapby Base. Photographic Section and Sergeant Qeorge Ii. Kinney HUlfielder 'The is published weeny tn tne intereats of the military and civilian personnel of the Air Base. Ogden Air Depot and Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, Ogden. Utah, and is distributed free each Wednesday. It Is printed with the facilities and through the cooperation of Ths Ogden Standard-Examine- r. Opinions expressed in this, paper ars those of the Individual writers and members of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the army or of the. commanding officer, it Is requested that artloies appearing in Its column be not or published without the express eonsent of the Public Relations Office at Hill Field. The receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Department, 205' Bast 42nd -Street, N. Y. O Credited material may not be republished without , permission from- Camp Newspaper Service. i Oaell Moss : 'I ' School Wins Out Leaving their field duties to return to school are Staff Sergeant Wllbert B, Harvey i D. ; completion Ward, - five training centers at the U. S. naval training station, Farra- gut, Idaho. P. Mallory For Special Frojeeta Major Robert Renfro for R. - Saunders, who formerly was em run ployed in the radio snop ai man honor been named has Field, EDITORIAL, SUPERVISION V ' Leland Man Honor Oil SiSiiiiSSSSii:::; Hill Field's Salvage Dept Helps Vital War Channels This is tionally the hard-worki- job this Webster, ficer for story of 13 excep-l- n soldiers who ng winning the war after t at the refinery. toD week for Major Earl A. Major Webster coi salvage and disposal of detail, ' fail in - typically military fellow." The 13 of the "one hell of a fine CpL included: detail 308th Aviation squadron. Major Byrd's Webster had accumulated approxi- cus Humes, Privates First drums of used Lee Brooks, Perry Keel,andGraf mately 950 M aircraft engine oil which he was Rhoda and Henry Lowe, the OASC men ' are members 55-gall- on anxious to ship back to a re- Earnest Young, Julious Wa&r; Tfcaa, finery so the oil can be reclaimed ton, Frank Hale, WUlie Turner Verlee Shell. Sam and put back into vital war chan nels that our planes may be kept Daniel Lockland. r flying. Monday morning half a dozen of the men joined the major out at the reclamation area north of the clock house and started to work with a vengeance on what the major considers a salvage operation of the finest order. - It was extremely hard labor, and just as dirty a job as a group of men could tackle. Nearly 1000 heavy drums had to be filled with this refuse oil The drums had to be carefully loaded on trucks, hauled to the railroad siding and into two box cars. is a past master at getting the best and the most out of a detail of soldiers, as well as an expert at saving the OASC reioaaea Major Webster and "Uncle" millions of dollars by turning what appears to be useless odds and ends of worn-oproperty back into productive channels. His winning way with soldiers dates back to World War I when he too, was an enlisted man. His detail from the 808th worked with such fine spirit that it increased to 13 good men and true before the job was done Thursday night Better than 62,000 gallons of oil were loaded in the box cars and on its way again to do its part ut I a,, bSt J --v I f Post Movies WEDNESDAY-THURSDA- Y SEPTEMBER 1M "Let's Face If Bob Hope Betty Hutton 0 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Maisie" Shift "Swing Ann Sothern James Craig SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1 . Air Power "Victory Through Picture Walt Disney SUNDAY-MONDA- Y SEPTEMBER It- - "Destroyer" Edward G. Robinson Margarite Chapman TUESDAY SEPTEMBER M "Frontier Bad Men m Noah Beery, Jr. Diana Barrymore WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER "I Dood If Eleanor Powell Red Skelton Jimmy Dorsey and . B""8 Co IVcst, Young Mn xL t ... Jr.-e- kl ShWVK iL' A 1 J m fj CT i& K SJ) l I |