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Show Bit Is Confirmed of Song mt roj. Vol. I, No. Commended Out War Bond Drive Is Launched -- ? il jilllP ... lieutenant Commander W CHAPLAIN ' Mttin famous hit "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" real basis on fact, Friday confirmed the factual background Jiouf. While visiting here, he told The HillKelder what actually Jgtd on the deck of his ship during the attack on Pearl Harbor. l!tT haf kirround of the song is true. Above, left to right. Lieu- - navy public relations officer for Utah; r orgy anil vui'HHU "i1" ;jrruu ui mu f ieia. 'TVlRoy D. Simmons, (fttpuun Hero Tells of Praising Kid , it! . - '. , :. ' ... P; "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition," one famous of all the songs Tin Pan Alley has 'jiced concurrent with the present world conflict, was a Mte inspirational number which had its birth on a deck bf America's battleships, lying at anchor in Pearl ae 'ior, Hawaii, oh the morn of December 7, ' now-histor- ic K 193. ; Despite rumors circulated with the publishing of the ditty that it was merely a 'dream,' and without any basis of truth, despite the fact that for several months it was accredited to one and then another of many navy chaplains, we have at last talked with the man actually responsible for its origin. , , , " lintenance miner of Safely " song-writer- ; met Frequency 's Lieutenant Commander Howell M. Forgy, navy chaplain, who made a- - brief visit and lecture at Hill Cinches y for uept.. - Lauded for Carbine Tool : New Invention Praised By Ordnance Chief Head Campaign An all-ocampaign to put Hill Field "over the top" in the third 'war loan drive "was announced yesterday with the naming of Lieut. Col. Leonard Master Sergeant Dean F. Carter as drive chairman. Master Sergeant Dean ut - ie most ;, ' sonnel sign for a ten per cent or more bond payroll reservation, Lieut. Col.- Carter announced. In addition, every man and on the field including the mili tary personnel will be personally solicited to buy a bond for cash. , "We are making this Hill Field's No. 1 project with full priority," Lieut. Col. Carter declared. "It is vitally necessary to sustain the victories that have - been- won by our forces on the battlefield and to back them continuously for that full victory which is in our hands." No Effort Spared Band concerts, ' demonstrations and rallies are planned to spearhead the campaign with division chairmen, unit chairmen and soli citors acting as "minute men" co ordinated so that no effort is spared to assure success, Lieut, Col. Carter announced. Division rivalry is. planned ad barometers will be erected to mark - -- - , - Sgt. Stegen . Goal of the campaign will be to we talked with" the man who have 90 per cent of the field per- it's true for know Lt. Col. Carter Selected to Howell M. Forgy, Wednesday, Sept. 15. 1943- Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, Utah A. Stegen Ma j Campbell New Civilian Section Chief mj A. Stegen, section chief, ordnance section, Hq. and Hq. squadron, 31st Air Depot Group, has been commended by his superior officers for d tool developing a for use in cleaning the famous carbine .30 Ml rifle. much-neede- Major Robert H. Raring, section chief of the ordnance of the 31st ADG. stated, in part, in a commendation directed to the officer, 31st ADG: inLieut. Col. Carter Is commanding "Sgt. Stegen through his own genuity and initiative has develNamed Assistant oped a tool for removal of the gas carcylinder port nut from theremovto the present, the To Col. MacTaggart bine. Up al of said nut, necessary for cleanand inspection of the piece, has C. Campbel ing Major Stewart entailed considerable difficulty, et cetera. Sgt. Stegen's yesterday became Chief of (Ji breakage, eliminates this, device completely Per Personnel vilian Section, difficulty and to that extent consonnel and Training, in one tributes to the maintenance of the - of a series of changes an nounced by Colonel Morris Berman, commanding officer for the Ogden Air Service x weapon. "It was thought at this headquarters that the above shouldinas-be brougftt to your attention much as Sgt. Stegen is of your command, and he has displayed qualities which definitely stamp him a person of no ordinary ability. "By order of Colonel Berman.1' Lt. Col. Walter Eckman, commanding officer of the 31st ADG, Ste- last week, described to us. in Command. details the incidents sur the progress of the drive which Major Campbell succeeds to the tenance division at Og-- rounding and leading up to what is part of the $15,000,000,000 third post held by Lieut Col. Leonard one out as the of war loan drive inaugurated through F. Carter who moved up as assistpepot won. the .safety will go down war statements this of week standing States last ant to Col. J. S. MacTaggart, Chief August, ccuruinjc iv the remark attributed to him, out the United sed Monday by Capt. . President Roosevelt. Civilian Personnel and Training stated in part in a letter to by of am the Lord and pass at R. Afflick, safety officer Praise the commanding officer: the OASC. for gen's munition." M (CMC. I am glad to read further adPublishers Bruno Thaddeus Editors, Captain It was in the early stages of the di- -, evidence of MSgt. Stegen's abili- -. hooch the Maintenance of to Chief assistant from vanced Col. Herman's Guests even though I have known for ihowed six more lost time fatal Dec 7th mishap that Chap Training and Operations, the post ties, s thu it did in July, the f re-- r lain Forgy, aboard an undisclosed (Continued on Pag Two) Editors, publishers and press formerly held by Major Campbell. rate of the division for. vessel, saw his men being unmerci- service Lake was Salt officials move of The made, representatives M was so much lower than fully riddled down by Jap ma and Ogden werq guests of Col. said, to spread the administrative the of his load in an effort to handle more OASC mrtf for the previous two chine gunners from and went into action Morris Berman and members Field vivid ... . ( dive-bom- b- the award automatic- - ins Zeros himself. kwones theirs. "I walked among the gun crews. ex-Capt Afflick "one reason for the di-- a' Dattinar them on the back and .per giving them an occasional my high accident aver-M- r haps June and July was the word or two from the. Bible. Freteddent of an airplane quently during the course . of the kt into the roof of a hangar battle I helped witn tne magazines and probably did pass some .ammut one death and 27 lost-tim- e nition. Whenever I came to a batand regulations from tle station and found a man down, T knwch headquarters at Air (OdntfBtMd aa Pf Two) Command, Patterson Field, tw even freak accident of 1 7J menUoned must be oount-Wan InstallaUon. u phy U awarded to the ,le,d whioh hows uLI fnatast decrease for the cur--r on over the iverage of f KieaUng two months. that Uta W; - Mt L C t ? crowded Mainten-?trophy in that their w r the months of June Their records .wa lost-tim- e cases for howln decrease Au-Ul- ly ( picture for JlMof accWent August showed a i onth increase AduV5" ItaFZljfr?" iost-um- to ac duePe0" that 83 e ?npared with rjiM r This caused v. . 29 dur the to oe "sus frequency with uency of 12.50 or of fre-- as . . . V W- v no e" ty at at HiU IV, exPrience MoJ?I2ke" as follows: d0n ch..'" , . na1 one lost-tim- e Z S'J lO the Olwlllan ..it HPply division had 12 lost- - Friday night a company of en listed men and officers from a desert training station enacted a demonstration of grouno ' force movements at Ogden municipal stadium. There, too. Hill Field con tributed to the success of the sham battle. Barracks and othe facili ties for the "army" were provided through the efforts of Colonel Berman and Colonel, Fa tor, a.ic a mobile trailer for uae in the sale of bonds also was Hill Fien equip- ment f Id .1 . is above one-varie- iV with-particul- ar average for aircraft 1942. Contributes To Bond Campaign Soldiers of Field Forces, Major Campbell was administrative j regional director for empha- the NYA covering IS eastern states Command, Participate in sis on. the program of the new Spe- and before that was in charge of State-Wid- e Drive . cial Information office. The meet- the famous Alaskan 'colonisation ; at also Matanuska. He. ing was arranged by Capt Banks . project Oaden Air Service Command: hi Wanamaker, OASC special Infor' Two) (OoatlnuM contributing talent, personnel and mation officer. equipment for use in the current third war bond drive launched last week In ' Utah and all over the nation. "Back the Attack,' the slogan for the drive, is being graphically illustrated with outstanding ex hibits of Air Service Command equipment, military entertainment groups and actual milltar) oper ational demonstrations. Monday night the "Keep 'Em Flying" orchestra of OASC, directed by SSgt. Ed Stoke., played for a special war bond dance at White City in Ogden, where the purchase of a dollar's worth of war stamps was the price of 8.M rate for August AffllMc F'y low. Cn vOM. This Indicates M. at Hill rrmA au. Ajrltwv ar of . the And might ve been loss-tim-- the 21,000 civilian employees of the Ogden Air Service Command. Previous to joining the Army Air M am in the over number of the month VAL?e.total number of cases j efficiently the increasing needs of Brazilian War Minister and Staff Visits, Hill Field Runner-U- p Cihoo, the staff at a dinner meeting last night at the officer's club. After a tour of the field, including maintenance and supply divisions, the informal of the gathering was told of certainService problems of the Ogden Air l J ' ; - - uenerai aunco vutrs, minister oi Of war f hi .taff and representative, of the Uatted States Army, am S TOtlB he Vcompanied by war . Ord, macnauu, " -- sht. front row: CJoionei mn "ckhh Visited Hill Field tnw P General Leltao De Carvalho, Anoe, "Vant Colonel Paul R. C.Martin, Major was greatly Impressed. Mlnty: second row: Major uinoa Cintra, C. Kurico Dutra, JUe "g" monrX General t Major . General Waude. fMOu Uon Bei, Colonel Stenlo Lima, Captain Irving C. Kells. v sfii: Brigadier Major Miranda Mendes, i" n. frn:tii fttAtes. Malor Plans already have been made, but not definitely completed, for a week-lon- g tour of the "Keep 'Em Flying" orchestra and a complete entertainment unit in a bor.d drive throughout southern and western Utah. Playing two towns daily, the group will climax the tour with three shows at various Provo theaters on Sunday night, September 26. - |