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Show "Lady Army Pilots f ux . May Be Seen Soon At Hill Field Base I Record Time Minutes Qjjy 27 Required (jet Out t. t i to t Hill field. Supplies " exacuy ? Har for personnel in the thready for shipment an order took The women army is planning as ferry pilots in Transport fluib-deD- .z r - Mover. fiian the snark nluera i.. npKvici time, but U and needed more order was the entire W on the truck, and on its way fg-3- , ? Gun-derso- Six More Passed By OCS Board Wendover. ill personnel having fu trangnr-tinVi wua a physical early this week after previous apanything to proval by the OCS screening board, are . tn . be the names of six Hill Fielders . especially Jtatnenne Ehiery. assistant property and Fatton, Ipply clerk; Margaret tnior typist; Sid Rickard, junior and fcoperty and supply clerk, Wll Ross, junior storekeeper, fhe order from Wendover was to Don Stoddard, supervisor property ana accounting. Umended, re-Irr- ed have been to Air submitted Serv- Command Headquarters, Patterson Field. The. men. are: Cpl. Raymond C. Amy, Judge Advocate General's School; Cpl. ice Leland W. Edwards, Quartermaster or Army Administration; Pfc. Benjamin R. Stewart, Ordnance or Signal Corps; Pfc. Robert D. Gibbons, Infantry or Tank Destroyer; Tech. Fifth Frederick F. JjWOY SUNDAY OUTING Administration or Peters, An outing on Sunday Finance; Army Pfc. James F. Saxon, and was naa 1th food luxe Dy de Medical Administration or Reports and Records section all-d- ay branch of the Post . .. To S. L C. Ifisi Betty Olsen and Miss. Jane Joining Detachment the 4 at Vow. who organized the car. Airport, Municipal trip, led through with chicken and Salt Lake City is First Lieut. John Vatermelon. The group ate and M. Gordy, relieved from Supply iked and ate again. Division, OASC. v organization tbooL - - in for Athletics', Goes !and4 Concert Rehearsed are being participate d in the band, who are . doing work all i by the band now at 408th at present, are as follows: Sgt. B. Wdquarters. Each morning will Edgar G. Furr, Cpl. Robert Robert M. end Sgt Bailey the boys vigorously exerting Ives in such sports as vollev- sH, oozing, horseshoe, ping pong vDaily rehearsals are in progress nd wftbalL The present athletic for the concert July 4 from the USO etivities have constituted a very center in - Ogden. The following ivor&ble turnout bv all men eon- - numbers will be used: "Danza jerned. It is reported that a bowl-P- S LucumL" "Londonderry Air." "Litteam is in the making to comp- tie Brown Jug," "Nocturne From ete with organizations on the American Sketches," "Begin the Athletics - - A tenant council for the govern- ing body of the Hill Field workers n, Transportation OCS Will Open P-- Having passed the OCS Tenant Council Is Formed as Many Activities Planned living at the Trailer Park in Lay-to-n has been organized under the of Miss Iris Lillywhite, direction Service Command. The planes will be placed in director of project services for the Federal Public Housing Authority, Utah and at the Denver Opporand Ralph tunity School, according to plans and Mr. William Smith Rampton, housing manager of the made by Captain S. C. Campbell, chief, Training and Operations projects. The council is composed of the section, together with Mr. following people: Mr. G. H. Hawn, Utah State Vocational Dipresident; Mrs. Agnes Zackow, rector, and Mr. Turner, U. S. Ofsecretary and treasurer; Mr. Wilfice of Education, liam Rice, Mrs. Thomas A. Mackey, Mr. Barton Applegate, Mrs. Don Sheldon, Mr. Ludwig Aron, and Mr. Lee Morgan. The purpose of this organization Is to establish community facilimore enjoyable A new OCS for Transportation ties and make life at the trailer camp. The first projCorps officers is to be established ect of the tenant council will be under a recent revision of Army to provide equipment and a sudated May pervised play program for the chilRegulations No. 625-26, 1943. dren of the trailer park. To attend the Transportation This evening at 8 p.m. a square OCS, college or equal academic dance will be held In the public training,, preferably in transporta- square of the railer park. Music tion is desired, but not essential. and refreshments will be provided. The applicant should have had All tenants are urged to come a successful business experience out, get acquainted, and join the in the transportation field, water, air, rail, or highway; warehousing, Of Quartermaster stevedoring, traffic management, Inspection commerce, industrial engineering, units at Pueblo, Colo., occupied and public utilities may be satisfied First Lieut Henry T. Larzelere in any one of the above fields. last week. ; . LTm Information has been received here from the Air Service Command that 12 obsolete airplanes will be made available for use by training schools in this area. They will become parts of the extensive training program that has been providing skilled mechanics for use in the Ogden Air. ot Having on detached service at . 4 Warns of Fire to use the Air Command to ferry light ships from the factories to their first destination. The army now has 65 trained iriparK V a17th . "" 10 jent i women pilots, and others are in ' Wendover. - training:. Eventually the number . P.m., uienn xnyiur ot will be it approximately 1500. They will be employes of the several units ftfor partstt.from Horner. auDerin- - army assigned to the Air TransP?...rf Branch 2, Warehouse port Command. -- 7 Wednesday June 30, 1943 Transient women pilots flying army planes may soon be seen pn Trailer Park Organizes Training Schools Of Area Get 12 Obsolete Planes . 5, CHIEF JENSEN . . . Cautions soldiers and civilians against carelessness. A warning that throwing of burn ing substances from moving ve hicles is both dangerous and il legal was Issued yeterday by Fire Chief W. C. Jensen. "Danger of fire Increases," Chief Jensen cautioned, "during the sum mer season and the careless dis carding of burning cigarets and matches only adds to our work. "All our effort should be turned to prevent grass fires and other conflagrations that retard the war effort and destroy valuable equip ment. Discarding ignited material is Helping to. round out the civilian. Mr. Davis urges all interested expressly forbidden on the base while it is a violation of state law recreation plans here, Hill Fielders men and women to fill out the on any highway or public domain. are in the process of organizing a questionnaire below and turn De-it unit Strict enforcement of this regula band to act as a service unit for in to Civilian Recreationmail to the liver or send via post tion is promised by the base patrol. Recreation Unit, Employe .Relacommunity affairs. Leading this movement are the tions branch, Civilian Personnel recreation unit and Irshal Davis, building. assistant property and supply clerk Many times, Mr. Davis points out, of stock record unit M. Mr. Davis such a band would lend color to is a graduate of Baker university an event, such as a baseball or and he has been a student at the Softball game, an evening program, Launch Drive for Additional Musicians in Civilian Band 19 Officers Sent To Service Group Large Number Are Transferred To Florida Post BAND REGISTRATION BLANK . (Please print) Name Nineteen Hill Field officers, from were five different organizations, released from duty and assignInstrument I do; I do not own my own. ment with their organizations and (Cross out one) transferred to a service group, Dale Mabrv Field. Tallahassee. Fla. Address .; Home Town The Hill Field officers were part tne officers of irom of a group Shift Day off Ogden Air service uommana trans ferred to Dale Mabrv Field. Ten of the officers, the largest Hill Field Extension Unit Section group from any one organization, came from 482nd Base Hq. & AB of Montana. He lives a special day, or a special event r. Sq. They were Lit. Carey I Kiaaie-hoove- University on the field. Marion H. Watkins, in the civilian dormitories. Lt Since the first announcement Hill Fielders are accustomed to T Jv Harrv A. Rodman. Lt. Morris an such had that been the weekly band concert in their organization C. Lt G. Reiss, Lt. Ronald Pierce, by Hill Fielders, about home town, the kind of entertainFrank H. Higgins, Lt. Alien tjoop-e- r, requested musicians have indicated a de- ment popular the country over," Lt John A. Bounds, Lt Glenn 15 to practice with the band and they miss this treat. Plans are sire H Stone. W. Lee Lt. T. Anderson and From the 431st Quartermaster group. Waltzes, overtures, martial being made to provide a regular i will be emphasized in re- series of concerts. Platoon, ADG, 31st Air Depot music War has Fill out this blank now and see struck home to CpUand Instructor Brown reports that Group were LA. cauiey u. w imams, hearsals. Mr. Davis says he has had 16 years experience in band that it gets to the Recreation unit J. Dirmann, for in bis everybody is doing fine. ani tjl Rordon E. Eliseuson. as soon as possible! Mr there The 2490th Trk Co. furnished Lt leadership. is Pfc. Joseoh M. . . Louis Lt. -and St W. Donald Jensen uuw a prisoner of war addressed the A. Estes. ,nr?Ped in inceinternment ron 's commander, The 432nd Quartermaster Platoon at their weekly meeting, .Ger,nany January, maw t tha l lost took Lt Walter Palaszynski and Lt iht day . . : V Red uww W. oKehler. four months American Karl to locate him. room, and pointed out that many Lt Lt Robert S. Hamilton,Marlin has also another present probably wouldn't be there A. McLain, and Lt The Lloyd has been next "Tfwho unaccounted for the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 from the 2401st Girls' .Softball League Monroe Park, Ogden. 6:00 p.m. October, 1942. He is said he realized that he Retrum were taken ' captain Air 32nd Depot S.A.E. Trk. 6:00 p.m. Softball Co, Qm. v. 4 Project, Layton. from the Pacific coud not noia on to some m "Hill Jilts" 6:30 p.m. Supper Meeting USO Center, 87 S. State Street, would Group. Salt Lake City, Utah. good men, "because they "ChiaDanecas." and Beeuine." Down beat will be about 4 p. m., it Believe It or not, the band really was officially announced today by have soma- nrnmiilna WWMU Tnkn WO Melvin R. Kornmeyer. The f WM.., Dillip Sousas. Numerous - above named music being used for arrange. i ml. in process oy tjpis. the concert deals with the classic Unas R. ITifniiiim... . i mjvut series found in the band library. wiu ru. U R. Van Rossem, two prominent gen in the trumpet section. CpL CdL Elwood M. Draper, who is caters to the military in charge of the band's payroll, was ptaimmons una kHtIa Marian it rcceni arrange recently married to Miss ,at entitled, "HindustanSalt Lake City. The couple while Birch of w of CpL Van Rossem is more will make their home in Salt Lane classic type. Other arrangers Cit.. OCS w . c. Dirmann Receives News Brother in Prison Camp ... I vtv. tr - i- T Hill Field Civilian Recreation Calendar non-com- fiAivlv-dMorat- ed -- ("rmann get-togeth- er. Inter-Dep- re-JJi- ng ot B-2- i arpnt larser pointed out must approach his Job He responsibilities." Training Program For Base Finance a leader Ueut Oreenawald witb enthusiasm, confidence , and vs. .i. anaj initiative, and before a man can has iiunmi, "cer ana asslit- - be a master of others, he must it i ... All of the enlisted personnel of we wUh him all the be a master of himself. Closing, k in 7Z have M.iaiimn mmmander spoke of the Base Finance office proa training started soldier a for ofthe vast opportunities gram for in tnis war, vompw Lieut of direction the ficers, under .leading alrcrafUman in tne last war. Dan Garder and Warrant Officer " ue K Lac , Z "ng fA ntanfa. The 482nd Charles M. Baker. will include basic course The and friends, boys Bombers Softball club, the S"0t- ipok school ef the soldier, troop conm.the MIWK "maim wiU picnic this coming Sunday at trol and supervision, duties and from , Patio Springs. Instead of softbaii. responsibilities of fc "na M Poke of the tear officer, basic administrative win oe dancing forms supply procedure and misrnoa-o- x Planes T . of the unit Class instruction the Softball game that was sion After and field work will discussion and the wr v. played at Monroe pars, u uie mmnt auction main part of the course. the form the 482nd "Bombers" and of the senior some night, In addition, n evening of h ,r. and was rather worrit friends will atenjoyed officers and entertainment at tend classes conducted by Lieut swimming Ubor fouWe h.r. the Riverside Gardens in Ogden, rute.. f Herbert F. Rappold, 482nd Hq. of yes, and what a night-AB Sq. It has been the policy weenawaia i..j frorIu r in n-- 7:15 8:30 8:30p.m. 10:30 12:00 :00 p.m. 7:15 rown UU . r viz: ? p.m. :00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 7:15 7:30 8:30 for j John iMt,i Mck "Dead- - tw. Hn barracks. Take U..h.h vh-u-- h) finance officer to provide tacthe sun, fellows the as well as financial training m .unburn! See you next tical1U t for personnel and these courses In It easy In SUf f Sgt mo will Drovide aa advanced step ' ' 1 h that direction- '- - 4 ' p.m. p.m. p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1 ,TS Of p.m. noon :00 p.m. six-we- ek i"' I p.m. p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15p.m. 8:30 p.m. ' 6:00 p.m. :00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 12:00 noon 12:00 sees) Softball Softball Dave'e Service vs. Engine Repair, Layton. Civilian Personnel, Layton. Planning THURSDAY, JULY 1 Swlmboree Free Swimming for Men and Women, .Weber Oym Pool, Ogden. Bring Your Partner. FRIDAY. JULY 1 Swing Shift Softball Practice, Letter Park, Ogden. Swimming for Men and Women, Swing Swlmboree Pre Weber Oym Pool, Ogden. Bring Your Partner. Softball Hangars No. 1 and No. 2 vs. Section No. 6 Supply, r: Layton. Softball Bank Smokery vs. Hill Field Army, John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball 321ft M.P. Escort Guard Co. vs. State School, John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball 8. P. Shops vs. Adjutant General Depot, John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball Arsenal vs. Hill Field Civilians. John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball S.A.E. vs. Engine Repair, Layton. Hike Meet at 28th Street and Marilyn Drive, Ogden. Softball Dave's Service vs. Civilian Personnel, Layton. SUNDAY, JULY 4 Ogden Service Baseball League Ogden Arsenal vs. Hill Field John Affleck Park, Ogden. Civilians, MONDAY, JULY 5 Softball Planning vs. Section No. 6 Supply, Layton. Softball Hangars No. 1 and No. 2 vs. 4 Project, Layton. Softball S.A.E. vs. Civilian Personnel, Layton. TUESDAY, JULY Softball Adjutant Oeneral Depots. Hill Field Civilians. John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball Hill Field Army vs. State School, John Affleck Park, Ogden, Softball Bank Smokery vs. 321st M.P. Escort Guard Ca, John Affleck Park, Ogden. Softball Arsenal va. S. P. Shops, John Affleck Park. Ogden. Baseball Ogden Service Lesgue ASr Civilians vs. Hill Field Hill Field Army, John Affleck Park, Ogden. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Salt Lake City Hill Jills Luncheon Meeting, USO Center, BY S. Stat Street, Salt Lake City. Swine; Shift SoctkaJl i Practio for Oirla Lester Parav Osaea , B-2- |