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Show Now MAhoyn F. Barlow TlnfflUOQ 'EigM Hours iiir ruses m w ;": a Day SRgZuys a JPeeK ifjjjtn-i'Vit- -; Wednesday June 30, 31st ADG Has 0 Hillcresters As Hostesses '"A , I n 1943 jr. Booster's Club in ,J Second Dance Event at Theatre Pfc Jess C. Bryson. (anirvns T.TKK PARADISE . . . Says to 11:30 last Friday eve 17 active duty that u, months after back U. S. Marine Corps, danced ning, 60 girls from Hillcrest31st Air the of Java, the battle of the Con the at Pearl campaign Harbor, him of the as boys many with days when he and tfc1 then Guadalcanal. There were many Depot group at one of the regularly Sea, and 36 hours or more withos1 on for were his outfit of duty marines at other scheduled weekly dances held rest. He spoke to employes of the Maintenance Dept. last Saturdul the Little theatre. Mrs. Maude Grimat These girls are members of the afternoon. Above, he is shown with his aunt, Hilcrest Boosters' club, commonly referred to as the H. B.'s, under the direction of Cora Skroch, supervisor of women's recreation. This is only the second time that these girls have taken a part of these events, but such dances are planned now as a regular feature of the organization. "Working eight hours a day six-- f sidered safe. Whenbewe were' ttf orthat Java might bombed, i( Hill Field Girls enjoyed the days a week sounds like Paradise went directly to the island, u( chestra and the grand march, meet- to me." formed a- - beachhead for defei ing their soldier hosts and dancing was Pfc. Jess the American nurses u( C The while speaker with them to good music. The H. B.'s will act not only as Bryson. Jr of the U. S. Marine other women and children w( a social erouo bent on having a Corps, who visited his aunt, Mrs. taken out. Everyone except 4, the Dutch wk good time, but they are developing Maude Grimm of Planning Section fightingi Jmen- .. i.and.1 on Hill Field last Saturday, ana evacuaiea, put me T.1.1juruien peoft. into a service unit as well. At their meeting last Tuesday who spoke to a group of depot insisted that it was their isli2 the girls took upon themselves employes in maintenance adminis- and they were staying with it. ) "That was the only time I ur the large job of policing the civil tration building Saturday l in lnn1 fiorhf inir ' U ..J bottles. coke area ian for They "In the battle of the Cent tinued. states to the will also help to publicize activities "I just came back in the area, and they are actively after 17 months of active duty in Sea I was on board ship ell tk and at Guadalcanal we tc setting about to put their trio,- the Asiatic combat area," the young time,' in the bombardment" ) chorus, and swing six into enter- Marine continued, "and often we part Pvt. Bryson is a first class poi tainment circuits of a local nature. were on duty for 36 hours straight er on a oattery. The meeting last night was fol- with no sleep or rest." In between battles, Pvt. Bif Pfc. Bryson was on duty aboard lowed by a workout of baseball. The original members of the a cruiser in Pearl Harbor, when son's ship convoyed supply shijc into the Australia club suggest names of other girls the first Japanese bomb struck the from mid-se- a for active members. Harbor in December, 1941. "We and New Guinea sectors, and i were one of the first ships to clear f ered a conjecture that many i the Harbor," he said, "and we were the aircraft supplies on the hif; making 32 knots an hour to get out have been packed originally ) Hill Field warehouses. of there." That was the beginning of the Commenting on the fightir, From 8 Young Marine Veteran Tells About War in South Pacific . BACK FROM WEDDING TRIP . , . The former Miss Helen Evelyn now Mrs. 'Harris. Processing Unit, Civilian Personnel Section, Ismaintenance Elwvn F. Barlow. The groom works in armament unit, wip w division, Hill Field. They nave reiurnea irom a weuuinf Francisco and Los Angeles and will make their home in Ogden. Helen Evelyn Harris of Proces- - sage. Her traveling outfit was ac-ofcolored crepe with black aing Unit, Civilian Personnel, andT&old uessonea. Elwyn Fred Barlow of Armament Immediately after the ceremony, Unit, Maintenance, have announced which was attended by families of their marriage, which took place both the bride and bridegroom, the June 2 in the Salt Lake City L. D. couple departed for a honeymoon S. temple, with President Stephen trip to San Francisco and Los AnLt. Chipman performing the ceregeles, where they visited relatives. They will make their home for mony. The bride wore a gown of white the present at 3621 Orchard avenue, cu moire taffeta, with an orchid cor- - Ogden. ASTP Drops Psych Courses; Language Students Sought , t- I cn . Phone Officials Pay Visit Here Language students take a well- ernment, geography,' and social customs of the countries to which the languages apply. Applicants for the engineering courses, if under 21 and with no college, must have a firm foundation in mathematics. Those over 22 with a year of college must be skilled in math, physics, chemistry or allied subjects. If qualified, men go into the advanced course, which terms. U a series of four educaMen with a tion and a letter of recommendation from the school they attended, if approved by the board, will receive three years of medical study and a year of internship. After graduation from the course, men are assigned to technical jobs or recommended for OCS. In some cases men may be directly comrounded curriculum, including gov' Ruth Larsen Weds Sergeant Haring Friends, Relatives At Reception Following Ceremony Ruth Larsen, who has been em since June pioyea at warenouse 12-we- ek period in the months that Communications netted him stars on service ribbons for service in Java, the battle of Men Call on the Coral Sea, and the bombardment of Guadalcanal. Signal Officers "We reached Java just one hour Milton E. Bernet, vice president, before the Japs," Bryson' told a and Franklin S. Cundiff, Utah reporter Saturday. "Our Army state manager of the Mountain nurses had been brought to Java States Telephone & Telegraph com- from the Corregidor area in pany, visited the base signal of- at a time when Java was still con- ficer, Captain John B. Quirk, at Hill Field Thursday. Mr. Bernet, who has been in- Marine's 17-mo- zones combat 17 . P-40- 's, Mutual Benefit ability of the Japanese, Pvt. son said "they're suicide fights: they won't give up once they jr! started until they're killed. U even have women pilots in actual combat fighting. They tend to put up a tough fight, vi it's up to us to see that they donVj The young marine's home to Prosser Wash., and he is via ing his aunt whij on leave ing orders. Al g fc Transfer Control Office Manager in Utah, was especially interested : ASSeSSItieilt in a tour ol the only s automatic telephone exchange in Everett Le Roy Haring, of Pur- Call Issued the west. Roger Fechser Eighth son, Iowa, Saturday, June 19. at Both Mr. Bernet and Mr. Cundiff aix o'clock at the home, of Mrs. Now on Duty With 9 Deaths were pleased with the high degree W. 441 Alford, J. Canyon Road, of skill the possessed by Signal Ogden. At Salt Lake City Listed to Present Corps personnel who operate and Sgt. Haring is stationed at Hill maintain the equipment. T0, T Field with the 1719 Ordnance Co., The Mutual Benefit society an w. RnirM 1PAihser.. office AirJ Mr. Bernet also complimented attached to the 32nd ADG. missioned. uiiice nounces that the eighth assess ager of the Control Berman, OASC, Relatives and close friends of Men entering the advanced Colonel Morris ment call i effective July 5. The headquarters, was transferred on of the selection the commanding, attended the couple wedding courses retain their grade, while base K signal personnel. and the reception afterwards when those who enter the basic phases delinquent date on this call is June 25 to ACD Detachment .1 the wedding cake was cut. are reduced to grade of private. 4 at Salt Lake. City. ; July 14. is an oasu Bishop Peterson of the Mount without prejudice. Men entering lVnti-Prtttlthere been The have depot Although only fi Fort Ward performed the cere- the advanced phases from the basic seven calls so far and nine deaths, ment under commana m mony, and Arvil Thortan and Cpl. courses attain the rank of private this eighth call is necessary be John M. Oordy, formerly k Harris W. Speckt attended the first class. cause the society wishes to be in tioned at Hill Field. . , A step nearer final formulation couple. a position to meet the payments Two other employes or in"? . The bride wore a turquoise blue of the to the beneficiary in the event of troi Office were involved Army Specialized Training Group Graduates suit with white accessories and a urogram (ASTF) was seen here another death among the member transfer. Dolly M. Jensen, f k corsage of white gardenias. Miss this week with announcement that ship. From Course typist, and Laverna Stevens, Thortan wore a rose suit with navy the ASTP course in psychology has clerk. ... blue accessories and a corsage f oeen abolished. No applications for .11 A inJinnn WU1 "Tj 5 13 Weeks Lasting rosebuds. white mana this field of study will be conthe duties of office sub-deWelcomed back to Hill Field sidered, and psychology students addition to acting as already at STAR units must qual- recently from Finance School at ordinator. ify for another field or be returned Wake Forest, N. C, where they to their home stations. successfully completed the course A new Three broad courses of study and graduated, were Cpls. Mark Army Orien remain open to enlisted men with J. Farrell, William F. Jones, Ar- tation course will be inaugurated Frank Taylor, George Barry, and necessary lan- thur J. Richardson and Al Mar-ve- t, this week, it was announced today qualifications Robert McQuarrie, have been guages, engineering and medicine. all of the Finance Section, by Lt Albert A. Domingue, Base ' chosen as directors of the new the Special Service Officer. The greatest need at present is 482nd Hq. ic AB Sq. tw wttt r- -new A club In Unit "G," a club which for men having a knowledge of The training covered a period of Through Army news films, the houses in Bcneme oeen order has has as its purpose the prolonging Japanese or Chinese. Fluent speak 13 weeks, and according to the projection system at the Little by L. SS. n...ua ant in K of the many friendships formed ing or reading of these languages men, was extremely thorough in Theatre will show movies designed intendent aativiw of Warehouse while working during World War is not necessary for Qualification. every detail. The program and to more thoroughly familiarise sou II. Charles O'Neil is the secretary-treasure- r. Enlisted men having an element- training material used at the school diers with the activity taking place Mr. Sessions suggest0 ary acquaintance with either will are practically identical with those m today's global war. The films in his Already about 90 per cent of the be taught at outstanding univer- in use at Finance Officer Candi will come from all theatres of op- - supervisors and do four once -u . week . . each past and present members of the sities in the country. rfT T1I1C ...M1 date School t null mlv.F.lfv w extra volunteer unit have joined. mcmbcrshlD be Next in priority is a need for Durham, . ... ... wmim 1W. aa a MVBI in order, special house clean ing restricted to clerical employes men with a knowledge not nec- the high efficiency of the faculty, oi and subject to the and fee essarily a speaking or reading ana ine extensiveness of the cur of both lectures pictures is theAllrearrangement .. . responded supervisors OTiiii-n ror ue exusea win ue Army institute lor tne piannea knowledge of such languages as riculum. .t th. w-CVICII, P.AMSM call, and the first Job waj SV penses of stationery, mailing and Bulgarian, Dutch, Czech, school. Warehouse M, weane The sol which allows recording. program, Arabic. Students Thoroughly, versed in finance and diers to further voiunv9. An outing will be held at least of modern Turkish, The June their education French, Ger- also in all phases of tactical war- while In the service, 4 until nee a year at an outside resort man, Italianlanguages ex. from will p.m. be ucn as Bear lake. All the mem or read them must be able- to speak fare, these men are now fully plained to every soldier, and each when there were no lnteT7 trained asand fluently. for qualified any wers are expected to bring their man will be encouraged to take Those attending ine ' iW signment in home or In one of the fine correspondence sion were Lt George M. wives or their girl friends to the Roberta Harris, who works at service. Promotion of each offoreign these L. E. Sessions, Olen in his leisure time. parties. Service men connected the '.Jgi has taken a week's men to acting technician, fourth courses with the unit are given free mem- - leavecafeteria, Both lectures and films will the land, Mrs. E. M. Boyd, for a visit to San Diego. grade, has been- - announced by be arranged for by Special Services, Batchelor, Sidney S. Srrilt, , , r uiiu av mi VCU IV frttrllva' Roberta's brother is stationed there Lieut. W. M. HollowelL fi- base with Cpl. Al Houghton la chares Hopkins, Leo Ball, nd fau in the social gatherings. with the marines. ,. . 'naaee officer. ' t Cobsaisnsw . r . ) vi wm program. ' T 12, 1942, became the wife of Sgt. pre-medic- HaS al army-operat- ed J. FinfltlPs Back From School J Army Orientation Course Projected Friendship Club Is Joined By Many - p" Supervisors Do Volunteer Work r- -. --j j- .. V I Jis w m 50-ce- nt . m m v- Serbo-Croatia- n, .... I - LJ ft - -- |