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Show 2 Wednesday June 30. 1943 tnnni rur a! ReOlaWe Soefy WctO Tax in Civilian Today for Effect Post Schools 'PaX-OS-Yo- 3 Says Officers Here Welcome General Lear Post schools ' Viiii ii I ii &5i " T rtiiini mr 6 . ill r a'awtm m , if If C vV & Part of Each Day's Salary Will Be Held continues Its remarkable safety record here. For 08 days these Hill Fielders, have lost no time ma a result of injuries. After winning the safety contest for May, they appear sure of repeating for June. More than that, Post schools have cut minor injuries 60 per mnt in Junn over May. A total of approximately 600 mechanic learners comprise the of whom 850 are full personnel 250 time and part time. Back By Government to Apply on Income Tax Settlement at End of Year is the day Hill Field civilian workers tax closer association with the famous more much than mean will From now on it merely res' 1 all checks For on jj after pay July the newspapers. new to are the date subject earned after that withholding Today "pay-as-you-g- Day Don't that trip to atown to get big, expecting night Friday desigjuicy steak. Friday has been nated as meatless day in most Ogden restaurants. If you don't like the fish served at the mess hall, don't go to town for a steak or a roast They'll be make serving fish down there, too. On Fridays, eating places will serve such foods as salads, chili, cheese sandwiches, fish, eggs, and chicken or turkey instead of the customary steaks or roasts. Restaurants in Salt Lake City . ... a MSMVMSINSMMS fr feiiWMWI IIBSIIIIS On his visit here Friday, HAS DINNER AT OFFICER'S CLUB Lieutenant General Lear was welcomed by Colonel Herman and members of his staff. He had dinner at the Officer's club, after which the above photograph was taken. Left to right, front row, General Lear, Colonel Herman, Colonel Tillery, Colonel MacTaggart; second row, Colonel Shields, Colonel Fator, Lt. Colonel Martin, L.t Colonel C C Minty; last row, Lt. Hartwell, Capt. Boyle, aide to General Lear, and Capt Polhamus, all members of the general's party. will establish meatless days soon. There will definitely be one meatless day each week, and there may be two. With the influex of war workers and soldiers, almost all restaurants in Salt Lake City and Ogden are filled to capacity and allotments for meat usually fall short of the demand. The OPA called a meeting of restaurant owners in Salt Lake City yesterday to establish the meatless day, but no definite date - About the Field in Father's Day Five Minutes Mrstion Section has gone to Fairfield, Victor Hansen, both Hill Field Ohio, for training at Air Service employes, had as a guest at their Command headquarters, Patterson home at Washington Terrace on Field. She expects to be away for Father's day their son, Willis Han- two weeks. sen, of the U. S. Navy, whom they hadn't seen for two and a half Wife Here y Mrs. Frances years. Young Hansen has been on of San Jose, Calif., has aractive duty in the south Pacific rived to be with her husband, Lt the last several months. Charles F. Mallory, Army Emergency Relief officer. They are at ' Andersons Leaving Brooks An- home at 2340 Harrison, Ogden. derson, rental clerk in Payroll de- The Mallorys were married sevpartment, and his wife, Sally, who eral weeks ago. was employed in the appointment Detached .Service Lt Francis section of Civilian Personnel, cleared the field this week. Ill L. Hughes of chemical section, health of Mr. Anderson was the OASC, is on four weeks' detached reason for their release, and they service in Orlando, Fla. will rest in Salt Lake City for a Addition To his other duties, lew weeks before returning to their In Col. Leonard F. Carter has Lt former home in South Carolina. been designated assistant certify Word has been re- ing officer, for Civilian payroll. Promoted ceived here of the promotion of Released From assignment at iRobert B. Connell, former civilian AAB, Hill Field, Lt Edward L. employe at Hill Field, from second Wilkinson has been transferred to lieutenant to first lieutenant in the 401st Service Sq., Wendover Field. army medical corps. He is to a New York post. To Los Angeles Lt. Nelson A. Roeller attended a conference of f In the Army Byron Albert Mon insurance officers at Los Angeles feon, engine repair employe, has Recruiting and Induction District, been inducted into the army, go- June 27. ing to Reception Center at Fort Douglas, last week. Monson is a 111 Robert D. Critton ton of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Monson has been Capt in the hospital for a few f Murray, Utah. days sore throat influenza. Lt Samuel J. Galloway was acting ' ' At ASC Headquarters Mrs. Min-tii- adjutant general in the absence of Favero Stratford of Publica- Capt Critton. Mr. and has been announced. Added to Staff Mai-lor- - This does not mean that 20 per-cent of each and every pay check cent abolition of the tax is withheld by Uncle Sam for tax UUCi If the amount withheld hi nurposes. The usual personal ex and married for employer during the year Ui single, emptions than the tax for the year am the and still applies, dependents .u, on gyinuuicui, reiUndl I 20 per cent rate is calculated difference with a smile, n which the wage that portion of amount withheld is smaller s remains following deduction of the exemption figures. you will pay the difW On an annual oasis, minerio to the i government. amounts familiar, the exemption I Below follow some of income are for single persons, the application of the examni.. withW $1248; married for couples, $624; tax to typical Hill Field saW for each dependent, $312. On a to basis, this is $26 for tneAccording ana data releasedbi Kesearch tjontroi a married for $52 a single person; or Civilian Personnel Derson: and $13 for dependents. the the most common salary on These are the amounts which each neid, including overtime, is to not the are subject pay period a $1824 year. This means that withholding tax. are receiving that narticti How does the government Know people than there i what each individual's exemption amount of incomeomer amount! ycuyits receiving status is? By today all employes income. , From the salaries of such tra All Hill Field civilian employes income earners who are are subject to the new tax bill which becomes there will be deducted each r effective tomorrow. Each emperiod approximately $10.00. IV ploye is responsible for having figure is arrived at by subtract! all tax exemption information in from the $76 due a sum of 126 1 the hands of the employer (the personal exemption for single f government, in this case) on or pie, ana applying tne 20 per before tomorrow evening unless rate to tne $50 remaining. unusual circumstances prevent. jror a married person, wil In order to secure this infor- dependents, claiming the full s mation, the Civilian Personnel sonal the calcuki exemption, section has placed Treasury Defrom I is: $50 exemption figure partment Form 4 in the time card leaves a remainder of $2i 11 rack of each employe. To enable yields a tax of $4.80 each t the worker to have a reasonable peeriod. time to fill the form out, two per cent of an empty days is allowed for the return onFifty earn more thug, field this of the form. When completed, a overtime) 50 per er (with year suto to is returned be it your earn than that amount 11 less pervisor who is responsible for is known ut $1852 of figure its delivery te the Civilian Per- median. And since 70 per cent f sonnel section. Officials here point out the all workers on Hill Field um earn within $306, more or necessity of the form being careof the median amount, it would t informafilled and all out, fully tax. No to avoid the tion refunds heloful to manv to see what! ) tax would be on that figure. are allowed for incorrect For ainarle neoDle the tax out amounts to ik median are to have returned a Treasury $10 eachincome for nam; pay period; Department form, listing the nee persons without dependent! the k essary information, to the Civilian comes to about $5. Personnel section. If this exemption information is not handed in, the government is required to Chapld'!, take 20 per cent of the entire wage. The responsibility is the em 1 depot supply. Ogden Observes Meatless o" f The safety program is being taken into all branches of the fire field, including utilities, the and service, signal department, at Weber coUege and U.S.A.C. Classes are being: organized for maintenance and U semi-month- ly "pay-as-you-g- o" Chief of ploye s. Penalties Provided Incorrect information on the In 3 Ss''V formation form, for the purpose of evading the correct tax, will carry severe penalties. Changes in ex emption status marriage for ex be immediately re amplemust ported to Civilian Personnel and changes will be effective in the very next pay period. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR . . . Means of Collection Howard George, man, This tax is not in was this week named assistant addition withholding to the income tax it is Bed field director of the Cross the means the in at Hill Field. He has assumed come tax. Itof iscollecting collected at the his duties. source as income is earned, instead Howard George, formerly of Bev of being payed a year later. The old victory tax is now in erly Hills, Calif- - has been appoint ed assistant field director for the eluded in the new withholding tax Red Cross field office on Hill Field, and is not paid separately. Social it was announced today by Edward security taxes, however, are still calculated independently, have no B. Eisen. field director. TO OAM"' Mr. George is a graduate of the connection with the withholding TRAKTSITEIUMSD MacCarnlChaplain Joseph m fffMI University of Michigan, where he tax. Income tax payments made on was a member of Alpha Tau Hill March 15 and June IS of this year Army Air Base at Omega. He also did work at the Universtiy of Pitts toward payment of the Income tax become chief of chaplains 1942s Income will be credited f the Ogden Air burgh, where studied social service on to the 1943 tax instead. In other mand. He succeeded work. He was a member of the Detroit words, at the end of 1043 an in Cartas T. Spenoe. ChaplsM Y.M.GA. staff for six years, and come taxpayer will have paid his Carroll is widely knows i .tAtioned at witnnoiding tax lor six months during that time also sang on the for past eight n radio program from station WJR. and have made two quarterly in He was released from military stallments earlier in the year, thus service on a medical discharge completing payment of the 1943 Chaplain Joseph MacCrn has been base cnai wntie stationed with the 84th In tax In order that taxpayers may not fantry at Camn Roberts. Calif. transferred k wsTrrs, less than two months ago, after be burdened by paying taxes for '42 WM iki. Will M.tt Service den ComnmJJi 10 Air armv months service. '43 of and nearly last simultaneously, the tax quarters and designated For the six weeks he has been bill provided cwj 75 per cent for a with the Red Cross at Treasure giveness for the lower of the two chaplain section, OASC. MacCarroll j island, assisting in cases concern years' taxes. If 1942 income tax Spencft . ing survivors from the combat was lower, 75 per cent of it is for Chaplain Curtis T.Sacrarnenw . areas. to the remaining 25 per cent was transferred last Command ine Red Cross office at Hill given, Service oe paid oil in 1944 and 1945, the secUJ , Field services military and naval io of chief new The II 1943 income is lower, tax tav maiuuaiiuns in wie ugaen area ments via the VH M015UVM eilll withholding taxes and also at Logan, including the ana eight months, nearly earner ine install quarterly or tne gaen Arsenal, Utah ASF depot ments are held to be chaplainbefore payment of Group ouppiy aepot at Clearfield becoming " 1942 the tax , and 25 per lain. h ... i me naval military personnel, and cent of the 1943instead, tax is then to be cadet group at Weber He came to Hill Fie 1944 off in and 1945. paid at n couege in Ogden. from Chaplain's schoolentenw 1 First $50 The staff of Hill Field to Forgiven the ER uriof chap n nIs t0 wume command IfS5 Sacramento ' ' now ter includes Mr. Eiscn, field If the 1942 tax (or the 1943 tax, i Air Service Command, ne was m V eMt Brigadier General director; Richard S. Hill, who was if that is the lower of the two) is service, ?f Alr Dppot nd church ma nten" appointed an assistant Presbyterian the ,l2i;!rl.rtoTd .K,,en , director $50 or less, Uncle Sam says forgct4 Penn., and chaplain of KiR' nuue e ia snown witu Colonel Bcrman. several weeks ago, and Mr. Georg whole thing. That is, 100 per His home is in Philadelphia as-ign- ed ex-servi- ce - Brig. Gen. Howard Inspects Depot post-gradua- te hIm Vr -- -- si 1-- ? nK', u..a.. "MH-cto- d I I |