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Show First Aid InthelSewG Of the Week Welfare Unit Opened For Civilians Dance 3. Hill Field, Ogden, Huge Crowd of 1000 Attends Welfare Dance Utah Dispensary Added To Facilities; r Get Ambulances Wednesday, June 30, 1943 Chemical Demonstration Friday With the securing two new ambulances, thus adding materially to the. first aid facilities available at the field for civilian employes, this week saw the opening of the new dispensary north of the Civil ian Personnel building. Miss Mar-jor- ie Meet Burris, nurse in charge, and Gang" her 17 registered nurse assistants, now have four first aid stations in available with more planned for the future. The stations are op' ' Evening Program erated under the direction of Major : Kenneth Smith, director. About 1000 lively Hillfielders and In the new station, Miss Burris their guests frolicked at the White has been in points out, an City ballroom in Ogden on Friday y an and stalled technician, to the mellow notes of the m evening Clare Lee Burnett, will be em ' ' George Turnquist orchesand "4 ployed. New, modern tra. in this staequipment laboratory the welfare council Arranged tion will enable the nurses and tho 1000 Hill Field at Hill Field,bythese .were monthly events doctors to increase the efficiency the who enjoyed are workers offered as a W special attraction - for -.- ..mi of their care for the patients who monthCouncil's welfare all lovers of the dance. ; UVU"" need help every day. i dance Friday evening. Mr. West Paul of welthe West, president I.' The station in hangar 1 wlu be nf council. M. w th fare council, Henry Fisher, recrejjl preatuciiv open, but the temporary stakept ation unit, and Sid Johnson, recthe inocculations will be for tion reation chairman of the welfare abandoned. This has been on the made council, arrangements for the balcony in. hangar 1. party ,to which all Hill Fielders When Miss Burris came from were invited upon presentation of Denver in August, 1941, her only their badge and pass. Each Hill station was a tarpaper shack that Fielder may bring a guest. belonged to the engineers, and this At last Friday's dance the regcontinued to serve as the first aid ular Hill Field "Meet the Gang" station for several months. She was crew entertained during the inter alone except for the army hosmission under the spirited leader pital. ship of Ford Thomas Rose. Now besides the 17 nurses, two .Gerald Brown, pianist, played civilian doctors serve ' the field. a concerto with finesse to the great They are Dr. Ray E. Greene and delight of the crowd. Bill Allen Dr. William F. McLaughlin. and Shorty Wolfe were on hand The new station has two recep with their wise cracks and dance tion rooms where patients may numbers. Romania Grant, Betty wait turn whether they want a examination or are Mitchell, and June Barlow sang several numbers. for their monthly checkreporting Among dancers called to the up given radium dial painters and . Of protection against gas warfare will be sand blasters. stage to participate in the fun MODERN METHODS were Ronald Benson and Clark demonstrated by the Base Chemical Section here Friday evening. A new gas chamber has been completed. McMillan, interviewers in Civilian Mr. and Mrs. Mel Eberhart . . . who were fooled into Were caught' by the photographer Personnel, kissing noses which they found out u they took a few turns about the later belonged to gentlemen, not floor. to the girls. However, for their pains the two good sports received a handsome tie and a sport shirt each. Mr. Benson drew $5 in war Arrangements have been comstamps ,and Mr. McMillan drew 1 A mass chemical demonstration and an demonstrational In- - pleted on a new post policy rein war stamps. will be held in the new chemical cendiary bomb-relearack. The garding the "Little theatre of A large number of gifts were warfare area south of the camou- rack was designed by Lt. George HiU Field," located in building For the first time at this presented to the various dancers flage area at 7 o'clock Friday Seymore, Jr., assistant base chem who responded to Ford Rose's call night, it was announced today by ical officer, and executed by Post station, enlisted men will have ' to the stage. ' Lt Martin Shoemaker, base chem- Utilities. a free show to attend every night the ical officer. as a Is Allen Bill The helped program generally the week. designed of The demonstration will include complete- - review of an intensive laat Monday through participants in trying into perform Starting order to phases of the affects and uses training course in chemical warthe impossible feats with a new and different Friday qualify for "$50 fifty years from of war gases, decontamination, in- fare which has been carried on show each night. now" and for the more realistic cendiary fighting, use of the Molo-to- throughout the military units of Two new shows have been cocktail, wearing of protective the field for the last few months. added to the already popular gifts showered upon them. All soldiers present will wear features now playing at the Litclothing and cape, and the opera0 tion of the Spray Tank. masks throughout the demon tle theatre to make this four-st-ar gas There also will be a display of stration. Groups which will attend attraction possible. All shows various chemical warfare weapons, the first demonstration are the will start promptly at 8:30 pan. munitions and material. 319th, 431st, and 432nd. However. Also demonstrated will be the other interested personnel may at- new square gas shelter tenj jf tney desire. 111 the Featured '9 r . X-r- ay " " " " X-ra- " 10-pie- ce s X-r- ay -- w Complete Display of Methods Of Protection Being Planned 18-fo- Little Theatre to Have Free Show Each Night of Week ot se E-24- 6. ) ff M-1- Independence Day Program to Be Presented Monday Mr. and Mm lack as if they were, having a wbu iime ana wouldn't miss one w ese monthly social affairs for million dollars. ) 4' """" J l 1' 55 eek affaiB ...g0 was ion vent Plan Art Display For Hillcresters Art work by residents will be shown at an art exhibit in the at 8:30 pan. recreation hall in northwest diThe program is under the on July 15, 16, and 17. rection of base special service This event will be open to all officer, UL Albert A Domingue, men and women residents whether and will include a brief address they have amateur or professional standing in art work. by Chaplain Joseph MacCarroll, Compositions to be shown may chief of chaplain section, OASC. in any medium, be A small band from the Special andofofany subject size. Judges will be any the Service section will provide officers at HiU Field who have music and talent from Salt had art training and experience. Lake City will provide an inter- The 10 best pictures will be hung in the dormitory recesting evening of entertainment permanently halls. reation for military and civilian personnel of the post. The 408th Army Air Force band will present a concert of military music at the Ogden USO center at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, July 4. The program on the field will be held Mon-a order to prevent day night inevents HiU Field's "Keep Em Flying" with those of conflict of will participate in the orchestra nearby towns. three-da- y program in Salt Lake City next week which will open amrtm,... OVVAISOr Uli In .tout Ulty Federal Tax Stamp No. 3 Ration Books Sold at Field P.O. HiU Fielders who have neglected federal motor Being Distributed tovehicle get the new will be able to tax $5.00 The first batch of No. 3 ration books have arrived here, Frank K. Hazen, supervisor of the postoffice, has announced. d Those square, brown, envelopes will keep coming until July 21, the final date set for their open-face- delivery. Applications for the books now coming in were handled by the postoffice here on Hill Field, and they still have a number available, However, no more applications will be accepted until after Aug. 1 'Keep 'Em Flying9 Orchestra To Launch War Bond Drive Won flr" Tin a ?T,n our war 8tanps. Many ith n?2rf.mm amusing, many ven T"ue wer Way m .11 we course of the evening. .uii comln and entertainment in the area northwest of base headquarters ot Hill-cre- st '''f TEL PAT? TV Hill, Field will celebrate Independence day Monday night, July 5, with an open-ai- r program 20-fo- a Saturday indicate a very successfuL About a"angements for the Margie ndry7.Stitzer, punier Miner. Marine Relatives Form Ogden Club National War Bond officially in the state of Third the Drive Utah. orchestra will The street shows two present Women employed at HiU Field on corner of Main Street and the fathers, who have sons, husbands, South, the first one at 12:15 sisters or daughters Second brothers, the second at 8 p.m., and p.m. serving in the U. S.themarine corps, Wednesday, July 7, and will also organization are Invited to join r street dance play for a of Marines' Women. 9 night. Wednesday at The new organization was formed Thep.m. program Wednesday will on a pattern worked out in Minclose of the three-da- y the mark all and is for is under the direction neapolis, Minn which are drive, women of marines. Meetings or of Charles R. Mabey, conducted the second Monday Utah War Bond the of chairman each month at the USO building committee. in Ogden. all-soldi- er one-ho- three-hou- ur - The Hill Field orchestra, under the direction of Sgt. Ed Stoker, will present music and feature acts by Vocalists Dick Schebe, Tommy Fitzsimmons, Mascot Frances Gay nor, the Hill Field Cadets, and Comedians Dan Bailey, Doug Gor don and Ray Varela. Entertainers from Kearns and the Salt Lake City Air Base will take over the shows for the first two days of the bond drive. Utah was the first state in the nation to reach her quota in the Second War Bond Drive, and was among the leading states in top ping her quota. Officials hope the third drive will put Utah on top of the nation in war bond sales stamp purchase them after July 1 at the postoffice on Hill Field. The stamp which must be affixed to all automobiles wiU evidence payment of the tax for the fiscal year beginning July. They are serially numbered, are yellow, and have space for the make, model, serial number, and the state license number on the back. The stamps will be on sale after today only at first and second class postoffices and third and fourth class postoffices located at county seats. Since Hill Field office is a branch of the Ogden office the stamps will be on sale here. Ronald J. Dyches Gives Safety Talk Ronald J. Dyches, safety engineer for Hill Field, was speaker last Wednesday afternoon at a class assembly of school teachers tending the Utah State at- session at Agricultural college, summer Logan. Mr. Dyches spoke on sity of early training the necesin safety habits, and also commented on the new plan to include safety training in regular curricula of the schools in the state. Mr. Dyches was accompanied to Logan by Alfred Stratford of the training section, who gave a lecture and showed a motion picture before a group of mechanic learners, stressing the importance of safety. |