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Show Han litz 99m r TTVlTIln Be in ervice Soon v SnriiTi-- ? SBSsuauBUBevKMigaBSBdBg Till C Wednesday June 30, 1943 Adopted By City Council Post Cafeteria Drippings or Cook's Tour Drilled jlen to Be Actual jo Meet Name Hillcrest' Is Also Ratified Conditions Battle we ui lea abOUt . i-- At the regular meeting of the) commissioners of Hillcrest last Thursday evening, June 24, a con-- 1 stitution prepared by a special committee was presented by Mayor Wilbur Davies and adopted by the group. Noel K. Warner headed! the committee. Each article and section of the) constitution, presented singly and duly considered, was unanimously adopted by the commissioners presj ent after a lengthy discussion. It contains all of the basic principles of a municipal charter besides spe cial features deemed particularly n SlTisofeetTltwlllke-li1" By Commissioners the clock house Is the ...f of ta a reDlica. erected v,antrara o -a gtanaai j so airports m 4""'" 'Tr.T.lVT v:iaw ,re the ainea nuui supervision of Capt. naeS the a called in ,fl(.,tlv idV J. men m combat areas in Alaska, be dnuea in evci eontact on the front except actual enemy. . in viavintf nnestions f.stuaenw "" - juiw leir tne omce b into u w fa books Mgar '"J., , ui w. -- '"s ' on aircraft, with and explanations, making m their Questions clear I....-- ,, .illus-fatio- ns Vmitories Have Mew mnvincr of the hostess the new hostess house to 'flee THf SOUP BOWLS Music Room I wui. thA entrance to the civilian the space left vacant in ie east wing of the southeast hall is being converted into I music room. ; . . . Went Caricaturist Sgt. George LI Kinney, of the Hillflelder staff, Townsend had reported that life existed neWnd the sacred portals. He has sketched who like o ke; Bill Chaney, the one-mpotato peeling machine; and the salad,Sspecialist,anBrow.n' Eugenia Cecil. , an It Smells dor-litori- es, the rec-sti- on Ogden Jills jleads - ? i Good, Looks Good, Tastes Good! By Leora Townsend Behind the imposing array of cups, soup bowls and sundry utensUs stacked at the rear of the civilian cafeteria there is an active life that goes on in the kitchen. A survey was in order and armed with official authorizations, we passed through the sacred portals. To the right, just outside the-is the baking section. Tou can identify it by the wonderful aroma of baking bread and rolls, and on the other hand, by the ter rific heat. Proud chief of this section is d handsome Dean Brown. With pride he shows us the vari ous ovens and auxiliary machinery, such as the automatic bread dough mixer. When the occasion arises, Dean explains, the machine also does well for pie crust. The oven, Dean tells us, is a relic of the French and Indian war, which is the kind of proud disparagement one might expect from a baker in love with his work. For Dean Brown does like his job, despite the heat, and the oven door which has a habit of falling down at crucial moments. It took a little while, but he now knows the quirks of these ovens and can withdraw his arms without getting burned. After the bread comes out of the oven it is brushed and patted over with pure butter. Then put on long wooden trays and rushed to the front where you, perchance, are waiting to eat it. To the left is' the overworked potato peeler. His name is Bill office, dark-haire- t . t ... Ttn in DEED SORENSEN ident of tha 4 Is the Hill Jills, a girls' club had its sennnil miwlii hit They enjoyed a hike into nearby mountains, starting irom me ogden UHO. The Ogden Hill Jills club yester-a- y evening, beginning at 7 p.m second session, a hike into earby mountains with the USO as of hich "Sht, e atarting point Bringing; their suppers along, the girls were by EUey Simonsen and Annette Vui. At its first meeting the previous today the Hill Jills, exclusively taU social club for Hill Field TOKers, cooked supper at the USO ttcben, then elected their offi- - 'of osen Chaney, substituting for the mechanical peeler which is also around but does not work too well. Potato peeling apparently doesn't faze Bill; he would make an excellent husband. Not far away is the sandwich lady. She makes them, not carries them. This is Josephine Flint. Those sandwiches, are good to look at, good to eat The salad specialist is Eugena Cecil. She has been working here for four months and that accounts for the swell salad . we have been of late. eating Blonde-haire- d Gussie Housier is a waitress who came by at thi3 moment. Blondie Gussie likes her job, her boss, and her pay check. The dish washing section is at the rear, the work handled by colored help. Of all parts of the kitchen this is perhaps the cleanest, for everything is sterilized and the workers are scrupulously clean. We got hungry at this point and decided to dig into some of the excellent food so temptingly displayed at various points in the kitchen, or in process. So our cook's tour came to an end. One-Four- th riiunt!.,.i.. nas- - nrysuu - towL.0' the Public Relations &ve?ame the PUDllcity A. W ue-,th;- oiiiz "e f t it's Pro,'" that Other- - and has active Junior hostess club. Like the of supper charge wa formed ,n Dorothy Ann Sell, Supply, and orh" Vth the Salt Lake Mary Lou Foutz, Occupational Standards, Ruth en joys the varied f Iner Sorensen, has activities of the club. rtved i,? the members find a sucful. Mis Sor- - Many toof use their talents for chance . CaSSen it . lots of fun-- " me? Jan Sander' HiU Wd ienuirfati0n d,rtor., were forming the Ogden Th . b U . nil Mill ' the fin i' Plan ?ke. ,tate nuu "the The purpose ftSfIer8en' dhave ur,V ocIaI and of luncheons, ,otg i... things. We want mLnd other L .".leld Women hNation, th. C.n,,?,00d Ior t. extension luncheon dancing, making posters, singing, or just playing an Instrument, conversationbeing entertaining soJunlor hostesses entertain at USO building the in ldiers street, Ogden, as ir it were their own home,comethough with not to they art asked a soldier nor to leave with him. an They may, however,as bring tne may guest, house soldiers, for one visit. Open both when Sunday, held is every are men service hostesses and Invited to bring their friends and relatives. hostess - - Although being a Junior 448-24- th out-of-to- wn eirl. Miss Gleissner points out that each girl must come up to certain standards. For instance, she has one night each week for "duty" at the center from eight until closing. Failure to do this without an excuse may mean that she will not be given her permanent membership card after the pro- bationary six weeks. Application for membership may be made at any time. From the group of ' junior hostesses, members of the junior council are elected for meetings to plan the military program. This council isan alsorl for making arrangements now being dance orchestra formed among girls who have instrument and are willing to join such an organization.. 'lip? The Training unit of the Civilian Training branch has just developed a handy-size- d card which will be given to . . . IJBORA TOWNSEND This each mechanic learner turned out week not only visited the scenes Weber college and the Utah behind the Post cafeteria and by told HiUfielder readers about it, State Agricultural college imme diately prior to reporting to Hill but on the third finger of her Field for work. left hand appeared a sparkling Much trouble has been experi diamond. Who from? The boy is overseas. Pfc Howard W. enced inofthe past in the induction these employes getting Young, formerly stationed here. processlocated them here in their jobs. Whom to report to, where to re port, etc., have been questions that all mechanic learners always like to have answered. Secretary-IrenThis card explains how to secure badge and pass, timecard, where to report for testing and registrar Knight Goes tion upon arrival at this field. . Red Cross Assigns Former e at Knight, former secretary Special Courses Open to Workers to the Base Special Service officer on Hill Field, has been appointed Weber college announces its spot school courses are as a Red Cross social worker cial and summer still open to Hill Field employes. assigned to the station hospital Night and day classes include at Fort Lewis, Wash., it was an work in vocational training, en nounced today by Edward B. Eisen, gineering, typing, shorthand, office Red Cross field .director. machines, and military filing. Some Miss Knight assumed her duties classes are offered for other at Fort Lewis after an extensive the fee is small. free, Hill Fielders interested In this training course at Red Cross National Headquarters, Washington, training may register at Webeu college at any time. For many years the Red Cross has maintained a program of medical social case work meeting Special Swing standard professional requirements Shows Downtown for medical social service at army and navy general hospitals. Ogden Theatres in addition to social ana psyORFHF.VM THEATRE chiatric workers, there are recreJim 30 "Corregldor," Donate ational workers attached to the Wood, Ellsa Landl. "Tl Hit Parade of 1943," John Carroll, Buaaa Red Cross station hospital staffs. Hajrward. Their jobs are to coordinate and Hajrward. Opens: 12:45 Daily, 10:45 conduct recreational and entertain Saturday. July a "Vrt Graves to Calr," ment activities for convalescents Pranchot Tone, Anna Baxter, Erie at the hospitals. Von 8trohelm. "Swing Your Part. At Fort Lewis, Miss Knight will Mr," Lulubelle, Scotty, Vara Vagna. Midnight ahowi, Orphcutn: Opens handle personal, family, and finan 11:49, atarta 12:30, feature 1 a.na. clal problems for the convalescents, July 3 "Bataan." EGYPTIAN THEATRE in addition to the recreational ac Junt 30 noon Bower D. C. Shift at tivities. Knight left her position In the Special Service office in April to Join the Red Cross. Prior to her Miss arrival at Hill Field, she was. for 10 years, with the State Department of Public Welfare in Texas. all-gi- - was selected at the election last a tendency to add the word village made it necessary to make the name official by embodiment in the constitution as such. Mayor Davies gave a brief rew port of the meeting held the previous Tuesday. This consisted chiefly of routine business. The highlight of the meeting was the question of the establishment of a barber and beauty shop in tha dormitory area. According to, thai mayor's report, everything is iaj readiness. All that is necessary is. the authorization of the Hill Field' headquarters. ' May, Induction Process At Field Helped By Handy Reference Irene Work at Depot Here adaptable to Hillcrest. Is A broad scope of power vested in the mayor to fill vacancies byj appointment, subject to ratifica tion by the commission. This par ticular feature was considered nec essary owing to the shifting chart acter of much of the population; of the area. Also decided by unanimous vote was the designation of the village as sHillcrest. Although this name Mechanic Learners Get Report Cards Fort Lewis, Wash. Out of 400 Girls Registered in Ogden for Entertainment of Service Men, About p To Hospital at the Ogden USO, 99 reeistered 4ftO Dtrirls tha VSV at Hill Field. Anne junior hostesses are girls employed are living in the Gleissner of the USO says that many JUs will have a surprise party civilian dormitories and others live in Ogden temporarily on mary uuire, t while working at one of the war plants. and Ruth Gleason are Ruth Johnson, who works in f, arrn8ents and t Preset of a the voucher office here, is an does not demand too much y hi.., -- Diamond Sparkles f Hill Field Provides USO With 99 Junior Hostesses president the new is Mildred Sorensen, "Perviwr of the identification unit Lm 5ecurity- - Two girls from ersonnei offices, Allene " veima Gunnel, were a vice presidentt and . . wation KxJ Charter To OASC Ralph T. Sigel and Lieut. George O. Thomson are as signed to Personnel and Training uivuion, xiq., UASC . 12 Major 1943 ataav anew review. Follow the Band. (All-at- ar east.) Double July 2 12 midnight horror show, "Journey Into Fear" Orson Well'a production.) VI Walk With a Zombie." 12 midnight Henry Fonda. "Jltter-tMifi,- " Laurel and Hardy. " Invasion" (Special.) July S 12 midnight Stage show, "Chamber of Horrors." (Only as a midnight show.) July 6 12 midnight Same. Theatre opens at 11:45 a.m. aM July 3 Incident," 12:00 a.m. "Ox-Bo- - |