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Show THE Pago Six Cast Named for School Play; Rehearsals Set Try outs for the school play took place at the first of this week, December 16. The name of the play for this year is "And Never Been Kissed". It is a comedy in three acts, written by Aur-an- d Harris. The play is centered aroand a young girl, Flory Patterson, who has never been kissed, which is not her fault. It all takes place back in 1928 when Flory devotes every waking moment to "attractPersian ing the opposite sex". love drops, Christian endeavor, and ten steps to true beauty are only three of her hilarious schemes to make herself "passable" until that miraculous 16th birthday when overnight she'll suddenly become gorgeous and devastingly beautiful. The characters of the play are Jr. Season's Best May a wealth of good cheer find its way to your house this Christmas. NEPHI. UTAH S. Millie Myers, Nadine Pay; Flory uoueen West ring Patterson, UUmore stacker, Lowell Jones Mrs. Patterson, Carolynn Warner; Mr. Peaibody, Ned Worthington Anita Gadd Mary Patterson, Charlie McCulley, Judd Morgan Betty Ferguson, Carolyn Ander son; Couglas Schaeffre, Richard Sudweeks; Christine Roberts, Shir Gertrude Mason, ley bhepherd; Ranae Collard; Phillip Peabody, Don Fowkes. Student directors are Grace Worthingtno and llene Collard. Mr. Pay will direct. itenearsais wm start as soon as the Christmas vacation is over. The performance will be January - ? ".-i- t .r '. 7.4 va.-- r t.'.- - v Season - . any single trial, caution should be exercised, it has been pointed out, as the plots were not replicated. It was intended that the differ ent locations would serve replic ations in this study. The principal value of the work lies in the $ interpretation based- on all plots rather than any one location. The data presented in this re port substantiate early findings that Bonneville is by far the highest producer of the three varieties tested. In addition, it is far more resistant to lodging than either Velvon of Trebi. Comparisons between Velvon and Trebi on irrigated land show little ditfferen(Jin yield. The aver Velvon Welds are slightly age higher though probably not significantly so. Both Velvon and Trebi are susceptible to lodging with Treta lodging more frequentThe potential ly than Velvon. yield difference possible between the three varieties tested does not express itself except under favorable conditions. Where fertility is low, moisture lacking, and the season short, little difference is found between the various var - . To our many friends ii'l' our deep felt appreciation J your loyalty and friendship for during the past year . . . NEPHI JEWELRY NEPHI, UTAH yt&k& Hittt "t&Jfc& Bfct Cfc 6fcflf IBfcut CfcAlt 'W I "Vise v . '.hamuli I - hI A LARGfc, "rs"" 69 CREAM jfyJ 0f ' SIZE HALO,H4MPM fyi3r CDeLntAaTlE GIANT or fAMJU MLO j SHAMPOO ,mm. - i'a - - - v niuwwiW RAPID- - 89 ' SHAVE 79 -- rat a net to a v&zy Haifiy WU& - xs 'It doesn't holiday Ulme! w ILadies Shop Exclusive cost a lot at GARBETTS to be well dressed" xst liY 'w&l , ' S t&ftbi rl ff ? ) - (0)' if: Due fo a special purchase, we are able to J !'' TEMPORARILY REDUCE the redemption price of Beautiful Autumn Gold Dinnerware Place Settings to 25c per piece in Dish Coupons) $20.00 (plus I np --ins. may be withdrawn when present stocks are exhausted. So Shop Early Shop Late Shop often and complete your sets NOW - it c cana.it. f turn eui mt.ii.aat. to you of uUtUc teason! good c&ttx in ifit glowing VIII i t II om r friends THIS HALF PRICE OFFER - I A I f7ii - A go-. tSK5 n r. s:. xs xsk f. tSk T9v. T- - WJ T 1 V in c? o the year season that sparkles with holiday cheer I mm ME 1BM te '" you . 7 1 I FEATURED AT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER riTH THE PEXCO LABEL f SiS. & I I rggt .is m..-- "J HyawJJ Vfi5Sn m SEND YOU 2Sa-- gB& SSB I f y in..,.- I J C rf(T Ip OFFER v - f ssx Art - .... Mm V AlU I Get Acquainted I. mouse Results collected from dryland tests are rather limited and not too conclusive. In comparing Velvon and Trebi where differences exist, Trebi seems to be superior. Yield differences with Gem and TwoRow are not consistent. Conclusions reached as a result of these studies are that Bonneville should be grown on the ma Painter Motor Co. ,CK('t 'CSkt 'B'tiirl I Send lorYour ft ieties. we wish you a Very Happy Holiday! BERYL SHAW Hj MlGHtV I In interpreting the data from trimmings! CS ( -- . T" one-thir- d 52-1-- " '9 tGATE-PAtMOMv- An extensive barley testing program was carried out in the state during the past season. Seed to or plant approximately an acre of each of three or more varieties was provided to farmers selected by the county agents. This seed was planted in adjacent strips along with the regular field TERMITE CONTROL Com planting or .barley. J. E .Worthington cooperated on these trials plete eradication. Examine your in Juab County. noors now tor termite damage The purpose of this testing proMany homes are now infested. gram was to evaluate the three Wm. C. Stowell, phone 40 barley varieties grown 2 np principal in the state: Bonneville, Velvon and Trebi. In special cases Gem and Two-Robarley were tested. Trials were harvested ait 27 loca " 3.it. tions in Utah on irrigated farms and four locations on dry land. were collected from each Samples " ff trimigfr'r '1 site for yield determination, and notes were taken concerning lodging, appearance and previous P . Told by Agent - a.-- And... a Christmas 9 Barley Testing Results Are 1957 26th, water is a problem. Results of the trials in Juab County showed the following yield per acre: Bonneville, 120 bushel; Velvon, 93 bushel; Tribi, 98 bushels; Gem, 118 and Two Row, 81. jority of our irrigated farms, where good fertility and adequate water is available. Velvon or Trebi should be used where earlier maturing varieties are required or where shortage or irrigation 3 -- December Thursday, w NEPHI LUMBER CO. with all the TIMES-NEW- ,r.f4 i! '4 Phon 6..Nphi, Utah |