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Show Thursday, December 26th, 1957 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The best in lump, nut and slack. Come get your own and save. We will load and weigh your truck at our yard, or enjoy our prompt, clean delivery service. L. DWANE Tl DWELL, 545 South 1st East, Phone 578W. Nephi, Utah COAL THE FOR RENT Apartment Kendall completely furnished 344 or 413J apartments phone 40TF FOR SALE good condition Boy's bicycle in Just small size five-six or seven year right tor old boy See Roy E. Gibson at Times-New- s. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Page Five Paxman Heads A S C Juab County Group Levan Local and Social News Items Club Secret Pal The Civic-ett- s Christmas party was held Wed nesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Codeal Brough. Games were played and gifts exGuests included Mrs. changed. Louise Taylor, Mrs. Bonnie Mrs. Pauline Mangelson, Mrs. Alice Shephehrd, Mrs. Vonda RnKh. Mrs. Irene Manerelson. Mrs. Eileen Ballow, Mrs. Gwen Mrs. Blanche Stephensen, Mrs. Enid Worwood, Mrs. Mary Aagard, Mrs. Melba Ballow, Mrs. Jewel Grant, Mrs. Myrtus Stephensen, Mrs. Ella Fae Beard, Mrs. Helen Tedder, Mrs. Fern Wanker Mrs. Marva Sheoherd. Mrs. Carol Hanson and the hostess, Mrs Pay-stru- p, Step-hense- n, Codeal Brough. Mrs Kdna Lowe of Salt Lake City has been visiting at the home of her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. William Tedder. The Lady Lions entertained their partners at a Christmas par ty held Friday at the City aaxh. Games were played and gifts were Dinner was served exchanged. J. waiter faxman '."'as elected to the following: Mr. and Mrs. and J. E. Worthington, chairman, Mangelson, Mr. and Mrs. vice chairman with Heber C. TayGolden Mangelson, Mr. and Mrs. lor as regular member of the Alvin Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Juab County ASC commmirttee at Mr. and Mrs. the county convention held last Arvil Wankier, Lawrence Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday, according to E. Alton Mr. and Mrs. Ellertson, office manager. Merlin Gardner, Dean Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paul Neilsen of Mona was namJaekman, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Man- ed first alternate and Reese Paingelson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ter second alternate. At previous community elections Pays tr up, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shephehrd, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon the following delegates were elect Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor, ed to represent their respective Mr. and Mrs. Warner Taylor, communities in the coun Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shepherd, ty committee. choosing Mr and Mrs. Romaine Mangelson, Joseph Garrett, North Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hanson, and Reese Painter, South Nephi; Keb-Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood. C. Taylor, Levan and Herman Mona. Edgar Christensen attended the Young, Soil Conservation District conven UNITED DEPARTSTATES tion in Salt Lake City last week. MENT OF THE INTERIOR, Bureau of Land Management, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Paystrup Land Office, Salt Lake City, family spent last Wednesday in Utah, December 12, 1957. Salt Lake City. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bowman Wesley H. Peterson of 3143 S. 7th and baby daughter of Great Falls, East, Salt Lake City, Utah, who Montana are visiting at the home on May 4, 1953, made Deseret of Mrs. Bowman's parents, Mr. Land Entry, No. Utah 07232, for Sec. 33, T. 11 and Mrs. Heber Shepherd. S., R. 8 W.; Lots 1 and 2, Township 12 S., Range 8 W., Salt Lake de JAn your Christmas celebration! er Garrett's Conoco Service May the best gift of all the spirit of peace and good will WNE, SE, - CLARK AUSTIN ... be yours ary, 1958. Claimant names as witnesses Colin Bennion of Vernon, Utah; Sergene Bennion of Vernon, Utah; Owen Bennion of Orem, Utah, Glynn Bennion of Delta, Utah. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager Kent Linton Standard Service Station D A Y ! Let fun and gaiety adorn I Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Jerome S. Hansen, Notary Public, at Salt Lake City Utah, on the 28th day of Febru KENT LINTON 0 L I always. BYRON WILKEY As joys of Christmas fill the" air . May yours be Forseys Variety Store . . gay beyond compare! F I We hope Uwana Drive Inn WE'LL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, FOR RENOVATION U UNTIL the rr jingle bells will sound JANUARY 3rd Ji Jw a happy note for W your holiday! May your celebration be wreathed in the happiness of the Yuletide season. X L Bakery PRATT'S -- X ; r; .7 m.,- - Mr and Mrs. GEORGE DUCKWORTH ;. H 5 n ,, V Aglow with Tit Christmas Cheer of tbt observant Our fondest wish to our friends for all the radiant joy of a happy holiday. ... toming holiday brings with WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE it our iinctrtU wish for jour happintu. VsV1 v tlc&s-liiS- Kf MAUDE'S JLlI w w mum pvta TO KISS YOU WHEN Amid the gay greetings YOU'RE OUT DRIVING wrrrt - NEVER! r if A BOY CAN DRIVE lie s SAFELY WHILfe KISSIM6 ME ME IS N0T61VIMGTH6 KISS THE P&CPtK AMOUNT Or ATTENTION and packages, too, its the We send our. best wishes holy season arrives to unfold again its beautiful message, we For Christmas to you! extend to you our sincere greetings. Juab County Mill 4D Plumbing and and Builders Supply Elevator Co. DALE M. MX. DON BARTON DEE WRIGHT DAVID AUSTIN WORWOOD WONOfcfcFWL ftfcRVICE FAINTER moron co. 6te! sEEoy, T6000 ME ALL i tuL ' . A"t! AotW,: "!"- - iMHTB A LITTLE "V SLEEP 6IVE THEIR CUSTOMERS. --0, i V v1 |