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Show Thursday, December 26th. 1957 THE fjL3'.r ,a rw NEPHI. UTAH Pg c1 for trai Wives, Guests Enjoy Annual Christmas Party "Let cheer brighten your holiday! V ii ( AT f special package of happy holiday wishes! A BSMjKS kuJill" i. Hi . -- X.'!!hn. Nephi Packing Co. Anderson Funeral Home Mill If- 3- - I? 1 4 Directors of the Juab County Farm Bureau were entertained at a Christmas party by their wives and officers of th .Tnnh rvumtv Farm Bureau ladies at Ray's Kocket room on December 20. A was good program enjoyed, and dinner served to Mr. and Mrs. A. Dean Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Powell, Mrs. and Mrs. Smith Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. Krank Greenhalgh, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Neilsen, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Keyte, Mr and Mrs. Dean Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Seth MePher-son- , Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ostler, ivir. ana iwrs. fKnv T fwi Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowies, Ray ouriensnaw, ana Mrs. Sherl Ferre. Mrs. Luella Ostler was in charge of the program with Mrs. Mildred Brown acting as toastmaster. Two solo numbers were gievn by Mrs. Margean Ostler, accompanied by Mrs. Ferre: comer! Barbara Powell and toast to the men tiy lna Kay. Live sparks by Mildred Brown and Christmas songs led by Mrs. Ostler also were features. County Agent Ray Buiienshay showed some out standing pictures. CkrUtniai. cfittx to I Wiw! in u The annual Christmas nartv L as a glittering All this and more the Nautilus Literarv tree, ' ' may your holiday be! ED'S 66 SERVICE By helping ayyour rvf r"linh lii Garrett. Present were Marilyn Park, Phyllis Ingram, tinda Whittington, Gaya Greenhalgh, Beth Sper-rMargaret Hill, Corrine Garrett, Lewina Sperry, Dora Shaw, Nad- inp Tit t r TVouroU Vn da Bowles and Evalyn Ostler. taking his cue. us say, "Merry Christinas to mwm Jl hold at Ray's Rocket room on Thursday, December 19. The Club rollwt wac raari ar Gaya Greenhalgh. Some business matters were taKen care of, and dinner was served. After dinner eames were tlaved and nifts woro Prizes were won by exchanged. Marilyn Park, Linda Whittington, Gava Greenhaleh and Oorrinp Exciting and gay FOR RENT 2 bedrooms heated apartment see .Harry t&eagiey or pnone 47b TTtifm-niclie- sW1 lyJV ' fr 'ii :: Ik Kil l if iii ii - ine with I the radiance Yuletide I FOSTER AND FRANCES GARDNER WE'LL BE OPEN TO SERVE YOU ON NEW YEAR'S EVE! INCLUDE A DINNER AT SNAK SHAK IN YOUR IN YOUR PLANS Rlar-k-et- THE TOGGERY fp SNAK SHAK CAFE y, you!" Villi IJ' 1 Nautilus Literary Club Members Enjoy . Party at Ray's Cafe MERRY CHRISTMAS tuiiyonzl Style and Fashion Beauty Salon TURKEYS will be given as door rnnv, prizes at the Mona T.irr-Dance on Friday evening. Also two sepecial prizes: electric frying pan and electric blanket Our iollv old Santa is II iiikiiiuti 1W 1 m .V , m. m. mm to all our friends for a gay, colorful Christmas season. DICK'S SERVICE, Inc. DICK WETHERELL PARKIN MOTOR CO. YOUR PORD AKIH MFRrilRY AND STAFF DPAI FR --'- yW Ml ffi May your hearts be filled with gladness during this holiday . Jl'fi "I season . . Hi Fn riu jUi rt- - X HOWARD'S SHOE BOX AND RUTH HOWARD MERRILL CLlrni irnf for a very merry Christmas! r OOo SZnDTTlIrl Anderson Conoco Service ntv ftw .u.Liia ii,4 Owr best wishes to one and all Ofit Jolly tnowman klnp waxmtit wu h a kahby fioLUayt t, FORREST ANDERSON ikiM ! you out BILL Three Farm Bureau Officers, .Jigger5 the warm glow of Christmas TIMES-NEW- (iDC3GG ANDERSON LLOYD R. GOBLE . . 3 1-- ; LbVON M. HANSON , |