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Show THE Page Two y - . Fine Arts Club Annual . E D I T O IA (t i. Basketball fans and Mrs. William Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Stephensen, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Beard, Mr. and Mrs. William Tedder, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wankier, Kent Shephehrd, Mr. and Mrs. Derle Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brough. Xeivs oi JLevan - Rule Changes Told the The annual Christmas party of Editor-Manag- er - s sit1 Del-wi- ui-pi- n. nt mas Gay Christmas table cloths, d place cards and center pieces the setting for the card ff fmW fa 3w f$ 4- v- til .-- pro-ide- j I one. Uilunq and ail a world Holiday joy to you and In every way we wish for you ti very happy holiday season! CARTER'S CAFE EARL CARTER yours! Chapman Studio np AND GUARDIAN PROBATE SHIP NOTICE3. Consult Juab ' County Clerk or respective signers for additional Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Floyd C. Lunt, deceas ed. Creditors will present clalmt with vouchers to the undersigned at 711 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 13th day of February, A. D. 1958. Lucille Cowan Lunt, Administ ratrix of the Estate of Floyd C. Lunt, deceased. EksAyn Anderson and Vernon L. Snow, Attorneys for Admx. 711 Newhouse Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 9 Mona Lions Club. COME TO THE DANCE at Mona Friday evening. Door prizalso electric frying pan and es electric blanket Sponsored by Mona Lions Club. 5z-l-- a JJnyBrjns ArrTi II f WE STILL HAVE a few mech anical (battery operated) toys for last minute shoppers Going while they last at 20 per cent off Johnsons. Com TERMITE CONTROL Examine your plete eradication. floors now for termite damage Many homes are now infested. Wm. C. Stowell, phone 40 ftp 1. - tables. Games were enjoyed and gifts After which a delicexchanged. ious supper was served. A contribution from each member was made for the purchase of toys for the Juab County Hospital children's ward. Those present were Mrs. D. C Mrs. Burnell Gowers, BosewU, Mrs. Hosmer L, Grace, Mrs. G. E. Wilkey, Miss Rheta Sperry, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. Reed Greenhalgh, Mrs. Rex Tolley, Miss Ireta Carter, Mrs. Ronald Gowers, Mrs. Fred Paint-- 1 Mrs. Earl er, Mrs. Ray Pay, Hawkins and the hostess, Mrs. Eu-gene Lurit ALL ROADS lead to Mona for Plenty of fun for Friday night all plus door prizes and special prizes. Let's go to Mona for the Sponsored by the big affair Shephehrd, Mr .and Mrs. Jack are in regard to the foul rules. Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Man- 1. This year the Bal- rule only applies after a geLson,t Mr. .and . . Mrs. Robert f mrs. ana . oierm team has committeed four person-"USVTT, al fouls each half. On the first,?' axlMr. and Mrs. Pete Ballow, Mr. four personals, an offended player only has one shot. After this the bonus rule goes into effect. 2. If a double foul occure, the foul is assessed against the players, but neither one of them shoots, the ball 'being put into play by a jump ball at the center circle. 3. The throw-i- n does not have to be from outside of the foul line this year, but can 'be from any place on the base line. Yule A glittering party. tree decorated the room. : ipcjff Vtjf Ladies Literary League Guests at Lunt Home ; NATIONAL The evening's activities began with a light luncheon, served cenierpices io uic by canaie-ugPublished every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. of Christmas caraccompaniment Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class ols records in the dinner music mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. motif and mood. The prayer was rendered by Mrs. A. L. UarDett, Six months, $2.25. Subscripion rates: One year $4.00; tables were artistically decor The rates in advance. are Advertising payable Subscriptions ated with clever favors ana place on request. cards, while the soft colored lights of the gaily lighted tree added to A. 8. Gibson and Roy E Gibson Publishers the Christinas atmosphere. Roy E. Gibson Following the luncheon, a book review given by Mrs. lcl r. cox Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah in commemoration of the season, The Day that Christ Died by Jim Bishop, reviewed the birth Looking for something for the NO foreign substance remains in and death of the Savior, foiyanna exchanged, ana tne gifts were There's going to be a rug cleaned with Blue Lustre holidays cleaner longer Chapman members ended the evening in a big dance at Mona Friday nite Stays t urniture Co., Nephi singing Christmas Carols to the Plenty of fun, door prizes and lovely record music at r rea war 1 share Nephi ing. FOR SALE Sponsors: Mona special prizes. Lions Club. Those memibers present were Call 450R. Irrigation Water the hostess, Mrs. Lynn Olpin; the club president, Mrs. Fred weth-erell- ; Mis. Gilbert Bailey, Mrs, A. Beck, Mrs. Frank Brougn Mrs. Ed. P. Cox, Mrs. V. M. oFote, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. A. Gray, Mrs. Lambert J. uore, Mrs. Frank Matheson and Mrs. Clarence Paxman. y Thurjday, December 26th, 1957 NEPHI. UTAH S, following and their partners Juab high school Wasps in their the Civic-ett- s at the Fifteen members of the Ladies games this year may find things was held Saturday evening The Fine Arts club of Nephi Literary League were welcomed a bit confusing, unless they under- City hall. The evening was spent held its annual Christmas party to the home of Mrs. Lugene Lunt stand general .basketball rule playing games. Dinner was served on Thursday evening, December last Thursday evening where they changes that have been put Into to the following: Mr. and Mrs.n 19 at the home of Mrs. Lynn met to hold their annual Christ- effect this year. The main ones Warner Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. hristmas Party Held ASt?Cl)T,fN ti TIMES-NEW- FRED Greenwood Tire Service ri. r -- ra. fsa. J. CHAPMAN ?Sk v?iCv WJei v?k December Dates of publication: 12, 19, 26 1957. and January 2, 1958 in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. CHRISTMAS B tfff IS HERE! C I We hope your holiday will be Complete with gay festivity! Utah Poultry and Farmers' Cooperative NEPHI UTAH ' wff e just as like to say: i Have a buy M itamins sparkling holiday! hoosy when you PREMIUM OIL CO. I All of us are "choosy when we purchase furniture or other articles for our homes. We study construction. We examine fabrics. Who is the manufacturer? What about a warranty? In the purchase of vitamin products you should be just as "choosy." Inquire into the whys and wherefores before you buy. For your health's sake, you should have professional assurance of the formulation and potency of vitamins. Rely on a pharmacist whose professional reputation backs up every recommendation. 8 THIRD WEST AND CENTER In passing, we would EVAN BLACKETT OSTLER THERLE CARL JARRETT HOUGHTON REED NEPHI, UTAH A 'PEMT WllH A FUTURE -- r All tl bbssingii cm? 1i. i I "1 wf' Best Christmas Wishes PLANE aeometery problems are simple oompared to the problem you aoid when you turn all your Insurance details over to Ken. First Security Bank Nyman, Building, Nephi. Worry Our message to you come9 f FLIES yVyfc wrapped in the gay spirit of fXi the window when the Central Utah Insurance Company plans your Insuranoe In such a way as out May the guiding star of the true Yuletide significance TO NEPHI CLEANERS MABEL ANDERSON STCLLA BOSWELL give you the right protection In the right place. The Central Utah Insurance Company will Insure property anywhere even on the MOON illumine the pathway for We wish for you all the happy hustle arte' bustle of a traditional Yuletide! your journey through life PAXMAN'S PEXTON WHOLESALE CO. MUNRO PEXTON HARLOW W. PEXTON 1 1 NORTH MAIN PHONE 75J |