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Show Universe I41 Fierporrt crofilminfr Corp. A virtue Salt Lake cityy Utah V a I National Award Witsst 19 57 Natiemai Cdiio6& j34aciatiom Single Copy, 10c By the editor V X: Nephi Juab County, Utah Thursday, December 26th, I957 Nephi Youg Man Named Soidierof Month" at Fort Biiss, Texas , A well known Levan man says that one of the trials of his lifp is trying to make a telephone call the short distance from Levan to Mona. Party line woes, he calls the situation. Levan residents are served by several lines, each hav ing several telephones. Mona has the same situation and to get a clear line on both ends is some thing of an accomplishment. I I I t:i from the 46th Field Artillery aniaii is a mechanics' Jaycee Janes Ready helper and performs maintenance On the Unite Onirlnn Annual New Year's Because of his outstanding perfor. mance nf flnt,, Eve Dance Tuesday the equipment, he was selected to Luc win r. a. group. The annual New Ypsrs FV dance sponsored by the Jaycee oanes win De held on Tuesday night, startane: at 9:30 n m ,t th Juab high school gymnasium. The music for the dance will be by the Rhythmaires, it was j I z Pres. Rulon Brough E. Pres. R. Roscoe Christmas Message from I live in Coalville. In our his. tory class we are studing Utah and I choose Juab. I would like Garrett hah Pres. mi$xseummwttimm G. Ray Burtenshaw Equipment Stake Presidency i One coon of a unit coops belonging to Ernest Wilson, w w UJUtV between second east mH v.i easc, center and first south was destroyed by fire late StiirHnv "... """"S' the loss wiison stated that He Draised or the Fire Dma rtmont in .n.rAM ing the call, and ii. saying the i uie coops m the im- - " Good by! 1 Fire Destroys Coop, Turkey Perhaps, not since the organization of the Church upon the earth in these last days has there been a greater Saints necessity for the Latter-da- y to live unreservedly by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God". (Math. 4:4) We are truly on parade. The eyes of the world are upon us. "Let your light 'so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matt. 6:15) Throughout the new year, and life, let us resolve with Joshua, that r me indI my house- - w will serve the Lord". May we observe faithfully the family hour in our homes that we may teach the gospet to our famil.es and grow closer together as family units this Christmas season and throughout the coming year. Sincerely your brethren, uab Stake Presidency to know about how many deer you have, and I would like to know what other wild animals you nave besids deer and fish and about how manv vou have. I would like to know the population of your county and the industries. I would like to knrvw how big your county is how many squire miles it is. well l have to go now, thank you very much I ivlt. is insured. Fire Chief Miles A Auvu nH stated that three Hunters Model "imps were lostU or taken during the fire, and nnr who might have one of these in uieir possession to return it Mr. .Ajiderson a Omuen in- inraotan. uubdlJU that arrests are forthcoming for wfio diock tne area of ii.uii5is a fire with their automobiles, and for those Who nersist in nitinn . . ... I Tnn "it; nose witn their cars. u' Damaee results tn iha uvea (uiu when pressure is again .njapplied 11 may oe . rouna Broken a fact tnat couia cost hundreds of dollars in damage In event of a fire. Mr. Wilson said that . tions had been eoins an, nt coops for arrival of several thousand turkey poults. Utah to Get Share of Two announced. Special midnight activities are planned to welcome 1958 and in addition, there will be a good supply of horns, noisemakers and hilarity for the farewell to 57 and the greeting of 58. The dance is an annual affair sponsored fov this btoui. with all funds derived therefrom civic projects of the organdzaton. 19 Graduates Public oninion hrth fn arA the proposed Nephi against City budgeting of $20,000.00 toward construction of a swimming pool at the Nephi City park, has been invited by Mayor R E. Winn and the City Council. The annual budget meeting of the council a public meeting will he held at the City Hall on, Monday evening at 8:00 p.m., according to the legal notice of hearing published in last week's issue. Mayor Winn pointed out that in the event that the public dose not want this improvement, the Ko amount Will 1 w KiiHit ed for capital improvements and distributed throughout the other funds of the city. The Mayor's ideas on the are that the $20,000.00 will pool be budgeted for by the city, with considerable funds to be raised also by public subscription to get the job done. Considerable volunteer labor as well as contributions of cash will be necessary to compete the project, but the starting must be tlie $20,000.00 budgeted amount by the city. All City disbursements must be budgeted for and presented at the public in order to become of Juab High at meeting ly permissible. Mavor Winn KttoH that ho wants a large crowd for the Utah State get hearing, and in particularly for the All legal- bud- swimming ppol phase. residents of the Citv whafhor Ni are for the project or agianst of Juab High School have been they me invuea to attena. if enrolled for the autumn quarter ix the Citv Hall won't hniH at the Utah Sta the meeti n? Ann Ko orl. crowd, They include, with their class rank journed to another place. euiu majors: Warren E. Bendixen. senior, ag . ronomy; David C. Bird, senior. physical education; Neil C Chris- M. I. A. Invites All to tensen. senior, indiietrinl I 1st-2n- d Gerald Mack Cooper, junior, agl Evening Ward wiivuiy; jvivan uon uotue, senior Under SDOnsorshin, nt tfu imta elementary education; a Holiday party will eb held at jane Hall, junior, d the ward hall FritechnoloPV: .Tocorvh TP IU day evening at 7:30 p.m., it was son. lunior. eivi arul announced this week. -- .u enneerinB. Hnrdnn a The evening's entertainment is .uiica, licail- man, industrial arts; Lawrence A. to consist of entertaining films, Lee. junior, permral ,j frrcmr. T..nW Pi.l.. -MjS. - MflfV .Tancan uuau All oiOKe Milton B. Lunt, junior, industrial a dacne and refreshments. Relief Society President, today anmembers of the snlco r,f w ATxuiuai ir,.t,,i nounced that 12 and age, over, are invited and Duane P. Mmmntf tBiueuL neuei imin. 10 attena. society Leadership meeting will dairy manufacturing technology "-, uii ummay z ninina v-I mri on nnni-- i n rr x r irrie'atinn a iuijiieuji., senior, First-Seconat 2 p.m. at the win.SUn.WUig, vein it.. G. RndTlPV ward Part ter, industrial senior, arts; Don W rirci outieiy room. Ail ward agricultural education; Ramon M Worthington and Melvin J. I rbffivxra. aA ..wvaV u we and StflltA Wilkev. funior. both freshmen in aeriVnitiu-a-Wright uigcu i in attendance. John Stanley Williams, civil and ucation. LOGAN . f Million Forest Fund Rebate Four intermoimtnin. stntoe hava ars as their share of national received nearly two million doll- receipts. Regional Forester Floyd Iverson said recently. Checks totaling $1,994,913.41 Plan Holiday Dance have Ibeen mailed to the states of Idaho, Utah, Nevada end Wyom The Senior riacc will U. JyUI ing, i n is sum represen ts receipts Oft a holidav d an nn Tltxwntrw of the Intermountain T?Hrvn, onj The dance will begin immediately parts of the Rocky Mountain and vs Juab basket- Northern Regions which are inaiter me ball game. cluded in these states. The money Senior class officers will Ko which represents 25 per cent of in charge of the dance arrange- the national forest is rereceipts ments. Wilbur Greenhalgh, Senior turned annually to the states for rrexy, says it is the inten- use in school and road programs. tion Of his fellow offivro aivi him. By act of Congress each countv self to make this dance something receives a proportionate share of for the fund the special holiday season. depending upon its acreT ness of Georee Kendall He extends an invitation to the age of national forest land. Marshal. George has been instru- townspeople and alumni to at"Modern forestry ami frwocf mental in aprehending at least tend. protection methods, and more two stolen car cases for the NeBoth junior and senior high of forest access roads are comphi and Juab County officers, and schools are invited to attend. Pri- bining to create increasing benein addition, is serving his com- ces for the evening's entertain- fits as well as well. He munity recently made ment will be 30 cents for couples ional forest uses. New techniques the arrest of two young men who and 25 cents for those coming " utrmg with were escapees from a state institu- stag. success applied to ran and who tion, had figured in a and watershed protection to ing "kidnapping" in Weber County. mane tne national forests serve Congratulations George, on the Christmas better than ever before the purfine job you're doing. Party poses for which they were created" Don't forget the Stake Primary Mr. Iverson said. reg Dance to be held on Friday, DecReturns to the states from the Mrs. REG says: ember 27 at the d forests of the Intermoun-reedo- n The man who says it can't Ward hall, start ins- Hi nm ah national were Idaho, Sffre 170 m be done is usually interruped children of are are invit- - tain region included $169,99651 Primary py somepody doing, it. ea 10 attena. tu man. 1 Budget Hearing Monday; Public Swimming Pool To Be Discussed dviax 1 -- County Clerk County Building Juab County, Utah Dear Sir: com-muni- .cAa HLT, "1 snn .u County Clerk James Christensen says he receives a considerable number of inquiries concerning xne area, its population, etc., but one recently from Coalville reallv was a masterpiece. In the handwriting of a child, the letter stat ed: Seventh Grade History Class Coalville, Utah The letter was unsigned: reg There are two sides to every and some people can story improvise several more. reg We've got to take our hats off all us folks in Nephi to our neighboring community to the onrth of us. Mona has a decorated trp twinging we've been lacking for xne past several years. Years ago it was the annual project of the American Legion to get the tree, the City electrical crew to decorate it, and we all enjoyed its Let's think about somebeauty. thing of that nature for eleven months hence. reg Raymond A. Jackson, ' Juab County Sheriff says that Nephi folks should be glad for the alert- lirajTLall Public Invited to Participate in of Nephi, Utah received recently . rr. honors at T7V ... tn; lexas wnere ijiiss, I is stationed. He was named Sol, dier Of Hio. Mtv. t vnm tinr iMovemoer reg Be good! Volume 48, Number 52 Tor-e- 1 ' First-Secon- i J yvU T - . st tv : . - Y ' Postal Employee Sets Retirement J V. at First-Secon- t. Postmaster Fred I. da A a an. todav the ivtirmtnt in December 31 of Ralph Belliston, wno nas completed 18 years of service in the Nephi Post office. Mr. Belliston. career clerk retiring under age regulations of tne uvu Jservice Retirement Act., Mr. Belliston first entered the postal service as a clerk under nounced George A. Allen in 1916, and at tnai ume naa three years of service. Under his current appoint- meni ne nas served m a rri and clerk for a neriod of IS In commenting nnnn hia vvtia- - ment. Postmaster Gadd stated that "His service has hppn Mwtorii. ed by his absolute dependability I aim ins courteous ana dedicated service." A testimonial dinner will ho KalA nis honor Monday December 30, given by the employees of the iwpm jrost mi ice. i r l i -- J 11 H ' i i! jiiiiitinmiiii!- !- KENNECOTT COPPER COMPANY'S gift enclycopedias are examined CU-Aleft, and and Principal Lawrence D. Brouah : viyae C. ,t,Ai. PHOTO at Levan BY ALLAN OlBBON School. j by Supt. o - The VflAnrV fatlanA K.r Belliston's retinAmn will Iw. n ed by reassignment of career substitute carrier to tha nncitivn clerk, and the employment of Jack . oreennaign as a substKute carrier. The temporary substitute carrier position will hie fiiion" nr. manently upon establishment of a register irom the results of a civil service examination soon to be announced LEVAN A set of World Book Encyclopedias complete with n all steel mobile book stand has been received by the Juab School District as a gift from Utah Ctopper Division, Kenneoott Copper Corporation. Superintendent . Clyde C. Child rd of Education Juab, elected the Levan School as the Institution of the District to rec-tv- e the get of This new set of World s Book will fill a long n?l standing need for library reference material In the Levan school Each of the 40 school districts of the state, plus two private schools, are receiving a set under a $3,000 miscellaneous school aid grant by Utah Copper Division. Superintendent Child said that a special gift page included in the set explained the purpose of the Don Gohle.' vin- nt Mr or,''A ATMS. t ' Alvin M. Gohle. Ka is hnmo fmm Utah State University at Logan, 10 spena tne Christmas holidays. The Ladv Lkinn ntrtainw1 meir partners at a Christmas party held Fridav nt fh rstv Hnll Games were played and rifts were Dinner was served exchanged. to the followintr! Mr, a nH Mn Grande Maneelson. Mr. and Mr. Golden 1Aanetlmn. Kfr arwt Mn Aivm i;nnstensen, Mr. and Mrs, modern America. Both are essen- Arvii Mr. and Mrs. wankier, tial to the continuing progress of Lawrence Brough, Mr. and Mrs. our great country. To help achieve Merlin Gardner. Mr anA Mr these desirable goals, which will Dean Howard. Mr. anil Mn PalnK enhance our. individual futures Mr. and Mrs. Vern Man--1 this set of World Book is present- jacKman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ed to the students of the Levan gelson, I'avstnm. Mr. anil Mn r School by Utah Copper Division, fehephehrd, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Kenneoott Copper Corporation." wooa, Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Taylor, - Mr. JlJMB WITI! ..." "A and Mrs. Warner Taylor, and nnn rvi dePt faculty of the a'vh n ii unuB v. .i school m reference volume as follows: "A good education Is the foundation of better citizenship and the development of skills needed in . .c-rr- o extrelnr ' J. f fJ' T- I 3Jn fjonor ol our man? iv -- rt for Levan School Receives Valuable Gift 1 j1 to tots!) item all tfce frtenbs ot long standing, toe pause blessings ol tfct !;olibap season. SXU- 1 th-- v. m.' 'aT, fir. ana wirs. V, "I dark . opneru, Wood. A. B. GIBSON ROY E. GIBSON |