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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. Local News High School News The Seniors received their rings, Wednesday, May 20. Sometime aiso the F. F. A. club challenged the faculty members to a game of baseball. The teachers accepted and Thursday, May 14 the paine was played. The score was: Teachers, 7: F. F. A.. 5. The results of the Junior high student body officers election, held Tuesday. May 19 are as follows: President, John Ord; Vice President, ., Nelda Cowan; Mabel June Whipple; Sowby; Reporter, Sixirts manager, Grover Brough; Yell master. Jack Starr. This year In the Home Economics club the officers were not chosen until after school had started for some time and so nothing was done In the club until after the Christmas This year elections were holidays. held for next year's officers. Those elected were: President, Mildred Hall; Vice president, Marjorle SalisMarlon Chrls-tense- n; bury; Sec'y.-Treas- ., Reporter, Helen Chase; Senior representative, Grace Jenk-tn- s; Junior representative, Aline Ellison; Sophomore riresentative, Blanch Broadhead. AM UNUSUAL T7 A TT fAW JTJ'il? Sec'y-Treas- $4 EM. TT" ' F Local News 0 pjy T II E W-- CI II O A I II D Everything fo trnnt or need in u motor ear at a loir price Beauty of line and color Attractive upholstery 55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration brakes Fully enclosed glass windshield Triplex 6hatter-proo- f Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers four-whe- el Whipple epent last week T. F. Boleyn In American Fork. Mrs. J. mm See your tlealer for a Dr. and Mrs. Roy Groesbeck ration It O It Y TYM'HS 3 THE MEDIUM When you are planning your daily menus for the coming week don't leave out Bread. It is the medium of balance for our diet. And when you are shopping don't forget to call in this Bakery and purchase a few loaves. It is made fresh every day. A Trial Will CLASSIFIED Mrs. Geo. Lunt spent the week end In Salt Lake City visiting with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McSwaln. son-in-la- w, Garrett. Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ord a few days the latter part of the week. ELGIN 'R. GARRETT Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groneman and family and Mrs. Rella Groneman of Provo were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lunt Sunday. INSIST ON OUR BREAD Miss Ruth Scottern of Fillmore visited this week with her sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. Lynn Carter. STEADY Phone First time It has been possible electric washer to get f of VOSS quality for onlr ull-als- This Mrs. Wllma Davis and family of Goshen are visiting with Mrs. Dalne Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bertoch of BAKER! lower prices than traveling shoemaker. We believe in patronizing local business houses. J. A. mm REMINGTON Mrs. Samuel Nielson spent a week In Salt Lake City, the guest of Mrs. Orrin Foote. Mrs. Josephine Whitehead of Salt Lake City was visiting during the week-en- d with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Whitehead. 120-- J. Almost new. Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins and family of Provo spent Sunday with Mrs. T. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fillmore of Payson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Arm strong of Santaquln were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Wm. Convince You! GIRLS FOR Work during summer. TYPE-write- r. $69.95- - office. The New VOSS has tub, Westinghouse porcelain FOR RENT FURNISHED APTS. motor, Lovell wringer with large E. TANNER Nephi ICE DEALER. Forrest Hotel Annex. 2 inch rolls, fully enclosed mechanism, beauty of line and BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PAINT. SHEEP IF YOU HAVE SHEEP finish, and it is the only washer Call me for prices I sell high To buy or sell, call or write to that cleans by ihs fnethod. grade paint (Standard Quality) G. W. Daybell, Provo, Utah. A30-full-size- hand-wathin- d May FRIDAY-SATURDA- 22-2- 3 bUdei nowhere. Diamond. ..sna1 They were three yoorvg going Ttry, Ttry rough. Decidedly. . g PER TON. Why County Mill & tf You Wash Sud la the PER TON. Why County Mill & tf u the Top. Dirt Always Falli to' the Bottom. Voss Agiea tator Wuhet t Tap. SELLS FURNITURE CO. nsnsnsHMSSZi Lew Cody Fay Wray Eddie Grlbbon ALSq Comedy Serial Travelogue iCTua LUBE 1 C ATIOM J4 May MEANS LONGER LIFE TO YOUR CAR Garbage will be gathered next Monday, says A. J. Gowers, street supervisor, and he urges all garbage be in containers and placed on the streets early Monday morning so that it can be easily placed in the truck. They will begin hauling early so the garbage should be placed on the street in time to be picked up. Mrs. Florence Worthington was hostess to members of the Ladies Progressive Kensington at her home Friday afternoon. A literary program, social chat, music and a dainty luncheon were enjoyed by the following members of the club: Ada Johnson, Birdie Jones, Sadie Tolley, Jennie Winn, Kate Bowles, Jane Gadd, Elizaetta Andrews, Mazel Goble, and the following invited guests, Mrs. Clifford Mortenson fo Spanish Fork, Mrs. Kate Worthington, Mrs. Mabel Howarth and the hostess, Mrs. Florence Worthington. AND ADDED COMFORT TO YOUR MOTORING MILES . . . ! We invite you to call and see us properly grease your car and get acquainted with our low prices. One visit to our lubricating room and you will be convinced. E I "Care Will Save Your Car" V G- You can talk with them quickly and at low cost, and ease your mind. Long Distance charges are lower than ever. For example, station to station day rates from Nephi to: Idaho Falls, Idaho $1.45 Rupert, Idaho $1.35 San Diego $2.35 X Butttm tniixitl Purpose! $5.98 SHOES in Smart Styles Dependable Footwear Shades-SeSand, Ivory and White Light In Pumps, Strap Slippers and Oxfords (Hose to Match Shoes Chosen) At The a Nephi Merc. Phone 18 ANNUAL CANYON DAY HELD FRIDAY, MAY 15 Co. Nephi, Utah ARMY ASSIGNS MAJOR TO UTAH Major John J. McCollister, United States army, has been assigned to the Utah national guard as field artillery instructor, according to a Tribune dispatch from Washington, D. C, Tuesday. Major McCollister will report to Salt Lake for duty on completion or a course in field artillery at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. He will replace Captain James M. DeWeese, who has been an instructor of the Utah guard for the past several years.. Captain DeWeese will leave this fall for Fort Sill, Okla., where he will study an advanced course in field artillery. CARD OF THANKS take this means of thanking the neighbors and friends for their thoughtful assistance during the illness and death of R. T. Beagley. Also for the assistance given at the funeral and for the beautiful floral offerings and for the cars furnishWe ed. The Family of R. T. Beagley. HOW ABOUT A NEW SUIT We frankly confess that it's to our own interest, as well as yours, that we offer clothing you'll like. STOP WORRYIN- Prices $5.98 and $9.98 Jackets, While They Last The Annual High School Canyon Day was spent up behind Mt. Nebo Friday, May 15. The students left the high school about eight-thirt- y and were taken in cars as far as Pole Canyon and they walked the remaining distance. The morning was spent in hiking around the canyon and at noon a unch was served to all those present. The afternoon was spent in playAssesor Joel Taylor, ing ball and horseback riding. The County County Commissioner A. V. Gadd, students left for home about and County Surveyor Arthur Miller are on the desert this week on CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who On account of the Juab Stake assisted in any way during the and funeral of our husband Quarterly Conference being held on deathbrother. Also for the assistance Sunday, May 31st, the regular and at the funeral and for the monthly Sunday School Union meet- given offerings. ing will be held Sunday, May 24th beautiful floral Mrs. Alice Garrett, at 2 p. m. In the Tabernacle. Brothers and Sisters of W. A. Garrett. Improvement plans for the Uinta National Forest for the coming season include the building of a bridge across Strawberry River on the branch road from tha Victory Highway to Diamond Fork and betterment of the roads in Payson Canyon, Santaquin Canyon, Right Fork of Hobble Creek and Wales Canyon. This work is done under the supervision of the forest rangers of the various districts and local help is employed In all cases. 4t my prices will suit your pocketbook also wall paper L. M. Pexton. MILL RUN $16.25 Phone 70. buy hay? Juab Elevator Company. WANTED HORSES TO PASTURE 4tp. Roy McPherson, Mills. MILL RUN $16.25 BOOK YOUR ORDER EARLY FOR buy hay? Juab old cockerels Phone 194. Elevator Company. Prices, Style and Colors to Suit Your Purse, Eyes and Body Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ockey of Salt visitors of Lake City were week-en- d Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ockey. A. WANTED NEW LOT OF SILK DRESSES ON DISPLAY Mrs. June Kendall was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Rees in Salt Lake City a few days the latter part of the week. And with a few white loaves, get some whole wheat bread from our store . . . it's good. Patronize Local Shoemaker, who is? SILK DRESSES Dr. and Mrs. J. Trowbridge and family of Bountiful visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Warenskl. OUR BREAD IS has large investment and helps pay local taxes We do better work at F. b. Diroit, plug frmighi and deilvary Bum pert and tpare fire mxir.i You mtay purchase a Ford car or trttrfe fnr a Mmatl cfoi.n m mmA amd am emmwomimntt economical term through your Ford rf .--. FOR SALE of LJ ISO U ALSO KIDDIE REVIEW in Technicolor Ml May 8 WILLIAM POWELL 27-2- Everybody Should Drink in MILK "LADIES MAN" with KAY FRANCIS ALSO SLIM SUMMERVILLE in "OUE LA LA" and NEWS COMING SOON "SKIPPY" 11 NEWS WED.-THUR- 1931. Salt Lake City visited Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Warenskl. CLASSIFIED T MI I II T E E X A. with her mother, Mrs. Georee and James Phillius of Garfield spent Sunday with Mrs. Miss lone Garrett returned home George Phillips and family. Saturday from Ely, Nevada, after a four months' vacation with her Lynn Moore of Spring Lake is brother, Bill Garrett. visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Park. Mrs. Orson Cazier and daughter. Camille visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Wanderson of Lawrence Blackett in Salt Lake City Eureka spent Sunday with Mr. and the latter part of the week. Mrs. Henry Painter. Mrs. S. O. Lowe, Mrs. Geo. Lowe, and Mrs. Hewlett of Drlggs, Idaho, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Brown Saturday evening. Rustless Steel More than twenty ball and roller bearings Long lif w Reliability Economy fleiuoiiKtf Mrs. E. II. Hall of Provo was a d visitor of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Whitehead. week-en- Earl H. Steele was in Salt Lake on business Monday. J. E. Memmott attended a wheat convention In Ogden Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Park and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Park left Wednesday for Kanab. Misses Wanda and LaVeve Petty, who are leaving soon "lor Zion National Park to spend the summer, were guests of honor at a bridge luncheon given at their home Friday evening by their mother, Mrs. I. M. Petty. A red and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations of small tables. The guests were: Mrs. Paul Christen-se- n and Mrs. Clifford Mortensen of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Eugene Ostler, Mrs. Clyde Shaw, Mrs. Ted Smith, Mrs. Roy Lomax, Miss Myrl Downs, Miss Maurine Lomax, Miss Ruth Beagley, Miss Alice Sowby, Miss Marie Cowan, Misses Florence and The prizes for Blanch Burton. high score were won by Miss Alice Sowby and Miss Myrl Downs. T E II S Thursday, May 21, "THIS MODERN AGE" "WOMEN ALL NATIONS" It Suits are made up in fabrics, colors and styles easy to admire . . . and a pleasure to wear. Value giving prices make them doubly interesting. See for yourself. Time For Straw Hats is one food that is good for you whether you are 6 or 60 years of age. T |