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Show Thursday, May 21, 1931 THE TTMES.NEW& NEPITI. UTAH FINNEY OF THE FORCE B:.FJi7 7 f WWJDUM TDDAV.MOS. SMOOpR'Sff """" HnTT" I k! k VRY ) S f Qfn V ? I ' Neighborly Love ... 5 (cOACKED PAGE SEVEN Y ft" Ur" ' J ZZTT1 I PLASTHEQ rL F"" "l?lfT7rrillri V ' MWlNGS BUST AT I- T- IS TUE 7TT7" ; V J OfM 40 bowel trouble AFTER ' THE FEATHERHEADS Be Prepared , flV ll!,V ISMTANYf-N- kjT SCT O - GET f 9.E.O. -- IT ? gf V ?V 8COTTY I T2I2 V? j Constipation may very easily become chronic after forty. And any continued constipation ut that time of life may bring attacks of piles and a host of other unpleasant disorders. Watch your bowels at any age. Guard them with particular care alter furty. Whenever they need any help, remember a doctor should know what is best for them. "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a doctor's prescription for the bowels. Tested by 47 years' practice, it has been found Ihoroufjhly ellective in relieving constipation and its ills for men, women and children of all ages. It has proven perfectly safe even for babies. Made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harmless ingredients, it cannot gripe; will not sicken you or weaken you; can be used without harm as often as your breath is bad. or when your tongue is coated; whenever a headachy, bilious, gassy condition warns of constipation. D. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative "Little North America" in Germany Losing Out Is Little North America In Germany dcreaslng in population. Penn- sylvania now has no school, and the parents must send the children te fong fe Concrete Boston's population ha Maryland. dwindled to only a little more than 100, and Quebec lias only four houses. New York and Florida are also diminishing In population. The tract of swampy country about eighty miles east of Berlin, and called Warthe Brueh, once had many thousands of people, but now there are comparatively only a few. Nearby places, such as Jamaica, Transvaal and Havana are also losing out The tract was promoted by King Frederick the Great, who induced farmers who wished to emigrate, to settle on the swamp land which wag reclaimed, and named the villages and districts after the foreign destination they had In view. Home Censor TAe n't crafeii Flit kills mosquitoes quick! 5 LU By Charles Sughroe MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL WW fcirr AUO xroucue, NO1 AVUtHt fI J T IS Sll ffl w- ( s- - GIT ENTRItttmG VAQfcN Bir""" - avio Wf r na) rrrJvv '"Till Owr jrl KMLUCVl 1 VAE-V- O tFOSE VJOOUONX 06ST GlXOVyf AVi SSO 11 tw paper --teluvw a uot ) IFmrsa OT I ' 09 l op hes6 ssosaus vjuatt I Boy Seems Peeved COtlU. I ljh$r' Ii WE A VAU.OVX RAILROAD tV.ET JML jixfiriS Largest Seller About Something So vav ZauJ4.th9A$7.5o A0 amjan wo to GO I cost MI; sew me ii 5v If In 121 Countries Quite Right What is your reason for believing in the Einstein theory of space over matter? Bolton Well, after going to the trouble of reading all about It Jt seems a shame .not to believe It. rathflnder Magazine. Cotton Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for s laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. Be Definite '' Whut time do dis train get to Jackson? a. m. Conductor Four-fivSambci Yassuh, but how long fo' five? Capper's Weekly. Sambo e Winner $02vft.o THE CLANCY McOnre Newspaper 8rndlcat IWNU Sorvice.) I By PERCY L. CROSB she took a blue ribbon at show." horse?" gown." Long Vacations ZZ. n f$ ((8. 1(31. KIDS-Ret- reat hear the horse "For a "For a "I ( y.L " f INTH6 MlOOUE STUPENDOUS OFFEtlSlVC OFTHC-recONO- V I & J , "Tour son says the world . . T7MM1P 'jS A PMV PMS TRIBVTCTO THC VNEXPCCTeD . cV,. JZjjOg0SSgi tii-ffi- k Is his "Yes, he won't work errt of oyster season." oyster." the Indian Nomenclature Weehawken Is an Indian name, meaning "maize land." end LIVER TROUBLE S tongue, bad breath, constipation, bilfc ousness. nausea, indigestion, dizziness, insomnia result from acid stomach. Avoid serious illness by taking August Flower at once. Get at any good druggist. Relieves pnmcllv sweetens stomach, livens liver, aids digestion, clears out poisons. You feel fine, eat anything, Coated with UGUSTp LOWER |