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Show i t EAT MORE EGGS! EAT MORE CHICKEN! BOOST POULTRY! EAT MORE EGGS! J EAT MORE CHICKEN! 1 BOOST POULTRY! J FltM IS ID FIBACilEII The News, Vol. 15, No. 21. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, May 21, 1931. The Times, Vol. 21, No. 21. Hinckley Talks To 5 ERVICES 'ACCEPTS AUDIT junior Hi Graduates COUNTY BOARD The audit report of the county offices as nudj by Goddard-Abbe- y Co., certified public accountants for the yeur 1930, was approved by the board of county commissioners at their regular meeting last Friday. a summary of the various countv funds sho;3 the following operating balances at the end of the vear 1930: General Fund. S15.845.53: road fund $19,510.33; poor fund road interest fund $8,054.05; roaa sinking rund $77,479.01; road bond fund $31546.88. Showing that the treasurer has a balance on hand December 31, 1930 of $156,808 45 Of this amount $77,479.01 is on deposit on time savings and will be used to pay off the bonded indebtedness of me county lor road purposes. ine indebtedness for road nnr. poses is $225,000, and the first payment of $23,000 comes due July 1, 1932. This Indebtedness was Incurred when Juab county constructed the cement hiehwav between Nephi and the Utah Countv line. and was deferred bonds, the first payment coming due on July 1, 1932. 1 Kiwanians Entertain B. P. W. LADIES TO TEST QUAHTITr The Boy Graduates ENTERTAIN GIRLS An enjoyable social event of last "Go at It, stick to it, finish it," was the message given to the o graduates or the Nephi Junior High School in their annual graduation exercises Wednesday eve ning by Bryant S. Hinckley, former president of the L. D. S. University. Mr. Hinckley added that no one would get ahead unless he used that stick-to-- it method of doing things. Dorothy Brough, honor student of the class, gave the Valedictory address. Miss Brough used as her outstanding idea, "Waste not time, for Time is Wealth." Musical preesntations on the program consisted of two numbers from the high school Girls' Glee Club, selections from the high school orchestra, Piano solo, Eva Sanders, Reading, Blanche Broadhead; Vocal quartet, Bessie Irons, Enid Starr, Melba Fowkes and Dorothy Brough; Bass solo, Wilmer Barnett and clarinet solo, George Parkes. Prayers were given by President A. H. Belliston and A. E. Sells. John S. Nielsen, member of the Board of Education presided at the ceremonies. Two scholarships were given by the Business and Professional Women's Club and the Nephi Kiwanis Club to Dorothy Brough and Wilmer Barnett respectively. The two students have maintained the highest standards of the class during the past three years. The two clubs were represented by Mrs. Nina Sells and George V. Ord. Principal Alonzo Ingram presided at the presentation of graduates and diplomas were "presented by seventy-tw- ,T. t class of This year's graduating boys of the Juab High School was feted Tuesday evening at the Forrest Hotel by the local Kiwanis Thursday evening was the banquet given in compliment to the girl graduates of the high school, by the local chapter of the B. P. W. or uini water III Club. VALLEY During the evening an elaborate The program consisted of a ban was served. quet, a saxaphone solo by Wendell three course dinner Mrs. Nina Sells acted as Francoin, vocal solo by Donald Bosh, during the evening. and a address to the boys Funeral services were held Mon by Prof.splendid The program Included the follow- First Test to be Made Next Harrison R. Merrill of the Retired Farmer Dies in Salt day afternoon at the North Ward B. Y. U. ing numbers: Club Collect, led by Afternoon, Thursday Chapel over the mortal remains of Lake Friday Evening. Mrs. E. H. Sparks; club songs, Elma Mr. his in Merrill remarks urged Robert T. Beagley, pioneer garden- - the boys to go on with higher edu- Jones, pianist, and Mrs. E. H. 28 at Orson Cazier May Caused From Breaking and fruit farmer, who passed cation, citing examples of the pro- Sparks, leader; address of welcome, Farm in 1 he outh t leld. away last Friday evening, fol gress made by men who had received President Malda Foote; response, Of Ligaments of Heart Camilla lowing an attack of pneumonia. college degrees. vocal solo, Virginia Bowles; The services were in charge of He pointed out the fact thut as Mangelson; introduction of gradDefinite information will be ob- of Thomas the were In school song; the held Bailey services of Bishop Nephi Funeral men acquired the steps of educa- uates and singing tauied by the iund owners of Nephi ward. afterviolin duet. Worth Ward Chapel, Sunduy as to competition for a livelihood reading, Lucy Garrett; extent of the underThe opening prayer was offered tion, noon for W. A. Uarreu, retired Beth Lunt and Eva Huff; vocal ground the was lessened at each step. water in one portion of W1U L. remainder died at by The the Hoyt. Peterson. fanner of Nephi, who He also stated that large busi solo. Amy Juab Valley next Thursday afterThe speakers were John Cooper, ness home of his wife's niece, Mrs. F. M. were giving pref of the time was spent In group noon. May 2Uih, when a test will corporations E. Albert President Smith, Bishop Young in Salt Lake City Friday be made at the Orson Cazier farm to men with singing. Albert H. Belliston and the closing erence in employment evening. Death was caused from in the south field. The Cazier well college training, as progress in the remarks Thomas Bailey. of by Bishop the heart. breaking of ligaments is 65 feet deep, and has a six inch few years has been so marked, past of Mr. told The Beagley's speakers was born iu Salt Mr. Uarrett or trained man Husbands Honored On that the specialist casing, winch should yield from 200 his of and and son the 18C3, integrity, honesty Lake City June 18th, is necessary to big business. to 2M gallons of water per minute, Anniversaries stated Birthday that They Priscllla progressiveness. of William Alfred and Ann He told the boys that It was not to competent engineers according enwas in his line of a he leader moved Wilkins Garrett. The family to have money in the who have a tentative survey made necessary to was and always deavor, whose ready to Nephi hi 1870. and Mr. Garrett To honor their husbands, of the valley. pocket to acquire higher education, assist whenever possible In better but Tuesoccurred adversaries resided the majority of his life in Poppies To Be Sold burnbirthday a a if stated that had The test will be made by a marketing conditions and obtaining ing desire to acquireboy E. I. Isaacson, Mrs. Lisle this city. He was married to Alice higher educa day, Mrs. better grades of garden crops and In Nephi Saturday en- Pomona centrifugal turbine pump, Mrs. and Moyle Myron Bigler, secure Bigler October 8th, 1896. No chilcould he it. tion, fruits. arranged loaned to the farmers of Nephi by dren were born to this union. Principal Geo. A. Sperry Jr. in tertained at a beautifully The music was furnished by troduced One Thousand Beautiful Red dinner at the Bigler home the Pomona Pump Company, and birthday During the majority of his life Kiwanian the and boys, Clarence Warner, who furnished A. H. Belliston was master of cere- that evening. A large cake with the competent engineers will be on hand Mr. Garrett engaged in farming, Poppies will be sold in East Juab two vocal numbers and Mrs. Robert but retired from work eleven years County next Saturday, if the people monies. Kiwanis Publicity Com names of the honored guests written to install the equipment and then Winn, who rendered a vocal solo, mittee. on it furnished the centerpiece of check up on the test and keep a ago. During the past 11 years he win respond to the requests of the accompanied by Mrs. Diane G. the table. Spring flowers artistical complete record of the amount of and Mrs. Garrett have lived for six members of the American Legion Booth. who have the responsi ly arranged decorated the entertain' water pumped. years in East Midvale, and for two Auxiliary, The closing prayer was offered Those present were ing rooms. years in Provo. They have spent bility of selling them. Is Man Practically since farming was by John E. Lunt. The floral offer Young Nephi money derived from the sale Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bigler, Mr. and commenced the last two years in Nephi. During of The in the lower lands of were beautiful and these ings in to Married Cedar E. profuse. Mr. and Mrs. the welfare poppies goes City Mrs. Myron Moyle. four weeks before Mr. Garrett's Owen L. Barnett. the farmers have been the valley superintendent The the Bluff Vine in work of grave the to . I. Isaacson, Mark Bigler, Roene Legion, and paying Those on the graduation list for the death they have been visiting with with the underground experimenting L. was Cleon dedicated disabled the cemetery war veterans by for mak school Wednesday evening were: relatives in Salt Lake City. Mr. Bigler, Miss Marion McEveny, of water situation, but never in the Memmott. Mr. Dakota South and Spearfish, Wilmer Garrett has been an active church ing them. Miller Belliston of of been Thelma Nephi, Roy the has there Barnett, valley history Reid, a of For Mr. number the If years Beag A. of this J. Crapo. Following a real community Muriel Goble, Ruby HaycocK, Annaworker, having belonged to the should people Utah and Miss Freda Ann Smith of and Mrs. test made was a member of Odd the to ley of one the veteran's bel Pace, Martha go dinner the guests enjoyed the as to the extent of the Committee of the Genealogical Fulmer, Clarence Fellows Lodge, and held the various Beaver City, Utah were married at the underground and see the boys making Greenhalgh, Jordan Stake for four years, and hospitals Cedar City, Utah on May 16th. A M. I. A. party in the Armory. water. Douglas Jones, Floyd offices in that the no organization. is poppies, there doubt but Jenkins. Gerald Newton. Berlin did considerable Temple work in the and exclusive beautiful wedding The deceased was born in Eng what every person would buy one, Newton, In addition to making a test of Temule at Mesa, Arizona. took place. Bishop E. M. Carry of Mrs. Frank Torley of Cedar City the Harry Newell, Spencer Kay, land on July 7, 1850, and emigrated well on Mr. Cazier's farm, it The speakers at the funeral ser for it not only keeps the boys busy Sam Sperry, Malcom Warren, DonCedar with the marriage spent Monday and Tuesday City performed to the United States when he was Is probable that the equipment will vices held Sunday were: Bishop T. making them, but in a great many ald Swasey, Alvie Young, Mr. Atkln of L. Mrs. Jones. P. Isabell Dr. and Stanley nineteen, coming to Nephi, Utah, ceremony. be taken to the Orson Cazier field F. Greenwood, of the East Midvale cases it provides funds for their Bodell, Marie Beaver City was best man and Mrs. Christison, Veda where he has since resided. northwest of Nephi, and there make Chase, Ida Greenhalgh, Zetta Goble, a Ward, President A. H. Belliston, A. families. S. Jensen of Cedar Elene City, years he has been one sister of the bride was matron another test. There may be other Blanch Harris, Bessie Irons, Melva of For manysuccessful J. Gowers, J. O. Stone of Provo, of truck garden' wells in the valley which would Reuben Hamilton of Riverton, annd A few friends honor. Jarrett, Mildred McPherson, Ina ers Nephi's intimate very and fruit growers, having one of make a good test, and if so, the reA Nielson, were relatives and Bishop A. E. Smith of the North Dorothy Wilson, Sylvia the best present. and successful or equipment may be obtainable for Ward. Musical numbers for the room Worwood, Edna Ferre, Rex Bryan, chards in kept was in held the ception sitting Nephi. them. K.eitn Broadhead, services consisted of a vocal quar of the bridal suite at the Arrow Fred Channell. V. Stanley visited testing R. Mr. Mrs. and He two leaves Mrs. daughters: tette by Ralph Barnes, Clarence Professor William Peterson of the Mrs. Bertha Sudweeks and family Alva Chappell, Maurice Garrett, Jane Bowles, and Mrs. Beatrice Hotel immediately following the Thursday and Friday in Salt Lake Warner. Mrs. Ralph Barnes and of Eureka spent a few Howard, Weldon Kendall, ceremony. of last isyron City with relatives and on business. Utah State Agricultural College has William Mecham, Vance Phyllips, Douglas of Nephi, and of two sons, Mrs. Paul E. Booth; Vocal solo, week here at the home days Is well of Mr. the Mr. and Belliston, groom, this Mayor Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith were made several extensive surveys of Beagley, city, Harry &ane sens. Kenneth Warren, Jay and LeRoy Whitehead, and a vocal duet, Mrs. Olof Johnson. son of business visitors in Ephraim Sunday the possibilities of is known the underground in and of Nephi San Diego, Egbert Beagley Mrs. Robert Winn and Ralph water in this valley, and he stated The members of the "H. O. A." Warner, Gilbert Wilson, Ralph Wil California, and a number of grand Mrs. Joseph Belliston. The bride, and Monday. Barnes. Prayers were given by C. club were delightfully entertained son, ivierie wnicey. that who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. possibilities here were equal children. The Misses lone and Joy Swindlehurst to thethevery H. Grace and Albert Sells. Ruth Anderson. Dorothv Brnnp-successful area adjacent at D. A. Smith of Glendale, Utah, has of afternoon the home Thursday of Beaver are visiting this week to grave in the Vine Bluff Cemetery Mrs. Eliza Morgan. A very pleasant Blanche Broadhead, Josephine a and City. In Mr. Peterson's been Brigham charming figure popular E. Irons. was dedicated Dy Bisnop r. a time was had by all. A delicious Bailey, Merline Christensen, Leah Juab in business, social and church circles with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. report of his last visit to Nephi he Seminary Principal H. E. Cowan of the South Ward. Mabel Mrs. and Mr. and Melba Douglas, spent Fowkes. was Sparks luncheon stated that: "Some time was spent served. throughout southern Utah. She The deceased is survived by his Mr. and Mrs. Mans E. Jennings Afton Garrett, Elwood Howarth, Don Monday and Tuesday in Provo on in checking data available regarding scores won Appreciation Beaver Expresses of has in friends business trip. wife, Mrs. Alice Bigler Garrett and returned home last week after visit ingram, uorothy Johnson, Florence underground water for irrigation City, where she has operated a the following brothers and sisters ing relatives in Salt Lake City. The Seminary wishes to take this Beauty Salon for the past two years. Kendall, Ethel Neff, Joe Ostler Mr. and Mrs. Felt Golden and west of Nephi. About 12 six-inC. H. Garrett, Brigham Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Christensen Merlin Orme, George Parkes, Marion opportunity of thanking its many friends throughout South family of Lund are visiting this wells have been drilled in this disMrs. Ann Priscilla Boswell, and Mrs. and Vinnie Christensen motored to Pexton, Max Powell, Eva Sanders, patrons who assisted so wonderfully ernMany in wishing the newly week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W trict. Good water gravel is found Utah Elizabeth S. Pace, Nephi and J. O. Centerfield Wednesday where they Virginia Sperry, Enid Starr, Wallace in putting over their many projects wed couplejoin from depths of 5 to 80 feet. It is much joy. Mr. and Mis. Golden. Garrett. Provo, Utah. of this year and especially the Belliston will be at home at Beaver ord, Deon Winn and Elmo Miller. recommended that this area b"? visited with Mrs. Mr. and Darral Wm. and Jackson Mrs. family Among the out of town friends Childs and family. to determine its possiFollowing the exercises, a dance Pageant and Commencement exer City after June 1st. The occasion pumped Leavitt Harold Gadd John and who attended the funeral services being Mrs. Childs' birthday anni was given in the school gymnasium. cises. We feel that we are aiming spent Sunday at Fountain Green bilities." were: towards an ideal graduation exercise, versary. guests of Mrs. Lena Livingston. At the request of Director PeterJames Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. C. E where the students can best express Mrs. Royal Peterson went to Salt Charles Tolley, who was taken to son a test is being made for the Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young, Lake City Wednesday where she the ideals of their work and where the L. D. S. Hospital in Salt Lake purpose of determining the extent Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Johnson and will visit a short time with her parthere is entirely no partiality shown son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Bigler, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winters. Friday is reported to be slightly im- of the underground water. to cause hurt feelings. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thygerson, Mrs. While away she will celebrate her proved. The public Is invited to attend We regret that our pageant was a Charles Miles, Mrs. Effie McArthur, birthday anniversary. Miss Elizabeth Regam and Mr. the demonstration and observe the little lengthy, but this was due to Mrs. Henry Green, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Thos. Regam of San Fran test and following the test all of the the fact that we were not able to Mrs. Wm. and children C. E. Laughtney, Miss Lucille Gar of Salt LakeShepherd our reader from Salt Lake here California, are visiting with Information obtained will be furncisco, a short get 20-tenjoyed City The daily capacity plant, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Sidwell. ished to the public through this rett. Miss Pearl Garrett, Vick Dollen visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. JenSpencer Sowby was elected nres in time for a complete rehearsal so which will be used for grinding The location of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boswell, Mr. nings, parents of Mrs. Shepherd. ident of the Seminary Alumni that we could determine the exact calcite is now E. Robinson of Farming- - newspaper. Mrs. J. in and operation, and Mrs. Lee Bosweil, Earl Forsland Cazier's farm is west on 5th south Mrs. Thelia Wankier was hostess Association at their annual ban amount of time necessary. Other working ton at home of is the her visiting to D. H. smoothly, Lake and Mrs. Barnzona of Salt at a farewell party given Monday quet held at the Forrest Hotel than this we feel that everything Goldsbrough, who according Mr. and street. is a partner in daughter and City. Sadie Howard was a success, and are well paid for the business. at her home in honor of Monday evening. week. Foote Mrs. this Harry night Mr. Mrs. Goldsbrough Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Davis, by the group to fill the our efforts. Mrs. Roger Downs and family of Potter, a teacher in the was chosen states there is a big demand for Lizzie Reese, Mrs. Hanah Fackrell Ethylent Awards Were of our friends have the im calcite that Los Angeles, California, are guests Twenty-Si- x Levan school. and social position of Games Lucy Many for chickens he and expects of Bounti and Mrs. Jane Jacobson were enjoyed during the Salisbury will act as secretary and pression that the reading matter to R. Given at Annual Assembly at home and of Mr. Mrs. the J. chatting a business for this develop O. large Garrett and evening. A letter was written to treasurer. The program committee for our Pageant was sent to us ful; Mr. and Mrs. J. Downs this week. family. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mangum, the honored guest which will not consists of Miss Afton Greenwood, through the Church but they will product. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bigler of Salt Is The located about four Mr. and plant Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bigler, Bowles, and be happy' to know that every part and be opened for one month. A dainty chairman; Virginia Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. David Bronze awards were given to miles south of Louis Mrs. Abner Tanner, Mrs. Big duncheon was served to over twenty Naomi Topham. of the Pageant waa entirely the of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. students of the local high school Bigler in to and addition Levan, Mr. Mrs, and grinding An ler, Myrle Bigler, and was en and work Prin students the of enjoyable evening the Miller of Harriman spent who have earned their letters In guests. will be used for the manu- Spencer J. O. Stone of Provo. week-en- d Four months were used in calcite, Miss Leona Peterson, a bride of joyed by those present and an ex cipal. with Mr. and Mrs. various activities during the past facturing of gypsum pebble, land the Mrs. J. R. Goldsbrough, Mrs. Mary June, received her friends at a cellent program rendered. Enthusiour proand up working creating and commercial fertilizer. Lynn Olpin and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. school year at the annual award Finley and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn trousseau tea Sunday afternoon, astic talks, stirring the members to duction and we will do it again to plaster Mr. states that a Vickers. assembly, held May I8th. Those reMrs Mr. and Goldsbrough of Springville, Knight White lilacs and bridal wreath were action, were given by Principal deliver the fine messages that we number of Nephi poultrymen are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gregerson, Mr. ceiving awards are as follows: Mrs and Mr. Charles Fillmore, Whitehead, Toastmaster were able to do on this occasion, if now in decorating the rooms. Mrs, LeRoy Mrs. Paul Luff, Mr. and Mrs. Student Body Officers, President, using the calcite and those and lr:..rd Eltrler of Payson, Mr. and used C. W. West, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gerald Belliston; Editor, Virginia Peter B. Peterson, mother of the James McCune and the newly elect' need be. who use material obtainare this Bert Mrs. Armstrong, Santaquin, bride elect, "assisted in receiving the ed president, Spencer Sowby. The principal objectives of the ing a and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Strong Bowles; Manager sports, Thomas W. H. Garrett, Lawrence Garrett, higher grading of their eggs Ockey deal with the develop' than other at the punch of Salt Lake City were week-en- d Seminary guests. Presiding Stock Judging, Elmo Belliston; of this Mr. Mrs, and Owen poultrymen Mrs. Cazier, ment of the boys and girls in table were Miss Petersons guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jen- Miller, Grant Brough, and Henry community. Owen Manwaring of Ely, Nevada Edith and Amy Peterson. Onesisters, to Elected build Women to do nun well, sen. things ability Nephi Worthington; Opera, Paul Downs, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Boswell of dred and twenty-fiv- e that are sweet and pure, and An attractive social event was Marion Christensen, Harold Vickers, guests called To State Club Offices lives Richfield. 3 and 6 to a to A. of o'clock BellisH. over the Mrs. hours testimony knowledge gain Reva Vickers, Allen Christensen; by Bronze Medal Awarded By presided Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Greenwood, during in life. ton when she entertained members School Play, Rex Haycock, Cleo The Misses Evelyn Jones and Any Mrs. Henry Painter and Mrs. of the fine things Mrs. Annie Greenwood, Mr. and we out can a American work that at entertained B. Y. U. Potter of at that home the her Legion Auxiliary faculty Petty, Margaret Crapo, Grace Jenkwere aura to fill project JMrs. Alfred Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Ethylene will fulfill these objectives will see kitchen shower Saturday evening In state Morgan of theelected afternoon. Visiting, music, ins, and Clarence Cowan; Basket Thursday Mrs. William Service Mr. Star and positions Harry Holden, A bronze medal was awarded by and a delicious buffet luncheon were Ball, Milton Boswell, Cleo Petty, honor of Miss Leona Peterson, Seminary functioning as convention of that or the P. You?g Mr. and Mrs. Ashment, June bride. At nine o'clock should. a dainty at the last held The American Legion Auxiliary to the diversions of the afternoon. In James Shaw, Wallace Garrett; Ger in Mr. and Mrs. David McDonald, of luncheon was served to twenty ganlzation Ogden Monday Next year's work calls for splen the most outstanding student in the eluded in the guest list were Miss ald Belliston; Track and Field, Wal Mrs. did East Midvale; Mr. and Mrs. Alex guests, after which games were en- and Tuesday, May student projects and we expect eighth grade as the Ameri Hernese Peterson, Miss Mary Ollor lace Garrett; Student Body Honor Mrs. R to was and Painter elected Mr. the Midvale; position to see wonderful results attained in Nephi Dahl, canlsm project for the year. The ton. Miss Jennie Campbell, Miss Students, Velna Evans and Amy by all until twelve o'clock. of second Mrs, Hamilton. Riverton: Mr. and Mrs joyed beautiful and the lives of the youth of this Stake medal was awarded to Mabel Sowby. Georgia Maesar, Miss Gladys Kotter, Peterson. and useful presents R. S. Pixton, West Jordan, Mr. and Many of Zion. We can do real big things daughter of George Sowby, and was Miss Barbara Maughan, Miss Wilma were received by the honored guest. Morgan was reelected treasurer. Mrs. Elnora Foote of the AmeriMrs. Hvrum Brown, West Jordan, with the kind of cooperation that given on the following six points Jensen, Miss Margaret Summerhays, can Auxiliary awarded a Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bailey of Draper we receive from the people of this Scholarship, honor, service, courage, Miss Elizabeth Cannon, Miss Mar medalLegion to the eighth grade girl who CARL BELLISTON and Marion McAveney, of South Union Meeting To Be do We stake. it. Miss Effie and Americanism. appreciate Warnick, leadership garet Swenson, excelled In activities. Miss ELECTED AGGIE Dakota. The presentation was made Tues Miss Maud Tuckfield, Miss Etta Mabel Sowbyvarious LeRoy Whitehead. Held in South Ward received the award. TRACK CAPTAIN day by Mrs. Elnora Foote, president Scorup, Miss Thelma Llndlow, Miss Principal Geo. A. Sperry and "ATTENSHUN" of the organization. Emma Brown of Provo and Miss President The Juab StaUe Relief Tho Rnnth Ward M. I. A. is spon Society Gerald Belliston presided. Logan, May 20. Carl BellEffie of Claud Mrs. Jones to end will Nephi, Union social held be up monthly m3eting iston was elected captain of soring a delightful school Mr. eve-n- w Mrs. shop Nicholson, Mabel Nelson high Knell, at Maughan next the Ward work South Tuesday Chapel Sunday work the year's the 1931 Utah Aggie track instructor has made some ex Wade Purchases Local A very delightful little party was Mrs. May Hammond and Mrs. Ful- in the Ward Chapel. The pro afternoon, May 24th at 2 p. m team by a unanimous vote son of Provo. 8 o'clock. at is commence given Monday by Mrs. F. V. stake officers cellent fly traps for the Relief the It requested by this morning. Belliston will gram will O. P. Store Skaggs Stake Board. They are in honor of her 11 year old Logan, May 18. Miss Lorna Ken that all supervisors, class leaders Society The entertainment Is being arrangbe a senior next year. dall of Nephi, a sophomore at the son, LaVar whose birthday occurred and executive officers be in attend now on sale at A. V. Gadd's for ed by the adult Y. L. M. I. A. Class Carl is the present A change in the ownership of the Utah State Agricultural College, is on that day. Delicious refreshance, as matters of importance to the price of one dollar each. nnd is In the form of a Mothers, of the state pole vaulting recLet's get busy and try to catch local O. P. Skaggs store took place a candidate for a college two year ments were served to Howard Bellall workers will be discussed. nnrt fathers and sons party. a fine and is also ord high a quart of flies. As before an last week, when L. J. Wade purchas normal certificate, which she will iston, Marjory Olpin, Jack Howard, The program will include a one-a- ct jumper, javelin thrower, broad nounced fifty cents a quart will be ed the stock and fixtures from J. A, receive at Commencement on June 1. Harold Howells, Phil Garrett, Jack discus heaver, play with the following taking and jumper Mr. and Mrs. Owen Manwaring paid for them during this month. Kelly and Son. Mr. Wade has been She will have completed two years Malloy, Ray Linton, Maurice Cazier, n Byron Howells, Karla track him a part: Mrs. making The alrge fly, with his annoying employed as local manager of the of college work in the school of Ed- Franklin Foote, Jack Garrett, Byron and Bill Garrett, of Ely, Nevada voters Mrs. Louise Christensen, team. He has been a big motored to Nephi Saturday and buzz, is making his way into the establishment for the past two ucation at the completion of the Memmott, Wilson Foote. Ora TayMattie Vickers, Lillian Linton, Clara point-winnon the Aggie spent until Monday visiting with kitchen these warm spring days years and is well qualified to handle current quarter, and armed with the lor, Edra Goble, Melba Christensen, team for the past two years Chappell, Phenna Belliston, jennie Get him and his partner. If you the business. normal certificate, will be qualified Doris Warren, Florence Crane, Enid relatives and, friends here. Hobbs, Susie Downs, trnma juem-mot- t, and Is expected to have his Melvin Robins has been employed to teach in any grade school in or Harris, Grace Powell, Dorothy don't their posterity will be num LaVere Haynes, Unity Chappell season next year. best Norma Stephensen, Eldon Warrilow Brough spent the week berless by August. Relief Society by Mr. Wade to assist in operating outside of the state of Utah. U. S. and Sarah Brown. Other numbers the local store. A. C. Publicity. and LaVar Llddiard. end in Tooele on business. Publicity Committee. are being arranged. PI0I1SR RESIDENT BEAGLEY club. toast-mistre- ss honest-to-goodne- ss Local Happenings Levan Happenings ch Seminary Alumni Elect New Officers Calcite Plant Now Ready To Operate on son-in-la- w, one-four- th 18-1- 9. nt Lid-dia- rd one-ma- er re. |