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Show t 1931. Thursday, May 21, THE &5 IE. 'immisT R A n T E N T 11 (s. O NEPHI, UTAH T O JX ins &, r3 wzr3 i i i i A Cleanup oS Accumulated Ones and Twos . J (g I J SEE OUR FRONT TABLES For Items In This Event Too Many Items To List In This Ad. EVERY ITEM PURCHASED Will Save You Money! HERE BE EARLY! SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. 2232 (4) In the Fifth Judicial District Court, in and for Juab County, State of Utah, D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, vs. B. & G. Development Company, a corporation; IRWIN S. BURGESS and JANE DOE BURGESS, his wife, whose true name to plaintiff is unknown, and UTAH SAVINGS a corAND TRUST COMPANY, poration, Defendants, to be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that certain real property situate in Juab County, State of Utah, described as follows, The South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 5; the Northwest quarter of Section 8; and the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 7; all in Township 16 South, Range 2 West, S. L. B. & M., containing 320 acres, more or less. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, this 4th day of May, 1931. State of Utah, D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, SUMMONS against B. & G. Development Com IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB pany, a corporation, and Utah COUNTY. Savings and Trust Company, a cor Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By G. A. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931. Last Publication, May 28, 1931. money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, this 4th day of May, A. D. to-w- it: D. J. SULLIVAN, SHF.RIFF'S SALE Case No. 2230 (1-In the Fifth Judicial District for Juab County, 'Court, 2) in-an- poration, Defendants, to be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse In the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that certain real property situate in Juab County, state of Utah, described as follows, PARCEL NO. 1. The East half of Section 32, Township 15 South, Range 2 West of S. L. B. M., containing 320 acres; also PARCEL NO. 2. The West half of the Northeast quarter; and the Southwest quarter; and the East half of the Northwest quarter; and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, In Section 4, containing 360 acres; also the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; and the South half of the Southeast quarter in Section 5, containing 120 acres; and also the West half of Section 9, containing 320 acres; and also the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section and also 16, containing 80 acres; the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, containing- 80 of East half also the and acres; Section 8, containing 320 acres; all being in Township 16 South, Range 2 West, S. L. B. & M. County of a Juab, State of Utah, and being total of 1600 acres, more or less, embracing both of said Parcels No. 1 and No. 2. Purchase price payable in lawful to-w- it: TIMES-NEW- Local News Mure! Ivory anil family 'and Mr. and Mrs. Niels un&en made ft trip .o Salt Ijike City this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. are moving this week Into the home of Cyrus Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Lund of Standardville, Utah arrived here Tuesday where they will visit a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holman of Reno, Nevada are visiting for two weeks with relatives and friends here. The May Day celebration of Springtime, under direction of the Primary association' will be held on May 27th, where children from the entire Primary will participate. A lnrge number of Stake and local M. I. A. officers and workers attended the Division contest at Richfield on May 15th and all re port a most pleasant and profitable trip. Mrs. T. C. Thompson Is still ser iously 111 and little hope is held for her recovery. Her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Anderson of Bait Lake City and her son, George Thompson, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, are at her home to render their assistance. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Eskll Anderson, of the serious illness of La Euna, the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowers of Garfield, Utah. She was operated on at St. Marks Hospital for appendicitis on May 7th and since that time has con tracted the flu and pneumonia, but It is hoped that- - she will soon re cover. The mother was formerly Miss Eva Anderson of our city. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins motored to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mona Happenings A farewell party was given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner by the ward. May 8. A good program and dance was enjoyed by all present. The school children gave a 'party for Mr. Ray Nawton for his long services in the school. A dance and program were enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Mary Garfield and Mrs. Rose Neilsen gave a party at the home of Mrs. Garfield on May 5th. Games, and social chat, were enjoyed by those present after which dainty refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Heber Clayson, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fernsteen all of Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. White-loc- k, Mrs. Goldie Clayson of Pay-soMr. and Mrs. Amasa Green, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newton Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord, Mrs. Mary Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. David Nielson. n, Large Oranges 29c Dozen Bananas Millin Orvil Bench, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, If served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving .the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. WILL L. HOYT, "Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. Address: Nephi, Utah. These high grade National brooms are made of the very finest broom straw and are guaranteed to give to the satisfaction most particular housekeepers. Some stores' retail them for as high as $1.00 each; but Saturday they will be sold in our store for 55 cents. M7-J4-- 1931. D. J. SULLIVAN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By G. R. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931. Last Publication, May 28, 1931. Beef Pot Roast 15c lb. Roast 15c Pound and save money fizthflndet; Th QUALITY 4.40-2- 1 tra within th reach of AU $4-9- 8 (29440) 5.00-1- 9 J.OO) 6-9-8 5.50-1- 9 8-9- (29 430-2- 1 (30x4JO) O9sSJ0 4.75-1- 9 6J0O-2-0 (28x4.79) 32.00 will feature our popular Beef Pot Roasts at per pound and Lamb Shoulder Roasts at the same price. You'll like this meat. It's cut from animals fattened and slaughtered in Nephi. Also Lamb Stew from the same quality lamb at 8c per pound. Be sure to serve some of this meat Sunday. 15c Ht flH Tep&lxt tattzp jnovs tfttB mm worth. Tndttbtm to o Goodycart as oar low 1931 pricM AH type. YoarrfM k itml Vihm pOMlbU only bcaM Ooodywa Ixifldi mSHoM mora Cfit thta aarj other 11 OUAtfANTEBD TIM EBPAlllttO PAGE MOTOR CO. Nephi, Utah Mrs. Earl Jackman of Salt Lake City is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins. Mr. were and Mrs. LeRoy Whitehead in Salt Lake City Friday on business. Extra Specials! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson left Thursday for Erda where they will spend the summer. Beautiful Rubber Aprons 25c Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pitt of Goshen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Pitt. Rubber Gloves, The Best We Have Ever Sold 25c Salt Lake City visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth. Child's Rubber Bibs 15c Child's Rubber Pants 10c Mrs. Myrtle Healey of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ockey of Salt Lake City spent a few days the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jensen. (Highest Grade Rubber) Mrs Oscar Olson and daughter, Florence of Moroni spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Non-Breakab- Mrs. William Shepherd and family of Tooele and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Jennings of Levan spent Monday le Goggles, for wind and sun . .25c "IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Belllston re turned Saturday from the Uinta Basin, where he has been looking after his bees. He stated that his loss of bees was only normal, where other bee-mhave reported heavy losses. He reports a good outlook for water there this season. home they attended the Regional Track Meet at Provo. Whealton and Mary A. Whealton, his wife, and Utah Savings and Trust Company, a corporation. De fendants, to be sold at Sheriff s Sale at the East front door of the County Courthouse in the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 29th day of May, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, that cer A delightful evening of social chat tain real property situate in Juab was spent by members of the Wood- County, State of Utah, described as bine Club Friday evening, at the follows, The West half of Section 5, home of Mrs. James R. Stanley. A tasty repast was served to the fol- Township 17 South, Range 2 West, lowing members of the club: Mrs. containing 320 acres, more or less; Harry Black, Mrs. Stanley Jarrett, also. Mrs. Perry Hall. Mrs. Willis Bryan, All of Section 6. Township 17 Mrs. Edgar Park, Mrs. Leonard South, Range 2 West, containing Linton, Miss Fannie Reid; special 640 acres, more or less; also The Southeast quarter of the guests, Mrs. Kate Bowles, Mrs. Kate Bowles, Mrs. James R. Ockey, Northeast quarter of Section 1, Mrs. Chloe Bailey and Mrs. Delia Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Barnes. Salt Lake Base and Meridian, containing 40 acres; containing in all SHERIFFS SALE 1000 acres, be the same more or less. Case No. 2231 (3) Purchase price payable in lawful In the Fifth Judicial District Court, In and for Juab County, money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Juab County, State of Utah, D. E. Judd, Plaintiff, against B. Si G. Development Com- Utah, this 4th day of May, 1931. D. J. SULLIVAN, pany, a corporation; Louis N. en En-rou- te to-w- it: Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By a. R. JUDD, Deputy. Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, May 7, 1931 Last Publication. May 28. 1931. a1,n:1,lln1:l,,ll.ll;,nu,L,,l,;njlh,1::::iu1;,i;,u:.:::1ii "He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD USE Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY mHinffliMfflimm'r LRSKACGS FOOD STORES "A Surety of Purity" Cooking Becomes A Real Pleasure! WHEN A MONARCH RANGE IS USED COAL or ELECTRIC MONARCH RANGES $89 Will install a genuine Monarch Coal Range .Malleable, in your kitchen. There are many other models in stock from which to choose. semi-enam- el $95 Delivers to your home an efficient new enamel Electric Monarch Range. There is a style, a color and a size to fit every kitchen. Monarch Factory Agents For Cen tral, Southern and Eastern Utah Dixon-Taylor-Russ- ell . WELL Alone or in Combination Provides Modern Cooking Equipment at its Best Saturday, our market rU d Brooms 55c Each tire serine mf Hawkins spent the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins. Miss LaMarr week-en- These fruits will make your mouth water just to look at them. They are large, beautifully colored and healthful. The bananas are ripe and firm the finest ever at only 5 cents a The large pound. are (176) oranges Sunkist and a real bargain at 3c each 29c per dozen Plaintiff. vs." TIRES went oat '1 V Misses Bernice Evans and Camilla Mangelson spent Friday in Provo. 5c Pound Lamb Shoulder mamMmm-- PAGE FIVE NEPIII. UTAH Ft. Green News Rose M. Bench, Enjoy "new car Will W mxr S, Co. The Lowest Prices Large Scale Specialized Buying Affords |