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Show Thursday, May 21, 1931 ffi Q m THE RI TkTi TIMES-NEW- NEPIII. UTAH S. PAGE THREE Daffodil Time Up in the Northwest ' rr, Machines That Are Almost Human : By E. C. TAYLOR i - ' '' ' s The Thermostat ' ' r wwtw)H()))tn) jM s SMil "". Mi iiaSSjaaaaVsjaasssata - sisk itsftlsl MTjH lasfrlMmiTfln1hfV1imiTt ilTaVTfl lit - Trtnrfh : - -- u r- -i O day of days! bright with the light Of pride and victory, aad yet with d face And eye, you hold a new significance! e Today, this lovely earth, in all its blossoming, Bean not enough of tender dew-wbloom To cover grave, both old and new, nor atrew The moaning, rex 1cm eai in memory Of our brave dead, Flower-crowne- r half-veile- tear-fille- d May-tim- O bird, ling out your gladdest, merriest tunea! You cannot stir the dead in their long, dreamiest sleep. But you may cheer aad one who kneel Beside the graves; or hearten those whose loved ones rest In a far land, where other hands than theirs Must place ao offering. Daffodil time In western Washington turns thousands of acres of upland meadows Into billowing seas of gold. The fields are those of the bulb growing industry, which In the Northwest rivals that of Holsnowland. Above Is a striking view of the Van Zonneweld farm, near Seattle. Overlooking It is inuji-stlc- , capped Mount Rainier. Birthplace of Washington Is Being Restored JT- - in fa S"Vvm , I Memory of Older "Decoration" Day There was a time, within the of those of us who have reached the age of discretion, when Memorial day was a fine holiday. to imIndeed, with lively goings-o- n In press Its significance upon us. the morning Main street would blossom out In a magnificent array of red. white and bine, and all through the forenoon there would be a hum in the air that betokened moenterprises of great pith and and ment; ladles would dare hithersandyon carrying great baskets of wiches, and horses would trot up the street dragging carryalls full of folk from the country. In the lunch hour there was a lull while the sandwiches were being consumed; but by the zero hour, two o'clock In the afternoon, everything was ready and things began to happen. On the town green assembled the town carpenter, the keeper of the livery stable, the owner of the Acme furniture store, the town constable, the president of the First National bank, the teacher of mathematics in the high school, the driver of the express wagon, the agent at the steamboat wharf and the Judge of the Circuit court prosaic old gentlemen all, and on other days of the calendar dignitaries to be greeted respectfully but with no great show of awe. air Today, however, they wore anwere f vast Importance; they togged In blue suits of Impressive cut, somehow reminiscent of the pictures in the history book, and they wore hats of the sort affected Frederick by the late William Cody, whereof the crown was adorned with a gold wreath and the letters "G. A. B.." lending a very military appearance to the memory whole turnout his whoops died quickly as the fiddles tuned op In the town hall. Civil War's Great Issue. Now things haven't changed much, except that the young people take charge early In the morning and there doesn't seem to be any time for the old veterans at all. Many a town hag not a single Grand Army member left; In the few towns where one or two survive the march to the cemetery la usually omitted, for It has been found that at the age of eighty-fivthe strain of listening to vociferous exercises may be too much even for a heart that went through Shiloh. Thus the day tends to become more and more a romantic formality, a legal holiday which allows tired citizens to take a trip In an automobile with a flag stuck In the radiator cap. Perhaps this Is just as well. For the Civil war Is unique among our country's great wars in this respect: the Issues which it decided seem remote, fantastic and without application In this day. On the Fourth of July as we listen to the Declaration of Independence the principles which It enunciates seem startlingly close at hand ; we rub our eyes and realize that this document of the immortal signatures Is very much alive today. On Armistice day, as we listen to the "Fourteen Points" the World war seems almost to be going on yet; these "Fourteen Points" still form the basis of statesmen's deliberations, and how they are to be applied Is still a vital matter in many places on the earth. But on Memorial day, as we listen to the Gettysburg speech, Union? everything seems hazy. Slavery? Is It possible that Americans fought over them? Did the great conflict settle anything which would not have settled Itself had we been patient enough to wait a little longer? New York World. Red Men. Junior Order United American a. f .s.t it V-- 1 f . ,,f itM - k e PRESIDENT'S TRIBUTE Order of March. These assembled together with many lesser fry also attired in uniforms of various colors nnd cuts; and presently, after a marshal wearing a red sash had ridden up and down for a while on a black horse, there was a bugle call and the parade assembled. The order of march was as follows: His Honor the Mayor. Orpheus Silver Cornet Band. Grand Army of the Republic Water Witch Fire Company. Semper Fldelis Fire Company. Kitchen and main house of the restored birthplace of George Washington, which is rising from the fire ruins of 150 years ago. The beautiful estate In Westmoreland county, Virginia, is being reconstructed by the government to form an almost perfect reproduction of the house and grounds as they were during the youth of the first President. The work will be completed in time for the George Washington bicentennial in 1932. CADET'S NEW COACH Boston Man Receives Laetare Medal f )i t$?rV i f Maloney of Jersey City, J., former Dickinson high school gym ace, who has been appointed coach of the West Point varsity gym team. He will take up his duties In September. What makes this real news Is the fact that he graduated from high school only last June and Is still In his teens. He competed for the post against four others. Tommy N. I .i. f- - V ' Q'" - "":-r--- ' - .v . ' .:,'-.';'"v.. - ,j - ii-- - - MM ilin i James J. Phelan (center), prominent Boston banker, is awarded the Laetare medal by Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, C. S. C., representing Notre Dame university, which annually confers this distinction upon a Catholic layman who has distinguished himself. Mrs. Phelan is at the left. Wellesley's Three "Most" Girls NEW KIWANIS HEAD 1 lifts?,'-- - ; Si Mechanics. Short rants Brigade (predecessors of the modern Boy Scouts, and bit, as patriotic). u iipn all these had been formed into line tne march to the cemetery began. As to what took place there the memory of most of us will be hazy. Sufliee It to say that the exercises, while somewhat puz zling as to their Import, were agreeably vociferous, and when all they had come to an end we acfelt that a great deal had been complished. On the way back to town. If there was not a thunderstorm, there was a great deal of uniforms, so dust, so that the blue impressive In the- afternoon, were by evening the least bit bedraggled. Younger Folks Take Charge. Or were they? Perhaps they only seemed so. For by this time wore who them were heroes the quite forgotten; the evening was given over to a town dance, and the young people were In full Valiantly the veterans charge. tried to hold the limelight. The President of the First Nationnl bank walked up to the post office to get bis mall, his blue coa; changed for an alpaca but his military hat still in place; and not one of the girls fluttering through the dusk paid the least bit of attention to him. His comrades stood around on the st reel corners retelling great stories as Inducement to all who would stop and listen; but few wtopped and hardly any listened. Their stories hud all been heard before, and nobody seemed to see their huts. Occasionally one of them tried a btave to harmonica accompaniment, but food-packin- ((E). ery g of the im.st remarkable yet produced by Srlentlsts tma atood guard for many yeurs over the enormoiisly vbluabie library of the pope In the Vatican at Vatican city, Ituly. It protects the unrfplaceuble books, documents and other treasures from the ravages of the weather and of time. It Is on the hours every day, Job twenty-fouand since it tlrnt was given Ita Instructions and put to w.irk. It has performed Its duties without once breaking down or calling for out- aide help. The heart of this robot Is a thermostat, a device that Is highly sensitive to heat and humidity. It automatically controls the humidity and temperature In the pope's library and It has halted the deterioration that Home's extreme weather had worked on the priceless books for centuries-Rom- e la either very dry or very humid, very hot or extremely cold. These sudden changes and wide ranges of humidity and temperature were causing the library to crumble Into dust. The robot Is set at the exact temperature and humidity that Is best for the library, and when the humidity or temperature reaches beyond that point either way, the thermostat starts a "weather" machine" that quickly brings the temperature and humidity back to where they should be. The thermostat measures heat and cold and Is highly sensitive to moisture In the air. It trips other niuchinery Into action. In thousands of cellars throughout the country It is standing guard over the furnace, manipulating damper and drafts to Increase or diminish the beat as It Is Instructed to do. It has replaced thousands of men from watching boiling- - caldrons or vat a The thermostat Is nsed to turn on the phonograph, washing machine, electric lights, and perform many tasks heretofore Intrusted only to human beings. The principle of the thermostat Is used In the thousands of automatic refrigerators that have been Installed in homes and that are used by plants. A thermostat robot signals men In New York city to turn on the street lights when the city la about to be darkened by a storm. The device Is on the roof of a where the street light coni building trols are located. When an electrical storm Is approaching the robot rings a bell to warn the operators to notify the electric generating sta tions to Increase the power over the network of electric lines that carry current throughout the city. This Is done whenever a sudden storm brings on premature darkness, calling for more light than Is ordinarily used. A new development of the thermostat tells builders if their lum ber Is properly seasoned. It oper ates on the principle thnt the elec trical conductivity of wood varies with Its moisture content. Green wood or wood that Is not properly seasoned has more moisture than nroperly seasoned lumbei. The device consists of a simple Indicator and two contact points and a dial. The needle on the dial Is set to show the range of mois ture content that would be accept able for the quality of lumber desired for the building operation. If the needle Is deflected off the scale for which It Is set when the test Is made, there Is too much moisture In the wood. The device also Is used by painters to determine If a house or oth er building can be painted after a rainstorm. It shows whether the wood Is too damp to hold the paint. The thermostat robot has a peculiar use In keeping billiard balls alive. Ivory billiard balls "catch cold" when subjected to a temperature of 50 degrees for only a few minutes, and their life Is greatly shortened. They can live only three months after "catching cold." The life of ivory billiard halls is five times as long If they are kept In a temperature of 70 degrees than If they are forced to live In a temperature of 60 degrees. ONK - ' .nu " fflTlTffli'"J--- " V'" ySx 1931. Western Newspaper Memorial Day Teaches Service and Sacrifice Service and sacrifice can be immortal only among those who are ready to tread the same hard path under the inspiration of those who went before them. Therefore It Is that Memorial day Is sacramental that is. It Is not merely memorial but the Imparter and vehicle of a new life. Without courage and devotion men cannot greatly dare In defense of the right. The Jewish passover Is still observed in commemoration of a great deliverance. Nothing is more sacred to the Christian than that "upper room" In Jerusalem where the Lord's Suppei was Instituted, Itself both a menu Both point to rial and a sacrifice. the future as well as to the past both are mighty Influences 1b th present. William O. Harris, Los Angeles banker, who was elected by acclamation president of Klwanls International for 1931-3- 2 at the fifteenth annual convention In Miami, Fla. Mr. Harris Is thirty-nin- e years old, married, and has three children. He la a graduate of Cornell university. The Carat The carat Is used by Jewelers to express both weight and fineness. A carat weighs four grains on the 120th part of a Troy ounce. In determining the fineness of a precious metal 24 carats is considered the standard of purity. Hence an gold ring would be one containing 13 parts In 24 of pure gold. PA The modern Miss needs no "tima out" for the time of month. If you've ever taken Bayer Aspirin for a headache, you know how soon the pain subsides. It is just as effective in the relief of those pains peculiar to women I Don't dedicate certain days of every month to suffering. It s It's unnecessary. Aspirin will always enable you to carry-o- n in comfort. Take enough to assure you complete comfort. If it is genuine asuinn it cannot possibly hurt you. Bayer Aspirin does not depress the heart. It does nothing but stop the pain, so use it freely. lieaaacncs come at inconvenient times, bo do colds. But a little Bayer Aspirin will always save the day. Neuritis. Rheumatism. Neuraltfla. Pains that once kept people home are an hour alter taking a half forgotten few of these remarkable tablets. So are the little nagging aches that bring fatigue and "nerves" by day or a sleepless night. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets cost so very little after all, that it doesn't pay to experiment with imitations I f1 . T. sSr jSaar5- v rnr isr tiHMhsk Machina Aids Stndy of Sun The Scripps Institution of oceanography of the University of California Is making a scientific study of sunlight. Its effect on the human body, etc For this study a new In- atrument, called the "thermoelectric pyranometer," has been developed. This pyranometer Is more sensitive than any Instruments ever used to record changes in the amount of sunshine reaching the earth. It registers changes in sunlight like the seismograph records tremblings In earthquakes. Changes In the amount of sunlight the earth gets, it has been pointed out, are due to causes within the sun Itself and to shifting haz and clouds In the air. Pathfinder Magazine. PIMPLES, BAD BLOOD Denver My son was broken out with pimples all over his face. I was advised to him Dr. Pierce's Golden give ; III m Medical Discovery. He started taking it and in a short time tne ! O. Ellsworth pimples began to disappear and by the time he had taken two bottles his face was almost clear. I sincerely hope that this testimony will help some of the other unfortunate people who are afflicted with those horrible things." Mrs. F. Ellsworth, 532 W. Colfax St. All druggists. Fluid or tablets. Free medical advice to users of Dr. Pierce's medicines. Encloee the symptom blank which Is In the package and write to Dr. Fierce CUnie, Buir.Ua. N. X. Violin Resembles Human Ear In an effort to Improve the tone quality of the violin without detracting from resonance or volume, a German musician and inventor has made an instrument bearing a striking resemblance to a human ear, which produces sounds of great sweetness and purity. This violin, described iu Popular Mechanics Magazine, has virtually been built on edge, the sounding surfaces, therefore, do not need to be curved to n.aUe room for tho bow, and this, apparently, has Increased the resonance of the Instrument. Haven't Recovered do you get along?" the recent bride was asked. "Pretty well," she smiled. "Which means you're both still love sick, eh?" "now Man of Many Hobbies He Knew Better John VolJmer of Ashlrsnd. Pa., Is "I call that new maid of your a cabinet maker by trade. He also wife's a peach, don't you?" Is the official clock winder of Ashland. The number of hobbles he In"Not while my wife's about." dulges In may set a record. Ry avocation, he Is a chemist, botanist, nrcheologist, mineralogist, philatelist, photographer, beekeeper, gardener and astronomer. Only recently he erected a nine-Increflecting telescope, through which all residents of Ashland were Invited to take free glimpses at the moon. And he ground the lenses himself. His home Is full of equipment and specimens gathered over ninny The annual "most" elections at Wellesley college have brought this years. He hns an excellent collecattractive trio of students Into the limelight. They are, left to right: tion of Indian relics. And when Florence Harrlman of Albany, N. T., who was elected "most athletic he Is not busy at any of these hobhe likes nothing better than girl"; Betty Grainger of New Rochelle, N. Y., "most popular and bieswhittle a pine board wi'h a sharp typical girl"; and Lou Day of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., "most feminine to fiirU" penknife. Indianapolis News. I President Hoover making stirring address to veterans as part of annual Memorial day ceremonies. Union.) REGULAR Figured It Out Little Isabel had gone with some of her mother's friends for a ride. "Did you ask them to take you?" questioned her mother. "Well, no," answered the child, "they asked me If I wanted to go, and I said 'Yes,' and they Just figured It out for themselves !" Wisdom "Knowledge and a lot of book learning never made any human being happier," asserts a snge. But they can teach men to avoid conditions that make for disease and h No Jealousy There Your Aim "Two women run me." sys Rrnce No man who has ever lived P.arton In the American Magazine. readied the limit of the possibilities "They are my wife and mv secrethat faced him In his chosen field of tary and they are good friends. It work. The reason Is because the must be tough when a wife and a man who embraces present oppor- secretary are at loggerheads. But tunities constantly unfolds new when they ire a team they are wonderful." ones for tomorrow. Grit. Too Trusting Why should the private secretary to a President of the United States be obliged to take the oath? Why. an ordinary business man doesn't even require his stenographer to swear that she'll not tell his wife! New Orleans Tlmes-PIcaynn- Saving His Skin "Why are you running so?" "I want to prevent a duel between two married men." "You have humanitarian ldeaa Who are the men?" "One Is myself." Excelsior. Mexico City. inside? P Feen-a-mi- nt Is the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses effective because you chew it. At your druggists the safe and scientific laxative. r, FOR CONSTIPATION |