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Show Friday, December 16th, THE 1927. EE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, 3E LEVAN NEWS OF ADS CLASSIFIED PAGE FIVE THE PAST WEEK FOR SALE GEESE FOR SALE 200 Pullets Call S. White G. Appreciated Gifts Phone 217j3 Leghorn It Pazmaa. Clifton Bradfield has gone to Salt Lake City where he has employment for sometime. FINE FAT CAPONS ready for your Mrs. Arvll Wuukier entertained Christmas Dinner at 28 cents per A dainty lunch afternoon. Friday Warner. Earl pound was served to a number of her lady 20 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jackman left Thursday for Pocatello, Idaho, where intend to stay for the winter WOOLSKIN SLIPPERS For Men they with their daughter, Mrs. George women, and children on sale by Jorgensen. George Wllkey. These are an Ideal Christmas present. Mrs. Edna Hansen entertained a crowd of relatives and friends large For each GOODYEAR tire purafternoon at a chased we will give one chance on MondayA delicious dinner wasbirthday served party. the Chevrolet coach given away by at five o'clock. the Association. Grace Baseball Motor Co. Mrs. Arthur Memmott while washlast week her hand severly ing For each GOODYEAR tire pur- crushed in the got electric wringer. chased we will give one chance on the Chevrolet coach given away by Mrs. Henriette Parker is the guest Association. Grace this week of Mr. the Baseball and Mrs. Augustus Motor Co. THE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE FAMILY RADIOLAS, POPULARLY PRICED FROM $23. up to $1,000.00 - sm it i." friends. dl6t2 RCA. RADIOLA ki White PLYMOTHROCK Pullets for sale by John Kirgen. Everybody should be proud to The fish and game club gave a wear a Seal Ring of their State. Solid dance and free elk barbecue last Sterling Silver Enameled In beau- Saturday night. A very large crowd tiful colors Very handsome gift. was present. Send your order and size To Day. Artcraft Company, 1057 Anderson From Point to Point Ave. New York City. Land end !s u print in the extreme C. J. Pyper, Electrician, has a southwest corner of Cornwall John 0(:roat's house is on complete line of electrical Supplies, bend, ti.e nri heiistern extremand will be pleased to give you an estimate on any electrical work that ity of Scotland.l HOIThe distance bethe two miles you may need. See him for the lat- tween est electrical fixtures for your new home, or have him install them in Mahometan Salutation youi present home Salaam Is fn.in an Arabic word JANUARY PRICE $13.00 PER 100 meaning pence. It is the form of saluLeghorn tation used by Mahometans among Express Prepaid. White Chicks. Alameda County Accredited themselves. Sul;nm being "Pence he Send with you." the response Is "With you from strong healthy stock. 3 be peace." for literature. GRAHAM HATCHERY HAYWARD, CALIF. j.i Kng-lan- f n H y JudcTs Garage Nephi, Utah IT frequently happens a man's ability is judged by the bank with which he does water-mast- Kodak Albums . . 50c 50c to $1.50 . . of Whitman's Chocolates, sold in most every city in the world. . . $1.50 box Buy Quality Sampler Standard Box . . $1.25 for Christmas A box lb. Holly Box of Candy 5 lb. Holly Box of Candy 3 . . . . $1.25 $1.75 IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. at New York t er ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS Trees from J. N. C. Pexton. Phone CS, or at the X. L. Bakery, Phone 111. FOR SALE at A good bicycle. Inquire Times-New- s. fi'iirT1 Tramps of Space Comets are $trai;::e foodie" that baffle even the minds of trme behind the huge telescopes In the .i s"rva-torlespeed, Traveling at a di.-they rush toward the sun. travel around it. and then return to the distant spaces from which they emerged. Birds That Am Valuable The biological survey says that during the breeding season a great many birds eat caterpillars, which they feed large numbers to their young. The hairy caterpillars are not relished b many birds, the most conspicuous exception being the cuckoo. The yellow-billeand the black-billecuckoo are notorious destroyers of the hairless caterpillar HOLIDAY EXCURSION In Summer Fruits At Christmas RATES 11 FARES A3 Tickets on sale December 23, 24, 25. 26, 30, 31, January and 2 by midnight, No stopovers. k -x if '"i iiii'it i ' i lie One Hundred I ii'tli field artillery turning to advance under the protective fire of the three-Incthe artillery during the mimic battle and war maneuvers at Van Cortlandt park. New York. h field EE Have Music In The Home for Christmas ROUNDTRIP between all points in on Denver and Rio Utah Grande Western; also from all points in Utah to all points on Denver & Rio Grande Western in Colorado and New Mexico, Dec. 23, 24, 25 and 26. Minimum fare, $2.00. Original starting point must be reached ' A pieie "rff'W-Tr;:iri- ff Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad 1 7 J ;.vi Good Mechanical Pencils C. W. GLAZIER, Sec'y NEPHI NATIONAL BANK i- Perfume Sets all bids. "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" tiff $1.50 Saled bids will be received by the undersigned on or before Dec. 20th, 1927 for the position of for the year 1928. The board reserves the right to reject any or business, as his social standing is determined by his associates. An account here gives financial prestige. , Methodist clergyman of New York city who has christened hundreds of babies notices thai blonde babies usually cry during the ceremony while little brunettes smile. The bald ones nearly always look blank when baptized. And there are babies that excel at all three of these tunts. Cupper's Weekly. . . Kodaks from $1.00 to $25.00 Mrraic Warfare in Maneuvers SALT FOR SALE For salting pigs, etc. lc per pound at Ed. Kendall, 553 East Center st. nl8tf The Difference in Babies Flash Lights, new type, long range, Shepherd. ' - A Fountain Pen Sets with free repair service. January 4, 1928. Call on nearest Rio Grande agent for detailed fares and train service. Give your boy or girl a musical education. 1 ' IT iisajajraraa i'r ) II 1 W ; '" innv - .;--"VMrv- ';';'""""'r . Good line of Pianos and Player Pianos to select from. ;i ' ' I I New Player Piano for $495.00 Free Bench and Rolls. 30 Months to Pay FREE "TlID you ever sit in shivering ries, cranberries, grapes, Til suspense listening to the fairy berries and strawberries just tale of The Twelve Months? the story of the good little girl who was sent out barefoot in the bitter cold and snow, by her evil to pick blackberries in the frozen woodi? Since good little girls in fairy stories are never rillowed to freeze to death in the woods, the Twelve Brothers appeared, and December, by a wave of his magic wand, turned into June. The snow melted. The woods became filled not only with r, blackberries, but with cherries and npples and raspberries and strawberries, and all the good things of summer in their gayest colors. No Longer Seasonal Today the good little girl would need to go no further than the corner grocery store to find her summer delicacies in any season. Cold enamel-line- d cans keep cher logan- petizing and gay in color as thoc that grew in the fairy woods. And there are apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, c abapplcs. currants, figs, gooseberries, grapefruit, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, quinces and raisins waiting to be gathered for our honday table. Today's Good Fairy Especially are these juicy fruits important at Christmas, when we eat sweets and rich foods to our hearts' content. The thoughtful housewife, looking after the diet of her family, serves these luscious fruits in all sorts of liciit desserts gelatin puddings whose clear depths reflect cherries and apricots; dainty ices bedecked with pineapple and quince; and fluffy pastries with prachr and plums ' "V awav witb:n. l'crban fairy of today's uiaic f.-- .. tO'-Ve- How about a new Brunswick Phonograph for Christmas. Sold on Easy Terms. Gifts ns ap We Carry the Atwater Kent and Keshman of Hi f ipiivi: Radi i Furniture Latest Records and Rolls to Select from. at D-T-- R Good line of Band and String Instruments. A few slightly used Pianos and Players at a sacrifice. CO. Ask About It Daynes-Beeb- e BRANCH STORE, NEPHI, UTAH Music Co. ROBERT LOMAX, MANAGER |