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Show SELECTED TERMS OF COURT FOR ARE LOREN KENDALL WILL TONIGHT IS THE "MEN'S FIFTH DISTRICT SET FOR The Times, Vol. Frjday, December 16th, 1927. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, The News, Vol. 11, No. 50. JURYMEN "The" Wheat City" i "The Wheat City" f XMAS SHOPPIG 17, No. 50. EXCELLENT TALK RETURN HOME SOON NIGHT jj Nephi i: Nephi GIVEN KIWANIS last Friday Kendall of John COMING this city conveying the news that their son Loren, who has been upon twice during the past opeiated as follows: The men folks of this community weeks is now getting better and W. R. Grundmann Talks To few A. V. Pyper of Nephi and Juab County: First term, Tuesday wno are during the daytime giving the man who is woiking all would be able to leave the hospital Club On muiur TI ions second Monday, term, John Donnley of Eureka, JanuaryGTw3rd; wl nave a ch,ance to do their Christ day, a chance to come down at night about December 10th. Elder Ken-- 1 Xt n fVilfst term Hntrthop portation and What It dall is serviug a mission lu thel Make Up Jury List for the An;i Millard' County: First term, Janu- - mas shopping, tonight, (Friday, Dec. and shop ... Means To This City." It has been suggested that the wo-- Hawaiian Islands for the L. D, S. Year 1928. ary 16th, second term, Monday, April ember 16th), when all the business informed were also , i church. j They that 23rd; third term, Tuesday, October houses of the city will remain open Mien icuiani at uviuoi i riQ from the with- - that he would be released can men their 23rd. new In the a buy is untu thing. This prints n field flnd sent homej M u 9:. William R. Grundmann spoke at Beaver County: First term, Tuesout letting the ladies in on tne was decided that it would not be the Kiwanis luncheon Mon day Jury commissioners John Donnley of V. A. of Eureka, and Nephi Pyper advisable to keep him there on ac- - noon, on "Motor Bus Transportation Tuesdav. men are doing it for the purpose of secret. thirH 't. met at the county court house last m J 99r,Hcount of his health. and What It Means to Nephi." A Tuesday and selected the following November 13th. - general discussion followed, concern-boon T was T Kendall Elder Tuesday, Iron First operated term, will called be who County: upon jurymen five weeks ago for appendic- - ln tne advertising of Nephi. The serve during the year 1928: , 1 fOlCSSOr February 28th; second term, Tues- jQ for kidney Publicity committee was Instructed to NovemDer itis, and then recently Nephi: Jos. V. Cowan. A. Leland ,day, June 5th; third term, county 1ot" trouble. The last operation was al- - meet wIth the cltr 27th. Re-ele- ct Belliston, H. J. Irons, Head Bellis-toIlCiaiS relative lo getting cooperanuu t nh due his tn fnr tnrf First term, mf Washington County: Geo. E. Howard, Clyde Shaw, m putting out literature advertising fniinr- mnHm wOQvn E. M.' Claridge, J. V. Golden, Will Tuesday;, March, 20th; second term, and Juab county. Nephi ing the appendicitis operation. 4th; third term. Mr. Grundmann said Nephi has Burton, Gerald Cazier, Geo. W. Tuesday, September 11th. December !The annual meeting of the Nephi Some very fine work is being Garrett, R. R. Jarrett, R. E. Wiun, Tuesday, $90,000 worth of bus equipment rollHeber Jenkins, Jos. H. Greenhalgh, done in the commercial department Irrigation cmpany was held on Mon ing through it every day, with, apLOCAL BEEKEEPERS Grant Allen. of the Nephi high school," reports day of last week, and passengers proximately seventy-fiv- e June Kendall, L. A. Bailey, Jr., NATIVE OF NEPHI DIED Professor A. Rex Johnson of the de Louis Garrett, and James B. Riches daily. They all stop here and each ATTEND CONVENTION passenger spends Bome money, which partment of office practice of the hi members of the board of directors Edgar Park, H. M. Carter, C. W. adds to the business activities of the AT SPANISH FORK Brigham Young university who is The following is the secretary's anCarter, C. W. Morgan, John Wilson, Jaa. D. Pexton, C. W. Glazier, James visiting higb schools in Juab and nual report: community. This business will Inweek. crease as soon as the public Is better this counties D. James T. Bean, Davis, Senpete Andrews, RECEIPTS Thomas Vickers, Ralph .Belliston, educated to bus travel, he declared. Mr. Johnson is chairman of the J. R. Barnes. F. W. Bryan, Fred Wilford Belliston, and W. A. Bow- William B. Riches, a native of State Commercial Contest and is vis Cash on hand Nov. 30th, 1926 Motor Bus Transportation Is a Warren, Al Miller. but who has resided in iting high schools in the interest of 3,901.59 ies were in Salt Lake City last Mon- this city, fact(r ln the life of the Amer- Siseon C. Chase, Joseph Jones, 1912, died at &ls thig event which is scheduled the con- - lcan pe0ple since Frk 3rd Installment 1,142.85 and Vephl for Tuesday attendig Bhown from the fact Spanish day City Andrew W- Blackett, R. H. Bracken home in the Utah county town last vention of the Utah Beekeepers as- - tnat the recent statistics as compil- at Provo, Utah. As Nephi City Interest On deferred March 1928, 30, Andrew W. Olson, Walter P. Gadd, Mr. Riches had been sick a result of the 7.62 sociation, and the Intermountain ed by the Rauroaa Commission ot i)aynent getting together of F. M. Beck, vM. T. Howard, Ernest Monday. two weeks prior to his students and teachers from the var Notes tor money borrowed 3,400.00 Honey Producers association. The California shows that of 608 Motor about for Foote, Robert P. Garrett, Seth death. 80.00 above gentlemen report that this Transportation Companies operating ious high schools in all parts of the Rent of elk pasture McPherson. Roy Bowles. He was born in Nephi, February state during the past four years, Nephi City 4th installment 1,142.85 convention was the best one their in tne state, they carried 24,250,000 and Levan: Win. L. Jackman, Neils 1864. the son of Benjamin association has ever held. They al- - passengers, the gross receipts were .there has been a definite improve Nephi City Interest on deferred Lundsbeen, Peter Sorenson, N. G. Mary Jane Banford Riches, and was fment in tne so report that through tne present $22,500,000, one company alone commercial of payment quality H. A. married to Elize Ostler, also of Ne-- , . Taylor, Ruben Mangelson, bv the high Assessments 5,445.52 organization, the honey producers of ot that business. nroduced hin Crane, R. H. Gardner, Wm. J. the j intermountain states will be are gradually addphi, in 1894. He was a member or schools, reports Mr. Johnson, who Railroads The Ira Morgan, J. E. Hansen. th hifi-nriests Quorum at the annually visits every state high Total 15,121.20 able to store their honey in the fall ing busses to their rail Equipment. Mona: Earl H. Green, Ruben Kay, time of his death, of the year in bonded warehouses Mr. Daniel Willard, Pres. of Baltt- school. He is survived by his widow, and DISBURSEMENTS at various points, and get a ware-- 1 more & Ohio Railroad Co.. in a re-school has heretofore Raphael Garfield, E. Alton Ellert-BoNephi high Earl Newton, Heber Fowkes, four children: Mrs. Birdie Riches not been a participant in this com- Burnham Mfg. Company .... 1,068.00 house receipt, and if the grower de-- cent interview with Willis J. Abott. 6.48 sires these' receipts can be used as Clarence N. Cox. Jones, Hiawatha; Benjamin, Will mercial contest, but already has Freight of the Christian Mills: A. L. Curtis. iam G., and Geneva Riches of Span several students who are bidding Notes paid 9,700.00 collateral ln borrowing money. Sciece Monitor and, published oti 7.80 ish Fork, and three grandsons; also fair to make a fine record at the Telephone & Telegraph .... Troutcreek: S. F. Falkenburg. By forming the present inter- - May 9tn states as follows: a brother, James B. RicheB of epni 192g contest Callao: Roy A. Rankin. mountain commercial In T. W. Vickers for rent ot ground Tne "Railroad managers have had the organiation, the beekeep- era tnemseives win n,oi nave i" Eureka: John W. Anderson, E. F. Funeral services were neia vveu- C. Miller, is work Melvin of Motor Bus Competition possibility I trouble of handling the marketing forced upon, themjnost unpleasantly; Birch, Gottleib Brant, Frank Clay- nesday afternoon in the South Ward jn ardously in an effort,. tf leave ton, John H. Foley, George Humble, chapel, at Spanish Fork, A numner i nothing und0ne to give students the Bond & filing of oath or office end, as this will be handled by the I They will have to figure on making L. R. Lewis, Leland McEwen, J. L. of relatives from this city attended beg(. Jn tne way Qf commerctai in- 10.75 organiation. of director the bus part of their equipment, util 33.50 Nilson, John Phipps, D. Wesley the services. strucfion. His TJTevtous conection Stanley & Stanley izing It tor local passenger traffic, 525.00 Roper, D. Ray Thomas, B. Stanley with the State Commercial Contest Salary Waterniaster using the rails for the fast trains to Salary Secretary 275.00 COMMISSIONERS WILL Wilson, Lewis L. Stowe, R. A. Hatch-Insobetween principal points. Accommo makes him a valuable addition 51.11 PRESENT dation trains might in TO the Nephi high school, according to Stamps & Envelopes SENIORS 72.00 Boots be done Henry H. Wells, Robert. H. away with by statements made by Mr. Johnson. DECEMBER MEET 31 instances & a contest include Towers, W. L. Williams, A. J. Whitemeet busses the expresses at Advertising for the Pri7.ps having WEDNESDAY PLAY 68.10 head, Noah L. Embleton, A. R. Taycertain points and take up the Printing free trip to New York City, all ex 36.47 lor, C. E. Stowe, George A. Wallis, engers for way stations." penses being paid by the Underwood Stationery & Supplies 5.6S r Thomas Falia, C. J. Graff, George The board ot county commission company; two scholar Typewriter 4.50 ers of Juab county will meet on Mortensen, C. H. Berry, E. M. Hales, It has always been customary to 8hips to Brigham Young University; S: m f'nnnpll 148.75 Saturday December 31st. to consid-- 1 South Ward Conference Herbert Hopes, B. B. Parrish. a Senior class play. This year two loving cups, one from the Utah Bonneville Lbr. Co have Chas. E. Zabriskie, 21.75 er the appropriation of county funds George For- - the Seniors are presenting "The p0Wer and Light company, and one E. E. Stanley Was Held Last Sunday 88. sey, L. A. Brady, D. J. Russell, Jr., Patsy,' which they will present at from the Mountain States Telephone Salt for the annual budeet for 1928. Frank, Pett, Thomas Drew, Edward the Nephi High School auditorium, and Telegraph company, and many Salary & Committee Work of This meeting will be open to the The Nephi South ward held their 225.00 DUi)iic, and anyone who is interest- Directors Erickson, John L. Evan3, Ralph December 22nd, to commence at 8 goid, silver and bronze medals for ward conference last Sunday annual Thomas H. & F. .... Bishoff, to Ditches Canals the Labor 2,127.30 ed in the amounts thai are to be Stewart, o'clock. individual awards, in addition - afternoon, and 29 per cent of the are Kendall which Brothers Deane, A. F. Burt, John D. Sheffield. wall various given the for departpennants large budgeted in the nlav are: 1. n ...jnmirltf .1 . CPhnflla 2.50 merits of the county are at liberty ward population were ln attendance. H. E. Wison for surveyng Mammoth: E. R. Wheelock. David VI Th.Ilorrlnolnn Kariin HOWarQ "'"& llicrTl " " was in charge - Interest 4 2 accom4.35 D. Gray, James E. Lunt, Bert Webb, D. is who M. ta attend. The budgeting of county Bishop P. B. Cowan,also Charles paid Berge, Rnrton ri.rn,. made a reand of the E. services, H. C. A. Lundell. H. F. Peterson, funds are necessary, and compulsary Ellen Cole panying Mr. Johnson and assisting Balance on hand Nov. 30th Grace of the ward, stating that every 1 S 0 9 2 due to port 1927 Markus, T. E. Thomas, Ray Cahoon, Patricia Harrington .... Nelda Parkes in this work, reports wide enthus-Bill- y of the the budget passage Harrington thing was ln an excellent condition John H. Nesbit, Jas. W Hanson, L. law by the 1927 state legislature. Carl Belliston iasm all over the state for this Caldwell harmony M. Hanson, L. M. Cowley, .1. W. Reed. Total 15.121.20 high The city council of Nephi city and that perfect James McCune test, but assures us that Nephiwork ot the the workings .... BILLS RECEIVABLE Silver City: E. R. Higginson, W. Sadie Andrews of 29th $4,071.40 on meet is school the "leadership day doing Thursday, Lavon Harris Buchanan A. President ward organizations. 2 200.00 W. Lund. A. C. Peck. J. F. Baxter, PAYABLE $ BILLS of commerce December for the purpose pass H. the neia oi Francis Patrich O'Flaherty .... David one of was the Belliston speakers D. C. Wheeler, Jr. ing an appropriation ordinance to and told of examining the ward recAustin the Btake prea- and stating that Trip" Busty .... Raymond Phillips Rebuilding of The Wilkey . tor tne coming year. This will also i ords, , Ohophtting must Cease; 1 Edmunds Scheduled To Talk "The Patsy" is a very interesting win Merchants Will Prosecute be a public meeting, and give , Building Is Completed trying to be At The Kiwanis Luncheon story of a young girl an offered was by Dennis Wood, and the advertisethe proposed expenditures with the popular. She answers benediction was pronounced by ment and finds out how to be pop this Reports have come to the editor I"1' James E. Memmott. Splendid music Work has been completed A special invitation is extended to ular. s from several of the of for the conference was furnished by tne of on the week remodeling to of Nephi the poultry producers of Nephi business the new- - the managers recently organized ward choir, A Monbuilding. luncheon Kiwanis George Wilkey attend the houses that during the past wee the direction of chorister T. W. under of President Edmunds brick and plate glass front was com spveral boys have been caught shop day noon. Vickers. Marketing the Utah that the pleted some weeks ago. while the in lifting, and they stated Representatives from the various association of Utah will be the terior work has Just been completed next time any boy or girl Is caught organizations of the ward auxiliary dewho speaker. Any poultryman which includes a nice display win trying to steal any article from their of the work that had a made report sires to attend must make reservabeen carried on during the past year. dow, hardwood floor, interior re store, the idivldual will be. turned hotel Sunday. Forrest at the tions over to the city police officers. The following made reports: Mrs. platered and repainted. This makes at The luncheon will commence Mr. Wilkey's place one of the This should be a warning to anyone A party in honor of the retiring Charity Garrett, Religion Class; Mrs. R. In Russell Hawkins and Wm. 12:10 Monday. The committee date business houses on Main street who Is thus inclined. Jleber bishopiic of the Nephi North ward Amy Warner, Primary; charge of Monday's luncheon also Grundmann of the Central Motor was held Thursday evening at the Jenkins, Sunday School; Lloyd Hobbs Mon as went to Nevada, of many Ely, having are desirous Company Miss Neva North ward amusement hall. The Young Men's Mutual; as possible in attendance. day for the purpose of logging the Fourteen Books Are Main 'Street Is Decorated consisted of Booth, Young Ladles' Mutual; Mrs. entertainment evening's road from Nephi to kly. lhey went With Evergreen Trees an excellent program after which Emma Brough, Relief Society; Donated T7 Library nH r..- Miiforrt AnJ- ,refreshments were served, and the Joseph Greenhalgh, Genealogical H. D. Goldsbrough was in Salt turned via Delta coming over the balance of the evening was devoted committee. on business. Lake City Tuesday Grand Central highway to Tintis A large precentage of to e Nephr. Main street has taken on a lUO dancing. valley, and over thru Doy valley, v The members ot the Social Wttru was IU niicuumivoi the to mas trees Christ Club 323 have is look. Christmas Beaver presented panions through PHILOSOPHICAL PHIL miles,mileage show appreciation for the good and the mileage via the Delta Public Library fourteen books for have been placed at various inter- work their the that retiring Bishopric had mucn Is very vals along the two blocks of the children. This gift route is 226. the members of the ward U The above gentlemen are en- - appreciated by the board members. business section, which make the done, each of them with a book of the City electrician, church deavoring to get the Tickwick stage If the children wish good stories to town look fine. whijeh included line to run their busses via Nephi to read during the Christmas holidays Ray Powell, with the aid of his boy ,'The Hookworks) "Doctrine of Mormon", Ely, Nevada, instead of over the the book can be obtained from the scouts procured the trees and placed and Covenants," and "Pearl of club this to a is thank This wish are We on street. them if very the and route, they library. U'pntlover fine piece of work, and they should Great Price." successful this will mean four more for the interest they have taken. (J- 1. be complimented for It. busses coming into Nephi each day. dates for the holding of court in the counties of the Fifth Judicial District during the coming year has been set by Judge Thos. H. Burton, The- - YEAR . Word was received by Mr. and CLUB MONDAY Mrs. I I I . . .' - - 4-- " w i- mJ D J Irrigation Company Visits Local H.S. n, ut a- "d Directors - - 1 I ,. I War-woo- d. I n, I Editor-in-Chi- Uo.fu ef I 1 I n. many Times-New- s, Cooper-Pype- I I 1 .... I 1 4 I .". . I con-To- " u... 1 Lll I Times-New- Party Given For Pickwick May Change Bus Route Retiring Bishopric up-to- I jiar Com-Th- .. pre-He- nt IU it? - " Clerk Issues License; Judge North Ward Sunday School Kiwanis Select Mutual Programs Secretary To Hold Conference Sunday Cooper Performs Ceremony 1928 For and Treasurer Next Sunday Evening For The Nortl. Ward Sunday School 1 n will be Conference the North Ward chapel next Sunday, December 18th. The Sunday School larjorle Linton Sunerlntendency extend a special Reading Saxaphone solo, .... Ruby Anderron Invltlfttlon to the Darents of the Piano duet, Eva Cowers & Ztlda Pay ward to attend. North Wanl IriRrani held The following couple applied to officers and County Clerk J. H. Vickers Wednes- dlreotor of the Nephi Kiwanis held day for a marriage license: Henry t Stew-- I Monday evening, Cleon L. Memmott C. Garfield. Provo, and Tho marriage cere- was selected a neeretary and A. W. art. Eureka. Clyde treasurer for the club for themony was performed by Precinct Justice John S. Cooper. coming year. At a met-tln- of the Gai-ne- ABotrr the 1TIOH TOR MVOi'f. tRt-- E OF vertr BS.ST VHE WORD tS LOTA - WITH |