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Show PAGE EIGHT THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S, Local News HIGH Friday, December 16th, 1927. SCHOOL NOTES Reporter, Lorna Kendall Clyde Shaw and Miss Kathryn Starr, both of this city were mar ried in Salt Lake City, on Wednes day of last week. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. W. A. Starr. Mr. Shaw is one of Nephi's younger business men, and for the past few years has been one of the owners of the Silver Maple Service Station ONLY EIGHT MORE DAYS Before XMAS COME IN AND MAKE YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS FROM CUR BIG HOLIDAY STOCKS; GIFTS for all the FAMILY Ford touring car was on display at the garage last Tuesday and Wednesday, and hundreds of local people visited the show rooms and examined Henry Ford's latest car. People generally were well pleased with its appear ance, and according to Mr. Page the local distributors have already a number of orders for new Fords. It is not definitely known when they will be available, but Mr. Page expects to have them on sale in the near future. A new Page-Fairle- REAL BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS NEW LOW NET PRICES Groceries 10 lb. bag. Sugar . . 77c 4 lb. 25 lb. bag 8 lb. 93c 2 lb Lard . . 47c . . 45c Soda Crackers Special 35c Soda Crackers Special Mother's Oats with china . . . . . 89 $1.79 $1 39c 31c 42c 29c . . . 6-1- 5c 0c 17c Bars Laundry Soap 29c 2 for 25c New Oata Mash . j 35c 2 for 45c Oats 15c 2 for 23c Oats Compare our prices and save 10 to 20 percent. 10 17c S. FOOTE & SONS S3 $5,000.00 GIFT Raisins, seedless . . .10 11 Raisins, seeded Lemon Peel ... . .. .19 .23 Citron Peel Shelled Walnuts, per 60 pound . . . ., Minse Meat, per lb. . .15 Cranberries, per lb . .25 Fruit Get 3 kgs. . . .25 Molasses, Dixies Best .... GIVING EVENT AT 35c. 65c, $1.25 D-T-R- We have a choice line of Candy, ranging in price from .18 to .35 ' Box Candy from 65c to $1.65. Nuts, from . . .20 to .35 Get our new low prices on all items. Woman's Way After a muo bus hun,,- - the new drapes perfectly, a womiin Is some one who sits on the other side of the room and suggests thnt .the one on the left he moved ty. eighth of an Inch one way or the other. Detroit News. CO Ask About It Coffin Telephones experiment nus l,eeu undertaken at the cemetery of Sun Jose, in Spain, for the '.nttillatlon of tiny telephones In each coflin. Tliexe are to be con nected to tin alarm bell In the porter's lodge, thus providing against the possibility rf nnyotie belne buried alive An Appropriately Named Cnpe Verde the most westerly point on the African const. i as riven Its name because It is t.ith a t!;nf stand growth of ventyre find tn-out in contrast with the white of the adloiplp font"-- - Tw!d Shopping High School chorus Eva Pay Selection Chorus Nelda Belliston Reading Trombone solos Veloy Vest Two songs Second Boys Glee Club Ellen Cole Reading Selections High School Band After the program the remainder of the time was occupied by the Varsity Players from the U. A. C. who advertised the play, "The Dover Road"' that was given Thursday night. The teachers of the school district are taking an extension course under the direction of Amos N. Merrill of the B. Y. U. Superintendent Barnett, Special Saturday 6 8c Matches 6 for 29c Matches boxes for BAILEY GROCERY partment: selections Prayer T Two Now on in full swing with all lines complete and moving out prices. Ask to see our new line of Oxfords and Slippers Just Princi- pal Geo. A. Sperry and Coach T. O. Durham attended a Principals and coaches meeting at Payson. While there they made the schedule for basketball games this season. . A basketball game will be played tonight, (Friday) in the ,N. H. S. The game will be beGymnasium. Be Gunnison and Nephi. tween Christenson, Jrma Ingram, Ruth there and help our team win. Carter, Dick Garbett, Jack Cowan, Norman Farren, Leah Douglas, Enid Howarth, Nina Greenhalgh, Mildred Freshies Report Bowles, Alice Pay, Alva Chappell Enid Brough, Tom Chappell, and the hostess. Miss Geraldine Chappell Old Folks, young folks, everybody come. Nephi Ward Join the Freshies and have a lot of fun. Vocal Solo Mrs. Mabel Lunt If you all come to the frolic you Christmas Story .... Mrs. Katherine will enjoy the time of your life. This Bowles is saying a nickels worth but it is Vocal Solo .Mrs. Will L. Hoyt true. Beth Hobbs Reading Come on! Enjoy life while you are young. Give us your support and be a sport. Restoring Faded Writhip ' Remember the date and don't be Faded writing may be restored In late. Tonight the following manner: Lay the paper Did you ever know that the Freshman-flat and dampen it evenly with cold Faculty game had been played water. Brush over the writing with a and the Freshman got beat. That the e.nnel's hair brush dipped In a solunews rules were six quarters to a tion of ammonia, nixi :he writing will That seven men played againgame. appear plain and reivi:tble. Fresh ap-- . st five. That Mr. Lemon fell down plications are necessary on ordinary and had to be taken out. That Clarwriting paper. ence Cowan gave Mr. Memmott a For each GOODYEAR tire pur- sock on the jaw. Well you know now. (Reporter, Beth Lunt) chased we wfl. give one chance on the Chevrolet coach given away by Baseball the Association. Grace Last night the U. A. C. Varsity :ie,tor Co. players skillfully presented, to an appreciative audience, the play enLee titled "The 'Dover Road". Bailey, one of our N. H. S. graduates of 1925, successfully acted one of the leading roles in the play. Nephi is well represented at the U. A. C. and from all indications the students attending that school are progressing rapidly toward a higher yivia of the Minute education. in. Prices. Wonderful Values at Moderate Also Shoes for the Little Tots Sizes 2 to 5. 5 1.2 to 8, 8 to 11 and up to size 2 for the Misses in patent leather, fine kid and Calt Skin Women's Serviceable Footwear for service at the Miss Gearldine Chappell entertained at a birthday party, held at her home, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1927. The time was spent in playing delicious re games, and at 8:30 freshments were served to the fol lowing: Virginia Sperry, Dorothy Marie Wilson, Florence Kendall, ; . Quaker Quick Oats Seeded Raisins ..'11c Seedless Raisins .. 10c 4 lb. Seedless Raisins 39c 11c Campbell's Soups 2 for 15c Pierces Tomato Soup 6 bars Am-on-Soap 59c glasses Free Xmas for Candies and Nuts Headquarters ol ss Ch nstmas An excellent program was rendered In the N. H. S. Auritorium Thursday morning. The following is the program given by the Music De f 1- 1- -2 -2 "MTMEMSCOTr "Star BrvnJ Arm Nephi Merc. Co. English Swamp Lands The tens in England are a Mat tract of land comprised under the name of the Bedford level, of 00 miles by 40 In area, reaching from Peterborough to Northampton, and from Cambridge to the sea. Since the Seventeenth century, drainage has gained most of Ibis area for cultivation. Oysters An oyster lay about 6ti.000.00ft eggs a year. If Just one oyster were left alone by all and suDdry, says Professor Lull, until It had their shells would make a pile eight times the size of the earth. Fortunately, the Infant mortality rate among oysters Is very high. Narcotic in Lettuce Many will be surprised to learn that lettuce, one of the commonest of vegetables. Is narcotic. The Juice of the lettuce, according to an answered question In Liberty, contains a feeble narcotic, which will produce heaviness nd sleep If taken In Inrire quantities. tSore matic simplicity about this vivid and intense human story,with its j i genuine humor and pathos, a story which follows the same general trend of thought of "The Snob," and other j ' The Christmas SForr ' Men i author. Read It as a Serial THE ELECTRIC STEINITE SET for $155.00 all installed ready to tune in. NOTHING MORE TO BUY ATWATER KENT RADIO still leads the field. SIX-TUB- E SILVEH Phone 246 Nephi, ut. SERVICE Shotg-jn- dra- novels by this A ot TIMES-NEW- b S We Can Take Care of your wants in JEWELRY Wrist Watches Diamonds The gift remembrance a man would choose for himself awaits your selection in this Christmas Store for Men. Will your choice for him be neckwear,, .or shirts, .or Or perhaps, handkerchicts. . .hosiery .. . pajamas? or a muffler? We have them for you, one and all. Come soon, while selections are at their best. "Gifts Men Appreciate Are Gifts to Wear" Weeding Rings The Toe gery s The National Rifle association says that the measurement of the bore of gauge of shotguns was based upon the standard of 10 balls to the pound for a gun, 12 balls to the pound for a gun and 20 balls to the gun. pound for s By Helen R. Martin Author of "Thm Snob." "Ym That Jadgm, ' ' ate. There is a I Friday Night Is Men's Night highly successful HA BIO .VAuk itltr " The Toggery ?. |