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Show Friday, December 16th, THE 1927. Positively Better! ARCoV Ietroleum II TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, JUST HUMANS CAfcfc PAGE THWiE P By QEUE s PenneyCo. CT7V That's a broad statement, but true. Parco gas is positively better for cold weather driving. It is quick starting on icy mornings and drives your your motor with few of the knocks and sputters of winter driving. Sill I 1jjjj$ "where savings are greatest Christmas Shopping Night for Men only! While men are engaged at their work, women have the advantage of completing their Christmas buying in secrecy. Men are now to have their opportunity to make their selections of gift goods And for motor protection, there is PARCO Oil and VEEDOL. in secrecy. Try these famous products. Our service to you will be prompt and The J. C. Penney Company Store Will Be Open to Men Only cheerful. Friday Evening, December 16th 7 to 9 P.M. Judd's Garage Our salespeople will be present to help Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, as well as those with sweethearts, to select gifts. Purchases will be attractively wrapped ready for presenation. They may be laid away, if desired, by making a small deposit, until the customer is readv to call for them. Men, It' Your Night Please Do Not Bring the Ladies! Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars- - G. R. Judd. wooa tor tobacco ftpes tobncco in The root used making is ptps and commonly called briar, not the root of a briar but of a tree found near the in Mediterranean southern Europe. The aame of the tree Is the French word "bryer." and the English name briar Is a corruption of the French word. Be Reasonable "Sweet reasonableness" is one of the gifts most enviable, most to be coveted and cultivated. Goldsmith says of his village schoolmaster that, "even though vanquished, he could argue still," a sure sign that this fellow was In quest of victory rather than truth. Exchanee.- Persimmon Tree Valuable wood of the persimmon tree is commonly used for the manufacture The of shoe lasts. Numbers of persimmon trees are found in the vicinity of New York, along the shores of Long Islanl sound, on Staten Island and In nearby New Jersey, says Gbr Logic. Actors' Gathering Place The green room is a room near the stage of a theater in which the actors await the cue to iiipear on the stage and take their parts In the play. The room Is so called from green having been originally the prevailing color in its docnrfUlon nnrl upholstery. "KIN Y' GIVE ME DOG A BOYIS BOB?" LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mire Handkerchiefs 39c A The Lehoe swarm of the Beehive girls of the North ward met at the home of Ernestine Foote Friday evening. Refreshments were served to: Lucy Garrett, Norma Howafth, Lillian Ord, LaPriel Jones, and the hostess Ernestine Foote.... Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs was hostess to the members of the Social Compan ions Club Wednesday afternoon at her home. The time was spent in sewing and the election of officers Mrs. Joel for the coming year. Taylor was reelected president; Mrs A. E. Smith vtce-preand Mable A delicious Greenland, secretary. Handkerchief in History to was served lunch the following: 11. Dr. Vize Frank According to Mrs. George Mrs. Harry Beagley, telly, noted lexicographer, the use of the handkerchief Is derived from the Latimer, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. Joel Chinese. In Its primitive silk tissue Taylor, Mrs. Joe Irons, Mrs. Lester Mrs. Robert Chappell and paper form, this article was com- Belliston, Mable Greenland, Mrs. M. Jennings mon In China long before the Chrisand the hostess, Mrs. Hobbs. tian em is 3 times as big as WASHINGTON,D.G i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. at Salt Lake City, Utah Land Office November 19, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given that Zelda S. Trotter, of Goshen, Utah, widow of Maston S. Trotter, deceased, who, on Sept. 8, 1922, made stock raising homestead entry. No. 028154, for NSEVt, Lot 1 & SE M NE , Sec. 34. NV4. 10 South, Section 35, Township Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Provo, Utah, on the 20th day of January, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: O. L. Ercanbrack, M. L. Buxton, L. E. Thomas and Ersel Steel, all of Goshen, Utah. Ell F. Taylor, Register. First publication, Dec. 2, 1927 Last publication, Dec. 23, 1927. NS, DUNLOP CITY Mrs. D. K. Brown was pleasantly surprised by relatives and friends at her home Monday 'evening, prior 15th for to her leaving December California and Arizona where she will spend the winter with her children. The evening was spent telling stories, playing games, singing and social chat, after which a delicious luncheon was served to the following named ladies: Mrs. H. D. Gold-sroug- ra Hosiery kerchieffi Sri belts aasl aaay ouh ers from fi&L Black Patent Satin Slipper With Pom Pesu Could you imagine d more delightful gift than a quilted satin slipper ia a variety of shades? The price is only lovely PorpoU Trim What cotsld be better fee street wear than simple Fat ent One Straps with medium sports heels and Porpoise trim. The price ia aa usually , low. $1.69 , $3.98-$4.9- 8 Boudoir Caps A Gift Vanity Handbags, Are- Suggestion - Practical As Well As Smart Aa atractive box cornea She will like bne to keep for lazy hours around home r dainty bits (of silk, lace and ribbons. Equipped with cosmetics and. (coin purse section to conve- - client I ACJgiU $3.49 $1.79 Deceptive Moon The moon's halo is deceptive, and no wise man Judges tomorrow's weatn-e- r by It. Although the halo often appears before a storm, the storm doaa to grow so that now, including the greatest of all Dunlop plants at Buffalo, N. Y., Dunlop occupies a productive area of over 100,000 acres. Over 22,000,000 Dunlop Tires are now running. The service that they give is both the cause and result of Dunlop's magnitude. Tallyrand said, "There is one person wiser than Anybody, and that is Everybody." Practically everybody agrees that Dunlop Tires are best. Put them on your car and prove it to yourself. Motor Co. carters and hani $1,49 all its vast area, Washington, D C, but 39,680 acres. Preference for Dunlop Tires has caused Dunlop Page-Fairle- ss iet 23c to WITH TIRES icr A fern of gift combiae-- t Medium weight or sheer whichever she prefers, pair 69c to kJSSSS Throughout the world the productive Duo-lo- p properties cover so vast an area that if combined into one place they would form a "Dunlop Ciry " of over 100,000 acres. h, Mrs. Mrs. Amy Grover, Elizabeth Cowan, Mrs. Alice Goodman, Mrs. Eliza Howarth, Mrs. Ettle Blackett, Mrs. Mattie Vickers, Mrs. Rhea Beagley, Mrs. Nellie Cowan, Mrs. Franlis Chappell, Mrs. Celestia Foote, Mrs. Louise Vickers, Mrs. Jane Booth, Mrs. Mary E. Burton, Mrs. Harriett Christison, Mrs. Zel-noOckey, Mrs. Zetta Ockey, Mrs. Mary Irons, Mrs. Elizabeth Linton, Mrs. Jennie Brown, Mrs Clara Chappell, Mrs. Phena Belliston, Mrs. Unity Chappell, Mrs. Jane Vickers, Mrs. Alice Golden, and the guest of honor Mrs. Sarah Brown. Gift Supreme All Silk and W.i For Especially when they art exquisitely dainty and novel. Alice Morgan of Boise, Miss Florence Cowan and Gene Idaho, was the guest Tuesday and Taylor of Ogden, Utah, spent SunWednesday of Mrs. William day this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cowan. Mrs. s. DUN LOP CITY Sets Holiday Men She Always Likes cr Greeting Cards British Order U. S. Pudding of of the pudding is to be in the eating. that American piutn pudding in cans lives up to British traditions is evinced in the amazing fact that John Bull orders quan-titi- e of it annually, so that he can enjoy his national Christmas dessert in improved style. The earliest record of plum pudding is in the memoir of a Frenchman voyaging on a British forty-to- n warship in 1658. With .characteristic French appreciation of British cooking .he declared it "detestable." This early pudding, however, was composed of biscuit crumbs, lard, currants, salt and pepper, tied up in a napkin, cooked in bouillon, and dusted over with old PROOF ' cheese. The Modem Product Today's delicacy is descended from the famous British "plum por. ridRc" a combination prunes, currants, raisins and mince meats. It takes long hours, however, to prepare the ingredients and to steam the perfect plum pudding. And since every moment counts as Christmas draws near, the modern houvwife welcomes prepared plum puddings, attractively packed in airtight cans. Fig puddings, rich and savory, are also available in cans. One merely heats the can thoroughly in boiling water, and opens it it opens with the attached key easily because a herringbone scoring runs around the can. preventing the ky from breaking the tin strip. Thus the pudding comes out whole. Topped with whipped cream and a sprig of evergreen, it is dressed for the Christmas table. And lerved which helps witii a one doesn't wonpuddings der that John Bull favors canned puddings. rliit that ny in a manner tnsst pleasing A Merrq Christmas to all your frtanala, Our ditnla-- aa and we have a card ta please you at the ptioeyoei want to pay. Order TJovr Cards Today We will have thorp ready for you v3hn naedecL made-in-Ameri- THE TIMES-NEW- S not wait for the balo and frequently comes unannounced. There are such things aa "clearing" baloe, when the balos precede good weather. As someone has observed, "You can only really kan it's raining when It's wet," Virtues Underestimated Usefulness and happiness are true measares of success. They are within the reach of every man. Indeed, they generally can be bad for the taking. Because of thia, perhaps, they are too frequently underestimated, especially by tbe ambitious. Grit. Cave Names to Cities Aihon. ani Now York owe their names to a slgle circumstance. After tbe Dutch surrendered their rnonn American colonies, the duke uf Tork and Albany (afterward Jamee II) became their proprietor. New Amsterdam became New Tork In bis honor and Tort Orange. Albany. Seeing Others' Viewpoint Tbe capacity to look on both aides af a question la th; attribute of all Stubmen and women. bornness Is usuel'y the mark of the tyrant The refusal to budge frcm a position once tafren up, or to admit that there can be any other view than one's own. Is mere |