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Show THE PAGE FOUR EE 2 Give the Boy or Girl A Savings Bank There is no better Christmas Present than a Savings Bank. By depositing One Dollar at this bank, we give you a Savings Bank and as the boy or girl gets a nickel or At dime it can be placed in the small bank various intervals they can bring it here and we will enter the money on his savings ac-- : count, which bears interest at the rate of four percent per annum. "It is the Best Gift You Can Give A Boy or Girl," and gets the child Call in and ask us into the saving habit. . ' , . about it. Firsl National Bank Nephi Utah NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION Department of Interior, U. S. Land office at Salt Lake City, Utah, -- PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY November. 14, 19 27. Notice is hereby given that John E. Hanson, of Levan, Utah, who on June 7, 1920, made homestead entry. No. 026441, for WVfcSEU, EVfcSWVi Sec 15. NWiNEi, SMsNEVi. NEi SEV4, Section 22, Township 15 South Range 3 West, S. L. Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. Christensen, Notary Public, at Levan, Utah, on the 4th day of January, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: Lowell Hanson, Harry Yates, Victor Finell and Wallace Neilson, all of Leamington, Utah. ELI P. TAYLOR, Register M ascot Iodine in Food Sea foods, agar (Japanese seaweed) and Irish moss are rich In Iodine. It Is also present In milk, whole grains, green peas, green beans, bununas. asparagus, tomatoes, garlic, whll cabbage, mushrooms, strawberries, rots, sorrel, leeks grapes, artichokes. pears, white dried beans, lettuce, beets, turnips, melons, radishes, pars-- , ley and potatoes. A .il Idi-u- Dinner for Six Two-Doll- ar f (7 of Long Ago Though mascots are popular, it Is a mistake to suppose that they are a . Their origin dates back modern to the diiwu of history. Helen of Troy, according to the legend, hud a golden snake which she took with her for luck wherever she went. The recent discoveries In the tombs of the kings of Egypt point to the possibility of mascots being favored by die que- ns of the phaniohs. ; , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Times-New- s Published Every Friday by the Times. News Publishing Company. A. B. GIBSON, Editor and Manager. A RECREATIONAL DIRECTOR FOR NEPHI Department of the Interior at Salt Lake City EEDJIv Vary your holiday dinners with a menu that tastes entirely different. Here is one that requires little labor, serves six costs only two dollars: and persons Grapefruit Cup Shrimp tn Sauce Rye Bread and Duller Peas and Corn in CasseroU Asparagus Salad Apricots and Coke e CENT can of grapefruit will fill six sherbet gfase. Top with maraschino cherries, costing 5 cents. A pint of the best shrimp in gold enamel-line- d cans will cost 34 cents. The following ingredients for the sauce total 12 cents; four tablespoons butter, one teaspoon minced onion, four tablespoons flour, two cups milk, two tablcpoon minced parscup tomato catsup. ley, Heat the butter and minced onion. 2S one-four- th 1 No repair costs for the pen that has the little white dot Utah, Nov. 19, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given that Burt Burraston, of Goshen, Utah,, who, on Aug. 30, 1922, made stockraising homestead entry No. 027835 E Section 9, for M , SENEtt, NEi4SE4 Sect ion 8, Township 12 South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Eli F. Taylor, Register U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 16th 1928. day of Jan Claimant names as witnesses: John W. White, Russell Nelson, Lee J. Nelson and William Edwards all of Goshen, Utah. Eli F. Taylor, Register N-N- The world pays more for the Sheaffer fountain pen than for any other. And the world buys it in record - breaking quantities. Why? First, because it is absolutely dependable, an unfailing performer. Second, because it is a beautiful writing, instrument made of the t brilliant and practically indestructible Radite. Third because it is guaranteed, with out reserve whatsoever, for a lifetime protected not merely against imperfections, but guaranteed for continuous service throughout long years It is the pen of no repair costs. Identify it by the little white dot. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYS State of Utah, County of Juab, ss. I have in my possession the following described animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public aution to the highest in cash bidder at my Residence Nephi City, Utah, on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1027, at the hour of 10 A.M. Description of Animals: steer, about five years old, branded with brand resembling an X on left ribs, and a little bar on left hip. Dulaped and marked, with crop and slit in right, and crop and underbit in left. Walter F. Brough, brand inspector. ties. A recreational director, who is, Last pub. December 23, 1927. during the winter months directing the physical training and recreationORDINANCE NO. 53 al activities of the chuirch or school or both, could continue on through AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROthe summer vacation period, and TO ADDITIONAL PRIATIONS direct all of the recreational work ORDINCOUNTY BUDGET THE of the community, and such activiANCE: ties during the year round as basket The Board of County Commissionball, football, baseball, tennis, foot ers of Juab County, State of Utah, racing, and field sports, polio, swim- ordains as follows: ming and community activities In Section 1. That the following sums general. of money or so much there of as may If through the cooperation of the be necessary be and the same are city and school district, the athletic director at the Nephi high school hereby inappropriated out of any the County treasury not could be employed for the full moneys fotr the purotherwise appropriated twelve months, he could lay his plans for the entire year, and could take pose hereinafter set out, From' the County General Fund : care of the necessary recreational 1. To office maintenance of the work in this community. $162.50 County Attorney At the present time, there is dire 2. To salary of Sheriff's office need for someone to direct the activ; $500.00 ities' of the young boys, who when 2. That all ordinances and Section they are not in school, and those of ordinances in corflict herethat have sleds, are commencing to parts are to the required extent hereassemble on Main street, and tie withmodified. their sleds n the back of wagons by Section 3. That this ordinance and automobiles, and go for a ride shall take effect on or after the 27th along the street, and when they do day of December, A. D. 1927, Said are they practically taking their date being not less than 15 days lives in their own hands, as nobody knows what minute, one of them after its passage. Passed this the 10th day of Dec may get killed. If the necessary A. D. 1927. ember, leadership would be exhibited, we G. Orme, Chairman of the W. could have a god coasting hill, ana these boys could be kept off the Board of County Commissioners of streets. As more snow falls this Juab County. J. H. Vickers, Clerk of the condition will become worse, and Attest: Board of County Commissioners everybody, knows it should be stopped, but at the present time, nobody NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON seems to do anything about it. MATTER OF APPROPRIATION The Times-New- s is absolutely OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR ANsold on the idea of providing for NUAL BUDGET. for recreation the boys and girls of this community, as we know that Notice is hereby given that the children are . our most priceless Board of County Commissioners of and treasures, hope that the people Juab County will meet at the County of Nephi will see to it that duiing Utah on the coming year, that the proper Court House at Nephi, December 31st day of facilities and leadership are pro- Saturday the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. vided here at home for the enter- 1927, at the to consider the appropriation of tainment of the young people of the County funds for the annual budget community:. to be used during the year 1928. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day of December, 1927. ENCOURAGE THE J. H. Vickers, County Clerk and POULTRY INDUSTRY Clerk of the Board of County Com missioners. Present indications point to the of the poultry indus Gulf Stream Vrsibls try In Nephi on a large scale, and In the narrowest part of the chanit is to be hoped that the gentlemen nel off Cape Florida, the Gulf stream who" are arousing Interest in this approaches the coast to within 15 industry will have the e from miles and is souietliin-i- i of the people of this city. Nephi the shore. The breadth .t the Gulf was one of the first cities to make stream at its narrowest point Is about much headway with the raising of 50 miles. There Is no disturbance at chickens and the producing of eggs the edge of the stre;n where It joins on a large scale, and for several the ocean. It Is eustly dls'.ir.jr.ushed, reasons, the industry died down until however, by reason of Its deep blue for the past year or more very few color. men have been raising chickens. The Times-New- s is of the opinion that under the plan worked out a few weeks ago. the poultry raisers of this community ran make money and If this Is the case, and we be lieve it in, the farmers of Nephi fchould get Into the poultry business. There is one thing sure, that if any man expects to get results from rais ing chickens, he must take care of his hens, and provide the necessary housing facilities, and prepare the proper kinds of feed at the proper time, for the hen is one of the most sensitive creature there is. We beD-T-lieve that the reason a number of the R men have failed in the poultry business Is because they have neglected the hen. and she quit laying, and then she was neglected more, until finally she was not laying at all, and the farmer gave iw the venture, and got rid of his fowls. Reports from several of the towns In Utah county, show that the poultry business Is a good business but the Ttiftn v ho goes Into It must do so with a determination to take care of the hen, and In return she will well pay for the care. One white face BUY YOUR Demi-tass- EE- - U. S. Land office W, WE The idea of a recreational director for Nephi has been up for discussion in this community for some time past, but not until recently has the matter been brought before any organization. During the past three or four years the city of Provo has been employing a recreational man to plaD the activities of that city. And under his guiding hand, that community is taking a real lead along the line of providing and directing community recreational activity. During the past few years, practically every organization that has any connection with the younger people of the nation, have some sort of a program for the direction of organ-le- d plan. Take for instance, the L.D. S. Church with the Miiitual Improvement association as the directing head, have an all year recreational progTam, with the ultimate aim of getting the entire papulation of the community or ward to participate in some sort of play or recreation. They realize that if the young people are under the supervision of a recreational leader, it fs much more desirable than for them to get their their own amusement. To this end they have in practically all of the wardd of the church built recreational halls, to take care of the activi- Friday, December 16th, 1927. NEPHI, UTAH S, "Lifetime" pen, $8.75 Pencil, $4.25 Lady "Lifetime", $7.50 guaranteed U3 Others $3.00 and up with a 25 year guarantee. We are here to serve Nephi Drug Company Exclusive agents for East Juab County to-w- it: "He BuUds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL USE NEPHI The TIMES-NEW- Add shrimp and brown. Mir in (lour and milk. Cook ten minutes Add catsup and parsley. Steam sev- eral minutes before cooking. Teas and corn may be had at the rate of 2 tor 25 cents. Mix these with white sauce in e casserole, sprinkle with cracker-crum- b and grated cheese. Heat and brown in oven. Asparagus for the salad costs 19 cents a can, lettuce 10 cents, and sufficient mayonnaise S cents. A can of apricots costs lb cents and sponge cake 10 cents. Enough coffee for six persons at 40 cents a pound will cost 6 cents. Rye bread costs 8 cents, sufficient butter 10 cent. This totals $1.94, leaving a marein of 6 cents to cover the cost of minor ingredients. ERMA'S Coughs StopsIn Five Minutes Hea.BiM BEAUTY PARLOR Marcelling, Manicuring, Shampoo, Facial Treatment, Scalp Treatment, and other Beauty Work. 73 South Main spoonful brings THE firstBreaks up Chest Hoarseness, Colds, relieves Hacking-- and Sore Throats. Creo-Lypt- us 1H Palatable combination of Creosote and EacaJyptna. recomended for children and adults by physcians eTerjrwhere. FartaleBy Day Phone 59. Night Phonx 182. Erma Lunt ' OelJJI Nephi Drug Co. Not Peculiar to Bible The ItilitH 'jes the terminal of words "eih" no uore than any other literature of tin1 period at the time the Kin 7ame or authorized version of the ti.' made. At this time such exi rt r.ioiu- J; "The wind blow-etwhaner It INtwh," Instead of "The wind bio-v- s as I' lists," were In common use both r sacred and secular - Untrus'.wovthy His'.orian Flavius Josephus, Jewish historian, was born 37 A. I. anil die d nbout 95 A. D. Consequently, his birth occurring about eisM years a'ter the death of Christ, be was in a position to obtain information from actual witnesses of the acts recorded. It must be said that much of Josephus' historical works are claimed to he spurious, and that he also wan noted for exaggeration. first-han- d literature. EurbanW 24 Fust Triumph fears old Burbank produced the famous I'.urbnnk potato through selection among Early Rose seedlings. This wag his first contribution. Two years Inter he established the experimental forms at Santa Rosa. Cnl., where he spent the rest of his life VI:-;;- i T- arc h -l only III II gBM9SBaa-- g neree FURNITURE AT CO. AND Receive A Beautiful Gift We have selected Some Classy DURABLE TOYS. P.uy something useful and durable that will last. Whatever you huy, if broken at once, you lose the price you pay "A Durable Toy Is The Best Toy." M. W. Man gelson Co. |