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Show THE PAGE SIX Scenes r MlMWIWg'WI at Inauguration of New York's Mayor 'IHIIIIHWM'HW miiiiihwW'iiiiiiiiiiiwii Willi null IliM W'-nt- ' '" ' TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. Friday. January 15, 1926 Building Planes for Flight to North Pole r '""T mm I jj ' In the above pictures are shown the official group at the inauguration of James J. Walker as mayor of New was shaking hands with his predecessor, Mr. Hylan ; and the police motor cycle escort of his honor the city hall. Tork, when he lined up outside The giant Fokker planes which will be used on the North pole flight to be commanded by Capt. G. H. Wilklns of Australia, which will begin about next March from Alaska, are being constructed at the Atlantic Aircraft corporation's plant in Hasbrouk Heights, N. J. The illustration shows R. B. C. Morduyn and Captain Wllklna Inspecting one of the motors, and the captain with a camera he will use during the flight Fountain in Philadelphia Beautified by King Winter sjjpi- A 'Ss - ; ,7 'j ; v ' - - . 'ft rife ' Parade of the Mummers in Philadelphia ' '77 L.i.y r jtnn. mil' mmsm The touch added by King Winter to Philadelphia's famous Logan circle fountain on the parkway. The three bronze figures represent the three streams flowing through the city the Delaware. Schuylkill and Wlssahlckdn. In the background are silhouetted the city hall and the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul. in, WELFARE EXPERT ! Polar Ship Now in Tropic Seas v Mm i Tgg,fSaaCT Lr'w Gorgeous exhibit of the Sllve r Crown club that was a feature of the annual Mummers' parade In Philadelphia. "WINDY BILL" Mushing Tried by New England Women ' w . - f3 l'"t The Roosevelt, Peary's North pole ship, arrived at Los Angeles harbor from Seattle recently, after a fight with Pacific gales that would have sent many a good ship down. She is on her way to Miami and Capt W. F. Sporman's Christmas bride Is accompanying him on the 5,000-mil- e trip. The vessel and the skipper and his wife are shown In the illustration. r. 1 17-da- y Dr. Elizabeth A. Sullivan, a trained physlciun and expert in psychiatric work, is now being used to deal with the difficult cases of the Boston welfare societies that deal with estranged It is parents and unruly children. believed that Doctor Sullivan will be able to smooth out many family difficulties and steer many children to the right path. Doctor Sullivan is a graduate of Tufts college medical school, has attended the Harvard Medical school in bacteriology and pediatrics, and has been the resident physician at the Mussuchusetts reformatory for women. ' 1 :Tif vi'!w5 "I ' r b" mm i.A 'A ' , " ?M f - v; I , fr ur , )KWIW W 'JL3l f1 ' William Woolfson of Maiden, Mas. the champion hitch hiker of Boston university. lie follows the teams to any city where they may be playing. He Is president the Barnstormer! Dramatic club of the college of busi-ness administration and president of the O. T. R., which Is an organizaSociety women of New England have adopted "mushing" racing over tion of collegiate hoboes. From his the snow trails with dog teams as one of their winter sports. Miss Clara experience In 2,500 miles of "hikEnebuske, one of the enthusiasts. Is shown here tightening up the straps ing" he says, "Never try to stop a flivfur a practice run ver going up hill." They call him "Windy BUI." is Mam ' f im V : r" " m RED MAN IN CHURCH 0 " - . n 1 Canadian Houses of Parliament mm 9 I . . " 1 ' I .Trx",- f miniw Home of Eugene Field Torn Down v FAILS AT SUICIDE .; , ft il)y t f ' TT. 1 t Ai' ' ; rrr, i ' i. j u i j M I nil - 'v L ir 1 i This American Indian, Bed Vox. St. ; James, or "Skluhunhus," has been or- dalned as deacon of the Anglican Unl- vernal church by Right Rev. George j WInslow I'ltimmer, bishop of that church. RM rox ! known M a An Interesting photograph of the New Canadian houses of parliament a lecturer on Indian life. He was born on the Montana plains and educated Ottawa that have Just been completed nt a cost of (12,000.000. This building at Carlisle. In six months ha will be replaces the one destroyed by fire In 1310, and la believed to be one of the a priest fljQest fothlc structure In the world. M ! 1 f ' -- ' .1.' " ftvr . I ' JL ''V Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, former wife Wiwiior have IM royptl the former home of EuRtie Field, the famous clilMreii'i MHt at 4242 Clarrndnn avrnue, CThlcaifa, whera tha poet llred at of Harry K. Thaw, attempted anlcldl 1,1. .Inn t h In A ond hM hm famllv aaiMail nrttll Bku,a1 In Chicago by taking poison, but hm t Ufa was saved. Mrs. I'lelil now lives In Tumahawk, Wis., and the children are married. |