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Show 1 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB A HOME PAPER FOR t I HOME PEOPLE rri twrv t A A A AAAA - - - : Utali,1liday, January Nephi, Juab Count The Times, Yol. 16, No. 3. T ,,3 STOCK JUDGING TEAM PLANS FOR .IIIAR r.n BODY IS BROUGHT Celebrate Golden Wedding WINS SIXTH PLACE Pnmrrv tUUlUI rHln HERE FOR BURIAL i 1 . The News, Vol. 10, No. 3. 15th 1926. . ' JUAB COUNTY FARM BUREAU Funeral services were held in Pro The stock judging team from the ve Sunday over the remains of the won sixth school at place 4 t Nephi high four months old son of Mr. and Mrs. he seventh annual livestock show Clarence Haiding of Watts," Utah, which was held at Ogden, Utah, on after which the body was brought to January 5th to 9th, competing with Nephi for interment. The following Harry Beagley, Is of schools the five other Be To Committees high Appointed twenty came 'down from Provo with the reBeef and state. President John S. Neilson cattle, hogs. dairy and Clubs From Local mains: the parents, Mr. and Mrs. and sheep were judged by the team. of Mona, Mr. E. Form Clarence Harding,. Farm Bureau To J. and Mrs. The following boys constitute the Ne S. Mr. Mrs. H. To Be Selected Hall. and t Harding. team: Clark Morgan, Association. Eugene phi Mrs. John Bray, Mrs. Wilford Bray, Harry Ostler, and James .Phillips. Mr, and Mrs. Bryan Davis, Miss Phyl-is- a Beagley, teacher in agriculture, ac to livestock. Mangum, ,Melvin Mangum, LeRoy the. The election of officers of the Juab the boys eompanied Plans for the organization of a show. Whitehead, Victor Headquist. Mr. county farm bureau took place Satof care association to fair take county and Mrs. Jos. M. Crowley. urday evening at the annual meeting i the 1926 county fair and Diamond held in the court house. Harry BeagJubilee was the main subject discus ley, who has served the organization sed at the regular meeting of the as president for the past year, was SCHOOL HEWS Nephi Commercial club held in the LEVAN NEWS ITEMS president, and John Neil-so- n W C. city Jiall Wednesday evening. of ,Mona. A secretJohnson presided and the financial ary-treasurer will be appointed by was read 1925 the for year report the board of directors at their first The regular weekly assembly pro Warner and by treasurer Clarence M. II meeting. Schow as was Weltha noon the entertained gram given Wednesday adopted by the club. A. Junior girls Monday night. A surThe matter of sending representThe plan decided upon by the mem follows: prayer, Harry Beagley; sel prise luncheon was served in which atives to the State farm bureau meethers is as follows: A committee be ection, boys glee club; a chapter all the girls contributed something ing which wil be held in Salt Lake "Penrod" acted out by students appointed from each of the clubs and from for tlje lunch. Miss Neville's from City, Jan. 20th to 23rd, was taken public Margaret farm bureau of the city which will up, and they decided to send at least meet and organize a fair association, speaking class including the follow Clark Wood sustained a broken one member from each of the towns this organization to incorporate and ing students: Carrol Bailey, Norman knee cap when he stepped from a car. of East Juab county to the state Wankier, Henry Orme, Herman put over the fair this year. and Raymond Jennings; selec Mr. Wood and his brother were re- gathering, these men to represent Several members of the 1925 fair turning from Salt Lake City and got their local organization. committee were in attendance and tion, N. H. S. orchestra; talks were as far as Nephi when they found County Agent A. E. Smith made discussed some of the principal things given by James H. Ockey and Supt, of a S. The of the projects completed Smith. Calvin was report Mr. of out awarding Wood suc a themselves gas. over to that were needed put C. BIGLER MR. AND returning from the gas station in an in the past year, stating that a large . cessful county fair, one of these being prizes to winners of the yell contest automobile. He stepped from the car amount of good had been done by the a fair ground. The fact was brought were announced as follows: Florence of $4 was first awarded prize while it was. In motion and slipped farm bureau, the report being adoptChase, imbe would it out that practically NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL the best yell; 2nd RECEPTIONS HELD AT under It. He was immediately taken ed by the meeting. possible to hold a fair this year unless for composing Blanche The outline for 1926 projects was Burton; 3rd to the Nephi physicians where he re- prize of $1, a suitable place was provided for. WINS FIRST GAME : ceived help. Mf. Wood is getting al- - one over, but final details will have NEPHI, UTAH, Two musical numbers were render prize, a basket ball ticket was given . AND to be worked out, and the budget j . ong nicely. ed by a group of girls from the high to Virginia Clyde. ' will be adopted at a meeting to be the OF "HOOP' SERIES school, which was enjoyed by VENICE, CALIFORNIA ' The second league game of basket Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen from held January 30th. members. ball will be played at Payson tonight Idaho Falls are the guests of Mr. and Jan. 15th, and a large number of Mrs. Chris Christenson. Mrs. Jensen ' In the opening game of the season is Mr. Chrlstensen's" sister. students from Nephi are planning on The golden wedding of Abner C. accompanying the team. Bigler, and Elizabeth T. Bigler was played here last Friday evening, the celebrated Sunday, January 10 tU, fast Nephi high school five defeated The Relief Society dance that was A standardized reading test was at Nephi and in Venice, California., the Springville quintet by the score given Friday nighb was very successto see-se- w The being object 18 a was to Of Monday. affair are It where the th 17, given spending Biglers ful. "At this dance the ladies had It " students of the the first , determine ability winter. throughout the entire contest, This probably ac 'all their own to read and understand what they are Abner C, Bigler was born .an ftne'team having the lead, arid then counts for theway. time enjoyed by good The regular meeting of the Board reading. The following pupils receiv- - reared in Nephi. He was tha son o &ie other being on top for a" short all V,' present. road in respectheir of miles of Education of Juab School District the was ed for graveled G. while.' highest rating Sidwell, Twenty Bishop Jacob Bigler, 'prominen responsible was held Tuesday. Present: Harry classes: Virginia Clyde, seniors pioneer, legislator and church work eight points of. the local team's score was completed last week on the James McCune er. Abner Bigler worked as a sto.ne as well as playing stellar ball. Tan- - . All dancers and social mixers will Foote, J. H. Lunt, James H. Ockey. ver Powell, county sttetch ' jot fjda Juniors; 1 'U T.iirille Vst tied for highest rat- - cutter on the i,;riiuav In Juab comity. The workr, on the uarq line, nia sromervery enjoy the dance and "Supper given, by and Rafael Garfield. t ' thLevau Farm Bureatt;;nxUI.rraa.y Claims against the- - district after was cortiiiieced ut fheMlilarl ttuy- rrig'mrtli-e- sophomore class f.GuarfceK Weeafiy-aaya."-aajraCretrn&n "were allowed and line and proceeded north. The ex- - Kendall, freshmen being Nephi where he has been engaged as city meets tne payson nan lossers " ordered paid. at Payson. pense of building this stretch of road carpenter and builder since. tonight Twelve high school and grade Oral Bosh was taken to the L. D. S submitted was taken care of by Juab county, Sup. Elizabeth T. Bigler was the daughby The box score follows: Requisitions hospital Sunday morning where he Smith were approved by the board. costing $22,000.00, and the state teachers are taking a course in Edu ter of Thomas Tranter, early Nephi Sprin grille direc He on the under on for is was spend cational Sociology, G. T. F. P. The note for $5000... due the First appendicitis. road commission figuring operated pioneer settler. She was president 0 is getting along fine. 0 National Bank for money borrowed ing one dollar to every three the tion of Prof. John C. Swenson. A class of the North ward Relief Society for Ashcraft If com is being held every Saturday after sixteen years. 4 2 0 2 Johnson rf previous to the receipt of taxes waa county has spent, which will more Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson have ordered paid. It having become due 4 noon in the high school building. 2 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Bigler were married Noakes c plete the road for several miles 2 0 0 4 been visiting Mrs. Johnson's parents January 12th. toward Silver City. January 10th, 1876, at the Endow- M. Childs lg (Florence Chase, reporter) 0 The scout troops of the three wards at Levan the past week. ment house in Salt Lake City, to this Mendenhall rg Most of the money spent by Juab 4 0 2 0 were allowed the .use of the high iintT hn cnme into the hands of union twelve children were born, A. Childs Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tundbridge are school gymnasium for one night each ten of whom are still living; forty-thre- e Vonhitps. as about sixty men, and 5 4 1 17 rejoicing over the arrival of a fine week for two weeks. Any further use 4 8 teams have been working on th,e pro Totals children, and four great grand son at their home last Thursday. of the gym. will be conditioned upon Xepbl grandchildren, all of whom are alive. ject, with an average wage for man G. T. F. P. their proper observance of the rules The anniversary was celebrated In and team of $7.00 per day. LKVAX HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 0 0 and regulations of the Board governNephi at the home of Mrs. T. H. G. Haynes rf 8 2 3 3 (Francis Benedict, Reporter) ing same. A committee composed of Parkes, where forty descendants and Sidwell r f 4 Mrs. Helen Benedict' entertained Scout masters Paul E. Booth and Ray 2 friends of the family enjoyed an Worthington c 6 faculty and the Ladies Literary club Powell, met with the members of the 2 3 2 afternoon and evening of social and Tanner 1 g State school funds were apportion music. A gorgeous banquet was ser- Sudweeks rg-l- f 0 0 0 0 Friday at the home of Mrs. Ruben Board in relation to the use of the ed by Dr. C. N. Jensen, State Supt. of ved; the the tables were decorated Olpin rg 0 Mangelsen. Mrs. Ivie B. Spencer was gymnasium. 0 0 0 Public Instruction, this week. Juab In yellow merry-gold- s the guest of honor. A dainty luncheon After disposing of some other minfor the School District will receive the su or business the meeting adjourned 6 18 was served. 6 11 Totals of $19,749.60 from the firBt distri for two weeks. At the same time the Biglers cele Referees, Wilson and Jenkins. bution. Based on the present school brated at the home of their daughter The "Love Pirates of Hawaii" was of to The new city council, composed nulatlon of 1266 this amounts Mrs. E. C. Allfn In Venice. Califorpresented by the Levan high school O. Mayor Thomas Bailey, councilmen $15.60 per student. The law provides nia, with a dinner and reception at MODERN WOODMEN under the direction of E. A. Beck Walter l. $25. per student, so an additional which some R. Judd. Russell Hawkins, and relatives Thursday night. A matinoe was given twenty 9 40 8tudent Is yet due the dis friends from California and Utah Paxman and I. M. Petty met at a 8Pein the afternoon. The musical comedy ELECT OFFICERS and romance was enjoyed very much. rial HPKsfon Friday evening In the trict. were present. The cast of characters were as follcity hall. During the day the couple received Th fniinwinir annointments were as: ows: Captain Billy Wood Sanford formal such remembrances many 1 AOI Oi Mc.Clure; made: Attorney, W. A. C. Bryan;flowers and visits, letters, telegrams, The Nephi camp of the Modern Ancell: Dorthy Elizabeth marshal. Lyle Bigler; nightwatchPirate Chief Joseph Christensen; andDeputy Sheriffs ofP. P. Christensen. an. gifts. held their America of Woodmen Levan, conflscat Nephi Taylor Ivie B. Spencer; man, Robert Chappell. Other appointChildren of Mr. and Mrs. Bigler election and installation of offi- Miss Primmer ed a still, used for the manufacture Lehua ments were discussed, but no definite FROM FOREST RECEIPTS who. with their" families, celebrated nual Cecil Stephensen; S,.ary cers at the regular meeting held moonshine whiskey, on a ranch action was taken. the anniversary are: Mrs. Amy B. Tuesday evening, at their club .lowell Angell; Karnlani Margaret of two miles west of Mills last about Onlv temporary appointments on T. Jessie Mrs. Morgan; Lilinoe Grover. Mrs. Alonzo Ingram, Griffith; rooms. Navand brought It to this city. U. S. nnnittees were made by Mayor Friday, of Juab county received $1,031.34 as H. G. Parkes. Mrs. Frank Brough The officers elected were: consul, Maile Wanda Malmgren; also found a number of barrels Bailey due to the absence of council its share of National Forest receipts Nephi; Mr. Abner T. BiKler, of Silver L. M. Fexton; advisor, M. S. Ingram; al guards Nephi Wankier, David They and Jugs, but no moonshine was left man Jesse Pay collected from the Uinta and Fish-lak- e City; Utah; Mrs. E. C. Allen, ana banker, Frank Warner; clerk. Chas. Moore, Ruben Sherwood. there. No one happened to be at the FisTaylor Southern Califor the acts, Byron Between National Forest during the Erin D. P.igler of E. Stephenson; escort. J. I. Wilson; ranch and so far the officers have not In r the "Rocked cal year which ended June 3oth, nia; Mrs. Wilford Allen, Mrs. bpen-ce- watchman, J. W. Worthington; sen- rendered a tuba solo, found out who owns the equipment. FUNERAL HELD AT 1925. Each year 26 per cent of the Burton, of Salt Lake City; and try, C. C. Morris; trustees, W. P. Cradle of the Deep," and Mildred solos violin beautiful Fork. For American of National gavelwo the Mrs. Glen Sykes money received by Gadd, S. a. Wilkey and Alfred War- Sperry in turend over to counties In both entertainers being accompanied ner. OGDEN, SUNDAY pnt at the piano. FIRE AT GROVER HOME which National Forest lands are sit by Elizabeth Sperry were The following new members on acted accompanist a8 Beard Alice uated in lieu of taxes upon National BURGLAR GETS admitted into the camp: Theo. Harthe LAST SUNDAY MORNING opera. law to the lands. According ris, Ed. V. Downs, Thomas O. Oliver, the piano during Funeral services were held Sunday Forest for be to is expended this money Fowler. J. Valentine H. ward chapel PRISON SENTENCE DistrictCbrlstensen,Thos. L. Farnswor- - The studentbody entertained the A small tire broke out about one afternoon In the Twelfth roads and schools. The sum Is not Deputy for William I. Norton, former chief dirof Mrs. Spencer, our o'clock Government Federal th, was in attendance, and officiated faculty In honor Sunday morning at the Grov-e- r ,,,n..o with n. Chatelain of the paid by the Science teacher to and Art in the receiving of the new members Domestic residence on Center street, the in charge. ect to the County Treasurer, but Knnaet ward bishopric has vs. Mrs. of Utah Spencer The case of the Stale State, which subdivides It among home being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. The local camp held a dancing Saturday evening. Eulories were delivered by Walter the counties returned to her sick husband at Kan-ab- ', Robert Broadhead and family. The according to the area of Joseph F. Buckles, charged with Hie party at the Arlington Wednesday L. Wilson. Bishop T. B. Wheelwright. the Utah. theft of clothing and jewelry valued evening, refreshments were served National Forests In each. alarm was turned in, and the fire exformer Mayor T. Samuel Browning. was tried before Judge and a very enjoyable time had by at $300.00 as follows. were tinguished in a few minutes. The fire Mimical selections case Thos. If. Burton Thurnday. The the members and their partners. started in one of the rooms, which Sometime We'll Understand," by who hag was Mrs. Thomas Haycock, transferred from Iron county, POULTRYMEN GETTING was used for the storing of old rags, Is No been m. tarv K. Fwrlpv: "There visiting In Nephi for the past the crime being committed In Cedar T. and It Is not known what started the Green Robert Nizht There." by two weeks leaves today for Los AngeIMUTV KNJOY l. City. The defendant pleaded guilty blaze. INSTRUCTION meet will VALUABLE she where well; "Ave Maria." by Mrs. Norman les. to California, to the charge and was sentenced l. Sims: "A Perfect Day." played on her husband, and enjoy a vacation serve One of the best dancing parties of from one to ten years In the County clerk Earl Cadd Issued the violin by J. Albert Erlckson. there. season was held Bt the Arllng'ton the state licenses to the following prison. cemetery, in the was marriage city tnternijMit hall Tuesday evening, when the Soc- The first of a sejles of lessons on couples this week: Charles Willis where the Elks ritual was condudted At the sacrament meeting In the fnl Neighbors c lub entertained all the the breeding, feeding and care of Caldwell and Miss Janetta Conrad, Word was received here this morn 719. Bishof lodge officers Ogden by Mrs. Maria Nowl South ward, Sunday afternoon. Eld- ladies' clubs and their partners of poultry, was given Wednesday even- both of Provo; Francis Albert Chrisop O. B. Hadlock dedicated the grave. ing of the death of n In, who died last night at her home ers Cleon L. Memmott and Joseph II. this city. The only complaints to be ing at the high school building, under tensen and Miss Ethel Jane Soren-soA heard Is that some of the older men the the be Is of of both will Fork. Mr. Nowlln Mrs. Beagley, of son Idaho. speakers. In Bishop Spanish Harry Idaho Falls. Greenhalgh supervision The body of the infant has been ar- couldn't navigate Wednesday, after Plans are made for a lesion each ' honiBn I alley l erformed the marrand Mrs. Eugene Tolloy of Salt Lake a native of this city, and has a num fine musical program is to ward dance the "Charleston" week, Hnd nil poiiltrymcn of this city iage ceremony for th last named for ber of relatives and friends In this ranged. Every member of the attempting City, was brought to this city Tuesday evening. are invited to attend. invited to be present. couple. community. burial Tuesday. ARE DISCUSSED ELECT OFFICERS w- Re-Elect- ed V ...-- .4 vice-preside- rV e, MRS.-A:NE- R SCHOOL BOARD TWENTY MILES OF HOLD MEETING ROAD COMPLETED ' . Sil-lti- City-Milla- ve rd Ie 1 er r.4.-.wU- -- 'chrry-auaited 10 SCHOOL FUNDS 111 If ARE DISTRIBUTED 10 14 CITY COUNCIL HOLD SESSION CONFISCATE STILL NEAR MILLS LJ)l,Ujl.Jt DEftlYF!) l; |