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Show THE PAGE EIGHT .NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Friday, January 15th, 1926. . sTb ig oareams INVENTORY BARGAINS AFTER In taking inventory we find Big Lots of broken lines and remnants, which will be closed out regardless of cost or profit. Come and see our Great Offerings. MEN'S, BOY'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES and SLIPPERS PRICED, 59c, 98c, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Values up to $10.00. 1 BIG LOT OF MEN'S and BOY'S SHIRTS, up to $3.00 values to Close out at 59c, and others at $1.98 and $2.98, values up to $5.00. Values up to $8.00, WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS at 89c. Value, $2.75, to close at 89c yd. WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S COATS at HALF and LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Hundreds of other items too numerous to mention. Call and See Them. GROCERIES lb. Bag Sugar, 73c; 25 lb. Bag, $1.85 lb. Box, extra large Prunes, 80c Small can Milk, 5c; large size, 2 for 25c 1 lb. Blue Bag Cocoa, 2 bags for 25c Can Corn, 15c; Can Peas, 15c; Tomatoes, 10c, 2lzC, 15c Vzlb. Can Walnuts, 40c; whole walnuts, 20c lb. 10 4 5 FOOTE AS. 50 3Ei Heavy Loacl tor Earth Hot Weather Woes , Saving HOinething for rainy day la 11 riff hi unless it Is the rheumatism. The Wool worth building. New York, ns an estimated weight of 2116,000,000 lounds. Boston Transcript -G- OOD FEED FOR LAYING HENS WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF FEEDS, INCLUDING CORN, LAYING MASH, OATS, BARLEY, OYSTER SHELL, ETC Phone 257 Robert Winn Company Si SU K CLASSED AOS Classified Ads 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line each subsequent insertion. Absolutejy payable in adCard of Thanks 50c. Miss Ethel Gadd of Eureka, Is In vance. Nepht this week visiting with relatives and friends. . Are you acquainted with this Western writer? Here is your opportunE. Leone Christensen of Eureka, ity. Annie Pike Greenwood in DramaUtah, was in Nephi Monday visiting tic Recital of her own Poems and relatives and friends. Prose (serious and humorous) to our city next Wednesday Arthur Gadd has purchased the coming evening, January 20th, under the Ralph J. Henroid property on Main auspices of the Ladies Literary club. between 2nd and 3rd north, and will build a modern home on this location WANTED Poultry, Eggs, Veal, in the near future. and hogs ,Mutual Creamery Co., Mrs. P. P. Christensen returned Clarence G. Foote, Manager. home Tuesday, after spending the GOOD RANGE pract past three weeks in Salt Lake City, FOR SALE ically new. See George Carter at where she has been visiting with her Mrs. AI. Hinckley's. daughter, Mrs. E. F. Baldwin. H. C. Craaa went to Salt Lake Wednesday on business. X Special Selling of ' FOOTWEAR Every pair of High Top Shoe's in our store is offer-- ' ed at the following price reductions. A selection of several leathers widens the range of choice. 1 SETTER Mrs. Frank Sanford of Springville, QUALITY BABY OH IX Culled free range hans. Mated to Utah, Is in Nephi this week visiting at the home of her paVents, Mr. and proven strains full pedigree Mrs. John C. Painter. Mrs. Sanford males. Literature on request. Spec-'tame down on account of the illness price community orders. of her mother, who has been sick for HATCHERY, Petaluma, the past three weeks. Calif. 200-28- 5 54 inch SERGES . LOCAL NEWS X C f W:3 f? RATION-WID- E 1 1 cTmLf 1V tO A i, eimeyva I DEPARTMENT STORES Mrs. Clarence Paxman was operated upon for appendicitis last Saturday morning at the Provo hospital, and she is reported to be getting along as good as could be expected. She was accompanied to Provo by her husband, Clarence Paxman, and Joseph W. Carter. WANTED Woman to help with housework, mornings. Phone 196 for particulars. WANTED 50 head of horses to feed. Reasonable rates, by the week or month. See F. M. Beck, or V. A. Beck. Mrs. Spencer Burton and children, WANTED Small room to store Mrs. Wllford Allen of Salt Lake City several pieces of furniture. Phone American of Glen Mrs. Skes and Fork are visiting relatives and SC pr particulars. friends in Nephi this week. They also attended he Golden Wedding celebra; t'AUD OK THANKS tion of their parents Mr. and Mrs. was held Jan. Abner C. Bigler which 10th. We wish to extend our deepest apto the many friends and preciation The Prolo swarm of Bee Hive girla relatives who offered their floral tokwere entertained at the home of their ens, words of sympathy and encourbee keeper, Mrs. Henerietta Orme, agement in our hour of sorrow. "A muslast Friday evening. Games and friend in need ig a friend indeed." ic were enjoyed until 10:30 when a Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harding delicious lunch was served to Mildred and family, Wattis, Utah. , Nellie Carted, Ord, Georgia Francom, Winona Goble. Vivian Sparks, Serena E. L. Jones and John Christenson Orme, Ruth Christison, Sarah Orme. to Salt Lake City Thursday. motored Mrs. Orme. and the hostess 1 Brough of this city, Ins taken over the agency for the International Harvester line of farm machinery, and will handle their line in Supt. Smith was in Salt Lake City East Juab county. Mr- - Brough has had a number of years experience in Thursday attending a convention of thig line' of business and should be school officials. able to take care of the needs of the J. Elmer Jacobsen of Provo, Utah, farmers of this valley, who are tn was appointed administrator of the the market for farm implements. estate of William C. Ockey, by the district court, Wednesday. meet first The Bonafide club held the ing "in 1926 at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jones of Salt George Parkin. The officers who have Lake reCity came down Wednesday and were the served during past year a week at the home of flected for tti coming year. Refresh- will spend Enos L. Jones. ments were served to the following their son, members: Mrs. Elam Mecham. Mrs. Joseph Neville of Salt Lake City, Verno Boswell, Mrs. Perry Tolley, Mr. Nevilla Mrs. Leo Bowles. Mrs. Roy Bowles, was in Nephi Tuesday. Mrs. Smith Ingram, Mrs. Cecil Morris, was on his way to Mills, Utah, where Mrs. Ed. Hansen, Mrs. Earl Tolley, the Union Pacific athletic association control of a large tract of land. and Mrs. George Parkin. Mrs. Henry has which is used for hunting purposes. Parkin was a special guest. This association has planted some bulbs which wild rice and celery The board of directors of the Nephi make feed for ducks and geese. good Kiwanis club met Wednesday evening hope to improve hunting condiand discussed a number of items rel- They tions at Mills, it already being one of to ative to the activities and policies the best duck hunting grounds in be taken up by the club during the Utah. coming year. The oard decided to have the programs outlined for at least three months In advance, which they thought would work out better WRIST WATCHES than getting a program ready just the of to meeting. the day previous J. M. We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry for our hundreds of stores accounts for the following masterful values! White, bleached single Terry Towels, with colored stripe, each IOC These Towels of Terry arc of excellent weight. Jn either all white or with colored stripe. 25c Large sized, bleached Bath Towels. Serviceable and certainly priced low ! 15c The King of Towels, bleached Terry Towels, extra large and heavy, at 29c Nephi Mercantile Co "Where Good Merchandise fill New Designs In Jewelry Our aim to help you in with the touch keep is . newest ideas in fashion-ahl- s jewelry. pleased to have you consult us at any time. JL " ThoM who are In & condition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In rood health. Thla fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local dlnpane. It la rreatly Influenced by conwfltntlonnl conditions. HAI.I.'S CATAHUfl MFPIflNK Is a Comhlned Treatment, botn local and Internal, and has heen successful tn the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold bv aU dnmirlsts. V. J Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. "run-down- STARTS Jewel er $ Cheaper" YOU USE? I MUTUAL COAL t NO SLACK NO CLINKERS We DeKver X Robert Winn257Company Phone ; Country's Heat Lss The Poor F amily M an After a mull lias :i sizable family of and boys half nv through school he isn't much Interostei) in (fold mines or oil wells, except in dozen lots He knows that no single cold mine or oil well would do him much good. Kan-n- s Pity Stnr. irs Hent losties of the United States in- dustries through radiation, conduction and convection are equivalent to an amount of fuel costing $l.(HK),00t),(H)0 n:iiion-vidsurvey has disannually. closed, according to a report made recently before a chemical society. 11 e -- rw Walk Over -- "Most people are willing to pay for what they get ; hut they want to le sure to get what they think they are "getting!" YOU BELIEVE THAT, OF COURSE! WELL, THEN Men who know swear hy WALK-OVER- S Once a man wears a Walk-Ove- r he has confidence in Walk-OverThe)' do not have to look them over for quality or wonder if they're alright. They KNOW that Walk-Over- 's fifty-on- e years of making shoes has been a firm foundation for this business. WALK-OVER- S. s. 33 We are here to serve your car with Gas, Oil and Service in the We will he more than JAS. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is WHAT KIND OF COAL DO JUST COAL, OR Amos Irons spent Sunday and Monday in Salt Lake City visiting with relatives. THE TOGGERY SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS Our contract for thousands and thousands of towels 6 N wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. Turkish Bath Towels Pair Men's High Boots, Reg. $8.50, for $6.00 6 Pair Men's High Boots, Reg. $8.00, for $6.00 8 Pair Men's High Boots, Reg. $7.50, for $5.25 10 Pair Men's High Boots, Reg. $6.00, for $4.50 ' 10 Pair Boys High Boots, Reg. $5.50, for $4.50 1 Lot Boys' Shoes, 12 to 2, Reg. $3.00, for $1.69 1 Lot Boys' Shoes, 22 to 5, Reg. $3.50, for $1.38 1 Lot Boys' Shoes, 2Y2 to 5, Reg. $3.75, for $2.50 1 Lot Ladies' Shoes and Slippers Bargain Tables, at Bargain Prices. at al Many men are wearing today the same style WALK-OVER- S that they first chose when this store opened 16 years ago-. Shortest Possible Time SILVER MAPLE SERVICE The Toggery Let your next pair W WAl-- K OVKU'S 23 |