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Show THE Friday,. January 15th, 1926. TIMES-NEW- PAGE FIVE NEPHI, UTAH S, Long "Pass" in Football J LOCAL HAPPENINGS j F. C. Chapman, local photographer. was in Ft. Green Sunday on business. H. D. Goldsbrough spent and Monday in Salt business. Lake That Cough or Cold may develop into something more serious Sunday City on Claud Lomax left Saturday for Logan, Utah, where he will attend the Utah Agricultural college for the remainder of the winter. R. H. Evans returned home Tuesday from San Francisco, where he has enjoyed a vacation for the past two weeks. RESOLVE Mr. and Airs. Abner T. Bigler of Silver City were in Nephi this week attending the Golden Wedding celebration of Mr, and Mrs. Abner C. Bigler. That This Year You Will Have a Savings Account Don't wait too long before you get a preventative and cure. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrest, and and Mrs. Paul E. Booth spent the week end In Salt Lake City, where Above Is pictured "Hurry Up" Yost, coach f the University of Michigan they visited with relatives and football team, tossing a football' friends. humidor to his friend. Tad Jones, County Agent A. E. Smith left This la coach of the Tale eleven.called the "all American" humidor, Monday for Logan, Utah, where he of since It Is made, to all appearances, will attend the. state convention the same as a genuine football. Tb county agents, which is being held at the Utah Agricultural college this football Is filled with cigars. week. Mr. i It is a resolution that you will,, in the years to come, look backward to as the one best resolu- The possession of a tion you ever made. troubles. - sav- ings account assures you protection in time Come in and let us help you out of your ol" NOTICK FOR .Illlllll'11111 ""Hill,!,. TrnMrtWOAi Mrs. Herman Mangelson, returned home Tuesday evening from Sallua, where she has been visiting for a few by her days. She was accompanied good thinrs of life whenever vou wish. sister, Mrs. Helen Peterson of Los Department of the Interior U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake Angeles, California. City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1925 ' NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Hoyt, Mr. Horace H. Ellertson of Mona, Utah and Mrs. Harry Beagley, Mr. and who, on Oct. 19, 1920. made stock Mrs. A. E. Smith, and Calvin S. raising homestead entry, No. 018662 Smith, were in Provo, Sunday, atfor Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 E tending the M. I. A. district convenSection tion. NE4 NW, 10, Township 11 South, Range West, S. L. Meridian, has filed notice Leonard Pay came up from Southto make three-yea- r of Intention Utah Tuesday, and will visit with ern Proof, to establish claim to the land jhis family for a short time. Mr. Pay za M. Vickers, also known as Thurza above described, before the Clerk of (reports that water and feed Is scarce NOTICK TO CKKDITOItS the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, M. Harley, deceased. the Beaver Lake country and !n on the 9th day of February, 1926. admin C. W. A. for attorney Bryan, they get some rainfall in that' Estate of Thurza M. Vickers, also Section istratrix. it will be hard for the sheep-tne- n deceasM. as names witnesses: as Claimant Thurza known Harley 1926. Pub. Jan. to First 1st, get enough feed and water claims will present ed. Creditors Harvey Kay, of Payson, Utah, Aug22nd. 1926. ust Peterson, of Santaquin, Utah, lor their sheep. with vouchers to the undersigned at Last pub. Jan. the office of her attorney W. A. C. Lloyd Peterson and Tom Ellertson, The Bonafide club met at the of Mona, Utah. Leather Last Bryan at Nephi City, Utah, on or beome of Mrs. Leo Bowles Tuesday A. of ELI March, F. TAYLOR, fore the fifteenth day Tests at the bureau of standards Intime was spent in sew- D. 1926. Register vening. The dicate that good leather and leather which refreshments were after H. 1926. ig Hinckley, Jan. 1st, not First are Margaret publication, damaged by being kept goods fcrved to the following members: Administratrix of the Estate of Thur in storage for many years Last publication. Jan. 29th. 1926. i. Mrs. Verno Boswell, Maggie Ilowarth, Mrs. Perry Tolley, Mrs. Roy 'jowles. Mrs. Smith Ingram, Mrs. fcil Morris, Mrs. Ed. Hansen, Mrs. thnrl Tolley, Mrs. George Parkin, Mi s. Evan Harris, and Mrs. Henry (Publisher) need as well as ample opportunity to'enjoy the ' BUI PHI NATIONAL "It Pleases Us To Please You" Ord & Mangelson SW, NE, j V. . Harris. Lp ill J ff) UAA uu 1 WITH EACH 50c CASH CN ACCOUNT, 1 Russ Hawkins, local agent for Texaco products was in Scipio Saturday, looking after the business Interests of his company. Mr. Hawkins reports that the Texaco gas and oil business has increased materially In the past year, and he now serves customers In 00 00 1 I 2 four counties, namely, Juab, Sanpete, Millard and Utah, and in addition to these he is contemplating the opening of a large territory in Southern Utah in the near future. O O PURCHASE OR CASH RE-CEIVE- DRUGGISTS IX THK FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY "He Build Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WEIX In the matter of the assignment USE of Archie Kay and Albert Kay doing business under the name and style of Kay and Nelson. NOTICK OF ASSIGNMENT HAS NO EQUAL Notice is hereby given that Archie Kay and Albert Kay heretofore doing a mercantile busiThe Larger unci Purest ness at Mona, Juab County, Utah, Natural Deposit of Gypsum under the firm, name and style of Id The World Kay and Nelson have assigned all of their property and assets to Isaac Kay of Mona, Juab County, Utah, as Nephi Plaster and Mfg. trustee, for the benefit of the creditCompany ors of said firm. M All creditors are hereby required to present their claim clearly and ISAAC KAY distinctly stated and sworn to the Assignee. under-signe- d trustee within three P. O. Address: Mona, Utah. months after the first publication of First publication, Jan. 15th, 1926. Last publication, Feb. 26th, 1926. this notice. Nephi Plaster D DURING THE MONTH IN WHICH THE PURCHASE WAS MADE, YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE TICKET ENTITLING YOU. TO A CHANCE ON THE FOLLOWING PRIZES: ft 1st PRIZE $50.00 ESSEX COACH Credit on a New Automobile A SIX (TRANSFERABLE) $10.00 Credit on a New Tire. Freight and Tax Extra For any closed car even a "Four" you pay almost as much as the Essex Coach costs. Yet what a difference In everything that counts Performance, Quality, Comfort, Good Looks, and your pride in the car you own. A ingle ride will telL And, in price, terms of payment, economy of operation, Essex is just as easy to own. Why accept less than a "Six"? Why not have the qualities of the most wanted "Six" type in the world? 3rd PRIZE 5 Gallon Can Texaco Motor Oil. DRAWING 765 The Essex Coach may be purchased for a low first payment and convenient terms on balance 2nd PRIZE - MARCH 1st, 1926. Central Motor Co. NEPHI, . JUDO GARAGE . UTAH i pus W f ' " " ' "'V - f NEPHI, UTAH |