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Show PAGE FOUR .w. THE - TIMES-NEW- v Friday, January NEPHI, UTAH S, 3 The ' w-- Times-New- s Published Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company ArlrVV III III A B. GIBSON, Subscript inn Kates: $100 $2.00 First to open in the morning, last to close at night, for your druggist maintains a health service station He is the man you call on for your community. in quick service when there is sickness or accident your home. He keeps on hand the hundreds of little items that relieve suffering and safeguard health. Back of the doctor and the hospital is the drug store a base of supplies, a service station for HOW TO PUT UP MEAT IN QUART JARS iCA ' The Greatest Lesson You Can Teach Your Boy llll The lesson of Thrift, saving a part, no matter how little, of every dollar he earns through life. K1 It will instill in him the value of money. It will build on a firm foundation the opportunity for future success in life. To help you in properly impressing upon your boy the vital importance of this great lesson, we offer you the facilities of this Bank, and the benefit of our years of financial experience. You talk to him, then bring him here and let us talk to him. It is a plan that will pay both you and the boy big dividends. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 IP SUE N TYPE-A-SEDA- N Old Prices New Prices $ 875 855 $ .... .... - - - - - - COUPE PANEL COMMERCIAL CAR SCREEN COMMERCIAL CAR CHASSIS f. o. b. Detroit We are here to serve Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. EE 3i GIS S3 j. .;. FEELS 18 POUNDS, markable New Medicine Karnak," Says Grate ful Ogden Man. W 5 J I "I'll tell the word this Karnak has made a clean sweep of all my troubles and put me in the pink of condition I've gained 18 pounds and feel twenty years younger that's why I take off my hat to Karntk," says Peter Kinyon, of 261 back at times would just double me up like a jack-knif"My digestion was so poor that food would lie in my stomach and sour and burn like red hot coals. I would have heartburn and acid stomach, would bloat and belch gp.s, my tongue would get all coated, "But, believe me, Karnak has made a well and happy man of me. Six bottles did the trick. My kidneys and bladder don't bother me any more, and there's not a trace of stomach trobule left. I eat like a horse, sleep like a top, and just feel like a-- fighting cock. Don't a day go by but what I tell somebody about Karnak I never fet e. 27th St., Ogden, Utah. 'or more than three years I was in terrible condition from kidney and bladder disorders, and my tired talking about this remarkable stomach was all 'out of gear,' too. medicine." Karnak is sold In Nephi excluI had to get up eight or nine times a night, and the pain across my sively by Geo. D. Haymond; and by the leading druggists in every town. 795 795 1045 895 1195 1075 960 845 960 885 885 810 730 655 f. o. b. Detroit NOTICE certification, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, with in the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the U SWVi Sec. 29, T. 15 S.. R. 1. E. selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approvS. L. M. Copies of said lists, so far as they ed to the State. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. relate to said tracts by descriptive have been consiplcu-ousl- y First Publication, Jan. 1, 1926. subdivisions, 1926 posted in this office for inspec- Last publication Jan. 29th, tion by any person interested and by the public generally. Strength of Nobility During the period of publication But noble souls, through dust and of thl8 notice, or any time thererise from disaster and defeat the after, and bpfore final approval and t ron ter. .on rf l v :- Provo City, Utah. First Publication Jan. 15th. 1926. Last Publication. February 5th. , ht, T I We Are For Utah Are You? The people of Juab county should pet busy and place their orders at once for their baby chicks. NEW PRICES wrigieys $975 $1245 $1295 r. r NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and purse GRAGE GARAGE CO. Mora for your money and tba kett Peppermint Cbcwing S weet for any money NEPHI, UTAH l5j That is the reason your druggist deserves your patronage on every item of merchandise he carries. He is more than a merchant. He is a guardian of your health. Creditors. United States Land Office, Salt Creditors will present claims, with Lake City, Utah. Dec. 21, 1925. Serto the adminvouchers, undersigned ial No. 036639. List 2260. the istrator at office of Dixon Real To Whom It May Concern Estate Company, Prbvo City, Utah, on or before the 17th day of May, Notice is hereby given that the 1926. State of Utah has filed In this office J. ELMER JACOBSEN, lists of lands, selected by the said ' Administrator of the Estate of State, under section 6 of the Act of William C. Ockey, Deceased Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: NE Morgan, Coleman & Tucker, M NE14; Nfc SEV. Sec. 28; NW Attorneys for Administrator, Provo Commercial liank Building. 4 NW. Sec. 27: E SEVi; SW RS GRAHA n SOLD BY DODGE BROTHERS TRUCK .1 DEALERS EVERYWHERE CHASSIS CHASSIS TON V2. MBM LOW CHASSIS But your druggist could not stay in business if he only filled prescriptions. That part of his business is less than 10 per cent of the total. So the modern druggist carries a multitude of related articles in order to round out his business and in order that he may operate faithfully through long hours and be able to serve you when an emergency arises. m - - - "That's Why I Take Off My Hat To This Re Cost of Liberty Bell The order for the Liberty bell was placed w ith Robert Charles, ii London in ISni mid specified a weight of 2.000 pounds and a cost of 100.000 pounds sterling It. arrived In Amrust. 17"2. A Thinner strolro cracked It while . being tested . a sinn u was recast d.v a I'hlla- delphian twice before it met the tests. It was hung In the steeple In June, 1753. When It wns erncked r.galn in 17S3. a new he!l replaced It t Wfi:Ti Newspaper rnlon.) health. TWENTY TEARS TOO DIPPING INTO SCIENCE IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK FIFTH JIDKTAL D1STKKT IN ' AND FOR JIM II COrXTY. STATE OF UTAH. In the Matter of the Estate of Will-laC. Ockey, Deceased Notice to DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR GARS TYPE-B-SEDA- f i ON TOURING CAR ROADSTER Roast as large a piece of meat as you can until it is fairly well done; have it nice and brown; use flour sprinkled over the roast; season to suit your taste; make a good quantity of brown gravy. If you don't like meat this way, cook it as you please and after that cut it into pieces suitable for a serving and place into quart fruit jars any kind of Jar will do; if a large jar is used, it must be cooked longer in the jar. Now place some of the gravy into each jar; place a new rubber on the jar and a good lid; don't tighten the lid; leave it just a trifle loose. Place these jars into a boiler, but have something in the bottom of the boiler for the jars to rest on. Don't forget that. Jars break when placed on the bottom of the boiler. A board bored with holes is good; or a number of slats fastened together; or heavy net wire; or thick layers of paper wlil do. Now place warm water into the boiler until all jars are covered; bring to a boil and let boil vigorously four hours; don't forget that. There are a few don'ts you have to remember. Now pull the boiler to one side and let it cool down for about 30 minutes. Remove one jar at a time and immediately tighten the lid, being careful not to force the rubber out from under the lid. That's another item you must heed carefully. Never remove the lid or rubber after the four hours boiling. Never place rubbers on jars after boiling; never boil less than four hours. If you don't understand these d'rections ring me up 243J2. I'll tell you how, or better still come and help you get started. P. J. SANDERS i aE3 YOUR DRUGGIST IS MORE THAN A MERCHANT Editor and Manager Six Months One Year Payable In advance 15 th, 1926. Look for Wrisley's P. 23 K. Handy Pack We are now booking' orders every day from e places, and the most desirable dates are being taken. out-sid- So place your order now, with the Nephi Community Hatchery J. Walter Paxmin, Manager. |