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Show ... THE TIMES-NEW- A NEPI1I, UTAH S, Gbristmas (Sreethjtgs from tbe Stake flbrestbenc j GREETINGS Compliments; of the Season r May Your Xmas Be A Merry one and your The Merry Christmas time is here againJ the happiest day of the whole year. Every home is filled with cbjer; every countenance beams with happiness and every heart is sUrained to catch the message of love and peace which is manifest hn every hand. New Year A Happy and Prosperous One is Friends in business are as precious as friends in social life. We feel a an earnest desire to this day all humanity is filled ties ' home and kindred grows give, to love and to serve, more close, friendships more dear Wfneniories more precious. Our thoughts go to our loved ones who are absent from the home, and the vacant chair at the fire side grows more sacred to us. The Master on one occasion said: It is more blessed to give than to receive," and this spirit is in evidence tverywhere. The heart of the young and old have caught the same harmonious strain and are singing the song, which many centuries ago echoed over the hills of Judea, "Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Goodwill Towards Men.'' We are thankful to the Lord for this spirit of good fellowship and for this desire on the part of the people to love, to give and to l-it- On our Most Sincere Wishes 'a 'deep gratitude to our friends for their loyalty during the year that is now drawing to a close. May we continue to serve you in a sincere spirit of and on serve. Rl mo 0 3 t CLASSIFIED ADS j Mr. and Miller of Salt Lake are spending the week here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Miller. Mrs.-Jac- George Golden, and Otto Golden, train to Los Angeles. LOST a two year old black mule, the morning branded Oon shoulder. Finder notify Wilford Bailey. -l Mr. and Mrs. George Bigler, Mrs. Holiday Excursions J. E. Memmott, Mrs. A. J. Gowers, Mrs. Sadie Cazier, Mrs. Hyrum Broadhead, and Lawrence Boswell, Between points on the Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. James W. Vickers, & Salt Lake Railroad, December- 18, d were among the passengers leaving 19, 20, 21. 22, 23. 24, 25, 30January 1st; Limit January 4. here Monday morning for Las Angeles to spend the Christmas holidays See agents for particulars. 31-an- ITtflTfi rl fJ j 1 . Msr. Emma Claridge, Mrs. Julia Sperry, and Mrs. E. M. Claridge and daughter Phylis, left Monday for Santa Monica, California, to spend the holidays. Mrs. Emma Claridge will remain in Californa until spring. f? ixoiiiuiiurv- STORES "Peace On Earth Goodwill to. Men' the laughter 01 Christmas Day the tinklittle children snowy hills and the ling of merry sleigh bells dancing lights of the Christmas Tree! . George Tolley, and Charles Tolley motored to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mrs. George Tolley who has been visiting; in the above city for the past week will accompany them home on their return to this city. We wish to thank our Patrons for the success we have enjoyed the past year. Our next year's desires are to give the Motoring Public even better service and thus give to them a bright and Happy New Year. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. We are your servants. SILVER MAPLE SERVICE WRIST WATCHES wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. THE TOGGERY We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry j j James Cole left Saturday for San Francisco, California, where he will spend the holidays with Mrs. Cole, who has been in the above city for several months on account of her nealth. lie wa8 accompanied to Cal ifornia by Mrs. J. W. Ellison, who will visit with her daughter, Mildred during the holidays. 1U OK THANKS We take this opportunity of extending our sincere and heartfelt thankg for the kind sympathy and help that was given us by our relat- ives and SHOE REPAIR SERVICE C. O. LOMAX One Ioor Kf Cooper, I'yiwr Co. Cheaper" JAS. A. STARTS I JEWELER 23 friends, during the illness The Family of W. C. Ockey LEVIN NEWS ITEMS "N'iobe. All Smiles," a three act comedy, which was presented by the Levan School Faculty Friday even-I- n b is reported as being well performed and very much enjoyed. Miss Leola Christeusen, LeGrande Mangebon. and James Anderson, who have been attending the B. Y. V. at Provo. have returned to Levan to spend the Christmas holidays Mrs. Amos Hatfield of Spring-vil- e was the guest of her daughter Mrs. Keuben Mangelson over the week end. She was accompanied by her son Charles. The Opera "Pirates of Hawaii" will be presented by the Levan School, under the direction of E. A. Heck, January 7th. Mr. ami ..Mrs. Fred McClure, and daughter Elizabeth, left Wednes day for Richfield, where they will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mm. Allan Johnson. O. W. Hudge and Marcellus Chard will spend the holidays with relat-ivr- s In Logan and Ogdcn, respectively. They left Wednesday for " their homes. Mrs. Ivle H. Spencer and children Have your Shoes Rebuilt With FLEXOAK LEATHER Longer wear and Greater Comfort All Work Guaranteed is of our husband and father. Also to all who in any manner assisted at the funeral. left Wednesday for Hrlgham City, last- "Where Good Merchandise WE ARE WISHING THIS MOST HEARTILY TO ALL ' r.. Patrons when the world rests from its labors and expresses love for friends and families. We wish for you the true and ing joy of Christmastide ! S "run-down- tJ Nephi Mercantile Co MERRY CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. W. Chase Cole came down from Logan, Utah, Tuesday. They will will spend the holidays in this city the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W'. J. Cole. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Christmas the Day of Days, since Christmas that first Christmas in the humble manger of Hethlehem when the message of "Peace on Earth Good Will to Man" illuminated the world. L NEWS L Those who are In a condi-tio- n " will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in pood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease. It is frreatly Influenced by constitutional conditions HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is n Combined Treatment, botn local and Internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold bv all dmeirtsts. Toledo Ohio n,nfv To Our jVATOV-W- 0 Wemxeyvg. DEPARTMENT sib. mas and a Happy Prosperous . DAXCK AT THE ARLINGTON Four DURING THE HOLIDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Wood ot Splendid IXinces have been arranged: Boise, Idaho, are spending the holi- Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Carnival Dance. Dec. 2."th Christmas Dance. days here this week. New Years Eve Dance. Dec. 31st 1st Candy Shower Dance. 'Mrs. J. R. Downs, left Tuesday January for Los Angeles where she will See me for all kinds of Nursery spend the holidays with relatives. Stock Stephen Boswell. srB "TTafcseirgiarr xm We wish you all a Merry Christ-- ; -- S. FOOTE LOCAL NEWS mutual helpfulness. We are not unmindful of the fuot that the Lord has been very kind to this people during the year that is just drawing to a close. He has blessed them with a bounteous harvest; He has increased their herds and flocks; they have found an excellent market for their products and their increase; the health of the people has never been better; the saints in a goodly degree have remembered the Lord in their tithes and offerings, aud as a result the needs of the orphans, the widows, and the poor have been taken care of, and all these things have contributed to and made possible the spirit of brotherly love and good fellowship which prevail in our midst at the present time. We are especially thankful for the services of the faithful men and women who have been called to labor in the offices of the Priesthood and the auxiliary organizations of this stake of Zion. They have worked together in unison as the heart of one for the advancement of the work of the Lord in this stake. And last but not least we are thankful for the support which we have received from the 'saints and the people in general in our endeavors to better conditions morally and socially in our communities. In conclusion we extend to one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. . Albert H. Belliston, Thos. H. Burton, Samuel G. Paxman, December 25th, 1925. stake Presidency where she will upend the coming wefk visltliiK with her sister. The preliminary program In Mutual Sunday evening was well enjoyed. It consisted of a reading by Mrs. Mel Morten'son. Song by the Gloaner Olrls, and a reading by Foster Gardner. Next Sunday Is conjoint, and a very good Christmas program has be-outlined. The Season's Greetings In the hustle and bustle of Christmas tide that is the time of the year we pause and aspire to greater things and bigger deeds. And it is with these purposes in mind we ask your acceptance of our Heart) Good Wishes for a Very Merry Christina.'? The Toggery i I 3 |