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Show THE Reception That Most Pleased the Famoi TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. Air View of Parachute Creek Canyon in Colorado Sousa ft f PI" s Mw"1?"" - JJJ'M .; 1 1 vX. 'TV , v i , ten; rMvfV? "I have received many wonderful receptions from personage on my tours, but tJver have I received as great a reception as from these orphaned boys." said royal John Philip Sousa, band leader, when he was greeted at tie depot in Omaha by the boys' band of Father Flanagan's Home for Boys. The boys make up their own show each 3 oar and tour the country, the profits going to help finance the home, which is a nonsectarlan Institution housing ii ore than 400 homeless orphans from all parts of the country. iN?,f 3- : ".v ' . . : -' i Gift of American Maintains This Wesley Shrine ' . tT.iiniinffl i ari niiini ; Here Is an air view of the greut Parachute Creek canyon of western Colorado. The walls of the canyon rise ulmost 3,000 feet above the valley and the top of the plateau is 8,400 feet ubove sea level. It is part of tha naval oil shale reserves. Prisoners From Poland Return to Lithuania 1T im Ilvrrnr-,- wwFauWIMW'lH'-.M- 1 KSMIflj"''" ill .U'm ')!.) lowwuw nn. M Above Is pictured tlie City Eoad chapel In London, In the churchyard of which rests the body of John" Wesley. John Andrus, a prominent American financier, has Just made a donation of $100,000 for the maintenance of the church and the shrine. DEFIES MA FERGUSON y Exhibits in Orange and Olive Show Scene In the border village of Varena where Lithuanians greeted political prisoners from Poland who Ldd been released after a treaty between the two countries was signed. J, De Valera Presides Over Sinn Fein I uncovered scandal y , s tf lvSVA Jt-- n: I - 'r. - S -- & lp ' i . si u n I'M " r-- neRljrnatlon of Anion O. Carter as a member of the board of directors of the Ve.t Texns Technological college was requested In a letter by Gov. Miriam A. Ferguson. Carter Is a prominent publlnher of Fort Worth,, nnd Is said to have criticized the governor's policies. .He refuses to resign unless asked to do so by the board of the college. WEDS BANGOR GIRL - . V .'i .' .'. ; ' Sf - i r-- v-Ts S The aanunl Orange and Olive at Orovillo, Cal., has been drawing hupe crowds from all sections of the West. Photograph shows Anna Kast and Maxlne Sllva dlsplny. Ing cotton grown In the central part of California. i U J' . 4h iltV V . i." IK: 4 ' " 8 &- 1', tVi i - ; , 'r ' K V ri' ' - " " ; '1l lrp 'l 4 , Attorney General Iun Moody of Texas, whose investigation of road has resulted In a commissioners scandal In the Lone Star state. ' I r ' T inn iiiihihimii ii . Tl. j KHALIFA OF RIF Karimtin I)e Vnlera. the militant Irish Republican leuder, over a large moetliig In lUiblin described as the Sinn Fela and Fbcis.presided lie Is rently Women Hold Up Bank, but Are Caught feen ubove with some of the delegates. American Buys Wales' Prize Bull ... ' 7 'A'MkV it M rrA Col. MierwooU A, Cheney, engiuear corps. United Kttes army military aide to l'resldont Coolldjce, who lias luarrlod Miss Charlotte Hopkins of iiangor, Maine, and Grotan, Mass. Colonel Clieney lont M drat wife while serving at tb United States Ugatlon in i'elclcg In 19Z3. i. p 4. -- .uiV ;; 4 "- " ' ,,.1, ""j Si - Ttrenfy-foti- r hours after they held tip the llennef State bank near SI..U In typical wild west slyle, Mrs. Catherine Hocers, forty, and Falls, g. her daughter, Zer, nineteen, were takeo Into custody on their farm, where tney Drok.e down and confessed to the crime. l)resed In men's clothing, they stuck a revolver In the face of the cashier iuid obtained about f OJ, esripl i la a rickety auto. : 4X'v 1 I K!,'B of u,e tl e ln;enmiinal gnmd c!mtnplm shorthorn bull ! rp'1 f,.', th" 'rI," Wnl.i' Cetrndlan ranch and exhibited at the fci :it li.lfnmtional Live Stork nhuir- - lu a(kBs.,-U'- Ve he won the blue rii in lH rias, is now the property of a Missouri catUe ralwr. Ffank T i i' . r .r i;i.ima City butght the animal for $1,050 to head his herd on a f;tr;:i IHikmau, Mo. Fatte. nf i ti ... '.. ' "' v 4 Mnley Hen el Mehtvll. who hn Jus horn proclaimed khalifa of the new IU!T protectornte, representing the aul tan of Morocco. The ceremony took place lo Te(uan. |