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Show THE H NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEWS- , The Times-New- Rocky Kansas Wins Title s Published Kvery Friday by the Times News Publishing Company THE SEASON'S DENNIS WOOD, A. B. GIBSON Subscription Six Months" One Year GREETINGS EDITOR MANAGER I i r 4 Kates: EE HP At This $1.0(1 $2.00 HOLIDAY SEASON EDITORIALS OUR FUTURE PROGRESS inlfirii" ,'mm 3 Not because is it an honored custom, but cause of the sincerity of our appreciation, take this opportunity. to thank you for the part you have played in our business prosperity the past twelve months, and we wish all our customers and friends a good old ; First National Bank County, Utah. If you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure on or before Ninety days from date of Frank Mellen first publication of this Notice your J. W. Mellen interests in the above mentioned Mining claims will become the propYou are hereby notined that I the erty of the undersigned in accordundersigned have sxpended the sum ance with the laws in such cases of $400.00 being the sum of $200.00 made and provided. for each of you as your share due tor J. E.! KRAUSS, assessment work for the period end- Salt Lake City. Utah. Sept 23th. 1925 ing July 2nd, 1925. as required upon ths SPIDER, EMMA, HURRY BACK, Great Business Center UTAH No. 1, UTAH No. 2 and UTAH There are approximately 5.0(10,000 No. 3, Mining Claims, situated in Mount Nebo Mining District, Juab letters limited in New York city every NOTICE OF FORFEITl'HK veek dn v Nephi Drug Company 2 En-lis- CHR ID 1 MAS 1925 HI rHERE mhmhi Viie photograph allows Rocky KanThis city has gone forward the past few years in the matter of pro sas, veteran Italian tighter of Buffalo, gress but there are still many ways who decisively won the lightweight the world from Jimmy in which can be championship offifteen-rounimprovements battle. brought about that will add to the Goodrich In a general good and increase the bus iness of this community. Mrs. W. T. Robinson of Knight, It is a We wish to express to our customers and good plan now that the present year Wyoming, came to Nephi Monday is drawing to a close to take stock land will spend the holidays in this friends our appreciation of past favors and of ourselves and see where the weak city the guest of her parents Mr. and spots are and endeavor during the Mrs. Jacob Gibson. sincerely wish you a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS coming year to stop some of the leaks that take away dollars from AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. AS ORDINANCE the business life of the city. One of the big things that is needed here is closer among AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A the business men. A keener under- standing of the obligations due to BUDGET TO GOVEN EXPENDITeach other. More loyalty to the URES OF NEPHI CITY DURING interests of one another. A YEAR 192C, and MAKING APPROtrue of the nower PRIATIONS OF ESTIMATED REV conception of organized effort for the better'' ENUES OF NEPHI CITY FOR ment and progress of the com- SAID YEAR. Be it Ordained by the City Council munity. An association where the business men can meet together on of Nephi City, Utah:- Section 1. common That the following ground and discuss the problems pertaining to their wel- items and the amounts specified In unity there 18 strength, therewitth be and the same are here fare. and only by organization can the by adopted as the budget to govern We are here to serve. business men of this city hope to expenditures of Nephi City that may accomplish the success they are en- be made during the calendar vear titled to. 1926, and no expenditures shall be Rapid changes are taking place made for any other purpose or in any in the economic life of the people greater amounts than as specified Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. throughout the country. The auto- herein, to wit: mobile and good roads have brought Administrative Salaries $ 2,571.00 the large cities and smaller towns Administrative Expense $ 403.49 closer together with a consequent Fire Department Salaries $ 200.00 disadvantage to the small town. To Fire Department Expense $ 3,000.00 meet this new order of things the Police Dept. Salaries To Clean Sponges Why It Took a Long Time $ 2,069.00 To clean sponges place two cents' merchants of the small town will Police Dept. Expense The reason Solomon's temple was 42 173.26 $ have to adopt new methods in order Sexton Labor $ 148.00 years In building, Charley Mann thinks, worth of salts of lemon In a quart" of to meet this new competition arising Public Parks and Cemetaries 725.30 was because each of his 1,001 wives boiling water in which a large lump from the conditions stated above. Healtth Dept. Salaries $ 626.75 had something to say something in of soda had been dissolved, afterward This can only be done by a thorough Office Expense boiling slowly. Rinse thoroughly In 260.00 the way of suggestions about altera$ ly organized and wide awake busi Mayor's Contingent Fund $ 250.00 tions to the contractors. Philadelphia cold water and place in the sun until ness men's organization that is on Insurance and Surety Bonds $360.00 Inquiren dry. the job throughout the year. PeUy Assessing and Collecting Taxes Increasing Life's Span personal differences must be for $ 290.00 Origin of Baseball The span of life can be extended to gotten and a united front must be Office Supplies and Stationery Ball playing was popular in rVvnt 150 business in order at that the the of cost a years presented sixpence $ 4,000 yenrs ago, and a leather hnll iius 65.71 t) this city is entitled to can be retain Sundry General Expense $ 1, 250.00 head, is the argument of an been used ever siuce In almost every scientist. If the medical world could ed. 50.00 $ Pound Expense country, including China. Batting a anmu-ll$10,000,000 of spend instead ball a is 4.500.00 fflOO.000 Electric Dept. Salaries modern invention. Baseball as dow, he believes, our chilElectric Dept. Expense MiKiuaien in Cooperstown. 5,000.00 dren's N. V. in would be grandchildren 2.500.00 Kules were drawn up first in Electric Dept. Material 1845 Boy's Life Water Dept. Salaries 2,039.00 Water Dept. Material 3,000.00 468.84 Water Dept. Expense Street Dept. Salaries 1,680.64 100.65 Street Dept. Material 168.64 Street Dept. Expense 2,000.00 Library Department Interest on Bonds 1,662.92 Nephi Irrigation Company for water $1,142.85 Fund for bond redemption Sinking 'I $ 4,200.00 $ 250.00 Audit of City Books Total $41,157.01 Section 2. That the following when we gladly welcome the opportunity to extend specified sums of money from the d ri8tma& AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Tl The Season is at Hand 1 rjl Hp 2S more wealth in the world than ever hefnre anr? mn. ditions for most of us are easier. There are large numbers of men and women living in this greatly blessed land who can well remember Christmas times when there was devout thanksgiving for enough to keep the wolf from the door. Is the world growing better? The answer is to be found in our own hearts and in the manner in which we have treated our fellow men. We have no claim on happiness, on prosperity, on comfort, except as we earn it by is well-doin- However proud we may feel of our achievements, it is for us to reflect that all blessings are merely granted to us and not created by us. Possibly they are only loaned to us, our reward here or hereafter, depending upon the way we have used them. The daylight, the sunshine, the beauties of nature, the pleasures of the seasons, the comforting rains, the crops and practically everything else that contributes to our welfare, come as gifts from Nature under the dispensation of an Authority we may not question and can but imperfectly conceive. There was One, however, who gready cleared that conception and held up a light to guide us on the way. Under the constantly extending influence of His example and teaching, it is not possible to think of a time when His birthday will not mean an anniversary of joy. Christmas delightfully excites one's imagination and films one's tenderest emotions. On this day we seem to see Father Time with a face less grim and leaning less heavily on his scythe. The merry laughter of children extends our faith and recreates our spirit. Love, peace, good will crowd out hate, suspicion, strife and gloom. So, bring forth the yule log or whatever serves as a substitute for it. Hang the holly and the evergreen. And, lest romance suffer from want of fostering, hang also the mistletoe, that sprig which times innumerable has worked magic in backward affairs of the heart. Our wish is that the day may be a completely happy one for alL THE PUBLISHERS respective sources herein set forth are adopted and declared to he the estimated revenue of Nephi City for the year 1926. and that there be and is hereby appropriated said estimated revenue as expendable by Nephi City during the said year 1926, to wit: 28.00 47.00 151.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.955.46 Electric Light Service .... $16,298.39 $ 143.00 Electric Light Meter 23.00 $ Rale of Electric Material $ 6.605.49 Water Rents $ 919.40 Water Meters From East Juab School District $ 1,750.00 $13,225.77 From general tax levy Dog Taxes Bicycle Taxes Sexton Fees Cemetary Lots Licenses $ $ $ to you the WARMEST HOLIDAY GREETINGS, and to express our appreciation of that intangible and invaluable asset, Goodwill, that you have so bestowed on us during the year now soon to kindly close, and which we fully reciprocate. The Judd Garage G. R. Total eslimated expendable re$41,157.01 venue That this Ordinance Section 3. shall take effect upon the publication thereof. Passed by the City Council of Nephi City, t'tnh. at a regular meeting thereof, this 18th day of December. A Merry 1925. Christmas THOMAS BAILEY. Mayor. Attest: MARTHA E. VICKERS City Recorder. Corporate Seal. STATE OF UTAH, ! ss. COUNTY OF JUAB ! CITY OF NF.rHI T. Martha E. Vlckers, th duly elected, qualified and acting City Re corder of. In and for Nephi City, Utah, do hereby certify thnt the foregoing Ordinance, entitled 'An Ordin ance adnptlne a budget to govern ex nendltures of Nephi City During Year 192S. and making appropriations from estimated revenues of Nephi City for said year, as pnsed by the Cftr Council of Nephi City, on the Isth dav of December. 1925, at a regular meeting thereof and as now on file and record In fnv offW. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand and the seal of Nenhl City, t'tah, this 19th day of December. 1925. MARTHA E. VTCKERS, City Recorder Corporate Seal. ror-norn- Judd, Prop. and A Happj and Prosperous New Year Are the wishes we extend to our numerous patrons and friends BDNNEVI LLE LUMBER CO. v rr a Nephi. Utah 4 4 John Richardson, Mgr. |