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Show THE TIMES-NhlW- NEPtll, UTAH b. The End of the LOCAL HAPPENINGS j Dr. N. J. Rees wlis down from Salt Tuesday attending To some business matters in this cttv. V Mis8 Margaret LinSlon left Wed- nesday for Los Angtes where she will spend the holidaysSv Mrs. D. K. Brown left Tuesday for Salt Lake where she wilf spend .the holidays with relatives la the above Among our assets we like to count the only one that money cannot buy Your Good Will. This institution of the people, its officers and personnel extends to our patrons and Friends' their Very Rest Wishes for a city. Henry Garrett and daughter, Edith left Wednesday for Los Angeles, where they will enjol"S a vacation during the Christmas hslidays. Nephi students attending the various institutions of higher learning in the state have practically all came home to spend the Christmas vacat- x.iiwv i uiio i ivirt, anaA VIAPDV i j SUCCESSFUL and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ion. OHD1N.WCE NO. 46 mmmmi AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A COUNTY BUDGET AND MAKING Nephi National ank xonrK Salt United States Land Office, Lake City, Utah, Nov. 11, 1925 To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah, has filed in this office lists of lands selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: EN-W'4- 7, NE'iSWVi. NSE Sec. Sec. 8 SESW4 Sec. 6, NViSW'i 2 West. S. L. 16 South. Range Twp. M. Serial 03C493. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT The lievan Irrigation Company There is delinquent upon the following stock on account of assessment levied Dec. 1, 1924, the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows: No. of No. of Amt. Name Certificate Shares 461c 1 $1.00 Shepherd 6.00 294c 6 Chris Paystrup 420c 10 15.75 Peter Larsen 9 10.00 181 Hans Anderson 8.75 H. R. Francom 429c 16 1.00 412c 1 Erick C. Peterson 234c 14 10.50 Annie Stephenson L. H. Mortensen 388c 14 14.00 Catherine M. Mortensen 485c 6 6.00 And in acordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors so many shares of each parcel of such stock will be sold at the residence departmental of the President of this corporation certification, under regulations of April 25, 1907, pro- in Levan, Utah, on Nov. 30th, 1925. tests or contests against the claim of at 1 p. m. to pay the delinquent asthe State to any of the tracts or sub- sessment thereon together with cost divisions hereinbefore, described on of and expense of sale. advertising the ground that the same is more C. Christensen, Pres. valuable for mineral than for agriJ. C. Jensen, Secy. cultural purposes, will be received Resolution The Sale of Postponing and noted for report to the General Stock Tho Above Delinquent C. D. Land Office at Washington, Resolved by the Board of Directors Failure so to protest or contest, with- in meeting held Nov. 14th, 1925, that in the time specified, will be consid- that the date of sale of the above ered sufficient evidence of stock as fixed in the above capital character of the tracts and the notice be and the same is hereby selections thereof, being otherwise 30 days, to wit: from Nov. free from objection, will be approv- postponed to Dec. 30th, 1925. 1925, 30th, ed to the State. C. Christensen, Pres. ELI F. TAYLOR, J. C. Secy. ltegister. First publication, Dec. Jensen, 1925. 11th, 1925. Nov. 27th First publication Last publication, Dec. 25th. 1925. Last publication December 25. 1925. G. L. non-miner- al Health Note To reduce fnt. slick to the food ai lowances recommended for other pen pie by the professional budget makers Thrift Magazine. Conquest of Self glory springs from the silent conquest of ourselves; and without that the conqueror is naught but the first slave. E. Thomson Real J To Our Patrons and Friends With Grateful appreciation of all the favors received by us from you and for that pricesless though, intangible asset, your Good Will, which we prize beyond measure we seek to merit your continued confidence and aim to serve you faithfully in the future. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL CONFECTIONERY X. L. BAKERY APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF JUAB COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1926. The Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah, ordain as follows: Section I That the following sums of money or so much thereof as may be necessary be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support of the government of Juab County as hereinafter expressed for the year 1926 as provided by chapter 25, Laws of Utah 1925: GENERAL FROM THE COUNTY FUND: To the County Commissioners: 650.00 $ Salary of Chairman 1200.00 Salary of Members Maintenance Commissioner Orme 250.00 Maintenance Commissioner Bun300.00 nell Maintenance Commissioner Bailey 300.00 To the County Clerk 3000.00 Salaries 750.00 Maintenance To the County Sheriff 3100.00 , Salaries 1508.00 Maintenance To the County Treasurer I 3215.00 Salaries 1588.00 Maintenance To the County Recorder 2380.00 ? Salaries 660.00 Maintenance To the County Attorney 1210.00 $ Salaries 420.00 Maintenance To the County Assessor 3945.00 Salaries 500.00 Maintenance To Registrar of Vital Statistics $ 250.00 $ 750.00 To Agricultural Aid 1500.00 To Light and Fuel 2000.00 To Criminal Expenses To Civil Court Expenses .... $ 2000.00 To Justice Court's Expense $ 750.00 $ 1500.00 T Tripptinn 0.00 To Bounty - To Maintenance Agricultural Agent. 1025.00 $ 750.00 Court Expense To Juvenile To Health and Quarantine $ 200.00 To Court House and Grounds $ 3750.00 and liabilities) To Insurance (fire $ 500.00 $ 1000 To County Printing To Maps and Plats 200. OU $ n- rmmiv Survevor 500To Court Reporter's Fees ....$ To Office Equipment T?, To Miscellaneous FROM THE COUNTY POOR FUND To Aid to Dependant Poor $6500.00 2395-To County Infirmary ...-150.00 To Miscellaneous FROM THE COUNTY ROAD FUND To Roads and Bridges ....$ 7000.00 100.00 To Miscellaneous FROM BOND INTEREST FUND To Interest on Bonds $ 13.500.00 To Charge for Handling Coup40.00 ons Section II That the County Auditor shall not exdraw warrant on County funds within and with cept in accordance the limits of this appropriation ord-lannc- e. Section III That no purchase shall be made and no liabilities shall be Incurred agency or by or for any department, or employofficer any institution by ee of Juab County without the apClerk. proval and order of the County Cllnn TV That this ordinance shall take ef- Janfect on and after .the 4th day of less uary, 1926. Said date not being than 15 days after Its passage. Passed this 19th day of December, A. D. 1925. Commissioner W. G. Orme voting "Aye" thereon. Commissioner John 0. Bunnell voting "Aye" thereon. Commissioner Steele Bailey Jr. voting "Aye" thereon. (Seal) W. O. ORME, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah. ATTEST: Earl Gadd. County Clerk. Road JENNE By DUFORD lis), nil. KMtarn Nwapapr Union.) 1 JOiL figures on SEWARD stared at the and a darkpaper before him, 1 than the dusk of the city outside settled upon him the black darkness of despair. to my busi"That means good-bness good-bto my dreams of a home with Avery," he muttered, and trembled with the sheer shock of the truth. Martini The name stung I If he only knew what Martin would bid on that special contract the only man in a position to take the contract from him! Then Avery ! She was Martin's She could get speciul stenographer. the tiirures of Martin's bid ; and he, Seward, could bid Just a point under and he and his dreams would be safe safe! Just to get those precious figures that was all, a little thing, to do. Martin was unscrupulous; why not play his gutue against him I The perspiration broke out on Seward's forehead; the office air seemed close. Then he thought of Avery, blue-eyepretty, waiting five long years for him to get his business going and now t Seward Jumped to his feet and slammed his desk cover down. The end of the road, pitching down before him Into a dark pit of despair, of lost hope, and ashes of dreams. No! anything but that ! anything but that! his mind repeated. He hurried to Avery's boarding-housness' deeper night-swe- r y y The Spirit of the Season prompts us to wish you increased happiness and prosperity during the coming- year. May your business dealings with oth- ers be as pleasant during the coming year as ours have been with vou. a "It Pleases Us To Please You" Ord & Mangelson e. She listened with widening eyes to bis hot reasoning as he explained the DRUGGISTS situation. Phone As he finished, she came to him and spoke gently. "Dear, you are You don't want me to do that I know he does dishonest things In our way of looking " "Avery, It's that or nothing! If you won't help, why I I simply give up ! If you love me, you'll help me Just now !" he urged with cold grlmness, moved by one Impelling desire. He left her white-faceand trembling, but she assented. 43. S3 half-craze- Christmas d t Her kiss was as warm and tender as of old, but her small hand lingered long In bis, and even through his stormy mind for an instant flashed a feeling that it was the hand-clasof farewell, but the feeling passed. He slept that night the deep sleep of exhaustion that follows hours of anxiety the peace of a crisis passed, a decision made right or wrong. In the morning a messenger brought hsr note and the precious figures good-nigh- p were his. Swiftly he made out his papers and mailed them ; then back to his office he went his future and his business secure, the travail of the tough years at end. He took Avery's picture from the little folder In his desk and looked long at the serene, gentle face that meant so much to him. He dreamt a bit of the days to be with her. "If I can only be worthy of her!" he thought and with the word "worthy" something broke within him. The distorted vision of his mind cleared, cold winds seemed to blow upon him, chilling the fever within Mm, and be saw no longer darkly He 8a t dumb, stricken. "And L using her love for me, drove her Into this! I must have been Insane mad!" There was Just one thing to do. H grabbed his hat, paused at the door of the office and looked back. "The end of the road for me and my hopes, but It Isn't going to end In dishonor!" Fifteen minutes later be was ushered into Martin's private office. The harsh face of the older man turned t him questlonlngly. Quietly, frankly, Seward told him the whole story, not sparing himself In any way how he had driven Avery Into her act; and he said In closing: "Of course, I shall not undertake the contract even If I get It." Martin toyed with a pencil. "A shady move that seemed to win. Young man, I show no merry In this game I got none In my youth." Seward's heart sank as he watched the Impassive face. If Martin did as be could do. It meant disgrace foe Avery and himself public shame for Avery ! His Hps went dry. "However," Martin went on, "Miss Hudson came to me and told me what you wanted. I gave her the figures." Stunned as If by a blow, Seward stared at him, then leaped to his feet with a strangled cry. Avery had told him! Martin rose himself. "I hate to lose tier, but this waiting game Is ridiculous. Marry her she will play the game with you, and you'll both find It all worth while! And besides, It may Interest you that I am not going to hid for that contract so It Is yours! You have hung on gamely, and I adlad. I'll send her la." mire true-bluA few moments, and the doot opened. Avery came In, her clear eyes finding his, the lovellght tender and glad within them. As he gathered hei slight form Into his hungry arms. It dawned upon him with sweet and comforting meaning that what seems like the end of the road is really the b ginning that any road traveled with fulth, hope, cheer, and with love as comrafle knows no ending except to over-wroug- happing fer annoying bladder irregularities; feel nervous, irritable and worn out. Don't wait! Use Doan's Pills a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Work YOU OUT? ers everywhere recommend Doan's. Here's a Nephi case. Mrs John Pitt, Fourth North Third Bad Bark a West St., says: "My kidneys acted Nephi KolkN Kind irregularly and my back became Heavy Handicap. lame and achy. It was hard for me I had headIs your work wearing you out? to do my housework. Are you tortured with throbbing aches and felt tired and drowsy. Friends told me about Doan's Pills, feel tired and discourbackache WORK W EARING Then look to your kidneys. weaken backache, Constant the kidneys. headaches, dizziness and rheumatic pains are the result. You may sufaged? Many occupations tend to NOW! so I used them. My back was en- tirely free from all distress and my kidneys were regulated." n 60c at all dealers. Foster-Mllbur- Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. YOUfcTREAT IS HERE! --- --- HAPPY SAM'S COUNTRY STORE VENICE THEATRE. 4 MORE THURS. NIGHTS lielow arc the Prizes to be given in the Country Store Mill & Elevator Co. 12 Sacks of Flour Jhub County Flour made In Nephi. Ladies Silk Dress Nephi Mercantile Co. The Store that treats you as a guest, not a shopper. The Toggerv Walk-Ove- r Shoes, Wilson Shirts, Ties, Son. and Clothcraft Clothes. Cole's Hot Blast Heater. Cooper, Pvper & Co. Paints, Oils, Glass and Everything in Hardware Wilkev's Harness Shop 1 hand made riding bridle. Last Night Prize 5 Gal. Oil, 5 Pounds Cup Grease. R. Hawkins, Agent for Texaco Products, Gas, Oil. Etc. The Texas Co. Jas. A. Starts, Jeweler 1 Stran Pearl Chorker Heads. 1 White Gold Bracelet, 1 Pair Pearl Set Garters. every night of Country Store Xephi Drug McCune Millinery 2 Ladies Hats, 1 6th & 1 last night X. L. Bakery Prcad for the Country Store, 12 Nights Bailey Grocery Groceries for the entire show. Carter Cleaning & Tailoring Co Something for Every es There will bo more prize Watch thin Night of Country Store. from week to week. upBcm Sam Gives You $25.00 Cash the Last Night. Venice Theatre every Thurs. dont miss a single show |