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Show s m o A HOME PAPER FOR J 1 t X - HOME PEOPLE J; t DEVOTED TO THE? INTERESTS OF JUAB COUNTY I The Times, Vol. 15, No. 50. NephV'J'uab UVTV'tah. Frithy, December 25th, 1925 The News. Vol. 9, No. 50 CITY COUNCIL W.JOHNSON C. OFFICERS RAID ADOPT BUDGET FOR PRESIDENT Commercial Club Annual Election Held Friday Night Favor Members Another i County Fair. --Wf LIQUOR DENS At the regular meeting of the Seventy-fiv- e Gallons Of Nephl City Council held Friday eveMoonshine ning in the council chambers at the Whiskey Secured City Hall an ordinance was passed At Eureka Elaborate Still approving thhe budget which had Unearthed. been prepared. Members of the local tax committee were present and, went over the various items When Sheriff Dan Martin Jeft this The contained in the estimates. Saturday afternoon after attendbudget Calls for an expenditure of city The largest item in ing the meeting of the county com$41,157.01. this total i8 under the headinng of missioners, he was accompanied to ."Electric Department Expense", for Eureka by County Attorney Will L. which $5,000.00 is set aside. The Hoyt. Arriving at the above city they uext big item is that of "Electric held a consultation with City Marsh- -' al Angus McDonald, after which the Department Salaries", Uie sum of three officers started for ' the two ,84,500.00 being needtid for this room cabin of Major Church, here "Sinking Fund for Uond Redernp-t:ou'25 gallons of found they the whiskey in will take $4,200.00; and 'Fire Department'' $3,000.00. Tlie kegs and jugs which was promptly, "Water Department" Material, will ataken- in charge by the officers and complaint was sworn to charging require $3,000.00. The above are among the chief Mr. Church with being a persistent In another part violator of the prohibition law. He items of expense. lished copy of the ordinance which waa also placed under $500 bonds for appearance here on a .'. felony Every gives the items in detail. ' ? charge. read the' ordinance taxpayer should The ' officers then paid a visit to and become acquainted wftth the of Mrs, J. D. Sandercost of operating the city " son, where they found a very elaborate copper still fitted up with all --, Y - c. w. JOHNSON Comnier- - The annual", reluctjon .ot i JvsJiiar. I t -- .Uih ..oftiytH'swas leld Friday .v ciul . , VtP.-nUn.W- itv Ti' , 4 ifrceTmg took, place roonn ttie new will tx;w be ase by - ees- luald "their rojifc-Ia- V'c1iiVVfc of FUNERAL SERVICES 5 IS ici;"tl;:X' j! ' ' fy I V-- he otiievs apd directors .cliosen by V'' ' 4 , m'att s. holdiHgother A liwberaAefeffl-- lr recowf as favor- r.ext season. 4 fy ' . Wif 1 5 r EAKTHQUAEES r IS V; '.l vr 4 -- iJ THING nsioivflrnior vearthattakes are JpHf poople of Utjih thirjrorJW' , rnimwuain region-- and trio c- W. (1 . Mitchell '"of th inc of the Untver locii' dfartiliut . ... :n ui.V 3.'r I'taQ. le,,,in ori nuijuawii iji an g from mie to" time ai'sl5ra,nce a.uiTuore destructive' trPtXTifig-- jiijhe ear- - .r Agaliff,.-JjTrger- ha radttBlly I . 14 the I 'pp$f fI and 7frV,drk"S ft it is not shrivels a WEET eve eternal! Wondrous night Aglow with songs and candlelight ; Aglow with dreams and mystic spell Of Santa Claus and Christmas bells! . (wea' of the land bo disasterous for A?ji&x1t inhabitanta of the regiou. about as in :ase ine muiTuwnij' If A. V t less eften. - nut is la iiiarr-- seveja " fS' when it does come." - ' Thirty-fiv- e ago G. K. Gil- year' 'on bert. authority jW logical Jj, .conditions of the .ui 'thaii Salt IalTe City would i ' eaasin, A V - ' V J...rv., .Lj ', ' vi J I V !A in ' i 'i serves a w I, -- INMATES OF INFIRMARY ARE ENTERTAINED! thJlrtiJi'g :.' jkoiir-i..'Hryaii- jfiihn lJl i COMING-T- Iris Ilroiish arcohipanied ,b P.ernice Madden of Mt W WedtiiHUy for Cnlitnrliia where they will spend he hdliday?.. if! - jtit, WILLIAM HERSCHELL O VENICE DECEMBER 30TH j The Angels" Message to the World; Christmas Pagent. The pagent is one of the most popular and attractive forms of modern It is a refreshday entertainment. ing change from the usu:il Christmas Cantata of miscellaneous program. This pagent offers a Christmas attraction, which cannot, be equaled. It pppeals to both old and young. Its presentation will make vivid the story ot tne inrin oi i nrist ana inner ical narratives relating to the world -- iiiss Bishop Bailey. The life of the deceased was dwelt upon by the speakers and tributes paid to his honesty and integrity. Musical numbers, were rendered as follows: Miss Ellen Cole, sang the solo, "I'll go .Where You Want Me to te COUNTY BOARD ADOPT BUDGET vjrs. loraine ljuni, utauufui jaio ui Somewhere''; vocal selection- by'Cole At a special meeting of. the Board Solemn of "One Sisters. Sweetly County Commissioners held here Thought"; and the closing number, Saturday the budget required under "I Know That My Redeemer Lives", the new law passed by the last leghy Mrs. Will L. Hoyt. islature was adopted. Benediction was given by Wilford In another part of this paper will in the .T. Cole, burial taking place be found the published copy of the Vine Bluff Cemetery, the grave being ordinance passed by the Commissdedicated by George M. Jorgensen, of ioners which gives the expenditures Idaho Falls. Idaho. The floral offer- in detail required by each departand were beautiful profuse. ings ment of the county government. The largest single Hem in the budget is that of interest on bonds for which MRS. H. the- sum of $13,500.00 is set aside " ' in the estimates.' Commencing January 1st, Juab DIED WEDNESDAY county will be operated under the SCHOOL BOARD HOLD SESSION Mrs. H. F. McCune, a former resident of this city passed away, at LEAGUE BASKET BALL her home in Salt Lake City Wednesday afternoon following a long SCHEDULE ARRANGED illness. Mrs. McCune was the wife of the late H. F. McCune who died The body will about a year ago. bo brought to Nephi for burial which The official league schedule for will take place Sunday at 12 o'clock the Nebo Division for' this season has noon, from the Tabernacle. been arranged by the officers at a meeting recently held. The follow ing are the dates, the first game to nlace January 8th. when the .team EXCURSION RATES from Sprlngvllle will be the oppon the N. H. S.: ARE VERY POPULAR entsJan.of 8th Eureka at Spanish Fork. at Payson at Provo. Sprlgville Nephl. Jan 15 Provo at Eureka, Nephi Judging by the number of citizens who have availed themselves at Payson, Spanish Fork at Spring- of the opportunity to spend the holi- vllle. Jan 22 Payson at Eureka, days In California, the cheap rates inaugurated by the Union Pacific Sprlngvllle at. Provo, Spanish Fork hid fair to become decidedly pop- at Nephl. ular. Tho local train Monday mornJan. 25 Spanish Fork at Provo, ing had 5 coaches well filled "with Eureka at Nephi, Sprlngvllle at Pay- passengers, this being the first day son. This the rates went Into effect. Jan. 29 Eureka at Sprlngvllle. business orginated after leaving Spanish Fork at Payson, Nephl at Salt Lake City so that Utah county Provo. towns must have contributed in Feb. 5 Spanish Fork at Eureka, goodly numbers to the low rate? ex- Provo at Payson, Nephl at Sprlngfurnished vllle. cursion. This city hag n its quota there being about twenty-fiv- e Feb. 12 Eureka at Provo. bound week at here thls Spanish at Nephl, Sprlngvllle leaving for IOs Angeles. Towns in Sanpete Fork. on Feb, 19 Eureka at Payson, Procounty were also well represented each train. vo at Sprlngvllle, Nephl at Spanish Fork. Feb. 23 Spanish Fork at Provo, APPRECIATION OF Nephi at Eureka, Payson at Spring-villFeb. 26 Sprlngvllle at Eureka. SUPPORT GIVEN Payson at Spanish Fork. Provo at The regular meeting of the Board ot Education of Juab School District was held Tuesday evening with the following members present: Harry Lorenzo Foote, James H. Ockey, Mangelsoh and Raphael Garfield. Bids were opened for tho sale of the barn near the Central school, the smiiR being awarded to Clarence Pax-mawho submitted the highest bid. Claims against the district which were found correct were approved and ordered paid. renowned event. Supt. Calvin S. Smith, was authIt is prepared according to the lat- orized to attend the convention of The Christmas Seal committee est Ide;iH of pngentry, and promises school officials to be held in Salt of this city through its local chairto be one of the mo-- t entertaining Lake City, January 8th. and instructional programs of the, , Requisitions for ' supplies submit- man Mrs. J. W. Paxman wishes to ' th&nk the people of Nephl for the r-.ted by Supt. Smith were approved. ' r year. '. t ; good support given the seal sale here Xeli"Schofield and. Miss ttbvi Mrs. Warner Stephenson left Mon- also to the schools and to the mem Dr. .1. A. Booth was In Leamingfor Helen Cowan, left Wednesday day for Los Angeles where she will bers of the canvassing committee for Uis Angeles., .where (hey will jpend ton. Monday unending to some their willing cooperation. the holiday with relatives. j fpetid business. (he holidays. Under the auspices of the "Home bu?y week at the Bound Committee", and Bishopric orfixe and Postmaster of the South ward, together with jmt .on t 'Stake Presidency, a program, Unit found it extr helf to hand! On-- w Hinjr was Hiven at the County Infirmary; ,Tu bufVness. vra"tho".,'l tPO' Tuesday evening. J. E. Memmott. ami from, the openiuf o offbe bishopric was in charge, andnumbers were renderIn b ' o'niini? ,,unWf tho clositi t.ranC of uooplawir ed iT,h roe readings, by Neldu ; Wti'jd window to trouaaf; reman: Instru mental selection, by :n$';X "inf. FTfrjUeK Warner; Vocal solo, by T. ,' lurtu&u'. 'tnlnemlmy' Uil-ftor ,iniKniina- mail pHtm If. jurton, of the Stake Presidency tlio nTojrttfllluW President A. It. Bell- waeon lo;t received t ' in train' Owing Jrtjm the'-facthat i 'I l Member, ot the committee th otficp will no eiHribiit.ent)y prenf iJ were "Mrs. Jennie Belliston. citizens hav.e Mrs. W.' Avr. Warner, Mrs. J. W. nwil on Chrlstnian iIaiio their nuuling niuJi ariler this Brought Mrs E. K. Booth, und Mrs. than formerly. ' GfWgl) LtWei- - beea .iift-SM- 1 mi grfcnt AL POST OFFICE IS KEPT BUSY TlilH has local host- - I ,n'(l CoUinaton. Utah, .and' r Change me to child! Let me once more Go nightie-cla- d to Dreamlands door. to protect (le,r uttive quakes any thel.vidnJty, accordi " to present inl.fe at rah's Slate University, is occjiiring "'V y NeThl ie fi LET my dreams of Youth run free! Glad Christmas eves, come tack to me ! n Trent pnrthnnake "within years?. liut iilnce that titne ?rAhW' hicn found that a gradual fault be- of th.Aass pwsiV-fit- '. ; new budget law. a' t ruck i,J.he gtirface of the fyiVo. . Which .iaialle'd a fault. If 'i,i ciiriir.ir alnnir the fault lane la WaAaaX, Very impressive .services were held Sunday noon at the Tabernacle over the mortal remains of W. C. Ockey. Bishop Thomas Bailey was in charge tho invocation hcing offered by P. P. - barilr :intfiBlo'r, jsf)t. but is 14 the ' iviiujif.-rocesft,somj areas , friourse of I HftUKt shift! flower levels, jufct. as' do ta or I ifji, ,suriacp - i uu ajjic rZi'irfiJ' FOR W. C. OCKEY Christenson. The speakers were President A. H. Relliston, James W. Paxman, and IlBejisiaatrr Dy. Br. F. ff'' t. C , i ;Boa,nr of t; Xf.fj 8: .BJ.C A. . H the modern improvements for the making of moonshine liquor. The capacity of the still is 50 gallon, and a batch must have recently been made, as the officers located 40 gallon of whiskey, also 4 barrels of mash. A complaint charging Mrs. Sanderson with misdemeanor was sworn to by County1 Attorney Hoyt. According to Mr. Hoyt the still was about the" most that has been, found in the county, every detail having been taken care of that. would Insure etticiency In the manufacture of the" illicit product. - I it ao Pay-so- e. Nephl. Miss Naomi Bailey, one of the efficient lady clerks In the J. C. Penney store received a nice Chrlstmaa gift Wednesday from the company In the form of a bonus vheck amounting to 9S.59. The bonus Is given on the ales mad by each lady clerk during the entire year. |