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Show Tift: screen hid the cooking ringe, but In the middle of the floor wim a larne white enameled table ami in one corner was a small square one. with a chair before It. )n the small table was a glass stand heaped with folded paper napkins, a big sugar howl of a familiar variety, pepper and salt shakers and a typewritten menu card. Ay CLARISSA MACKIE Felicia was garbed in white, with a large while apron, and there was a MM. by UcClui Nwpaper Syndicate.) glimpse of a grinning timid similarly attired. Here in his own adored home During their honeymoon the New- - was the atmosphere of the hated tons read poetry together. "Then and there was a crude nouid be so tittle time to do that lunchrooms, on the wall, "Watch your hat and sign when they were settled down and overcoat." lames had to hurry so much. And so, Felicia cuiiie and pecked his cheek. During this blissful period, Jaine: "Isn't it great? So easy to prepare' Newton frequently hi reminded so easy to serve and so easy things, shunning wife that to hliu food was for to eat, dear. Hurry, now, and: i mere lucldent of life. Had not oh sit yon down. Oakly Ituusome bus Duiar said : for you to meet hliu nt the "Here, with a Loaf of Breud beneath station at 7:10 and go Into town to the Bough, some new show, and you can make It a, ITlask of Wine, a Book of Verse If you hurry !" and Thou How James hated the "Hurry!" Beside me singing In the Wilderness word. And Wilderness Is Paradise enow." He smiled and loked at the Fellela Newton listened and loved card Fell"i!i feeblyhim. She had been gave lier lord all the more for his Indiffer- faithful lo detail and had not omitence to the material pleasures of eat- ted one of the standard dishes faing and drinking. But of course there miliar to the luncher-ou- t an end to the honeymoon, and "Griddle cakes,"peripatetic ordered James sport-inglthere was the exquisite pleasure of the return home to the new house In James did not eat much, though the !he suburbs, the little round of social new girl was a very good cook; he d events, the novelty of getting a was very thoughtful as he finished off to catch the 8:15 train to the last and, leavleathery bit of town every morning, and wrestling ing a tip on the table, hepiewent out of with the vagaries of an Incompetent the room. But there was a discour. aged droop to his shoulders and there Within one short week after their was no sign of hurry in his gait. Fe- -; return home James Newton had llcia watched him anxiously as he to quote Omar Khayyam, and went Into the library and, calling Oak-- j Felicia suspected tearfully that he ly Ransonie up, he told htm he could was yearning for the flesh pots of his not go Into town. He sat down to To tell the truth, read the bachelor days. evening paper, when Felicia lames was plainly dissatisfied. Com- came in, attired in one of her charmpared to the ruinous food that Biddy ing frocks. She kissed him and called served even the memory of downtown him "dear old Omar," and he did not tvhite-tilelunchrooms became endear- smile until the new muld demurely ing. There .followed days when he announced dinner and Felicia laugh-- , quoted from the menus of his quick lngly dragged him into the dining lunch palace amid the skyscrapers, room to the dainty table set for dinmid Felicia for the first time learned ner. The meal was delicious and :hat corned beef hash and griddle James cared not that Felicia lectured 'akes, well cooked, were esteemed by him all the way through on the evils tier husband even above the peace and of hurried eating. refinement of his own home, where "I've got to hurry now," he said;; She table was spread with fine damask, "she probably won't last long." tvedding silver and a centerpiece of "She's going to stay forever," prom-- 1 tut flowers. ised Felicia wistfully, and then her "Dear heart," sighed Felicia, who husband stopped eating and smiled !ooked ravishing In a silk negligee with tenderly at her. "I can't help loving a lace cap on her sunny you better when I'm not hungry," he bethead, "Isn't this heaps and heaps confessed as he kissed her ter than a lunchroom which, looks like the Inside of a refrigerator and all kinds of smelly things cooking NEW YORK AS REST HAVEN round?" James peered into his cup of weak Almost the Last Thing With Which coffee, stared at the petrified hot "bisthe Visitor Would Credit the cuits," sniffed at the greasy platter of Noisy Metropolis. blackened bacon and pushed back his chair. An attractive young woman, wear"I'm hungry, Felicia," he said In a a wedding ring and an intensely ing s strained tone. wornout look, sat by a window in the hungry for food ! Can't you fire the train coming down the Hudson from cook and get another one, darling?" She was surrounded by "I will send her away today, Jim- Tarrytown. of various colors and shapes and bags I am my," said Felicia meekly; "but was going somewhere to afraid I cannot get another one. I evidently for a wiile. tried the other day and Miss Minchin stay As the train passed through Yonk-er- s said all she had was a girl who had a contented sigh and she worked In a lunchroom James New- turned to gave middle-agethe man beside ton," as his face brightened, "would her. He had mnde several vain atyou rather eat In that horrible white tempts to start a conversation, but than in our lovely din- now she seemed more responsive. ing room?" fine to get near the big city," "It's some"I've got to eat somewhere, snld. "I needed tills trip so she how, dear! I cannot eat Biddy's much." burned stnff. I cannot survive long it you have lived in New "I on the lovely table appointments or York take "I before," replied the man. browse on the bunch of flowers, can I can readily but commute, myself, , good-lyI'll IT Of course not honey; understand how lonesome people must have to race for that train after all." become when they move away from So Jim raced for the train as he the city alter being so accustomed to did every morning, and FijSa stood and crowds." on the front porch and waved her the noiseI'm afraid you are mistaken, "(Hi. was out Then of sight. hand wntll he she Interrupted. "I've never lived she turned hack Into the house and sir," in New York before. My home Is In sank down on the couch In the living but I got so tired of the room. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! nil Haverstrnw, of housework that 1 had to drudgery wants "James she groaned. the time," come to New Yol k to rest my nerves."" his food prepared here so lie ciin eat New York Sun. and run in the morning and eat and s!t down nnrt reiid at night and I'm Le Sport" going to give It lo him." The news thnt the French governwhich cleared the she cried, First, Then she ment has appointed a minister for atmosphere consMeralily. went into the kitchen, paid Biddy in sports, to encourage, games and physical training. Is interesting for sevlien of a month's notice and let that reasons. In the first place, this damsel go. Then she telephoned to eral move must mean exeiiditurp, and Miss Miuchln to send along the jrlrl France is already sunk a good deal who had worked in a lunchroom. The into further the financial quagmire rest of the day she spent shopping In than we are ourselves. F.lther, then, town and working feverishly In the France can face with a bankruptcy kitchen with pretty, smile or she has derided that "health" was whose new efficiency the girl, Is an essential service, and that the s' somewhat duacd hy her young road to health is paved with good athastounding proposition. letics. Secondly, It shows how public Meanwhile, James has reached the in France has maintained Its lunchroom of his choice nnd enters opinion treml toward an ideal of mussteady coffee and and to eat griddle cakes cular The emergence of bacon and eggs. From the bottom of as an Ititemational had his heart he lonthes the whole tribe an Immense effect on thefigure general of griddle cake linkers. During his thought of France and fired Idealism bachelorhood he had snatched hasty of "les sports" as well as of "les arts." brcakfasts and luncheons from these Manchester Guardian. white tables and he had hoped thnt he was done with them forever. Now How They Love One Anotherl he hraced himself for lite ordeal, enHere's a story for the ladles: I. men a tered and enjoyed hearty Mrs. Smith meets Mrs. Jones, who Is Beside Biddy's wreckage of food Mrs. a new batiste waist. wearing this was nectar and ambrosia. At Smith does not observe the waist. noon he bolted down another meal "You know," says Mrs. Smith, after with less enthusiasm, and he began the con versa li m inevitably runs lo with to look forward to the evening "I simply cannot stand batiste clothes, dinner table for Its waists. It looks so much like unHid questionable viand". The roast derwear." would be overdone and the pie underNext day Mr. Smith meets Mrs. done, hnt there was Felicia and home Jones again. This tltne she observes tnl qtilet. the waist. Kvcnitif came and home once more, "Such a beautiful waist." she smiles. he paused In the front hall and sniffed "I think batiste Is so nice for waists. fawas that What air. the stifling, So simple, jrou know." miliar smell T Griddle cakes! Easy! You're Willi darkened brow he entered the Wake up! The Footman llnlnjt room. It was dark and there dreamln'. How could you clean up a I sas no sign of dinner. He opened the fortune of HO.noO? ttfchefi door and stopped there. d"mti The Maid By wrubb'n' Mrs. Mit't ' arlrtt am7.cmeii. Pome weird Boos j necklace. rox's diamond ! taken place. A large Uiobe. n TIMSS-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S. vs. Km'' Felicia's "Quid: Lunch Room" I, j if - - - ,"HTss5-iLB,MT . ::;r:::r- j T .- - ''V','Jkv eswn lb A : - ' s ; J " I, L '1' ' ' l( mAw - 7 V Jr-- , - fTT v HAT the Niagara river is not yet j ,w m ' I ;, 1 if il ij . hus-lian- ;o-"k- d "Honest-to-goodnes- d white-enamele- mis-tree- Car-pcntl- daintily-appointe- trans-toniiat- h Chinnawa develomnent now being 'u,il"',l u completion on the Ca- VTWJ" nHn side of the international stream. As recently described in ,lu? s leiulflc America u, the plan lb- J J is to generate at the start 210,000 jo Horsepower anu, later on, liorsepower. Recognizing the prospective greater demands for electricty iu the course of the next few years, the projects discussed in the current Issue are of timely Interest. In the order of their preference, they are first, a dam a few miles below the Falls which will make use of the full flow of the river, and, second, un Installation at Ooat .'slund which, of necessity, would have to absorb waters that might diminish the impressiveness of the present Fulls. So says the editor of the Scientific American In an editorial note on an article in the Scientific American with the title "Making the Most of Niagara." Robert 0. Skerrett furnished both the text and the diagrams herewith reproduced. As everybody knows. Niagara Fulls is a natural wonder of beauty and power over which the nature lovers nnd the commercial Interests have been fighting for years. The article follows: The Niagara river will inevitably be utilized more extensively than now for the" development c of energy. The rush of those descending waters must be put to greater practical service wherever feasible without seriously Impairing the scenic beauty of the Foils. Cpon both of the governments concerned the people are mak- .iiS iiisisieiu uemauus tor nigger blocks of power, and the authorities are listening because of the logical promise ofsympathetically vast savings through the corresponding non-us- e of coal No fewer than ten projects for water rights on the Niagara river have been filed with the Cnited States federal power commission, aml,QmniT them are two that are sufficiently matured to warran discussion. Both of these contemplated hyro-els tric may well lie considered as a coordinated system, for they have been single conceived and espoused hy the same men, 1. e., T. Kennard Thomson, C. K.. of New York City, and Peter A. Porter, of Niagara Falls. The dual project embraces first, the boring of tunnels through the massive foundation of Coat Island so that water s may be led through them to large located near the river level on the downstream end of the Island, and. the rearing of a dam squarely atliwart the river at a point 4 miles below the Falls, thus submerging the present Rapids. The Goat Island tunnels would lie wholly on American territory, but the dam would stretch from shore to shore In the Gorge and be International In character. However, the citizens of this country would benefit by both of these engineering undertakings. According to the existing treaty arrangement between the neighboring countries. It Is not now permissible to divert for power purposes above Niagara Fal's more than fiC.OOO cubic feet of water a second; and for certain reasons the Amerl-caallotment of this is 20.XH) cubic feet. It has been proposed thnt the combined total be raised to 80,ooo cubic feet, and Hint each of the nations share equally. Tu other words, Canada would hove 4,ho cubic feet more than Is the case o(ny wl.Tle our volume of water would lie doubled. If the suggestion he adopted, the problem will resolve Itself into governmental selection of such of tlie proposed Installations as would lie apt least to mar the great natural spectacle, while giving the largest yields In energy and involving the fewest engineering difficulties of a debntnble sort. The Goat island scheme meets these desiderata In many particulars, and makes Instant to us, Innsniueh as It would be located od four side of the river.' i Goat Island would not have endured for ages In the erosive sweep of the Niagara but for t lie fact that It Is an Integral part of the massive ledge there underlying the river, nnd this has a very Important bearing upon power development at thnt point. From the crest to the base of the Horseshoe falls Is a drop of about lf.."i feet, but the plan is to Increase this head tn substantially 200 feet by lengthening Goat Island. From cast to west, along Its major axis, the Island Is today 2,800 feet long, hut there Is nothing to prevent extending It 000 feet hy raising above the surface of the river the slightly aubmereged area at the tips! renin end. By doing this It would then be practicable to drive the tunnels from wafer level to water level at a moderate angle and so Insure a d I (Terence In drop of about 200 feet between the Intake and the discharge porta of the conduits. At the same time, the bores la their entirety could he cut through solid rock. Knch aqueduct, when finished with a concrete lining, would have an Internal diameter of 20 feet, and the descending waters led hy It would be cnpnble of developing 100,000 horse-powt- r a through the medium of sultahle tors. As now projected, only two tunnels would tinwmmi fie excavated at flic outset horsepower r.;t the physical condition" will ultimately Krm:t a larger number. from one of the opening page A enn be Illustration. In sinking the tunnels It ouid he a iv"v mn'ter to rear cofferdams to hold ' e'y !. diir tir construction workj anil is ecnvailng of rock would he t(rr III t.fe hydro-electri- e. prope-sftion- turbo-generator- p-- xt, 2-- 3 op-pe- turho-gen-er- funibij n ? " ' ' ni" VjL'. p v , ,r 2 I Vft O tTI y 'I sAsT ( i III i y Y??s.h ' jmmm'mrTi." ... IU'W7 LJ fUA.US VT I VALVS hV WW Vc ' ' ' "' ..- - X - TT, . j . .M vjiKcAf sva. CO. . features of the Falls, themselves, would not be altered in any way. At first blush, the mera suggestion of building a barrier atliwart the Niagara river, with Its minimum How of 220.0:X) cub!:: feet of water per sec- ond, seems little short of preposterous, knowing that the ceaseless flood that required lor clearing out the forebay. T" screen t lie tunnel intakes from logs, ice, etc., there would be built nn reinforced concrete wall, rising from the ledge of the river bed to a sullicient height above the surface to divert floating objects into the currents sweeping onward and over the two Falls. According to the engineering estimates, two tunnels can lie cut and turbogenerators placed and made ready for service within an interval of two and a half years. Today, in the vicinity of Niagara Falls It costs anywhere from $70 to S100 to generate by stenm a hoisepower year. If we strike an average, and call the outlay SJSO per annum. It should be manifest that an economy of $120,000,000 In coal consumption may be effected while adding tremendously to the power available for industrial and other purposes. If It be assumed 'that a horsepower year In the run of steam plants calls for the burning of 8 tons of coal, then the substitution of hydroelectric energy will save each twelve months quite 12,000,O0O tons of fuel which, otherwise, would have to be mined and transported from the nearest fields, those In Pennsylvania. It 1s pertinent to emphasize here that In Buffalo, only about 20 miles distant from Niagara Falls, u big public service electric company develops s of its current at present by means of steam, and it Is obliged to do this because it enn-nobtain all of Its energy from the comparatively near-bhydroelectric plants. Think of It, there within a stone's throw, so to speak, of the thunderous waters or the Falls', tills concern has to rely upon coal to generate 80,000 out of the 100,000 horsepower needed by its customers. Thirty years ago, the population of Buffalo was 250.-00- 0 nnd is now fjOO,?."",, an increase of lus per cent In three decades. The city of Niagara Falls, when Incorporated In 1S!)2, had a population of about 10.000, and In the Interval It has grown C(0 per cent owing principally to the Influence of the availability of hundreds of thousands of horsepower In the form of electrical energy. Indeed, electricity Is playing its part throughout a wide zone lying around Niagara lulls the primary source of power. Syracuse is drawing current from that point, 1(10 miles away, and the loss in transmission is less than 10 per cent at a voltage of (!0,(KX). Using a potential of IUmmmi volts, the Canadians are distributing current 20O miles; and by raising this pressure to volts, the radius of distribution couId"be lengthened to UK) miles. Cnd.-- r existing conditions, the five pioneer companies located at the Falls lire developing or.'!,!) horsepower; and it Is a mutter of common knowledge what this has brought about In the realm of electrochemical Visualize, then, what momentous evolutions In our productive capacity would be made possible If a million nnd a half more of motive current were at hand ! Four years ago, n the State of New York alone, the power requirements totaled something more than 3,000,K!0 horscpou r. mid the demand was then Increasing under normal circumstances a: the rate of :iOO.tHK( horsepower each twelve-month- .' Therefore, if the Coat Island project were pushed to completion, and equipped to provide a maximum of 1.500.000 horsepower, there would lie a market for every kilowatt hour of Its output within the spun of a comparatively short while. Il should he recognized, however, that this scheme would, of necessity, divert water from the Falls, and, according to the measure of this diversion, affect the volume and possibly the scenic grandeur of the cataracts. For this reason the proponents of this enterprise do not urge Its adoption first, but advocate, Instead, the construction of the dam farther down the river. As an engineering undertaking, the dam proposed at Foster's Flats, a little less than fiva miles below the Falls, would be a much more ambitious enterprise, and would permit of the development of 2,000,000 horsepower of electrical energy. The plan Is to take advantage of the drop of 102 feet In the river level between the toot of the raiis and the site chosen by rearing a massive structure from the ban '.'ne to the crest of the spblway. This harrier would raise the water level within the Impounding area high enough to submerge the existing rapids and modify, at the same time, the character of the Whirlpool by making It larger and more Impressive. But the scenic two-third- y must' be allowed to pa- In steadily on while the proposed structure is course of erection. But nature Is ready to lend help which would make the execution of such project far easier than one might Imagine offhand. The walls of the gorge above Foster's Flats rise eheer several hundred feet from the tideway, hut contiguous to the Flats the gorge is considerably wider and on the Canadian side, especially, the bonk slopes at a comparatively easy gradient, terminating near the river In a fairly erpunslva area. At the same time, the river's path :s considerably narrower at that stretch of I's run. Owing to this state of affairs, the Flats present a strafeglc base of operations from which tn slart the rearing or a dam. That Is to say. something like 50 per cent of the contemplated structure can lie completed on dry land before any of the work trespasses upon the present course of the Nlngura at that point. Let us be more spelow-lyin- g cific. As designed, the dam has a spread In cross section of about COO feet at the bnse, and 30 feet or more of this lower portion will reach below the line of the riverbed and hove Its footing on the underlying solid rock. With a total height of feet, the dam will be of an extremely massive char- The bottom section of the dam at lent It that will rise from Foster's Flats i will he pierced by large temiKirary openings of culverts, and channels will be dug to them on the' upstrenm side to serve ns sluiceways for the entire volume of the Niagara when it becomes necessary to divert the river In order to bare the nor; nml bed for building purposes along the line of the contemplated barrier. With tills done, it will then he a relatively easy engineering task to dam the usual or natural water course to facilitatu exenvi'ting the rock and erecting that portion of the dam ths.t will terminate on the American shore. When the dam Is finished, then the sluiceways will be sealed and the waters impounded until tin y accumulate and carry the sni'ine level buck from the cri st of the dam to the very foot of the Falls. As most everyone knows, great quantities of be are carried oxer the Fulls and down the river during the wilder and the breakup of that rigorous season, and the impact and l lie pressure of theso Hoes must be withstood by any rigid obstruction rising In their path. Therefore, It is essential that these stresses be minimized and that tlirf currents be free to carry the Ice onward with ii minimum of opposition while the bulk of ti e water To this end, the dam will be N held In check. fashioned with long (.lopes on the up and the sides. The dam will serve the double purpose of Impounding the waters of the Niagara for a distant of nenrly five miles nnd of housing die great turbogenerators that will transform the force of those waters Into 2.IXKl,iK)0 hois, power of electrical energy. According to the estimates, this undertaking would Involve a total outlay of approximately f 100.000,0110; and from start to finish would take something like three years. On the basis of co:.l consumption previously cited for tie development of a horsepower year, I. e., 8 tons, this schomn would be tantamount to saving ir,(H);i,(MH) tons of that fuel annually. At $10 n ton this would repre-senn economy of .li'.i.ooo.000 every twelvemonth. But quite apart from these consideration", there would be that Inestimable gain In the matter of electrical energy that could he utilized for Innumerable Industrial purjioses. Not only that, motive Impulse at a moderate cost Would le available for domestic services of many sorts. We hove led the world In the varied churorfer and the magnitude of our electrochemical Industries, and we con maintain our position In this respect only hy continuing to provide great blocks of current to meet the Increasing demands for the commodities now manufactured at or near Niagara Falls. Finally, let It be recalled that the two projects might prove exceedingly valuable sources ef energy for that gieat superpower rone which Is to embrace a section of the states of our northeastern seaboard. Isn't It worth our while to have at our disposal 8.500,0oi horsepower without burning a tingle pound of coalT Can we be Indifferent to undertakings !bat will enable os to Increase vastly our produc tlvetias while cutting the fuel bill by hundred! of millions of dollars yearly acter. that half of (lown-streai- nt low-price- d far-flun- |