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Show THE like to have NEPHI, UTAH. S, as, it and when the issuance of said bonds is approved and a legally called and held election by the qualified voters of Juab County, who shall have paid a property tax In said Juab County in the year 1920, and The Board of County CommissionWHEREAS, the Interests of Juab ers of Juab County, State of Utah, County require it and the Board of met lu special session ou Saturday, Commissioners of said County the 3utn day of April, 1921, at the County deems it to be expedient and hour of 8 o'clock p. in. due, legal and at this time and for the puband of the notice time, place timely lic good, to issue the bonds of said session said of having purpose special in the sum of $225,000.00 for beeu given to all members as requir- County the purpose aforesaid, ed by law. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLThe meeting was called to order by VED by the Board of County CommChairman W. G. Oriue presiding. On issioners of the County of Juab, State roll call the following members" were of Utah, as follows: present: 1. That a special election be, and Chairman: W. G. Orme, the same is hereby called and ordered Commissioner: John G. Bunnell to be held in Juab County, State of Commissioner: George Francom on Tuesday, the 7th day of June Also present: Eari 6. Hoyt, County Utah, A. D. 1921 for the purpose of subClerk. to such qualified voters of Commissioner George Francom in- mitting County as shall have paid a troduced and moved me adoption of said property tax therein in the year next tiie following resolution: proceeding such election, the followKESOLUTION t: proposition, A resolution calling, providing for ing"Shall bonds of Juab County, State a In election and ordering special Utah, in the sum of $225,000.00 be Juab County, Slate of Utah, for the of issued and sold by tho Board of to the qualipurpose of submitting fied electors of said County who have County Commissioners for the particular purposo of the expena paid property tax therein in the pro- se of laying out, defraying erecting, constructceeding year, the question of incur- ion, improving and maintaining the ring a bonded indebtedness in the following roads and highways within sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e of of the State Utah, County Juab, Thousand (225.UUU.0U) Dollars, for outside of incorporated cities, incluthe purpose of raising funds to defray ding the expense of erecting all n acthe expense of laying out, erecting, cessary culverts and bridges therein, constructing, improving and main- and thereon, taining public roads and highways, inThe public road known as the "Silcluding culverts and bridges, within ver Road" running said County, outside of incorporate South from Silver City, Juab County, cities. Utah to the Millard County line. WHEREAS, there is an immediate Also the public road running west and pressing need of raising funds from the town of Levan to the Levan to the amount of (225.UUU.0U) to be Switch. used in the laying out, erecting, conAlso the public road known as the structing, improving and maintain "Nephi-Uta- h Road" running north in roads and highways ing public from Nephi to the Utah County line. Juab County, Utah, outside of incor-ate- d 2. That notice of such special cities, including the building of bond election shall be prepared and culverts and bridges therein and given by the County Clerk of said thereon; and Juab County, by publishing the same WHEREAS, in order to raise said in the Nephi Times-New- s, the Eureka funds it will be necessary for said Reporter and the Mammoth Record, Juab County to issue and sell its newspapers of general circulation, bonds to the amount of $225,000.00 printed and published In said Juab MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY IXMIMJSSIOYKKS OF JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. REALAT1NG TO BOND ELECTION 7"0U certainly want to X save money, and you better would bakings. Then use Calumet TIMES-NEW- It's the biggest thing you can do to improve the quality of your bakings and lower baking costs. Calumet is made in the largest, most sanitary Baking Powder Factories in the World. No Baking Powder la made under better condition none can be better in quality. nec-cessa- ry It contains only such ingreen- dients as have been officially dorsed by the U. & Pure Food Authorities. An absolute guarantee that it Is pure. to-wi- 5T POWDER OAECINC BcsravTisr 4' It received highest Awards, ChiFood World's Pure Paris cago Exposition, Paris, Exposition, proof of its super- France--positiv-e ior merit It is used by more housescientists and chefs wives, domestic than any other brand. That would not be the case, if it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It is sold at a moderate price. to compare costs to determine how much you can save by buying Calumet. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. instead of 16 oa. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. All you have to do is to-w- it: City-Champ- Calumet Cream Cake Rocipe 3 cups pastry flour, 3 level teaspoons Calumet baking Powder, cup butter, cups sugar. granulated Yolks of 3 CBS's. li cup cold water. Whites of 3 eggs. I teaspoon orange extract. Then ni ix in the regular wajr. - County, State of Utah, for four full weeks prior to said election, the same to be published in each of said news papers during said period In each ergular and seccessive issue thereof; The first publication of said notice to be made on the in the Times-New- s 6th day of May 1921 and the last to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921 the first publication of said notice in the Eureka Reporter to be made ou the 6th day of May, 1921, and the last publication to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921; the first publication of said notice In the Mammoth Record to be made on the 7th day of May, 1921 and the4 last to be made on the th day of June, 1921, each of said publications being for a period of four full weeks prior to the said 7th day of June, 1921, the date hereinberore designat ed for the holding of said special ele ction, which said notice shall be sub stantially as follows, OU Chrj MiiA You can travel, or ship your goods to any part of the world on American owned and American operated shipe, flying the American Flag". American shins are modern and preferable for passenger and cargo. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai a special election has been oidered and called by the Hoard of Counly Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, and will be held in said Juab County, Utah, on the 7th day of June, to determine the question whether or not bonds of said Juab County, Utab, in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-liv- e Thousand Dollars (22o,U00.00) bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, said bonds payable made payable in not to exceed twenty years from the date of this issuance, shall be issued and sold by the Board of County Commissioners of said Juab County, Utah, for the purpose or defraying the expense of laying out, and erecting, constructing, improving maintaining the following specinc-all- y described public roads and high ways within said Juab County, biate o Utah, outside of incorporated cities and including the expense of erecting all necessary culverts and brid ges tuerein and thereon, which said puulic roads and hignways are described as follows The puulic road known as the "Sil Road" running south ver from Silver City, in Juab County, Utah, to the Millard County line. Also, the public road running west from the Town of .Levan, to Eevan Switch; Also, the public road known as tae Nephi-Uta- h Road'' running north from Nephi to the Utah County line. At said election the form of ballot shall be as follows: 11U.U JfcXECTION' ltAlXOT To vote for the issuance of bonds, place an X in the space after the word "Yes" To vote against the issuance of bonds, place an X in the space after the word "No . President Harding sayst "Wa know full well wa tmnnot all where wa do not bur and wa cannot sail laeaaiifullr mktn mm d Operators of Pasaangar Serric Admiral Liaa, 17 Stata It Ntw York. N. Y. Saattla ta Yokohama, Koba, Bonvkons, Shasa-ha- l, Singapore, and oaaaatoaauy to Manila and Hawaii. Mataon Navlatloa Co, It liar-k- at St., San Fraaol.ea. Baltt-moto Havana, Panama Loa Angelaa, San Fraaelaao.Canal, and Hawaii. Munaoa Staaa B.avar 8t New York. N. X. Ntw York to Rio da Janeiro. MonteTideo, and Buenoa Aire. New York and Porta Rica S. 8. Ca-- 11 Broadway, Maw York. N. Y. Naw York to Porta Rico. Paeifta Mall S. S. Ca, 41 Bread, way. New York, N. Y. Seattle to Yokchama. Kobe, Hongkong, Shnnghii, Singapore, Tlentain. and occasionally to Manila ana Hawaii. U. S. Mall S. S. Co, 41 Broadway, Naw York, N. Y. New York to New Boulogne and London. York to Bremen and Daaaia. Emigrant Service ta Genoa and Naplea. Ward Line (New York and Cuba Mall 8. 8. Co.. Foot of Wall Naw York. N. Y. New York St, ta Havana and Spanlak porta La Corona, Baa tender, Vigo, Gtjon, Bilbao. Por Sale Steel and Wood Bhiae and Wood Hulls and g Tags (To American Cltisena Only). Steel steamers are beta all aad eoal burners. Further information may be obtained oa requoas. Free use of Shipping Board FUaa Foar reals, free oa reqaeet . ef any mayor. pastor, postmaster, or organisation. semi-annuall- y, ra to-w- it: City-Chapl- in Oeeaa-gola- For sailings ef frright Yes A famous tire and n ships to all Parts of the world, and all other information writs to U. S. Shipping Board foolers o'.ike as the world's foremost tsample of Cord tire buiiding. delivering the same repeated economy, tire after tire, and season efir season. The 8tri) around tho sidewall is ill the U. S. reiristored ass trade-mar- k Pitont NO That on the reverse side thereof shall be printed the following: OFFICIAL, BALLOT FOR famovs tread. Ackt:owin:?d jimor.p motorists and h k tf trf SiS- D1ST1CT NO Juab County. Utah, Special Bond June 7th, 1921. Election, e Signature) ,"' (Fac-siinil- County Clerk Said election shall be held as near ly as possible In conformity with the general election laws of the Stale of Utah, except as otherwise provided by Section 1414; Compiley Laws of Utab 1917, and at such election every qualified voter of said County who shall have paid a property tax in the County in the year 1920 shall be en titled to vote. The polls will remain open during the time from seven o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock p. m. Bf ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNT i' COMMISSIONERS OF JU AB COUNTY, UTAH. Commissioner, W. U. Orme Chairman Commissioner George Francom, Commissioner John G. Bunnell. Attest: Earl S. Hoyt. County Clerk. Office. yon canm jiaw'value in Q to! "ore the number OFTEN it's surprising tire views that Come out in a chance talk at the curb or in theleisureof a friend's garage. Almost every day you come across the man human enough to believe he can outguess the cut-pritag on "job-lots- ," "discontinued lines" and t i a ft surplus bluetts. His opposite is the hard- yiiii tin owner wiiu sucks year in and year out to a standard brand as the only ce l V ji Ey o t "Any V. S. Tim tall rational economy. meai'l Many will remember the scarcity S. Tires last year. of U. A hardship at the time, but a benefit now. There are no U. S. Tires to be no worked off no accumulations forced selling of any U. S. brand no shipping of tires from one part of the country to another to "find a market." (Seal) There are 92 U.S. Factory Branches. Each one gets its share of U. S. Tires. There is a broad, constant, even distribution of U. S. Tires always going on from these Branches to the dealer. Buy a U. S. Tire anywhere in a community of SOOpeople or even less and you get a fresh, live tire of current AND BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED, that the voting or polling places for each special bond election be and the same are hereby established at and the Judges of such election in the various precincts in said County shall ft ft? production with all the original service and mileage the factory put into it. The owner of a medium or light-weig- ht car stands on with every other ground equal car owner. Any United States Tire is a universal full money's worthbacked up with a leadership policy of equal quality, buying convenience and price "Thm diffmrmnt tirm com for everybody. States Rubber United States Ursa Company JUDD'S GARAGE, Nephi, Utah vitiri thmt ovf in ) un- der the Stars and Stripes to all parts of the world to-w- it: ROYAL CORD TMBwg WM m mm Ship and Sail pub-licat- in For the issue of Bonds TiZ U. S. is mm WASHINGTON. D. C. well. Voting Precinct, Levan No. 1. Polling Place, Building known as the "Court House'" Judges of Election, L. H. Mortensen, It. H. Gardner, J. L. Francom. Voting Precinct, Mills No. 1, Pol ling Place, Building known as the 'School House". Judges of Election, John Williams O. Dunyon, S.N. Flleds AM) HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and Instructed to notify said persons of their appoint ment to serve as judges of said ele ction and to furnish instructions and directions, deliver ballots and stationery and procure and take such other steps as may be necceasary In carrying out these renolutions to the end that said election nif-.- be held in accordance with law. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Board of County Commissioners meet as a Board of canvassers at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 13th day of June, A. D. 1921, for the pupose of canvassing the returns of said election and of offy icially declaring the result thereof." Commissioner John Bunnell seconded tho adoption of the foregoing resolution and the same on being put to a vote was unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of all commissioners present, the vote being as be as follows: Voting precinct, Eureka No. 1. Pol follows: ling Place, The building known as the Commissioner W. O. Orme, Chairman "Aye" "Court House Judge of Election Allen Ivey. Frank Bacon, John O. Commissioner George Francom "Aye" Commissioner John Bunnell, "Aye" Freckleton. W. O. ORME, Chairman Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 2. Pol Board of County Commissioners ling place. Eureka City Hail, Judges of Juab County, Utah, of Election, T. L. Sullivan, Edward Attest. Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. Fox, Edward McCormick. , Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 3. Pol State of Utah, SS. line Place, Eureka High School Build County of Juab I, Earl S. Hoyt, the duly chosen, ing. Judges of Election, Edward W. acting County Clerk, Redmond, Jospoh Ferguson, Mrs qualified and Clerk of the Board of and Agnes Knight. of Juab, State Commissioners 1 No. County Voting Precinct, Mammoth, do hereby certify that the Polling Place, The Building known as of Utah, and foregoing Is a full, true and the "Court House" Judges of Election minutes of a Earl Dunn, Martin Uunderson, Lynn correct copy ofof the Board of Counthe special meeting Andrus. of said County, held Voting Precinct, Calloa, Polling ty Commissioners and timely notPlace, The building known as the pursuant to due, lefialmembers at the residence of E. W. Tripp. Judges of ice served upon all place of said Board Election, O. W. Morehouse, Roy Kan regular meeting at Nepht, Juab County, Utah, said kin. V. A. Tripp. in session at Voting Precinct, Silver City, No. 1 Board being convened the 30th day of April, Polling Place, Building known as the said meeting 1921, at which said date said resolu"Court House Judges of Election tion was adopted, insofar as said Lyman Baker, W. E. Potts, Abner T minutes refer to or concern the IssBisler. Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e Voting Precinct, Alona District No uance of 1. Polling Place, Building known as Thousand ( $16,000. 00) road bonds said County, as the same appears the "Court House Judges oi Election of of record in my office In Volume 3 Earl Reuben Kay, EllerUon, LeRoy at pages 4G0 to 464 both Inclusive Newton. I personalty attended at said Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 1, Pol that and that the foregoing promating Odd Fellows Building ling Place, were in fact held ad In said ceedings Geo Win. of Burton, Election, Judges Fpwlfied. minutes) Lomai. O. Robert rge Ostler, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 2. Polling hereunto set my hand and affixed the House. Court Judges Place, Counly 2nd day of of Election, W. A. Starr, James And seal of said County this May, A. IK 1921. rows. Lisle lligler. Krl 3. Hoyt, Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 8. Pol (Seal) Clerk Clerk end County Amusmnen North Ward line Place. Commissionof thf Board bt County T Mat. of Hall. Election, Judges ers of Juab County Utah. Howard, N. A. Neilson, Stephen Bos- - |