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Show THE The United States are depositors in our National Banking System. In all there are 20,5 10,1 77 deposit accounts in the combined National Banks of this country. E5E MEET US FACE TO FACE ALCOHOL Pure Grain. For Rubbing Now on Hand FROM STUDENTS (Continued from page one) LETTERS COZY PARLOR When you feel warm and dry, ft LUNT PHARMACY CO. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS 33 erent persons have given. The girls have been staying at the Livstock building. " The boys have been staying at the Gym. Building, We have slept on army cots and straw ticks. We have eaten our meals in the main building of the college which was very pleasant. Each hour of the day was outlined and we were richly entertained In each case. We have had so many good times such as get acquainted party, camp fire par ty, exploring the wonderful campus going through the different depart' merits and seeing the work that has been accomplished by the students and best of all, seeing and bearing and making, such club spirit as never before, in singing our club songs on every occasion. Also the one looked forward for good time is to be to night the Ag. Club dance. Another no Here OAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. AT Heb" gYroT"" May 20 May 27 June 3 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 5 June 10 July 20 July 29 July 15 Aug 17 Aug 12Aug Spi,HgiAri,n W ftvo Heber Ipayson Lehi May 18!May 25 June 1 June 15 June 22 July 6 July 27 July 13June29;Aug 10 Aug 19 July 22) Aug 3 June 8 COMPLIMENTS OF THI Nephi HERE DrugCo. SERVE WE ARE TO Cleone Owens, all persons interested daly of May, 1921. DENNIS WOOD, in said matter are directed to appear Mayor of Nephl City before this court on the 20th day of June, 1921, at 2 o'clock p .m. of said (Seal) Attest: Wm. H. Warner, day, at the County Court House, at City Recorder of Nephi City. Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, to show cause, if any they have, why the application for change of IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIE name should not be granted; and it FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, is hereby ordered that a copy of this STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF order be published in the Times-NeJUAB IN THE MATTER OF THE a newspaper of general circualtion, APPLICATION OF CLEONE HUM printed and published at Nephl City, BLE FOR A CHANGE OF NAME' in said Juab County, for thirty days ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE next preceding the day of hearing. AND FOR PUBLICATION THERE Witness the clerk of said court, OF. with the seal thereof affixed, this 13th day of May, 1921. Whereas, Cleone Humble has filed EARL S. HOYT. her application with the Clerk of this (Seal) Clerk Court to have her name changed to First pub. May 20, Last pub June 17. are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since January to retail customers, in the United States. Produced JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 29.883 36.305 61.886 Total Production 127,074 tat actual sales They show you Just how many 1921 1, and how many have been sold Delivered to Retail Customers 67,208 63,603 87,221 Total Retail Sales 208,032 for the first three months of 1921 exceeded production by 80,968 Ford cars and trucks. AUSOK. BUT event iece ormeATCuT prices NEPHI Lehi TUX UTUVEltSAX. CAB thing is we have had such a Jolly chape rone. I admire the campus most of all and this college can do, and Is doing much good for our community. Resectfully, FLORA PARKES attresses at NEPHI - Sviileg- Some FACTS About showing pre-w- ar UTAH BASE BALL LEAOul n, tah which we are selling at P"" AT IKES The First National Bank Jrinc 1 NEPHI SCHEDULE CENTRAL IN the stamp of safety and security on National banks. Be a National Depositor. Be a First National Bank Depositor. We Are Overstocked With Get Your Baseball Schedule Here n, The will of the majority places Call in and see our new parlor It's Cozy! ! John S. Cooper, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Malin Mendenhall in Payaon Tuesday. s Wilford Belliston, went to Price, Utah, Tuesday where he will load a car of honey for the New York City Editor market. DENNIS WOOD, This Is the last car of the A. B. GIBSON Manager Belliston Bros, honey crop which they produced last year in the Uinta Basin country. On account of the slow mar Rates Subscription ket last fall they stored the crop $2.00 in Price to await shipment. One Year Six Months.: $1.00 AS ORDINANCE If a town is worth living in, its AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING worth boosting for. PRIVY VAULTS. CJT3SPOLLS, PIGWITHIN FIFTY FEET OF Bury the hatchet and buy a horn PENS, ANY SPRING. SURFACE WELL, OR COURSE OR Toot for a better town, and cut NATURAL WATER THE CREEK, AND PROHIBITING out the factional strife. DRAINING OF ANY CORRAL, PIG- N, OR CHICKEN COOP, OR ANY Look for the good qualities in your OR OTHER WASTE MATREFUSE of instead always trying neighbor, ERIAL INTO ANY NATURAL WATto find some skeleton. ER COURSE OR CREEK, ETC, AND Don't imagine that you're the only PROVIDING A PENALY FOR THE honest man In the community, and VIOLATION HEREOF. that all the rest of your fellow beings Be It Ordainted By The City Coun are rogues. cil of Nephi City: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for Don't think that because you want to stand still that everybody else in any person, firm or corporation, to establish, maintain, or permit to be the community will stand hitched. established or maintained upon their premises any privy vault or pig-pewithin fifty feet of any spring, surNEPHI YOUNG face well, or any natural water course or creek from which water is used by of Nephi City for houseHISTORY inhabitants hold purposes within Nephi City. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether the owner of or the person, On May 30th, two months after firm or corporation in charge of any of Allen Albert a Nephl bride, taking vault, cesspoll,, corral, pig-pewill take his degree of Batchelor of privy or chicken coop, to permit or allow Science from the Utah Agricultural the water, manure, waste or drainage imCollege. These are no doubt two of or from any such privy vault, cess-pol- l, a events in than less quarter portment corral, pig pen, or chicken coop of a year but Mr. Allen is one the Jo escape, run or drain into any spring as race who take things few in the or natural water course surface well, they come and does not turn from the or creek, water from which is used Four is ago years he climbing. path for household purposes within Nephi Mr. Allen entered the U. A. C. with City. the class of 1921, which numbered Section 3. It shall be unlawful for at that time over 350 members. At any person, firm, or corporation to the Senior chapel which was held on permit or allow any swill, sewage, or was found that only eight other refuse to run or drain into any May 2nd, it of these original members of the class spring, surface well, or natural water of 1921 had stuck to the finish. All course or creek, water from which is the rest of the class is now made up used for household purposes within various who for of older students the corporate limits of Nephi City. reasons did not finish when their four Section 4. Any person violating years were up and have merely drop any of the provisions of this ordinan ped back into the senior class of this ce shall be deemed guilty of a misyear. demeanor, and upon conviction thereDuring the four years that Albert of shall be punished by a fine of not has been at the A. C. he has been act more than One Hundred Dollars or ive in the Agricultural and Botanical in the city Jail for by Clubs and since his marriage to Miss not imprisonment more than One Hundred Days or a been Hortense Garrett, has particul by both such fine and imprisonment. arly active member of the Benedicts' Section 5. This Ordinance shall Club. take effect upon its publication. Mr. Allen has majored in agronomy Passed by the Council of and has specialized in plant breeding City, this 13th Cityof May, 1921.Nephi day and plant pathology. During bis Approved by the Mayor this 13 th vacations the last two summers he has worked on the experimental farm at Nephi which has given him the practical experience that is so essen tial. He intends to do work for the government in plant breeding as soon a he leaves school. Twenty million people of the NfjK Times-New- NEPHI, UTAH. S, Published every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company The Choice Of The Majority Ma TIMES-NEW- , put IN TMis Manner AS PftCSN AND AS vyeeT A A HUT ALL INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC MRN ad women know of the strength building nourishment of wholesome meats. Their April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April out. the factory and assembly plants combined calls for only 90,000! of These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products Is growing much faster than manfact-urln- g facilities to produce and were it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being rap-Id- ly depleated, manr more customers would have been compelled to wait, for their cars. It will be only matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus or orders will prevent anything like prompt deliveries. ur If you would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want it, you should place yo Don't delay. order now. Phone ns or drop ns a card. saf-ty-fi- 4 rest them to the santary shop whose Quality tneais and csurteous service encourage thalr appetites and whose punciual service does set delay their sinner. CITT MEAT MARKET Geo. W. Garrett, Prep JUDD'S GARAGE O R. JVVU, MANAGE". Nephi, Utah. 3 r 'V |