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Show THE - - SPECIAL - full White Laundry Soap (Damaged In Transit) For 4c a Bar ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. 31 North Main Street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR at Salt Lake City, Utah. April 11, 1921 k NOTICE is hereby given that A. Lunt, of Nephi, Utah, who, on April 25th, 1916, made Homestead entry No. 017336, for W SW U. S. Land Office Shed-rac- M, Section 1; W NW, Sec. 12; NE 11, Township 12 NE4, Section South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intentino to make five-yeProof, to establish claim US the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 25th day of May 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph E. Morgan, Owen Boswell, Alonzo Lorraine Lunt, Floyd C. Lunt all of Nephi, Utah, GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. First pub. April 15th, 1921. Last Pub. May 20th, 1921,. ar fin ) LOCAL JOTTINGS NEPHI, UTAH. State Bank of Payson, Swindle- - Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Bert urst, Saturday, a fine baby girl. A Corpor ation, Plaintiff, vs Charles E. Crook and Elvira L. Crook, Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE ON Judge Greenwood, of Salt Lake Under and by virtue of an order City, was a Nephi visitor Tuesday. of sale and decree of foreclosure is sued out of the District Court of the R. H. Evans went to Salt Lake City County of Utah, State of Utah, on the 11th day of May, 1921, in the above Monday on a business, trip. entitled action wherein State Bank of Miss Vera Kendall, returned home Payson, a corporation, the above nam Saturday after a week's vacation ed plaintiff, obtained a Judgment and spent in Salt Lake City. decree against Charles E. Crook and Elvira L. Crook defendants, on the Miss Ina Hawkins, of Salt Lake 11th day of May, 1921, which said City, visited with realtives in Nephi decree was on the 11th day of May, 19 21 recorded in judgment book . . Sunday. of said Court at page . . . . ; Miss Evangeline Greenwood, is vis I am commanded to sell the follow iting with her sister Mrs. Hyrum ing described personal property to- Brough this week. wit: Three hundred twenty-thre- e (323) Mrs. T. L. Burridge, of Castle head of Ewe Sheep, branded Gate, is spending afew days this on back, and marked with a variety week with her parents Mr. and Mrs of ear marks, together with increase P. P. Christison. thereof, and, Notice is hereby given that on the Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Whitmore spent 24th day of May, 1921 at the hour of few days in St. George this week, 10 o'clock a. m. of that day in front where Mr. Whitmore had some bank of the County Court House at Nephi, ing business to look after. in Juab County, State of Utah, I will in obedience in said order of sale and Reed Bailey, came down from Log decree of forclosure sell the above an, Wednesday morning. Mr. Bailey described property, or so much therewill go south with a state surveying of as may be necessary to satisfy party. plaintiff's judgment, with interest thereon and costs to the highest and Mr. anl Mrs. Victor Jones, left for best bidder for cash in gold coin of Salt Lake the early part of the week, the United States. where Mr. Jones will take federal voc Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 12th day ational training for some time. of May, A. D. 1921. Co-Operati- The OF OUR COMMERCIAL BANKING SERVICE. YOUR AND BE-AL- L WHEN YOU DEPOSIT FUNDS BUSINESS DRAW YOUR HERE CHECKS THEM, THAT IS NOT THE AND END ALL OF OUR DEALINGS WITH YOU. OUR SER- VICE EMBRACES MANY HELPFUL FEATURES WHICH YOU SHOULD ' TALK OVER WITH US. . Nephi National Bank J. W. Summerhays and Sons Com NOTICE TO CREITORS pany are ercting a new loading plat of Johanne N. Lundsteen, Estate ware form around the front of their deceased. Credtiors will present ts Lawn Mowers house t'ais week. Arthur Gadd doing claims with vouchers to the under . work the KENDALL BROS. sharpened. signed at their 'residence at Levan, Juab County, Utah, on or before the in Bank have The First National 1st day of July, A. D. 1921. stalled a new adding and posting C. Christensen, Ray Francom Ex machine in their book keeping depar "He Builds Wisely Who Bui. 4 ecutors of Estate of Johanne N. is The week. the tment machine this Well." Lundsteen deceased. latest out and cuts down the labor of Date of First pub. April 29, 1921. t'lis department greatly. Last May 20th, 19Z1 publication TO BUILD WELL Thos. H. Burton, atty for Estate. Meat of W. the Geo. City Garrett, Market, is installing in his place of this May 4th, A. D. 1921. business this week an up to date Ice Seal) (Corporate one old that to the plant, replace A. D. BUCKLEY is being taken out. When the new and Treasurer of Globe Secretary HAS NO LQUAL plant is running Mr. Garrett expects Grain and Milling Company to manufacture all the Ice he needs Location of office. 907 East Third and have some to sell. Street, Los Angeles, California. Loclne Largest and Puroil ation of works. Orange County, San NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Natural lepoit of Gypsum la Diego County, Imperial County, Rivlite World. erside County, San Berdardino Coun-tand Grain Company, Milling Globe, San Francisco County, Ala a corporation, organized and existing NEPHI PASTER AND MFG. under and by virtue of the laws of meda County, Sarcramento County, Merced COMPANY County, County, the State of California, and having Yolo Fresno Coits principal place of business In the El Dorado County, in City of and County of Los Angeles, unty, Santa Clara County, all California, and King County, Wash in the State of California. . Notice is hereby given that at a ington, Multnomah County, Oregon, special meeting of the Board of Dir Weber Cnuntr. Utah. Millard County ectors of said corporation, held on Utah, and Juab County, Utah. First publication May 13th, 1921 May 4th, A. D. 1921, an assessment Last publicaton June3rd, 1921 (being assessment No. 1) of Ten Dollars. per sfrare, (the same being ten per cent (10 per cent) up on the par value thereof), was levied upa a!l the issued and outstanding common capi'al Ftock of said corpor ation. payaMe on or before June 10th A. D. 1921, to A. D. Buckley, Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation, at 907 East Third Street, in the City of and. County of Los Angeles, Slate of California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid at 5.00 o'clock p. m. on the 10th day of June, A. D. 1921, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 5th day of July, A. D. 1921, at 2.00 o'clock p .m. to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of ad vertising and exppnses of sale. Dated at Los Angeles, California, Go-car- Is on Keynote. , DAN MARTIN, An Osborn Mower Sheriff of Juab County, State of Utah FOR SALE and Hay Rake in first class condit By P. P. Christison, Deputy Also a P & Q four row beet Thos. H. Burton, attorney for Plaintiff ion. culivator. All to go at half price First Publication May 13th, 1921 J. W. Paxman. Last Pub. May 20th, 1921 d. Nephi Plaster v. MIME Tubs ' Boilers R OHT ( Kendall Bros. PLUMBERS lows Commencing to-w- it: nineteen (19) rods (5) links South and twenty-thre- e (23) rods and thirteen (13) links West of the Nortieast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Nine(9) In Township thirteen (13) South, Range one (1) East of the Salt Lake Meridian; thence running South six (6) rod3 and eight (8) links; thence West Twenty-on- e (21) rods and four teen (14) links, to the East hank of the water ditch; thence North 26 degrees. East six (6) rods and- twenty ; thence East eighteen (18) Can Be Cured ( 20 ) links rods and fourteen (14) links to the Catarrh is a local disease, greatly place of beginning, and containing condiInfluenced by constitutional 126 rods, together with all and singtions. It therefore roiiuires constitu- ular the tenements, hereditaments tional treatment. HALL S CATARRH and appurtenances thereunto belongMEDICINE is taken internally and or in wise appertaining. acts through the Blood on the Mucous ingDated atanyNephi, Utah, this 28th, HALL'S Surfaces of the System. and five Catarrh CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the jiiitient strength by improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. day of April A. D. 1921. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County By P. P. CHRISTISON. Deputy Sheriff First Publication April 29th, 1921. Last Publication May 20th, 1921 We print it right here that if you don't know the "feel" and the friendship of a joy'us jimmy pipe get some Prince Albert and You bet on the big smoke-gong- ! bang a howdy-dP. A.I with a if smoke the game pipe you play you'll For Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness-fragr- ance is in a class of its own ! You never tasted such tobacco! You never dreamed such smoke joy. could be yours! Why figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper when we tell you that Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! And, say oh, go on and get a pipe and some Prince Albert! Do it right now! GO GET ONE! And o Prlnem Albmwt f mold in toppy rod bag, tidy rod tinm, hondmomo pound mnd halt pound tin humidor mnd intho Bolts Nails Kalsomine Sporting Goods Electrical Goods State of Utah, and described as fol Buy a pipe and some PA. Get the joy that's due you! Buckets Barbed Wire Oils IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, A Corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. Alvah Stout and Annie C. Stout, NOTICE OF SHER Defendants, IFF'S SALE. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1921 at the front door of the County Court House in Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, the following described real property situated in Juab County, ll!!IIISSl .We are enlarging our stock of Hardware every day. Call and see our goods and prices when in need of Ranges, Garden Tools Lawn Hose Paints, on IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR UTAH COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. GAGE. 8 Ounce Bar Luna i S, FORCLOSURE OF CHATTEL MORT While It Lasts A TIMES-NEW- pound eryotml ft humidor with mpongo wnoimtonor Oil Is the food on which they top. feed Give to your cars the oil they need. station At this super-servic- e you can get what your car needs from gas to grease. While we are oiling up your car and filling your grease cups we will nee if all of Its mechanism Is You know properly adjusted. you ought to have your car inspected at regular Intervals. Get acquainted with the full sized fitness of our repair facilities and abilities. GRACE OARAGE CO. Utah Nephi CoptHcM Wlntnn-Sa- 1DZ1 Rri4 I. fcr n. J. Tobacca l 14 11 11 11 EE ALHEff the national joy smoke |