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Show THE TIMES-NEW- THE TIMES-NEW- S IS A BOOST. THE ARICULTURAL Kit FOB AVI MINING INTERESTS OF : : : : JUAB COUNT V CIRCULAT- S ES THROUGHOUT tfAST JUAB COUNTY ANI 1H A VALUABLE : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : THE TIMES, VOL. 12, NO. 80. NEPHI, JUAB COUNT!', UTAH, FRIDAY' QUARTERLY WEDNESDAY, UHI GUIIUfll HIIU iting Speaker. Conference of Juab being "Come Come Ye Saints." Prayer was offered by Lorenzo Mangelson, singing, "Beautiful Zion." Testimonies were borne and reports made by President Unity Chappell of the Relief Society, and Presidents T. W. Vickers, Jos. W. Barnes, and E. W. Peterson, of the 71st quorum of Seventies. Pres. Chas. H. Hart, spoke on the subject of "Applied Mormonism." Miss Arvilla Lunt rendered a vocal solo, and benediction was pronounced by Mark Bigler. Saturday evening a general priest- hood meeting was held at which President T. D. Rees, and Chas. H. Hart were the speakers. L. A. Bailey Sr, was sustained at this meeting as a patriarch'of the Juab Stake of Zion. Sunday morning the sessions were continued at 10.30 a. m. Singing, "Catch The Sunshine" Jrayer by S. G. Ord. Singing "Come Along, Come Along." The speakers were President T. D. ReeB, J. E. Lunt, J. N. C. Pex-to- n, and Charles Hart. Vocal Solo by Loren Kendall, benediction by T. C. Winn. The closing session was held Sun day' afternoon at 2 p.m., opening song by Nephi High School chorus, direct-Io- n of K. J. Bird, "Oh Lord of Heav en" Prayer by Wilford Belliston, sing ing by chorus "Crossing The Bar." Chas H. Hart, was the first speaker his subject being "Prayer." Jas. W. Pax man, was the next spea ker, taking as his theme "The Evil Practice of Taking The Lord's Name . In Vain" and the profanity among many of the young people of the com- multy. The speaker gave an able dis course on this subject and urged that a united effort be put forth to have the use of profanity curtailed. T. D. Rees, made the closing remarks, and endorsed what had been said by the Miss Thelma previous speakers. Park, rendered a vocal solo, and the chorus sang in a pleasing manner the Anthem 'Rouse Oh Ye Mortals.' Bene diction was given by S. R. Winn, and the conference adjourned for three moths. PROGRAM FOR BANQUET TO BE GIVEN NEXT THURS. MEETING P AWAKES DAY "DIP in order that all can join in the, work of cleaning and beautify Ing the resting places of our dead. The City will have some teams on hand to haul off brush, etc, Just bring your shovels, grubbing hoes, rakes and other implements needed. If you have a spare team bring it along. DENNIS WOOD, Mayor graduating class Introduction of Toastmaster, Spencer E. Forrest, by Pres. of Alumni Toast "Awakening of the Alumni,' J p. m Capt. lllieiia Crawford of the Sal vation Aiuiy is the angel who has heeii making theater goers glad to dip i!eep into their pockets to provide the Salvation Army with money to carry on its work among the unfortunate ev erywhere. THOSE WHO ATTENDED MANTI TEMPLE THURS. The following is a list of those who went over to the Manti Temple Thurs day. From the Nephi Ward. Bishop Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Christison, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orme, Mr. and Mrs. A .J. Bowers and five children, Mr and Mrs. Elliot Miller, Mrs. T. H. G. Parkes, Mrs. D. C. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winn, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkey, Evelyn Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bail ey Jr, Mrs. Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broadhead, H. P. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Broadhead, Mrs. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott, Wr. and Mrs. C. H. Dunn, Mrs. Caroline War ner, Mr. and Mr9. J. W. Barnes, Earl Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Bowles, Mrs. Amy Grover, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton, Mrs. Jennie Winn, and Mr. and Airs. Karl Kellerstrass, Mary Py- per, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broadhead, Mrs. H. A. Allred, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, U. Jenkins, Mrs. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. R. Price, and Mrs. Flossie Worth- ington From other wards Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Warren and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner, Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Henrietta Warner, Mrs Eliza Howarth, Mrs. M. E. Schofield, Mrs. Elizabeth Park, Mrs Jennie Beck Mrs. Katie Candland, and Mrs. Eliza beth Grace. CALLED TOR MONDAY EVE. K. J. Bird Toast, "The School's New Home" Jas. Garrett Jr. Toast, "The Second Generation" Mrs. L. A. Bailey Jr, Toast, "The First Generation" Circulars are being sent out this week from an unknown source, (as no names are signed) calling a meet ing for next Monday evening. May 23rd at the County Courthouse at 8 p. m. The purpose of the meeting Naomi Bailey as explained in the call. Is to "create Luellla Winn a condition under which the taxpay Reading "Bolshevik! of the Alumni" ers of this district may exercise an Tovst, " VHarry Beagley influence on the assessing, collecting, Voast, "Uncle Sam's Coat of Mall" and expending of money raised by Trombone Solo, ....P. Toast to the Graduates, D. Hall taxation." N. Anderson Geo. A. Sperry Selection by the Orchestra. Jr The fee for membership in the lea gue for one year is $1. MANUAL ART DEPARTMENT mar County Clerk Hoyt, issued rlage license Tuesday, to George G Connelly, and Esther Eliza Gardner both of Levan, the wedding ceremony taking place at the MantI Temple Wednesday. DISPLAY G000 WORK The Manual Art Department of the local High school, under the direct ion of A. J. Crapo, had on display the early part of this week in the O. M. Whltmore and J. W. Whit windows of Charles Foote & Sons, a Lake left Salt for more, yesterday very creditable display of the shop where they will attend the funeral of work done by the students. The W S. McCornlck to day. Mr. M pieces were well made and Cornlck was one of the directors of various showed attention to details the First National Bank of this city, on the careful part of of the boys who did the work. See Genie Candland before noon Tuesday, and make your reservations M.NK CARS OF WHEAT MOVED for the alumni banquet next Thurs OCT THIS WEEK day evening. May 26th. The Globe Mills, moving consld Attorney W. A. C. Bryan, was a erable grain out of this valley, nine North bound passenger on Wednes oars going out this week. Robert Broadhead and L. A. liailey Jr, load day afternoon's train. ed a car from here, and Chne Bros three from Juab, while Enrl Peterson Mrs. E. H. Sparks, returned hom yesterday, after several week visit of the above company purchased live cars In Levan. In Salt Lake City. 1 The Board of County Commission ers of Juab County, met in regular session Tuesday, there being present Wm. G. Orme, Geo. Francom and Claims against the Joan Bunnell. county after being audited were allowed and warrants ordered issued for their payment. On motion of Bunnell, the county auditor was authorized to make a transfer of J 20,000 from the State road fund to the general county fund as a loan, until the taxes for 1921 are collected. , The bond of N. G. Taylor, with the American Surety Company was approved by the Board. Thomas Vickers, was Bee Inspector for the county. NEPHI LOSES FIRST GAME TO SPRINGVILLE - On motion of Francom, the clerk Yes! we dropped the first league game Wednesday afternoon to Spring ville, but the score 14 to 7 in their favor would appear that the game was a one sided affair, but such is not the case, as the boys from Utah county can think themselves lucky that they won at all, as the great maj ority of their tallies were on errors of which the home team made a plen ty, and when it comes down to the fine points of the game, and the earned runs are counted for each side the local boys are on top but this is another story, and the Springville boys are entitled to the honors any how, but the much touted Fletger was batted by the locals at all times, as the seven runs indicate. Lefty Keough, pitched a few innings, and was there with the smoke, and it Is a safe bet that he will be . heard from this season. Durham featured with a home run, while I. M. Petty knocked one out of the ball park. A good sized bunch of fans went from here to Springville to witness the game. was instructed to draw a warrant on the migratory stock fund in favor of the respective counties as per their claims which are on file. On motion of Francom, the clerk was authorized to distribute the Forest reserve fund to each of the school districts in the county according to law. After transacting some other minor Jas. R. Reid, spent a few days in business the meeting-adjourneuntil Salt Lake this week returning home May 28th. ? yesterday. d ' E. H. RYA.V PASSES AWAY FAITHFUL SERVICE RECOGNIZED The many friends of Attorney E. Ryan, in this city were pained to learn yesterday that he had passed away at his home in Cedar City folMr. lowing an attack of pneumonia. Ryan was the District Attorney of the Fifth District for about eight years, and during that time made a large number of friends in Nephi He while acting in this capacity. leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. Miss Viola Worthington, was the recipient recently of a beautiful from the members of the Commercial Club band, as a token of re- H. lav-eli- er spect and esteem in which Miss Worthington, is held by them, and in recognition of the faithful and efficient 'services she has rendered the band on all occasions, as well as the great interest she has always taken in advancing the musical interests of this city. Letters From Students Who Attended Utah Agricultural College Logan. Utah, May 13th, 1921 The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. Dear Sirs: I am spending a week at the U. A. C. with seventy-thre- e other boys and girls from practically every part of the state, for the purpose of becoming a club leader in our community this summer. It is hard to say what the best time I have had this week is, for we have made a visit to every part of the campus which is very beautiful. We have had a camp fire party, a get acquainted part, several lectures, stock Judging, grain judging, and visited the poultry yards where we have seen all kinds of chickens. But after summing everything up, I thing the best time is our dally swim. We sleep on army cots in the boys' gymnasium, that Is, we spend our time there from 9 p. m. until 7.15 a. m. We play basket ball, and have football and footraces and in the morning when I wake up before the others, I go hurdling over the beds from one end of the hall to the other. Each morning Coach Jensen gives ns setting up exercises until we are so uore and stiff, it hurts to walk. We eat at the College cafeteria, which is not at all like home, because when we are late we do not get exactly what we want to eat. I have learn ed a great deal about club management, but above all I have learned to be on time for meals. The best thing I have done this week Is to furnish the boys with some and thing to do. before going to bedmoBt-ly as soon as they are up. which Is keeping them up at night and not allowing them to sleep In the morning. The thing I admire at the College Is the cleanliness of the grounds and the nttit'lde everyone has towards the attitude everyone has toward thn school. I think that my time up hfre will be well tipent as I am learning many very Important things that I can give to the people of our community. It has been a very pleasant week as I have had a good time every minute and we have been going all the time. Respectfully, ROY OSTLER Logan, Utah, May 13th, 1921 Editor of Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. Dear Sir: I am spending a week at the Utah Agricultural College along with seventy four members of the Junior Ex- . tension department. When the members were selected to attend the school all eating and sleeping arrangements were provided for. Each person having his Individual cot and blankets and eating his meals at the school cafaterla. Besides the social side of the course much was gained intellectually. Lectures were conducted under our chaperon Miss Chrlstensen, by Professor Peterson, Mrs. Merlll, Dr. Harris and many of the other professors of the college, on the proper organizing and handling of the club work throughout the state. So as to secure the most efficient work from the club members. The U. A. C. is a splendid college Years of patient pruning and training have been necessary to secure the amazing results here "shown, a living tree In the shape of a windmill. It is one of the sights In a most unusual garden on an estate In the north of France. GOKCEMENT VAN WINKLE' CISES NEXT WEDNES. The Nephi High School commencement exercises will be held next Wednesday evening. May 25th, at the Venice Theatre. Twenty one graduates will receive diplomas at the exercises and the honor pin given by the alumni association will also be awarded. The following is the program to be given. Chairman, 'President Jas. Garrett Jr. Prayer, "T. D. Rees. Glee Club Selected Luella Winn Reading Paper, "Immigration" Zelma Young Paper "Utah't Undeveloped Resour ces W illiaiu Andrew's Piano Solo Elma Jones Address to Graduates, Prof. F. W. Reynolds, University of Utah Presentation of Diplomas, Supt. Ray Stewart Presentation of Honor Pin Alumni Association Benediction, A. H. Belliston. JAS. W. PJMN Wednesday evening. May 17th, the Alumni Association of the N. H. S. awoke from a "Kip Van Winkle" of several years duration, and under the vitalizing eii'ect of a rousing meeting uuld in the high school building took on a new lease of life. New officers wao are alive, full of pep, and go, wery elected, and Immediately a new breath of life was unused into the organization, and plans were made for the coming Alumni banquet and dance which promises to outshine anything which the association ever attempted, and which Is scheduled to take place Thursday, iUay 2 6th, at the high school building and the price will be 75c per plate. Don't forget to make your reser-vAiotor the banquet with the secretary Miss Genie Candland, at the Court House before Tuesday noon, ns EXER- RECEIVES May 24 th. Now you members of tho Alumni, if you want to perpetuate this as sociation iu the annals of education in this city, dont stand on the Bide lines and kick, but get into the gaie and be one of us. It takes all to have a successful association. The following is a list of the offi cers and committees appointed. President Andrew Latimer vice- presideiit, Mrs. Hyrum Brough, SecretaryTreasurer Miss Genie Candland, Reporter, Mrs. Lucile F. Brough executive committee, Frank Brough, Wm. H. Warner and Mabel Sperry. Program committee. Earl Hoyt, Mrs. Wilson Glazier, Miss Tacy Irons. Frank Amusement Committee, Rrotigh. Nepht Anderson and Bertha McPherson. Refreshments and Decoration. Wal ter Olpin, Olga Forrest, Spencer For rest, Harry Beagley, and Lucile lirough. PROGRAM FDR CONJOINT SESSION SUNDAY EVENING FEDERAL APPOINTMENT The conjoint program Sunday evening will be given by the Bee Hive Our fellow townsmen Jas. W. Pax- - girls, In the Tabernacle to commence 8 p. m. The program follows. man, was honored this week in rece- at . Hive girls, "Bees of Bee Singing,. a of iving government position, that Deaeret." federal land appraiser for the Berkley Land Bank. Credit for this appoint Prayer, J. W. Paxman. ment is due the local federal farm Singing, ..Bee Hive Girls, "Honey Gather Song" loan association, who several months Alice Sowby, from the ago endorsed Mr. Paxman for the Reading, by Pro-l-o swarm The section of country position. which Mr. Paxman will have charge of Vocal Solo, Hannah Schofield. from swarm the comprises the whole of Southern Utah Talk on Bee1 Hive work south of this city, and his duties will Pres. T. D. Rees be that of rendering a valuation on land where farmers wish to secure a Piano trio, Arvilla Painter, Veneta and Cora Latimer loan from the land banks, Mr. Pax. .Lazelle Chase, from the man representing the bank at Berk- Heading, White Rose Swarm ley. This paper congratulates him on Lois Lunt, from the the appointment and the recognition Vocal Solo . Sun Flower swarm accorded this city. Reading, by Ruth Booth, from the aworm Bee Hive Girls, "Call of Singing... IMPORTANT FARM BUREAU Womanhood" Benediction T. H. Burton. MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT Saturday evening. May 21st, at 8 o'clock In the County Court House, the members of the Juab County Farm Bureau are to give themselves and the farmers of this section an unusual opportunity. Mr. J. E. Dor- man, chief of the Western Dairy Division of the Department of Agricul ture, and Hen Eldrlriee. in chartre of dairying In Utah, will be the speakers They are to tell the farmers of East Juab County how this section can be made to produce $ 200,000 a year from dairy products. They will also especially for those who Intend to fol- give the future of the dairy industry low up work along agriculture or farmer should bo out to hear home economics and I feel that tlio Every them. lnf!u?nce the school will have upon the entire state's development can not NEPHI RELATIVES MOURN be too greatly appreciated. DEATH OF HELEN HAXMXG ZELMA YOUNG The sad drowning In City Creek Logan, Utah May 13th, 1921 Canyon near Salt Lake City last Fri Editor of Times-Newday afternoon of eleven year old Hel en Banning, while on a school picnic, Nephi, Utah. Dear Sir: came as a distinct shock to the Nephi This week at the Agricultural Col relatives of the family, who extend lege has been spent with seventy their heartfelt sympathy to the ber three boys and girls, attending Club eaved parents In their sorrow. Mrs. work for the com'ng summer. The Banning, mother of thn girl, was for most enjoyable thing I have listened merly Miss Ella Pitrhfortb, daughter to have been the lectures that dlft- - of Harry Pitchforth, former resident of this city. (Contlnued on page 6) s, FROM A Association New OHicers.Elected Annual Banquet and Ball To Be Held.;Next Thursday. hush George Belliston Brent OF GO. COMMISSIONERS Musical Selection, Bird's Orchestra Address of Welcome, A. H. Latimer, President of Alumni Association Response, Ralph Cole, president of TAXPAYERS LEAGUE MEETING Vocal Solo at CLEAN-U- afternoon at Stai.-- Convened Saturday 2 p. m. the opening song 5. NO. 42 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 25TH DESIGNATED Next Wednesday, May 25 th, Us her eby designated as Cemetery Clean up Day, and I respectfully call upon every citizen to lay aside his or her in helping to work and make the city of our dead more beautiful, in cleaning the brush and rubbish from our cemeteries,. To this end I hereby set aside Wed nesday afternoon as a half holiday and ask the business houses to close Use of Profanity Descried By Speakers Singing A Feature- - Chas. Hart Vis- T'duarterly JW AS CEMETERY HELD SATUR- - tiiv inn niiuniu VOL. WINDMILL TREE SALVATION ARMY ANGEL CONFER-...EIIC- E THE NEWS, 20TH, 1021 MAY' Wo-he.- lo OLD CLOTHES PLEA IS BEING LAUNCHED Miss Nell Holsinger, of the American Red Cross society, was In Nephi yeHterday arranging with the local oflirers for securing old clothing for the relief of the children in Eastern Mrs. Unity Chappell has Kurope. been appointed chairman of the Voluntary service aid, and the Idea la to make a plea for used clothing, and for the local Red Crogs society to obtain as much new material as their funds will allow. Utah Is expected to provide fifteen thousand pieces of clothing during the campaign which will be made the next few days. The South Ward Relief Society will their conference in the wardv meeting bouse Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. All invited. hold Mrs. Elliot Miller, was called to Provo evening, the occasion being the birth of baby girl to her daughter Mrs. Albert Edwards. lat Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, received a visit from thn stork Sunday, leaving a fine baby boy at their home. |