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Show THE the and We can save you see them and get our prices. money. .Mrs. See our new Fall Silks and Serges, and most wanted colors and patterns. Also Shoes in all the new novelties the newest all Dress Shoes, in Work Shoes, and School Shoes, you will find quality and prices right. Visit the Big Down Stairs Store where you will always find plenty of greatly underpriced merchandise in all use- household articlss in the 5, 1 0, and 1 through. THERE ARE reason, we handle only high grade and standard lines of merchandise. Our goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest Same price to everybody. possible margin of profit. Our customers wants is our first consideration. Not how much can we get for an article, but how cheap can we sell it is the way we set the price. Our new Fall lines are now in and ready for your inspection. Call and see us for Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats. Men's and Boys' .Suits and Over- d. Wanted. 500 Nephi people to join the Nephi Red Cross Chap ter, by Nov. 1st. Mrs. Harry Wilkey, came up from Lynndyl on the early morn ing train Monday, and will spend a tew days with her mother Mrs D. IC Brown. The First ( National Bank of this city, is showing a weekly map of the worlds great events which is highly interesting, new map appearing in their window each week. How about that Red Cross membership? Its only $1 per year coats, Shoes, in the local chapter, but you will feel better when you have taken it out. Phone 196 and find out where to apply.' Dr. Peterson, Optometry Spec ialist, will be at the Forrest Hotel Monday Oct. 15th. equipped with Where Onnrl Merrhanrlic Is Pdoimof the very latest and most synthetical instruments for examining the retractive errors of the eyes. Sunday Oct. 14th, the Stake M. I. A. will hold a Convention in the Hierh School RnilrlinoMONA NOTES There will be morning and afternoon sessions, and a general Leo Ellertson, Harvey Kay and meeting in the Tabernacle in the evening. The public are cordially Wilford Orgiil left Wednesday invited to attend. for American Lake, Washington Attorney W. A. C. Bryan of with the third Juab Countv Satisfaction Insured this city, has two grandsons in draft contingent. Mona now has the army. Mr. Wm. C. Call, and eleven men in Uncle Sam s serJustin B. Call of Brigham City, vice and so feels that she is well larger bottle for Less the last named being on amission represented. to Germany when the war broke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kav en Sold and guaranteed by out. Both were graduates of the tertained Tuesday night in honor ot Box Elder High School, and were their son Harvey. The evenonts at the University of ing was pleasantly spent in singUtah when entering the service ing, dancing, and playing games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. of the United States. J. T. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. in our own labatory. Keyte, Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, Sarah Shepard, Nora Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Carter, Sarah A. New ten, Floyd Keyte, Lauren Keyt Jennie Piatt, Harvey Kay, and the host and hostess. Louis Ellertson is visiting in 5c, department - iChas . Foote & SonsS ONE PRiCE TO ALL. NEVER UNDERSOLDJ fc three doses he was IN CHAMBERLAIN'S cured. He has great faith inabsolutely this remedy," COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Mrs. W. H. Williams Stanley, writes '.Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea N. Y. Remedy was used by my father about a For Rent three room house. year ajjo when he had diarrhoea It him immediately and by taking Inquire of Mrs. John Pitt. GREAT FAITH S3 10 per cent Off Pre-Conferen- A cents ifiPer A J Off Special 1 LADIES & MISSES SUITS, COATS & DRESSES 1 C5C S3 1U FER CENT OFF TO INDUCE EARLY BUYING, while the assortments are complete, and while the newest styles are here Never before in the history oflSPECIAL NOTICE TO Conference Attendants! Nephi, were the ladies so fortun ate to be able to have such We ask you, while in Salt Lake to compare prices with o irs. and if we grand selection of Suits Coats & do not save you from 10 per cent to Dresses as we have right now 25 per cent, you can return the 1 1 gar- The finest and latest models, direct from th( largest manufacturers in the country are on d IS play at our store s Si At Remarkable Low Prices jfOur Expenses are small.-- WE ments to us, and you will L. FRANK SELL FOR LESS! f.fti GOLDEN RULE STORE l oPe! 1 fe3 vjir i L. hronk M anager I "Where Shall this week. Hazel Slade is the guest of Mrs. Ephraim Ellertson.. N. W. Ellertson and family are here this week. Mrs. Ellertson has not .thoroughly recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. Leo Ellertson who is teach ing school kt Charlestown is vis iting in Mona. Ephraim Yates and Lillian Green left yestraday on the north bound train. Rumor has it that they are to bo married. Golden and Asa York are here from the Uintah Country. They will take rheir father, Elias York and family back with them, where they will make their future home. ) John T. Kay is also contemplating moving his family to the reservation district in the very near future. Ed yard Kay and F. D. Evans have pone to. the fair at the capital. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Vest are visitors at the fair this week. Here's The Answer U You expect somebodv to get readv fnr H you the clothes you are going to buy and sa wcdi mis ian; me only question tor you We've searched the best style centers and wc bejieve there is no other place in this val city where more real good ues can be had. Our selections are all-wo- of The Price recent date has the following to say of our local Dellu Band. "Nephi has a fine Ladies Band, and when it made a trip to Salt Lake recently, thousands of people who had never heard of that town, formed the opinion that it was a live one." Brother no dream That's Cooper, you hit the nail on the head this time. Editor. M o J. H. Lunt, left latt night io ISA t witn a snipment or. catue ior the Los Angeles markefj. To curb the coal trust get Cole's High Ove.i Range. I tf heats and cooks with the same fuel and saves one third. S . i ImPerCent AW Good .... winter Permain annles for sale. See John Burton. I ol Hart Schaffner & M arx News-Advoca- te get your money back. Please come in, look over and price our Suits and Coats. i , Made ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF I Money. LUNTS PHARMACY 1 EXTRAORDINARY ce f At The Don't Buy Remedies Until You See" The A. Ph. Line Mona I I REASONS.-O- ne The Nephi Mercantile Co. We have changed the enterance so as to go through ful Nellie-Schonel- 99 Our business never was better notwithstanding advancing prices and the strenuous times we are passing Underwear, Hosiery and Economy Basement the main store where we have better stairs. "BUSINESS IS GOOD For Sale Good Ford Truck For particulars see Al Udall. Elberta Peaches now ready for Samuel E. Ingrain delivery. Phone 28J. Let the sloe-ahp "A Red Cross Membership in every home in Nephi." Mrs. Swenson. returned to her home at Provo Monday, after a pleasant visit as the guest of newest Come NEPHI, UTAH. S, - LOCAL NOTES Just Received We have just received a shipment of styles in Ladies and Misses Coats. TIMES-NEW- Styleplus Sophomore Prices $ 5 to $25 1 Yoiinff men will finrl Unrt tKocmo tL' things they are looking for this fall more conservative models for men. The Toggery The store with a conscience 1 |