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Show TEtE It isn't necessary to know any other jewelry store. The mark of PARK is a guarantee. BOYD PARK FOUNDED MAIN STREET BARGAINS ' which nation recruiting with for money to carry on war. UTAH CITIES DARING AIRMEN DROP BOMBS GERMANS IN RETALIATION FOR LONDON RAIDS. . ON IfiOZ MAKERS OF JEWELRY 166 TEUTONIC FOR LIBERTY LOAN ground NEPHI, UTAH. S, FRENCH BOMBARD CRUSAD E OPENED entire TIMES-NEW- SALT IN USED LAK CITY CARS Five Billion Dollars and Ten Million Subscribers Is the Goal Officials Hope to Reach During Next Four Weeks. used Oldsmobiles, Na lionais--$2S- 0 to $800. Guanoteed first class condition-ea- sy ruan-interms If wanted by rieht paitiv Write for detailed list and descrip tion, .used Car Dept., RaraliLl-bod- d Auto Co., Salt Lake City The second Liberty Washington. Loan campaign opened October 1. For four weeks the entire nation will be a recruiting ground for money with which to carry on the war. 1o obtain the $3,000,000,000 in subscriptions, Now ll tb fW&NTFn "MEN AND WOMEN. minimum set by treasury officials for : barhmx trade. Bs the learn .titneto BB,"B the Issue, a gigantic machine of many bera in ffreatdemand. Special M open for 30 days. Only ihort time required parts has been set in motion tow furnished and commission paid while learn with the opening of the campaign. Call or write Moler Baher School, 13 Uon fcieretal St.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Fifty per cent greater than the first Liberty loan, the present offering is use many eggs the largest the American people ever Drug have been called upon to absorb.. Five billion dollars and ten million Furnish Medium Through Which Poul- subscribers that is the goal which oftryman Can Dispose of Produce ficials hope to reach during the next and Obtain Valuable Adverfour weeks. The services of virtually tising. every industry of the nation have been "The farmer Is missing a market for enlisted. Hundreds of thousands of inthe drug dividuals, firms and corporations will pis- eggs by overlooking unite in giving all or a part of their Ltore," says the Farm and Fireside. "The drug store represents a splen- - time in carrying the work forward. Secretary McAdoo opened the camnid chance to work up a direct to the Ironsuraer trade. One New England paign formally with a speech In Cleveand is now on a trans-co- n poultryman started supplying the lead- land, O.', tour which will take him into ing drug store in a city of 20,000. His virtually every section of the country parm, carrying several hundred layers, Kvns in an adjoining .town on a car and keep him on the road till October Bine.. He produced infertile eggs. 25, the day before the subscription Through the publicity the drug store books close. More than. 26,000 banks working ungave him, opportunities by the score came to him to sell direct. Now a der the guidance of the twelve fedlarge portion of his production the eral reserve banks, regional headquarters for the loan, will be the treasury's yenr round is sold at retail prices. customers come to his farm to first lieutenants. The entire press of the country daily newspapers, weekly buy eggs for invalids. ' "In the spring he does a large bnsi- and monthly magazines, trade papers, ess in eggs by the case for water- - foreign language publications and farm Insslng, obtaining for his infertile papers which controbuted so largely ggs a premium of 3 to 5 cents a dozen, to the success of the first issue, will nstltutlons are good customers. He work for the success of the second. ters to this trade, believing there Is Chambers of commerce, boards of going to be a tremendous increase in trade, manufacturers' associations and Ithe use of waterglass. kindred organizations have pledged " 'A drug store Is one of the best custheir active and unstinted efforts in tomers a poultry keeper can have,' de- the campaign. Patriotic societies by man. 'Besides yielding an the score have been enlisted, as well clared this profit, this trade makes a as school children, church and school Eddltlonal for you quicker than a large organizations, labor unions fraternal komount of paid advertis- - societies. Boy scouts, veterans of the last campaign, are planning a drive for the INDIANS' USE A GRABHOOK second loan. Women's' organizations from coast to coast have been marshaled under the leadership of a Have Unique Outfit Which They Use i in Fishing for Salmon Poles central women's Liberty loan commitAre Twenty Feet Long. tee, headed by Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, and tens of thousands of local committees The Indians fish for salmon with a of both men and women will aid in " a large Iron hook fas the chief towns and cities. tened to a pole by a loose cord three GERMANS ATTACK LONDON. tor four feet long. A hole at the blunt end of the hook that slips over the Four Groups of Hostile Airplanes tip of the pole keeps it in place until Bombard Southwestern District. the fish is hooked. Then the hook is London. The strongest air attack lulled off the pole and the cord gives E he fisherman a chance to play his yet attempted on London was carried Bsh If necessary before dragging It out Monday night by four groups of hostile airplanes. Some of the map shore, says the Southern Workman. chines got through to London and The hooks are made by the blacksmith, but the poles, about 20 feet in bombarded the southwestern district. A terrific barrage was sent up from the Indians make themlength, selves of red fir. the defense guns and the foar of battle Taking a reugh lusted Intermittently for two and a piece of dry wood of the required half hours. length, they patiently work at it with drawshave and knife until it Is the The Germans bombed the coast right size and tapering to suit the towns as they passed over and proworkman. Two of the Then it Is usually hardceeded toward London. ened In the coals before putting on the group succeeded in getting a number ford, which they braid themselves. of machines through the sky barrage. If a pole breaks, as often hapNumerous bombs were dropped on the pens, the broken parts are lashed southwestern district, which is thickly together with string, pitch Is smeared populated with the homes of the upper pver and melted by being rubbed with and middle classes. The fire from the a hot stone, which makes the pole as defending guns' was longer and louder genIndians The before. as strong than ever before. A rain of shrapnel erally fish from the bank or from fell in all sections of the town and the filntforms built over the water. They streets were virtually deserted.. Ihnist the long pole out across the tlver as far as they can and let the Trying to Oust Senators. rurrent carry it down and Into the Washington. Petitions from New tank, trusting to chance and a quick York organizations asking expulsion e Jerk to hook the fish if they feel one from the senate of Senators La In the water. of Wisconsin, (Jroiina of North Dakota and Stone of Missouri were Chameleons In Hospitals. presented in the senate Monday by 81r Frederick Smith would not have Senator Wudsworth of New York and rpoken of the "fabled" versatility of referred without 'action to the senate (as he did In the Field and elections committee. Ke chameleon If he had lain on his back In privileges I military hospital In Alexandria, Defense League "Roasts" Senators. cvrltes an B. F. A. sergeant. Watc'iing New York. In an open letter to the the actual variations of tint assumed governors of the United States made Its animal and projecby that strange public here Sunday, the executive comtion ef its long tongue Is one of the mittee of the American Defense Sodiversions of hospital life In Egypt. urged Hint "steps should be ciety t Is welcome In the wards because of taken ut once to rid the Vtiiled States ta Insatiable appetite for flies. senate of those mea who by their The hues It assumes In accordance sedition utterances are giving aid and With the law of protective mimicry comfort to ( Jeriiiany." are not often as vivid an the color a Mitchell Will Make Race. simulated, but the lizard makes good New York. approach to most of the prlmnrles. It Mayor John I'nrmy Is only beaten when the Highlander Mitchell. Democrat, defeated In the Reputs It on, say, the Cameron (or "bully publican primaries for reimiiiiiiutloii. beef) tartan. After a little reflection announced publicly from the steps of It takes on a more or less neutral color the city hull on Monfla.V thai he would with a bins to warmth. London Chronrun us the fusion candidate on an Issue icle. Americanism. of stores tin-enti- il self-inspir- fgrab-hook,- Fol-lett- l Her Life Mission. Her Husband Even If you are the president of the Wellwlshers' society I don't see you doing much to make others happy. Mrs. Ponderous Much you know I Every time I walk out on the street I make lots of women happy to think they're not as fat as I am. Freighter Sinks An Atlantic Port. The sinking of a large (termini submarine In a battle with a I'.ritisli freight steamship was reported on the arrival of the steamship here Sunday. The buttle occurred l.V) miles off the French coast. Tampered With Machinery. An Atlantic Tort. An attempt to wreck the machinery of a United States trnnsort was discovered Sunday when the engines of the ship, which had been undergoing alterations, . His Wish, "tils wife to so angry with htm she (hasn't spoken to him for two days." ; "Ciee I wish I could mak rnj wife as mad as that." were started for trial. Frenchmen Have Taken the Initiative In Launching a Campaign of Reprisal or a Large Scale, Four Cities Being Attacked. London. Four big German cities, one of them Frankfort-on-the-Maimore than 125 miles from the French border, were housed by French aviators on October 1, In the greatest reprisal raid 'of the war. It was in Frankfort that Sunday night a throng of 50,00V men, women and children clamored for peace at a monster mass meeting addressed from several different platforms at 0k same time. The other cities visited by the French fliers were Trevez, Coblentz and Stuttgart." Stuttgart was bombed by French "avengers" Sunday night. A considerable section of the British press and public is smarting under the realization that the French, who have suffered far less from German air attacks than have the British, whose capital was raided Monday for tiie sixth time in eight days have taken the initiative in launching a large scale reprisal campaign. The feeling is one of wounded pride. The government is being vigorously attacked, especially by n, ' the Northcliffe papers, which assert the Germans have outbuilt England in aircraft. The Evening Standard states "on the highest authority" thaf the government is paying special attention to the question of reprisals for German air attacks on London andf other places. that TALK PEACE DISCOURAGED. No Prospects of' Immediate Negotiations for Cessation of War. Washington. It is officially stated, both at the White House and in other high official circles, that there is no prospect of immediate peace negotiations. The whole public attitude of the administration is that the United States must bend every energy to war. Even talk of the possibility of peace negotiations at this time is discouraged. It was stated Tuesday that the president believes talk of peace at this time is distinctly against the interests of the United States. MINERS GET RAISE. COAL Reached Between Agreement tors and Employes. Opera- Coal operators and Washington. miners of the central competitive field, meeting here to discuss a readjustment of wage scales, reached a full agreement Tuesday as to the amount of Increase to be given. Pick and machine miners, who demanded 15 cents a ton increase in pay, will get 10 cents, and unskilled labor, which sought a 'jvage raise of $1.00 a day, will get $1.50. Yardage and dead work will be paid for on a basis of straight 20 per cent increase. I. W. W. LEADER SURRENDERS. Close Associate of Haywood Now in Utah Jail. Salt Lake City. George H. Terry, known as the closest associate of William D. Haywood, national I. W. W. leader, and himself head of the Metal Mine Workers' Industrial union, who was indicted by the Chicago federal congrand jury as one of the thirty-sispirators seeking to destroy the government of tie United States, surrendered himself to the police Tuesday and in lieu of $15,000 bail is In the county Jail pending removal to the Illinois metropolis. STATE There was one divorce to every six weddings in Salt Lake the past year, the records show. There is being erected at Delta a new flour mill which will have a capacity of 85 barrels. Members of the Salt Lake high school cadet batallion will wear khaki uniforms this year it is '. announced. The sum of $200 has bien voted hy the Salt Lake county commissioners to the mess fund of the Utah contingent of the United States army. All soldiers either departing from or passing through Provo are to be supplied with fresh fruit through the efforts of the lied Cross society of that city. The Union Pacific is trying out. the new locomotives of the 5000 class with a view to using them to draw freight trains instead of a locomotive and a helper. Japanese laborers by the hundreds who have been employed in the tomato fields in Weber county and vicinity are to transfer their activities to the sugar beet fields. There will be harvested this year from plots on public property in Salt Lake City, planted under the supervision of city officials, between :000 and 5000 bushels of potatoes. Arrested at Ogden several weeks ago as a military draft evader, Harry James Thompson was released from custody last week, he having proven that he was 34 years of age. Ninety per cent of the gardens undertaken in Salt Lake this year were successful, according to the report of Professor A. L. Mathews, superintendent of the city's war gardens. It is reported that the electrification of the Denver & Rio Grande between Salt Lake and Helper will be undertaken soon after the merging of the road with the Missouri Pacific and the Western Pacific. Ten women, clad In overalls, have been placed at work in the railway yards at Ogden, under the direction Their of the division storekeeper. work will consist of sorting small iron articles in the scrap pile. The students of the Tooele schools last week held a fair of their own, preliminary to the state fair at Salt Lake. The exhiliits consisted of garden and farm products, farm animals and preserving, canning and sewing. OFFICIAL NEWS From the farm owned by the city of Salt Lake in Mountain Dell, 1200 bushels of oats and S00 bushels of potatoes will be harvested this year. The potato crop at Mountain Dell and Riverside farm will rim at. least 1500 bushels. A record on milk delivery the past summer was made by an employe of a Smithfield dairy. Out of 30,000 secpounds of milk, not one pound wasaverond grade. He delivered on the age of 15,000 pounds for eleven months. The general opinion is that this preyear's state fair was better than vious shows. The year has been a banner one in almost every industry in the state, and this fact was reflected in the exhibits and the interest taken in the fair. The people of Payson tendered a reception to the boys of that section who have been called to the national army, each member being presented with a five dollar bill, and the same amount will be sent to the ones who are away on duty. As the result of the accidental discharge of a shotgun, Charles Swenseu, aged 16, of Harrisville, will be disfigured for life, the charge tearing an ugly groove through his left cheek and temple, the accident occurring near Plain City during a duck shooting DIRECTORY. District. Judge, Fifth Judicial District H. Morris. Attorney Oris Murdock. Stenographer w. L. Cook. State Senator Dan Stevens. State Representative Orson Cazler. tJ. 8. Expert in Charge Experiment Station Mr. Jones. County. County Commissioner J. W. Wh.lt-tnorOscar Andrus, P. J. Bonner. County Clerk Will L. Hoyt Recorder Thomas Bailey. Treasurer T. H. Q. Parkes. Assessor Charles Haynea. Attorney W. A. C. Bryan. Surveyor V. E. Ekloff. Sheriff Dan Martin. Superintendent of County Infirmary Thomas Vickers. t. e, Hotel Forrest Home of the Traveling Men Good Meals Good Beds Large Shady Lawn . R. Forrest, Prop. E. CEORCE GARRETT, Proprietor All EAST COUNTY OF- MUNICIPAL FICERS. Kinds of Home Cured and Fresh Meats Kept in NEPHI CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Alma Hague. Councilmen H. A. Belliston, Thomas Bailey, James Garrett, Jr., Mark Bigler, George O. Ostler. Recorder A. V. Gadd. Treasurer J. H. Latimer. Attorney T. H. Burton. Marshal Samuel Linton, Jr. Justice of the Peace Wm. Stout Street Supervisor Jas. B. Riches. Quarantine Physician Dr. T. D. Rees. Building Inspector I. H. Grace. Chief of Fire Department N. A. Neiison. Superintendent of Water Works A. J.' Gowers. Members of Board of Health Dr. T. D. Ress, Alonzo Ingram, Wm. G. Orme. Sexton C. E. Bigler. LEVAN TOWN. Refrigerator Business being- run on cash basis, enables us to sell at very reasonable prices. Courteous Treatment to all Dr. up-to-d- J. IRONS G. VETERINARIAN :: NEPHI UTAH :: Graduate Veterinary College University of Pennsylvania PHONE Alma President Board of Trustees Co. City Meat 17 Diseases of domestic animals treated! Dalby. Trustees M. W. Mangelson, S. P. Taylor, Alex Peterson, George Neiison. Marshal Neils Mortenson. Justice of the Peace Neils Schow. Health Officer Henry Hendrickson. COURTEOUS TRIATMBNT AM Juab District Board of Education zmwx m,s5 wow I. H. Grace,. President; Lorenzo ManA. NIELSON, Proprietor gelson, Vice President; A. P. Paxman, JoClerk; J. H. Lunt, Treasurer and Two Doors South of Lunts' Pharmacy seph Newton. City Barber Shop EAST COUNTY PRECINCT CERS. Mona. OFFI- Bus Meets All Trains. Livery Rigs, Dray and Hxprae . Justice JD. O. Young. Health Officer N. W. Ellertson--. Good Nephi. Agv.aU Justice J. R. Black. Constable H. T. Knowles. Health Officer Dr. T. D. Rees. Levan. Justice E. W. Peterson. Constable Richard Iverson. Stable Livery and Feed Wagons. Phone Ua. No. for Coal. H D. COLDSBROUGH, Proprietor Dunn Dr. Charles Modern Woodmen of America dentist No. meets every Tuesday evening No. 3 It Woodman hall. Visiting' Woodmen Phone Post Office Bl ig. welcomed. CHARLES STEPHENSON, ConsuL J. H. LATIMER, Clerk. 10,700, F. No. 16 meets every Saturday evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. HERBERT ROBERTS, N. G. JOHN S. COOPER. Secretary. I. O. O. LATTER-DA- SAINTS' MEETINGS. Sunday School, 10:30. South ward at High School building; Nephi ward at Tabernacle; .North ward at meeting house. m. South M. I. A. Sunday, 7 PvVard High School building; Nephi ward at Tabernacle; North ward at 44-- Nephi Thos. H. Burton Attorney at Law Notary Public Office in Rooms Dr. . 1 and 2 Ost!er Bldg. A, BOOTH DENTIST Office Rooms Nos. 6 and 7, Venice Theatre Building. Phone No. 123-- J meeting house. Primary South ward every Tues-- ; day at Tabernacle; Nephi every Fri-- ! day at Tabernacle; North ward atj meeting house every Friday. Physician & Surgeon. Priesthood meeting every Monday Tabernacle and the North at evening office Phone 64. Res. Phone 2. and South ward meeting houses. Relief Society South ward first and Office 4 & 5 Venice Building. ' third Thursday in each month at 2 trip. m. first and ward third Nephi Uniou men who compose the Salt p. in each month. North Lake Federation of Labor, numbering Wednesday in third and ward first each Thursday 8,000 or more, are organizing a local month, at respective meeting houses. Alliance for branch of the American o NATIONAL ARMY ON MOVE. Labor and Democracy, which has been PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. formed to "support fuithfully and loyThird Contigent of Draft Sent to SixWinn Building Main Street Sunday school at 10:30. ally the government of the United teen Cantonments. war." the in States Everything New and Washington. The third contingent Earl Brown, aged 21, of Salt Lake First Class Work of national army men began moving on Inund fatally Courteous Treatment to all October 2 to the sixteen cantonments City, was run down "He Builds Who who left him Wisely he shine stand and bath tub In connection where approximately one-haof the jured by a motorcyclist, road near the Builds Well" for dead on the country (587.000 selected men called out by the Atet for SALT LAKE STEAM TROY LAUNDRT Mineola, Long Island, army concenpresident already have been mobilized. after death occurring ROBERT LOMAX. Proprietor Definite figures are still lacking as tration camp, TO BUILD WELL removed to man to the number of selected men to be the young fieldhad been USE the military catnp hospital. transferred to the national guard, aviaSalt Lake druggists having protested tion service, medical corps or other of the law probranches of the army that will have to against the provisions , Fine Watch, Clocks, Jewelty, hibiting the sale of alcohol for the be filled up to war strength. It is cerand Spectacle Repairing. alcohol of administering tain, however, that the men remaining purpose has issued No at the cnnips will not be sufficient to baths, the attorney generalsale of alGood Work Guaranteed the order an permitting divisions national fill the sixteen army a 1 The Largest and Purest cohol denatured according to formula to full strength. prescribed by the state chemist. natural deposit of Gypsum From Front. The county dry fiirm experiment stu Returns Sayre in the World. B. tlon located near Cedar Fort, it Is unAn Atlantic Port. Francis before discontinued be will derstood, of President WilSayre, long, because of difficulty in securing son, arrived here Tuesday on a BritNephi Plaster & Mfg. Co, ish ship. He has been active in Y. labor and because of the recent death P. O. Box 297 owned Nephi, Utah Ihe M. ('.. A. work In France on the allied of John Hacking, who This station. the occupied by on the property front, lie whs also under lire necessitates changes in his estate. Italian front. D. Raphael Jensen suffered serious Germans Clamor for Peace. at Mount Pleasant when he Injuries Copenhagen. A monster detnon-slrntio- n was run down by two Wasatch youths, In favor of pence without anwho were said to be Joy riding, and left , N'Mly equipped, nexations wns held Sunday at Heated, i unconscious in the road. The victim Lenders In the cler- was driving sheep between Mount . Giving uniform temperature. Pleasant and Falrviow. ical, radical and socialist parties sponA ooo. sored the demonstration. On October 8 the season's campaign eaae will oliched; 1ehl Viz na reftriaioiu at the begin. Miga'- factory jejeyja W Maternity Billings Denied Rehearing. o row medical or mrgical attendant are said to be good for h mi i J Prospects San Francisco. A petition for a resuccessful season. The preliminary Next door to the Forreft Hotel. Medical aad tutgical caaea cared let, X hearing of the appeal of Warren K. sumpllng of beets shows them to be of murder convicted as the Billings, M'" Id Unton' well up in sugar content, and the tonS"PL Prices. $12.00 to 20. per week, result of a bomb explosion here, for nage per acre will equal the average a new trlil, was denied hy the disother years. tt trict court of appeuls on Tuesday. Dr. D. O. Miner. v THE Palace Barber Shop Up-to-d- lf Nephi Plaster Has Equal E. L. Boucher Leading Jewelry Store son-in-la- Nephi Gr Frankfort-on-t- he-Main. ."rf UP.QPITAT I J f |