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Show THE NEPHI, UTAH. , TIMES-NEWS- FEW WOMEN OF TODAY WORK BLINDLY Money To Loan on Improved Farms Satisfactory Terms Reasonable Rates. We make a thoughtful study of your particular requirements, which enables us to give your business more than ordinary service. Keep you loans at home! Ask us how. The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, GLOBE GRAIN NEPHI AND EV1ILUNG COMPANY DEALERS Grain,' Hay Jind cotton seed products, when in need of grain sacks and sewing twine see us for prices they will be of interest to you. Rem- member we will buy your grain paying highest market cash prices. Send or bring us samples " of your grain. We own and operate seven large flour mills and sixteen feed mills, hence why Used to be that daughters adhered strictly to mothers' methods of home management. They used certain baking receipts simply because they were favorites of a former generation. Times have changed radically Colleges and clubs have been established for the express purpose mm experts merit on Pair of Pants Absolutely Wit hoot Cost The most startling offer of the season. We challenge competion--th- e greatest opportunity ever offered to the clothes buying public. ORDER NOW! Have your suit made to your measure. $18. THIS OFFER IS LIMITED. alone. They show no partiality. To obtain their approval a product must possess superiority. Calumet has been granted that approval for several reasons, first because it is absolutely sure in results, never fails and next because it is perfectly pure, leaves residue $16.50, $20, H.N. in it NEPHI, UTAH WILL COMPILE LIST OF m TIME TABLE Effective October 10th, 1917. 1 Idena Jensen eame home firm Ephraim where she is attending school, to the funeral of James I'ayson from K:55a.ni. 3:lf " 5 jr. " f:lf " :K. " 5:40 7:40 H.15 , Y. U. Salt Lake City. :15 p. m. :40 ' 10:20 Aagard's baby. and Mrs. Wilford Ras- mussen and daughter of Wyo. Mr. am visiting with relatives and ' " friends in this city. .m. " " ' " " " ' 2:00 a.m. A mileage P.ook will save you money lo::i.-- Ifi SERVICE of to m w-;!i- pi s SALT LAKE CITY 10:4d 11:40 1:10 MEN Utah and Alumni As Keep Track of Members During the War. University sociation h S:0 " 9:15 " 11:15 " - ACT AT ONCE. to bat ct l 3 MERCHANT H ansen TAILOR Your Attention Arrve $22.50 Sat., Oct. E. R. ALTON, LOCAL MANAGER Leave Payson for Salt Lake City. 6:30 a.m. - and For One Week Only. produces a better grade of bakings, cakes biscuits, etc. that are remarkabFinly light, tender and tasty. of because Calumet's ally surety At The Cazier Warehouse, Nephi, Utah. and moderate price, it is the most economical of all Baking Powders Phrase Drawn From Bible. in est and use. The expression, "He who runs may ' This enthis verdict, hearty read," does not occur in the Bible in FOUNTAIN GREEN NOTES dorsement coming from experts th;it form, but is drawn from the Bible. who have proved Calumet's ex- Habakkuk chapter II, verse 2, reads : HiTT:--tt "And the Lord answered me and said : cellence directed is beyond dispute certain- Write the vision and make it plain upThe old ten child Mr. of day ly indicates that Calumet gives on tables, that he may run that to the frequent, clean and read-etMrs. James and . Aagard died the house the wife utmost Eak It." efficient service between Funeral ing Powder value. Saturday afternoon. seri-icewere held at the home Monday. and Mr.' and Mrs. Will Jackson KEEPS GREAT BRITAIN AWAKE who have labored as L. D. S. Missionaries in Washington the past year and a half have returnVia Kennedy Jones is teaching the ed home. people of Great Britain just how they J. J. Oldroyd are Salt Leke may conquer the German submarines teaching them with cartoons, with ELECTRIC visitors this week. orem leaflets, with sizable Clara Allred is visiting with posters, with pamphlets with every hitherto known relatives and frienes in Monroe. advertising and publicity device and I.uella Oldroyd has gone to with some of his own invention used f'rovo to attend school at the B. now for the first time. America very PAYSON i of determining just which baking methods and baking material are best. Many domestic scientists devote their lives to research and experimental work. They are constantly testing food products. They conduct exhaustive ' comparative tests. They accept and endorse only such methods and baking processes as have been found superior through scientific measurement of merit. These decisions" are given wide publicity. The results that the housewife of today produces more wholesome- - and perfect bakings at less cost than ever before. In investigating the decisions handed' down by pure food specialists and eminent domestic scientists, it is plainly evident that the everwhelming majority employ and advocate the use of Calumet Baking Powder. Calumet has won this popularity ao trace of harmful foods. Then because not sell to consumers. wm vi n. investigate! Ask the Agent. Town and Country. . A town 111:111 asiuiK.ily can shape Ik" dov.-lis business so that beside it iind take ttiinp. Hut n farmer, nfier his regular work has been attended to, always has it well to tY.g. Topcku Capital. profitably may study the extremely able methods of this d specialist. He was called in to help the to put things before the public well and strikingly, for he is one' "" v r r of the greatest editors In England and not only that but a publisher as well, being one of the few outside of Lord Northcliffe holding a considerable interest In the vast enterprises of the Xorthcliffe press. lie was called in to help the government hammer Into the head of the British public the necessity for food economy when it became evident that It would be necessary to do this if the German submarine campaign was to be nullified, because he already had succeeded In one of the greatest publicity campaigns the world ever has known, that which esulted in placing one thousand million pounds with the British public in what has become famous as the British Victory loan. world-celebrate- -- Ohio $40.2 Los Angeles and Return Tick ets on Sale Daily June 5th. to September 30th. 1 Diverse routes via rail and steamer, including San Francisco. Proportionately low fares for tickets including San Diego, Portland, Seattle. Stopovers at all joints. No validation fee FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. t For reservations and routings see J. A. COTTRELL AGT. NEPHI or Address WM. W A IiN ER, A . G. P. A . Sal t Lak e City, U ta h Cider Maker Finds New Use for Lime O. While county farm agents and bureaus for farm welfare C1IAKDON, extolling the merits of lime to their agricultural brethren, it has remained for Ben L. Rhodes, cider maker, buyer for the William Kdwards arid incidentally deputy company, "herHr, to find a new use- for It. "As a safety for the prevention of the removal of anthracite or bitu- minous products by persons who would escape coal bills, it's a winner," says Khodcs, who maintains that the application of It to coal Is fully as uhd beneficial as to land. As before stated, Rhodes Is a cider maker, and has a large mill in the western part of the city of Churdon. Taking time by the forelock, or the coal dealers before another raise. Rhodes ordered a generous supply of the black diamonds. The huge pile, as tempting as an array of diamonds in this day and age, lay In alluring mass In plain sight of all. For some reason, which Ithodes believed entirely explainable, the coal pile seemed to diminish day by day. Neighbors hinted that there might have been women visitors with baskets to the mass of potential heat. Rhodes, the ever resourceful In times of emergency, bought some lime, and with a solution thereof, sprayed his conl pile until It was transformed from a dull black to. a dazzling while. Now any chunk that is removed will be conspicuous by It's absence. Neighbors who can't go to the Rockies this summer glance out of their windows at the big white pile glistening in the sun, and with n tan, are content. Meanwhile the coM pile Is Intact with its summer dress of white. At a recent meeting of the Board of Control of the University of Utah Alumni Association, it was decided to compile a complete list of all former U. of U. students now in any branch of the national service. The intent ion is to obtain the names and home address of these men, anil the military or naval units to which they belong, and to Uip in touch with them so far as possible dm ing the war. The University is working with the Minimi Association on this matter, and many names of former U. of U. students now in camp at Fort Douglus have already been secured ; Colonel Alfred Ilashrouck. Colonel RichI'ost Commandant, ard W. Young, Commander of the Utah regiment und a prominent member of the Alumni Association, and Captain Norton have furnished assistance willing and valuable along this line. Is Association Alumni The anxious to give this matter the widest possible publicity, and to enlist the help of ull who can furnish information regarding any old "U" man now in the navy, the Officers' Reserve, the ambulance corps, or the draft army. The Association urgently requests Unit persons having in any branch of the national service relatives or friends who have been connected with the University send the particulars to Mrs. Sarah Stewart, Secretary, 1133 Hast Third South, Salt Lake City. The Alumni Association, ating with the student body. Is maintaining a booth at the Utah State Fair. Representatives will be In attendance all week, and all friends of the University are Invited to come and get acquainted. Information cards for obtaining the military data desired are available at this booth. Fi I II On the Doorotep. An Illinois inventor has combined: a scraper, metal doormat ntid fiber! mat in one article, tin- - metol portion' being hinged so it may be lift eft for! the dirt beneath it to be swept uwny. - - ... i Fears Realized. "You rci'uneil tue ten years ago. "I remember," saffl the heiress. "You said It would wreck your life." "It did. I have had to work for n liv'-- g Life. since, wr i Your N ew oarn Euild it now. Have your new barn earning for you just that much sooner. You will enjoy the win- ter more, knowing that the stock is properly housed. And they'll be in fine condition to earn more for you next year. Take advantage of the fall months to complete all your building and work. It's the best season to get your buildand ings in 3'ou won't he interrupted ' during the rush spring wnvk next year. re-p- an ship-shap- e, el C N NEVILLE o. .. ;.r7r77-- r-, TMI LUMBER CO . , -- . JOHN RICHARDSON. NEPHI, UTAH Mgr. Di!y Optimistic Thouflht. The Infinitely li;tle have u pride that is infinitely grout. Line of an r aoer . a V) Just Received BAILEY. i j vv 3 i r urniture Supply (i 5 Coj |