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Show THE A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR ASTHMA Yonr oiet win bifcsdid flrnsirliit wittaontany qnestlon If this remedT&oes erery case of Asthma, Bronchial Athma?HS or lMQJeult Breathing 15S Fever violent the uueu 01 obstinate the caa a STHMADOH OR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S In either form (Cigarette. Pipe Mlxtmre or Powder) positively Eives INSTANT kHUur esse ever, and baa permanently cured thousands in bad been considered incurable, after having triedwho every other means of relief in vain. Sufferers are afforded an of availing themselves ol this opportunity Mosey Baca guarantee offer as through purchasing from are sure their K?Sl,J"'i,n r.eu'a1, P"igglst, they by him if the rirnedy fails. You will be the sole Judge as to you are benefltod and will get your money whether back if you are & ,.W9 knw o any fairer proposition wblcb we could,5ot make. B. SchKlmann Co., Proprielors, St. Paul, Minn. SURELY LACK?" bu iters 4V WT . fir. L reliable! fresh, SF PREVEKTEO BLACKLEG PILLS Prefer.edb; Z? a 33 JESS 'SsJ protect where other Use any injector, but Cutter's simplest and strongest. The superiority oi Cutter products is due to over IS years of specializing in VACCINES AND SERUMS on If unobtainable. only, insist Cutter's. U The Cu'.tar Isboratory, Bertsisy. California )) The Hereford Corporation of Wyoming V&TCf : Registered Hereford s Exclusively 75 good, bulls for sale.registered WRITE U8. Dyspeptic Dangers. "Is this war bread, my dear?" "No; why do you HSk?" "It looks to me as If a man had only a fighting chance with It." the Fingers ! With Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain j Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and dries the moment it Is npplied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding skin. Just think! You can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, Being Just to Husband. hud very pronounced Ideas regarding the rights and wrongs of her Natural Process. "The man whose plant was threatened with destruction by the strikers sex. performed quite a physiological operayou think, Sallie," she asked tion." ON FLANDERS FRONT one"Don't "Whah was that?" day of her dearest friend, "that a woman should get a man's pay?" "lie armed all the hands." "Well," replied Sallie, after a moment of deliberation, "I think she Not a Machine Gun. Polishing furniture by machine inTEUTONS IN .VERDUN ZONE ARE should let him have car fares and lunches out of it." Touth's stead of by hand Is made possible by a DEFEATED IN FURIOUS ONrecent British invention. SLAUGHTS, LOSSES HEAVY. BOOMING Sometimes a man is so respectable neighbors have but little re spect for him. London. Again the Germans liavn delivered violent attacks agains't tlm mi: British troops in their newly-wopositions in the vicinity of the road and the Polygon wood. Two seperate onslaughts were made on Monday, three hours apart, and both with huge effectives moving in wave formation. Everywhere the attacks were repulsed with heavy casualties, except opposite the southeast cornet of the Polygon wood, where two llrit-isadvanced posts were captured. Along both sides of the Meuse river in the Verdun sector the French and Hermans nre engaged in another terTwice rific duel. the Germans Our idea or a hypocrite is a man who infantry attacks in an effort but launched really admires his mother-in-law- , to capture positions, but on both ocis too contrary to admit the fact. casions they were stopped short b. the French lire. In the Austro-Italiatheatre the Austrinns have delivered several heavy counter-attack- s against the newly-woposition of the Italians on the plat ea u, but everywhere have met with complete repulse. Agiiin the Russians, through an nt- tack in the Kiga region, have forced (lie Germans to give ground, this time for u depth from 800 to 1000- yards. Russian airmen to the south have dropped large quantities of explosives on enemy camps situated near Kovel. I Right On the other fronts there is little activity except in the nature of artilNight n Ypres-Meni- I the. to J JW&P JJW V Healthiest jfe. Genuine Vver Small Pill Small Dose Small Price bears signature "!.tu '3 Colorless Or Palf F,irp! indicate the absence of Iron in a condition which will be greatly helped by E-- Z VaXter S iTOn JTlilS 1. CLEAN PIPE $ 0O a Just the thing for Soldiers' Kit tlKgy K&wam vgpi$ Children Cry For'. Net Contents 15 Fluid Prachm f km fc:'U, woo iji T- if rnunr.-- .l PEH CENT. AVctSelaWcPrcpafationforAs c.'milnt.'ndthi'lnOllbvRCUla- a T lintJlheSomacliBawctsof Thereto Promoting Digestion Cheerfulness ana Kesi.uiw neither Opium.Morphincnor Mineral, in o i ; CASTORIA 23 Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving The Children's Panacea The healthy and natural sleep. Mother's Friend. iwL" JteipeofWdDzSLHlZlMim. Jhtr.-ph5tta jtU Senna Jbrkrllt Scttl a Jpptrmint StCartmnt'!' Worm JW Clan fitd Sugar Hirrsrren Hanf E53iu mi SF1 AhclpfulRcmedyfor Diarrhoea Constipation and Feverishness ana 5 and r T Ei. CASTORIA GEFSUIftSE .c- Vl F.EP -- rcsuttinhcrcfrwtHnManty. stronghold has been obtained by the British on Bagdad through the capture from the Turks of the main Ottoman position in the region of A 2i facsimile SiGjwtorcot I'.c J4o sHlrrTTTn""'"" The Centaur Compaq 0 3" ltemadie. a Use For Over 30 Years COAL INDUSTRY. Retailers' Margin Limited as Result of Action of Fuel Administration. II. A. Garfield, federal Washington. fuel administrator, took three important steps in the regulation of the coal industry on September 30. The margin allowed retail dealers is tentatively set at 30 per cent above the margin they maintained in 1915. In no case will this margin the difference between the cost of coal to the dealer at his yard and the price he charges 'the public be greater than the margin of this July. The price of anthracite pea coal at the Pennsylvania is cut 00 cents a ton. The classification of coal from the and the small far western fields prices permitted are announced for the first time. They range from $1 a ton for Wyoming coal to .Sl.'iO for that from the state of Washington. Exact Copy CHIGIS BACK The Kind of Wrapper. THI You Have Always Bought CENTAUR COM FANY, NEW YORK CITY, Damaged Goods. TO OLD HOME The little boy of the suburb who'runs errands for the neighbors when he gets a penny for it stepped timidly up to the counter of the hardware store. "I want a uh, a lock washer ! You know, one that goes on a holt to keep the nut from slipping, and is stationary." The hardware dealer pulled out a little drawer and tossed out a few metal disks on the glass showcase. The boy examined them. He found that they were not only perforated in the center, but that they were split, and the two ends bent apart, much like the clincher rim on an automobile tire. He handed the washers back after gravely examining them. "I don't want 'em," he decided. "Those things nre broken." Roman Family to Occupy Historic Villa Farnesina Descendants of Original Owners, ' o 's i The Impatient Guest. restaurant Heloise of the rapid-fir- e was relating to Chaudine, another waitress in the same establishment, certain interesting episodes which occurred at the bartenders' hall on the previous night. "All in the living world I says to lliighie was " !" sarcastically snarled a hypercritical customer. "I'm still waitIs this a restaurant ing for my order or an elocutionary entertainment?" "Aw, listen to t lie living skeleton having a fit on the tiled floor!" coldly re"I says to Hughle, torted Heloise. 'Ihighie,' I says, 'I wouldn't have thought it of you !' Just like that." "Sa-a-a- y ! Perfectly Ridiculous. "It's too bad that you broke your doll." commented the caller. "This doll Is not broken," corrected ihe child gravely. "Oh, isn't it? I thought that was the doll that used to cry 'Mamma when It was squeezed. "This is the same doll. But you must remember that was several years ago. She is much older now. You don't expect n grown-uyoung lady to cry 'Mamma !' when she is squeezed p do you?" The caller had to acknowledge that whatever she expected, it probably wouldn't take place. The man who borrows trouble Is generally pretty good about paying It back. GAVE UP HOPE s Eat More Corn! you in corn Whether or of you are saving for the weather an you corn are sure corn muffins, "Johnny Post Toa sties 1 The newest white corn costs DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBUR- corn substantial crisp, bubbled flakes of with an alluring smack Make Post Toasties Your War Cereal yJ 40-19- r ALWAYS Bears the Signature of After 337 years the historic Villa Farnesina, on the banks of the Tiber, a half-mil- e distant from St. Peter's will again be occupied by dechurch, Onner smoke) feffiSSSS scendants of Its original owners and builders, the Princes of Chigi, says a Rome correspondent. The head of the house, Prince removable inner tube keeps your pipe New, scientific idea in pipe construction Chigi, who last year was apfree and clean at all times. Send $1.00 by mail to pointed marshal of the Holy church and the guard of the Conclave and. E-- Z CLEAN PIPE COMPANY, 213 Wert Forty-Nin- th Street, NEW YORK therefore, rules the Vatican during the WIRELESS RECORDS BROKEN. interim between the death of a pnpe Place Would Do. Willing to Participate. . No Other A dentist, whe had been made nervWilliird was napping when his young and the election of a new one, recently Hawaii Between brother came and begged him to play ous by frequent burglaries in his Messages Transmitted That's a Different Thing. disposed of the Chigi palace to the and Sayviile, N. J. With unusual indulgence he vicinity, was somewhat startled recenttrain. Italian government. It Is stated that My small cousin was telling me of The new naval wirepaid, "All right, I'll be the sleeping ly by having a man come regularly at Washington. by this sale he was put in a position to some naughty trick he had played on the Siiine hour every evening and sit less station at Pearl harbor, Hawaii tar," and continued his rest. buy back the Villa Farnesina, erected nnother hoy, and after he heard my on his doorstep. He finally suggested the most powerful In the world was in jnOO-l- l by the Papal banker, Agos-tin- opinion of it decided to tell his mother. Macon ,tn the Limelight. that, if it would be all the same to opened September 29 with a "Why, Lawrence," I said, "I should Chigi, and notable because of its A new railway station costing think your conscience would prick him, he would be pleased to have him record for long distance trans- frescoes by Raphael. has recently been completed divide his attention and sit on some mission. The palace will be restored and re- you." "What is a conscience?" he inquired. at Macon. Oa. furnished as it was when first occupied neighbor's doorstep for a while. Messages exchanged between Sec"Rut it . wouldn't be the same." retary Daniels and the naval com"Well, a conscience." I answered, "is by the Chigi family, an auction sale don't do that," Japanese utilize the hides of sea shouted the visitor," nor anything like mandant at Pearl harbor were trans- having been held recently to rid the the thing that says, 'Xo, Hons for the manufacture of a water- it. You are a dentist, and I have an mitted between Hawaii and Sayviile, palace of the furniture left there by when we are going to do something the king of Naples. L. A., approximately 5000 miles, withnaughty." proof leather which has various uses. iicliing tooth that I haven't the courThe return of the Chlgis is considHe thought he understood that all age to have pulled out. I come here in thirty-thre- e minutes. ered remarkable since it is proverbial right, but finally he said. "Hut what Is More than 8,000 British soldiers have every afternoon trying to make up my mind to have it out, and as soon as I in Koine that when once n family the thing that says, 'Yes, go ahead and LA FOLLETTE CRITICISED. been supplied with artificial litnhs. do it'?" Exchange. come in sight of your house it stops leaves its home It leaves forever. Five Petitions Demand His Expulsion idling, but when I sit on your doorFrom the Senate. step, and the confounded thing knows It can be pulled out if it gives me Senator Itobert MarWashington. trouble, I have some rest." lon La Follette of Wisconsin on Satto Often Wished For Death urday found bitter public sentiment End lier Misery. Doan's How's This? against him crystallized into We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh Effected a Complete and demanding his expulsion from that cannot be cured by HAI,IT CATARRH MISDICINR HALL'S CATARRH the senate of the United States. Lasting Recovery. MEDICINE! Is taken Internally and acts One came from the Minnesota com"I was helpless with kidney trouthrough the Blocd on the Mucous Surmission of public safety, two came faces of the System. ble," says Mrs. Ellen Janls, 1404 N. beSold by 41ruKKi8tB for over Third St., St. Charles, Mo., "and years. from Washington and n fourth came Price 75i Testimonials free. forty wheat gan to think my case was beyond instead from New York. The fifth came from eat When F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. In the reach of medicine. The pain La Follette's own home state. bed in and me it up my back laid France. Timorous Lover. boys seemed as if my DacK . A womnn in San Francisco. n pair a Into store for Obregon wpnt I crushed. been had Cletieral Alvaro San Francisco. of slippers. She nuked the shop ascouldn't sleep and sistant to get her a pair about size 10, Obregon, former Mexican secretary of food. admirable cool ws so nervous I Corn is and she wanted them squeaky. was almost frantic. war, was here Monday, en route to He said his visit, was of Are "Flashes '"J'liey'nre for my father," she added. Washington. came before my eyes miss? I'm afraid we have11 merely for pleasure and to undergo "Squeaky, like or not bread, and the pains In my not got any of that kind." treatment for his right arm, which was bead were terrible. In a of several make hhn shot "Couldn't years ago away you partly pair to like corn pone, you My sight was affected Mrs. Janls. ' Cake", battle. squeaky ones?" asked the young womand there were large, puffy spots an. "There Is a young man who visits beneath my eyes. me frequently, and It would be very Kelly to Have Second Trial. "How I suffered when passing the Iled Oak. la. The Uev. I.yn George I screamed In convenient for him to know Just when kidney secretions .1. Kelly, whose I rial on a charge of agony and I often wished I might pa Is coming downstairs." die and be out of misery. I had complicity In t Ik- Villisca ox murders night sweats and mornings on getended Thursday hi a disagreement cf of Minimum Waste. ting up I was so weak and numb the Jury, will be tried the secoud nsto. I could hardly stand up. I grew time. nil gotta help." so pale and emaciated I looked "Voil attend tn your own business." like death. Doan's Kidney Pills Draft Objectors Indicted. cured me completely and I have snapped ma, with some acerbity. "The Muskog(e, Okln. Two hundred and been as well and healthy since as only things I throw away are tea foods wrinkle in twenty alleged draft resistors and conany woman of my age." leaves and egg shells." spirators were Indicted by the grand Cet Doan's at Any Stan, 60e Bo food dish a jury which adjourned Saturday night Happy Thoughts. was uppermost In your mind at, McAlester, instead Of I'M as first "What CO, BUFFALO. M. Y. but a trifle. and the first time you went 'over the top'7" reported. "I seemed to hear someone saying, Gurko Expelled From Russia. Doesn't he look natural T" tAfekfcrVs General liilrko, former Petrograd. HAIR BALSAM A tnl l prepsmtoa of mrttb conunsnder on the southwestern front, BftlfMt to erftatast. ssndrvC When Your Eyes Need Care has been expelled from Uttssln by way Far Rttarls Color nd M.lr U.M.I.C.n.rlil of Archangel, because of the letter he Eye Remedy Try Murine 0c end li.OOst Dmfyim. Ho Smarting Jnat lire Oomfnn. 60 cents St wrote o the former emperor expressprnnlBt or fnsll. Writs for Vnm JIts Boos. 17. MlKlIIBCYKBElfKOI CO., C1IICAOO ing his loyalty. W. N. U., 8alt Lake City, No. CLEAN YOUR. PIPE- IN A JIFFY XICHATUsH MY S V ;.siu lery duels. REGULATING usually MACARONI it n J zy n n Kuin-sizz- The man who doesn't know enough to go in out of the rain gets many free shower baths. that his Furious Drives Launched by Heir tc Imperial Throne on Both Banks of Meuse Fail to Dent French Lines. Italians Still Advancing. For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills EAT Mollle |