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Show THE THE - I CUP TIMES-NEW- KLINQaii NEPHI, UTAH. S, TIMES-NEW- Published Every Friday by The S Publishing Co. Times-New- s A. B. Dennis Wood Editor. Try Our Washir Gibson Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $1.60 One Year in Advance. 75 Six Months in Advance, Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Nephi, Utah May o, fTEYIMQ Reasonable Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Prices MUM A MEMBERSHIP CROSS RED IN EVERY WATER SUPPLY IS HOWIE that you won't be "up in the air" yourself when sickness occurs and extra money is needed for doctors or the support of the family during the time you are incapacitated for work. Crisps AN IMPORTANT FACTOR so Every home in Nephi should Fr.n'i LOie.-e- L't. Pub. Health Assn. $ be represented by a membership in the local Red Cross Chapter. "What about vour water?" is 0 Its a duty of citizenship that we one of the first question asked by owe, not only the country, but to prospective residents. Man can our own boys who are leaving in live without luxuries. He can Is Money" Flies" and such numbers to stand between exist for weeks without food. But those who are left at home, and he perishes miserably in a few '. So the saying goes. Although you car. stop , the despot and tyrannical rulers i hours without water. Water is the hands of a watch from going 'round of Germanyjwho would despoil necessary for all animal and veg But you can T;ime will go on just the same, our homes, and place us in slavery etable life. It converts the desert put your hand on vout pocketbook and effectif these American soldier brys into a garden and its lack turns ually check the flight of the inclined-to-elop- o should be unable to stop that the crarden into a desert aorain. But imnure water mav be al coins. And furthermore, you can firmly military machine in its mad rush most as bad as none at .all. It is finanwould-b- e to deserters these your grasp for conauest. cial cause and safely imprison them in this In view of this tact it is abso well known that impure water is for much sickness. bank, lutely necessary that those who responsible of tVDhoid. enidemics Many do remain at home, should every cholera and dvsenterv have been thins in their power to make life traced to an infected water as pleasant as possible tor those thus nlace their lives in supply. The installation of proper in a UTAH. NEPHI, danarer. to protect you and me water systems has inresulted Phone 55. amount 5 the - very trreat decrease ot is netter no perway There sickness and death in every f.'.rminar that service than of case. Red through the medium of the Water in its natural state con Notice For Publication. Cross Society, as this is the one tains much Nickel's Worth of Sleep. foreign matter. Most it a Little Thelma waked up from her makes that " of this is harmless. It is only before she had ISOLATED TRACT. special duty to care tor the needs when contaminated by the on afternoonandnapwas cross and crying,slept so enough Publisher the soldiers, irrespective oi scoui-intof of human beings that it Vinty asked her if she would sleep PUBLIC LAND SALE. come what locality they may if she cave her a nicKel. hpenmes of great danorer. In 1885 gome more soon stopped crying and snid : Department of theInterior. from. Thelma 1,004 at Plymouth, Pennsylvania, 'I don't know, aunty, but I'll try ana U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Tn order to do this work sue cases of tvnhoid were traced to sleep a nickel's worth." Utah, September 25, 1917. itand puscfnllv rpnuires money one person. This man spent the Nntioo is herphv eriven that, as dir A little help Irom all materials Gen the of Commissioner John Quincv Adams' Toast. liv the Christmas holidays in Philadelphi Q.tori l onH nffine I cannot ask of heaven success, even under nrovisions oi the people of Nephi will make a. Returning home, he went she nnrsuant to the appli the local chapter a success. Mr. Can 9,iF; n S with tvnhoid. His excreta. for my country, in a cause wheretoast P Olson. Serial No. J. W. Boud the cashier oi the In the wrong. should be My instead of being disinfected and would be, may our country be always 020147. ive will offer at public sale,.1,.,.--to Npnhi National Bank is the burned, was . thrown on the bank but, whether successful or the highest bidder, dui amut Red Cross of the stream which supplied the successful, S2.25 ner acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on Treasurer of the Nephi otherwise, always rieht. John Quincy tho larh Hav of November. 1917, next, Chapter, you can call on him at town reservoirs. there it re Adams. at this office, the following tract of any time and take out a member mained frozen until a March Section Z!t NE lnHthe NW br donate whatever you teel thaw, when it was washed into Township 12 South, Range 3 East, Salt ship, to heir, carry on the work the stream. Three weeks later nhlp Lake Meridian. v ith the vp. thought that tvnhoid anDeared in the town hp is the favorite The sale will not be kept open, but on whatever you give will help to and about one of every five in dessert. Spread it thick big will be declared closed when .Ho slices of nutritious bread and some mother s boy happy habitants became sick and one make nave named hour nrpsent at the butter for the boys and girls The person making when they set home from hundred and fourteen died ceased bidding. school. the highest bid will be. required to im POINTED PARAGRAPHS It should not be forgotten that The sugar in jelly is a great mediately pay to the Receiver the.ani the absence ot typhoid in a com energy food, so necessary for ount thereof. arrowing children. TCverv time we read the pro munity does not prove that the Any persons claiming adversely the eeedincr of the House and Senate water is Dure and sate. Many land are advised to file lab'a and Preserving Sugar we realize that some of the other disorders of the digestive their claims, or objections, on or before Kaiser's best fighters are not system and the intestines are the time designated tor sale. on the other side of the Atlantic caused bv imnure water.And thl is unsurpassed for making jelly Gould B. Blakely, Register. from Made sugar When it came to signing an continual use of unwholesome and preserves. beets, raised by Utah and Idaho affidavit a lot of wives water may so weaken the system exemption in farmers. At your grocer's ADVERTISE TO PAYS for 100 IT 50 bags. the first time that and lesson its powers ot resis learned and 10. 25, pound had supported them tance that it falls a ready prey husband heir "Buy it by the Bag." to the attacks ot pneumonia and ilnrino- the nast year. Made by Most infant The biggest news item of latt other maladies. Sugar Company has been the peace proposals put deaths are due to intestinal dis forth, bv the Poue. It they would orders and can usually be traced only guarantee the future of de to imnure water or milk. Wher mocracy, and the crushing lor ever good water has been substi of militarism, they would tuted for bad there has been a pvpr Get Rid of Fleas. be heartily welcomed by all the great decrease in infantile mor The flea Is one of the most annoying neonle at war. cases tality. of household pests. In nuiny Safe water is usually merely a fleas are bred on dogs or cuts, and the Advertising is a commody. It first thing to be dope is to eliminate vert ad needs miesiion of a little expense and the government the source of supply. If the uniniul is or sell to bonds accomplish vigilance. No community and no not badly infested, insect powder, well other work it should pay for this individual can afford to neglect rubbed into the hair, or creolin wash, Kemove all carpets pnramnflltv lust as it Pays 101 the water supply. Pure water is muy be effective. n nd simflur articles and scrub the steel necessary for its ships and cheaper than funerals. floors thoroughly with hot soapsuds or armaments. The wealthiest na- KNOWS WHAT TO EXPECT lye, being careful to get Into every l ion in the world has no more cruck and crevice. Fleas thrive oikdirt and do not like to be disturbed. right to expect the newspapers to give this commodity.thanithas Game in Mexico. to ask the steel corporation to Mexico cannot lie said to offer a field its steel for nothing. trive for hunters of big game, and the term, Tt. takes seventy five million Is which "a sportsman's paradise," thous hundred and one dollars an Is to exaggeraIt, sometimes applied Thp Krenrlv Advertiser is milking his to deliver and men and boys tion. Among anlmuls may be enumer- Dally with the to the Bank Day's ated the peccaries or Jnvcllnes, deer, Haul. Trip He Is Loaded Down but n groceries and other articles irom Include The hnres. reptiles rabbits, doesn't Seem to Sliud. He knows It the dealer to "the consumer every alligators, turtles and Iguanas. Whales, l'nvs To Advertise and couldn't do every year in the United btates, on encountered are lions sea and seals without The Paper any more than The and he consumer nays the bin York New coast. the Pacific Paner could do without hlin. He never Half of this amount could be complains about Business being Dull. saved if the delivery system of SClSUIUXJX-IMBU the country was organized on an ' ' $ (The New Process) . Toasted Corn Flakes "Time "Time We carry everything good to eat. ' ' Enterprise Grocery Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Phone 1 85 m - 3( r NOTICE If you suffer with Dizziness. Headache, Vomiting Spells, Nervousness, Insomnia, pain in the head or back of neck, don't fail to call on Dr Peterson at the Forrest Hotel Monday Oct. 15th. - -- T to-he- d ..... . , -- i. -- - Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Winn, accompanied their daughter Mrs. Orion Berry to Salt Lake Saturday, from which city she left for Chicago where she will remain this winter, Mr. Berry is attending the North Western University in that city. 4 4 Grape Jelly 'after-schoo- l" i above-describe- d A !! I) n - Utah-Idah- o is-in- o- - pffiVipnt and win THE TAX PROBLEM! A Solution with this bank now and Start a Savings Account when your taxes become due next year you will have money in the bank to pay them. Nephi National Bank. We pay 4 per cent on Saving Deposits. II" III III III r- III ml basis. "Stoo the waste the war" has become a national slogan. Here is one item lo begin with, which experts figure, that if the delivery sys em in everv citv and town in the country was cut down, it release at least fifty would t honsand men for other work. Thn Tired Fisherman has a Fine and save forty million dollars a Slrlnsr of Fish. Yet he does not look year to the people. Happy. f"r he knows that when he Gets to Town, the Fellows will ask, Gerald P.yper came in Thurs "Vlirrt did you P.uy thetnT' and he dav morning from Wells Nevada. will have to flrin Sheepishly, where he would like to Wallop them Fore and will spend a few days in as mid Aft with his string of Fiuny ueauNephi with his parents Mr. and tlex. Mrs. Robert Pyper. It 1 1 a KA TT WT - baking 9 j I I ' il:on HIGHEST mil' in .. . .. l s. S. c ;ji xt Is always rizht. It's come. Never b'i....i 1. i , t.::a watte minutes rr v. materials r t r - rl:'.! i wholesome, e C s have been nrprwcd of.ic Authorities." ic-You tav uhm you huy ::. ii'ii i V V "Yoti little rasc.-.- l plnycd alor Kept grandma v.a;;:.::.! CV. w. in" 1 ' ' ::h ' '' ' ' : i . u.' f-;- .. i 11 . ', i .t f ! 'l.jif-'- i |