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Show Millard County Chronicle - Thursday, November 1, 1962 LEGAL IIOTICE PROCLAMATION .cess of 100 tax payers ol Millaid County Utah, we the Board of Millard Mil-lard County Commissioners under special session on the 24th day of October, 1962 hereby entsr the following fol-lowing proclamation: That there is hereby granted an extension of time when taxes shall become delinquent on properties In Millard County from the 30th day of November to 12 o'clock M. on the 20th day of December, 1962. This proclamation of extension of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimber and son Kent, spent a few days in Price last week visiting with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kimber. Kent shot his deer while they were there. time is issued In accordance with the provisions of 59-10-27 Utah Code Annotated and shall be pub lished for two Issues in a paper of general circulation in Millard County. Dated October 24, 1962. Millard County Commission Archie P. Christensen, Chairman Frank Lyman Howard Nielson First Publication: Oct. 25, 1962. Final Publication: Nov. 1, 1962. Notice To SPORTSMEN: THI PHEASANT AND QUAIL SEASONS OKNi Sat Nov. 3rd 8:00 A.M. All hunter should become familiar with the Irtipais law which provides for more ttringenf penalties for treipau on private properly. 7 u'. w Yl TWEE w V Detailed rule and reg ulations gov erning hunting niiom ore shewn In the annual procla-nHen procla-nHen available from Ikonee agents. RESPECT PRIVATE Xf PROPERTY & HUNTING IS OBTAIN PERMISSION PERMIS-SION FROM LAND OWNERS BEFORE ENTERING THEIR PROPOTY UTAH FISH & GAME DEPARTMENT GIVING OUR WORLD THE Once Over By Dick Morrison 1 am going to vote straight Republican. Re-publican. I make this earth-shaking announcement an-nouncement with no feeling of ill-will ill-will toward any of the candidates on the Democratic ticket. Individually, Individ-ually, the Democratic candidates with whom I am acquainted are personable, honest, and competent men and women though no more so than the respective Republican candidates. In local affairs, city and county, I can't see that it makes much difference dif-ference which party affiliation the officials hold. Any of us can go to a town board meeting, or a county commissioners meeting, and make our views known, and things keep on a pretty even keel. I think, though, that I do detect a tendency among the local Democrats to promote pro-mote the most tax-consuming public pub-lic projects, with the result that when some really essential public need arises, like that for a new high school 'building, .we find that the money has all been squandered and it can be financed only with higher taxes and higher debt. And I feel, too, that the pressure for these so-called " public services comes, not from the people, but from the Democratic politicians. But all in all, I don't dislike any of the local Democratic candidates. It's only that they are in the wrong party a party which, on the national na-tional level, has led the nation Into an Incredible mess. So, reversing the oft-observed custom of voting for the man, not the party, I am going to vote for the party, not the man. And I am going to vote for the party which stands for Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity the Republican party, which has given us more of these blessings so far during the twentieth twen-tieth century than the Democratic party has. Of course we should back the President in the Cuban crisis, and Republican candidates can be depended de-pended upon to do so. AND as of Monday morning, it looks a little as if we will need Republicans in Washington not Just to back up the President, but maybe to keep 1 wfers National surveys show that the so-called Medicare program is not understood. Surveys also show that people who really understand the Medicare program are opposed to it and to candidates candi-dates who sponsor it. HERE'S WHAT THE MEDICARE PROGRAM WOULD MEAN TO YOU: You will have higher and higher Social Security payroll deductions. Benefits start when you retire at 62 or 65. Only part of medical costs will be paid. (No doctor bills at all.) You set no benefits if you are not on Social Security. (This Is where It is needed most.) It's compulsory to everyone with Social Security. Millions will have to have the program whether they want K or not. It puts an unfair burden on young homemakers. It will jeopardize the whole Social Security financial structure. It will destroy the finest medical system In the world. It will give, instead, a huge bureaucratic system of Government medicine. EVERYONE AGREES that the needy aged must be cared for AND THEY WILL Utah now has a program sponsored jointly by the State and Federal governments, the Kerr-Mills Bill, which is being adjusted and improved to meet local conditions. con-ditions. Under this program every needy aged will get help, more extensive help than under Medicare, without the need for extra taxes. Why? Because it provides help only for those who actually need it. For additional Information on MEDICARE, write: United Public Health League 42 South 5th East Salt Lake City, Utah or tune in KSL TV November 3, 12 to 12:30 p.m.; KUTV November 4, 12 to 12:30 p.m.; KCPX TV November 4, 1:30 to 2 p.m. him from chickening out on the deal. The United States navy took control of the situation In short order. Now, instead of pressing that victory to full conclusion, there is reason to think the appeascrs may be gaining control again, with the result that Russ a and Castro will be let off easy. Is this to be another an-other of those deals where victory by the American armed forces is to be given away by the diplomats in the Democratic party? It will bear watching. To me, the Democratic record m domestic affairs has been dismal. Taking office at the depth of depression, de-pression, Franklin Roosevelt adopted adopt-ed such an extreme anti-business policy that it kept the nation in chronic depression for eight- years! Oh, I know, there was a lot of tub-thumping on behalf of the common man, hut what happened ;s that millions of the "common men" remained unemployed thru those new-deal years until they were drafted into the army and shipped across the oceans to fight the war to destroy the enemies of communism. You say it wasn't a war for that purpose? Then why did the State Department pursue that policy even ev-en after the peace destroying and betraying even such of our wartime allies as were enemies of communism? commun-ism? Why the betrayal of such as Chiang, Batista, Trujillo, and others all over the world. The history of subversion under the Roosevelt and Truman administrations admin-istrations Is appalling. Read the account ac-count of the Hiss case, by Richard Nixon, in the November Reader's Digest. President Truman called the investigation a red herring, oblivious ob-livious to the vital issue at stake. Nixon's persistence resulted in bringing out the truth. I fervently hope Nixon will win the governorship governor-ship in California. If he doesn't, 1 wai -attribute his d e f e a t to the communist smearing campaign which has been relentless against him ever since he exposed Hiss. Matter of fact, I am one who believes be-lieves that more popular votes were cast for Nixon two years ago than for Kennedy. The corrupt Democratic big city machines are notorious for falsifying election returns. re-turns. I find it hard to understand why my decent friends on the Democratic De-mocratic ticket want to be assicia-ted assicia-ted with the same national party as those machines! It is sometimes said that the Democratic De-mocratic party is more for the "little man". As I said to one local Democratic leader when he told me that, "Friend, I don't see why you consider yourself so much littler than some of the rest of us." I consider that kind of talk pure bunk. And when it leads to the vindictive attitude of "making i things tough for business", it be comes a destructive attitude. Democrats Dem-ocrats can't do the- "little guy" any good by getting tough with business. busi-ness. They seem to forget that it is the employer, not the politician, who scrapes together the money to meet the payrolls. An economic climate favorable to business, such as we enjoyed under the Eisenhower Eisenhow-er admisistration, is best for the "little guy". I have always been a "little guy" myself, ever since the day thirty years ago when I borrowed $500 and started a gas station. I had to make a living, or thought I did, and I just went ahead. It never was easy, but it was possible. But under the years of Democratic rule, the lot of the "little guy" in business was made almost unendurable. unen-durable. Here's an example of the ignorance, as well as the arrogance, arrog-ance, of the small-time bureaucrats who were turned loose upon us by the Democrats: One day one of their multitude of tax collectors walked into my small shop and asked why I hadn't been sending in a certain type of tax return. I told him that since I had no employees, they weren't applicable. He said I'd have to send them in anyway, and one word led to another. Finally, he hurled what he considered con-sidered a clincher at me by asking angrily, "Do you know how bad conditions were under the indus trial revolution?" (As if I had had anything to do with that!) I replied, "Yes, and I also know that the jobs at long hours with low pay, by our standards, werej accepted freely by those people be-! cause they were better than any thing they had ever had before". rThaf the industrial revolution had been a step upward, rather than downward, for the masses was new to him! Then he hurled another "blockbuster" "block-buster" at me. He said, "You live at the expense of society". I said, "Oh, no, I don't. Nobody ever hands me a dollar except of his own free will, to pay for something some-thing he feels is worth the money. I have no power over anyone, and want none. I earn what I get by selling things in competitive , business. busi-ness. You are the one who lives at the expense of society. You are on the government payroll, and we have to pay your salary whether we think you are worth anything or not, which I don't." j This angered him. He turned red-faced, red-faced, and stomped out. He walked across the street before he discovered discov-ered he had left his brief-case. He came back, walked to the counter, . picked it up, and walked out a-j gain, without saying a word. I just looked at him, and I didn't say anything either. Virtually every man in business j has been harassed by his kind, ever j since Roosevelt "took power". "You can't eat freedom", was one cry of the Democrats under, Roosevelt. But who ever heard of j eating rules, regulations, controls' and red tape? Sure we can't eat! freedom, but, the world over, peo- T& Cat Knot UrViAVA fwrnilnm Int Amj4 I it is the Republican party that stands for the ideals of peace, freedom, free-dom, and prosperity as against war, statism, and controls. During the Nixon-Kennedy de-! bates, the question arose as to which might best lead Congress. I say the question has now been, answered. And so, you local Democratic candidates, I won't be voting for you as long as you stick to that party of yours. To the extent that you believe in Constitutional governmentthe gov-ernmentthe American kind you belong in the Republican party, and any time you want to swing over, the party will welcome you. But if, in spite of my straight Republican Re-publican vote, any or all of you get elected, give us a break, won't you? Do what you can to get the government monkey off our backs, and at least make a start toward a rollback of taxes property, income, in-come, sales, and nuisance. How about it? Mr. and Mrs. Garn Brown T'sited in Delta over the weekend with their mother, Lemira Bishop. Garn did a little deer hunting over Scipio way. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swalberg and son Tod, also Mrs. John Pratt spent a couple of days in Salt Lake on business this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eppich, former form-er Deltans, visited last week In Delta at the Willard Stephensons. f 1 r" JzVi j ' ' "J l I i i 1 iiii U VJ icterttdng works for youl warms almost lime summer STANDARD V" HEATING OILS l k -1 rr- x r& Our budget ptan spreads the cost of your heating oil over ten monthly payments. There are no interest or carrying charge3 . . . you pay only for the oil. You get clean, safe, ail-enveloping warmth with STANDARD HEATINS OIL. Order your supply today. i For any Standard Oil product, call L. H. (Speed) RIDING Phone 4551 Delta, Utah o o o o o o o o S M W I 1 II Me or ot Bigger, SOI! IT c C) o c: o o 'Ol -W f . SENATOR WALUCf F BENNETT Rtpublkan Candidate for U.S. Senate IAUSENCE J. BURTON A. MATT KESlEt Republican Candidate for' Republican Candidate foi U.S. House of Represen- Utah's Attorney General tttivej, 1st District KARL I. TRUMAN Republican Candidate for State Senate LAMAR RAIPH MONROE Republican Candidate for State House of Representatives J BIG GOVERNMENT COSTS YOU MONEY, FREEDOM The Republican Party stands for the principle that the Federal Government should act only when the people are not adequately served by state or local governments. govern-ments. Bigger government costs you money and freedom, free-dom, too! PRESERVE YOUR LIBERTY "The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of government power, not the increase of it." Woodrow Wilson. Of the two major political parties only the Republican Party stands for this principle today. O n n G O V, O G GOUOZ OCO Q nOOOOQ Q Q rJTT CJ q ft p f-f fig |