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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 1, 1962 FIRST YARD AREA IIEVS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS Mrs. John I. Pratt. Mrs. Lynn Warnick, were Salt Lake visitors last Friday. They went with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swalberg and Tod. Mrs. Warnick stayed for a longer visit. Mr. Mont Keele visited Thursday night with his sisters and their fa milies, Mrs. Brog Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Allen. ' Mrs. Brog Hopkins and girls spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake visiting with relatives. Mrs. Fera Little visited in Orem Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little and family. She went on to Salt Lake and spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with her mother and father and with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Little. Fera went up Sunday Sun-day morning to, come home with her. Mrs. Blanch Works, Donnetta Hardy, Alisha Jackson, Leon a Works, Craig Hardy and Sheldon Jackson were in Kolden Saturday. The women folks attended a tea for Mrs. Don Rowley, Elder Glen Jeflery gave a missionary mis-sionary report in Sunday night meeting. This was a well attended meeting with people coming from near and far. Those we saw were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peterson and Sharalene, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Peterson and Mrs. Lee Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Young, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hauman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Murray, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry and family, fam-ily, Mrs. Pete Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldro Jeffery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jeffery and family, Mrs. Zerma Tripp and Deloria, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bladen and family, fam-ily, Auline's family and Mrs. Wil-ford Wil-ford Bennett and family. Coming from Salt Lake was Joeanthe Saasa, a girl that Glen baptized while in Germany. She Is working in Salt Lake at the Genealogy Gene-alogy Archieves. She is living with relatives. Elder David Lewis a returned re-turned missionary from Southern Germany and going to school at the BYU. Also from Germany and going to the Y is Barbara Hohlfeld. In a year she has received her bachelor's degree and is working on her masters. She is teaching a class in German to pay her way through school. The two ladies and the two Elders Eld-ers sang a song in German. These people spent Sunday with the Orvil Jeffery family. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Jeflery and Glen were in Salt Lake to attend an I.G.A. meeting last Wednesday. The Relief Society Bazaar and Supper will be Saturday, Nov. 10. We Invite you all to come and join us. Wendal Knight spent the weekend week-end In Delta visiting with friends and relatives. He lives in Salt Lake. 1 Coll ns Fullmer was a Delta visitor vis-itor last weekend. He visited with Mr. and JMrs. Elmer Fullmer. Mrs. Madae Christensen went to Salt Lake to take a grand-daughter j for an eye examination. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart and family, of Hunt, Idaho, visited with! Mr. and Mrs. Parry Winsor and family. fa-mily. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are , moving to Seattle, Wash., for the winter to look after his property, He has a trailer court there. Mrs. Virgie Broderick s in Salt Lake for a medical checkup. ' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Watts, from Oakland, Oregon, visited in-Delta with Guy's brother, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watts, his mother, Mrs. Grace Watts and other friends and rela tives. They used to live on the North Tract years ago. t Mr. and Mrs. James Nickle and Mrs. L. D. Pace visited in Salt Lake last Tuesday with J:m and Jolinda. j Mrs. Rosebeth Kennington from , Tooele was a Delta visitor last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She was also in the Service Drug. Mr. and Mrs. James Nickle received re-ceived word from Kathleen and Allen Al-len that Kathleen Is going to the Los Angeles Valley College. They send greetings: to all their;, friends in Delta. . I Mrs. Delia Lisonbee (Aunt Dell) J received word of the death of herj brother, Ezra Bunker. He was 83 years old. - Vis ting at the home of Mrs. Zel-la Zel-la Moody for the weekend were j Mr. Floyd Moody and sons, Jerry, and Jay. They, were here for the deer hunt, j Congressman M. Blaine Peterson and wife Lucille visited with "Mr.! and Mrs. A. O. Gardner Monday evening. j Vis tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doolin were A. L. Doolin ' Calf. Home from school at Dixie was Pete Doolin. From Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cosby and family. As busy as people are In this, area, there must be a lot of news. J The only way I can put it in the ! paper is for you to tell me. Please i call 486J1. 1 Oak City News MAE H. SHIPLEY Sunday evening Elder Kenneth Fiiilinson reported h'.s m ssion. The chapel was filled to capacity with fr ends and relatives. All enjoyed his fine report of his labors in the Western States Mission. Two of Kenneth's missionary companions from Salt Lake were present to hear the report. ' The Farm Bureau sponsored a Meet Your Candidate me'etmg last Monday night. Most of the Millard County candidates were present and gave interest. ng talks. We appreciated ap-preciated these people coming and getting acquainted with us. There should have been more out to meet these people. LAURA BRADFIELD YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. . . MAX ROBISON will make a fine commissioner because 1. He has dealt with farmers most of his life and knows their problems. 2. In his business he knows what tourist trade can do for the county. 3. He deals with miners, ranchers, contractors, and people peo-ple from all corners of the county and he knows their problems. 4. He uses all the different types of roads and realizes their needs. 5. Being a businessman and a past councilman and mayor, may-or, he understands the paying as well as the spending of tax money, so he will get the most out of the dollar. SO GET WITH IT AND ... VOTE MAX J. ROBISON For COMMISSIONER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 (Paid Political Advertisement) r Yote for the Candidate of our Choice jiptft jwxs ifiTE r i FOR ?Cp.p 1 j leogh i v DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR 4-YEAR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ENDORSED BY- -COUSINS COMPETITORS -COLLEAGUES CREDITORS (Paid Political Adv. by Democratic Central Committee) A chip on- the shoulder usually indicates wood higher up. Accept respons.bility for yourself and stop ' blaming the world. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Benson from California have been visiting at the Carl Benson and Lile Johnson homes the past week. Roy and Cloreen Johnson Great-wood Great-wood and four children were returning re-turning to their home in Brigham City a week ago Sunday (after visiting vis-iting Cloreen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson and also deer hunting here in Lynndyl) when their new station wagon caught fire. They were able to get it out, but everything, including bedding, cloth'ng, potatoes, carrots, two deer and a little white kitten was hurned up. The loss was great but they were thankful they were able to get out with their four small children. The whole community was shocked shoc-ked and saddened due to the accident ac-cident at the rock quarry where Keith Nielson was so seriously hurt (see front page). His wife, Camille, goes to Payson every day to be with him and friends and relatives go up and stay with him every nite as he is unable to be left alone. The organizations and all the ward members have been asked by Bishop Bish-op Phill Nielson to pray for him that he will recover soon and be able to be home with his family. Camille's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Od-vin Od-vin Rosquist of Fountain Green are here with Camille and assisting With the rare of Ihp children Mrs, William Overson spent sev-' eral days last week in Stockton; with her daughter Caroline Jacobs and family. Caroline and Curtis are the proud parents of a new baby daughter born Oct. 14. Douglas Tolbert, five-year old son of Dale and Jean Tolbert, had a tonsilectomy at the Nephi hospital hos-pital last week. He is home and feeling fine. Mary Johnson spent several days in Sutherland at the home of her mother, Hettie Johnson, visiting her sisters Alice Benson and Effie Johnson from California. The "Focus On Youth" program in Delta sponsored by the Stake MIA was well worth going to. Almost Al-most all the MIA girls and boys and some parents from our ward attended. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bradfield and son Thayne of Las Vegas spent the weekend at the home of Jay's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brad-field. Brad-field. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson visited vis-ited In Orem Saturday with relatives. rela-tives. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Baird and children of Richfield spent the weekend at the Lowell Wilkins home.' Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nielson of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Blaine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson. Kathlynn N'ielson, who is going to the U. of U. was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielson. She had a girl friend from the city with her. Emma Jean Evertsori was also home with her fam.ly. -. Liland Overson, who is working in Salt Lake came home for ; the deer hunt. In fact, almost every family ,n town had out of town hunters join them. . Mr. and Mrs. George Memmott and son Clifford of Salt Lake were at the Lawrence Bradfield home over the ' weekend. F.anae Simpson celebrated her 12th birthday last Fr.day evening. A large group of girls attended. Games and refreshments were enjoyed en-joyed by all. The program in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday night was furnished by Van B shop and Emerald Moody of Delta. Prayers were offered by Clead Nielson and Lowell Wilkins. The town was full of ghosts and gobblins and witches last night as the Pr.mary had their Halloween party. Tonight the MIA are having a party. Tomorrow night the school in Leamington is having one. Lots of fun, fun and fun. Monday Ruth Abegglen and Jean Tolbert took their baby daughters to Nephi for a check-up. Mrs. Betty Dodge, son Dana, daughter Jessie, Virginia and Bert i Powell and children, and LaRue , and Bob Mombereer were all here for the dance and reception for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shipley. They came Saturday and returned to Salt Lake Sunday. Mrs. Kent Dewsnup and little son Russel visited this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fin-linson. Fin-linson. , Ivan and Susan Shipley had all their children home over the weekend week-end for Larry's reception. Roy and Geniel Martin and children, Vema Mae and Don Drollinger and Michael. Mich-ael. Their daughter LaVon Christensen Chris-tensen and family live in Oak C.ty. The Primary had a very successful success-ful Halloween party Monday. A rummage sale, food and costumes made it a very enjoyable time for Primary children and many visitors. Tuesday night for MIA a Halloween Hallo-ween party was held. Games and refreshments made a happy evening even-ing of fun for the large crowd attending. at-tending. Lorna Lovell, Roberta Dutson, Betty Lou Lovell, Bessie Sheriff and Twiss Nielson visited Saturday with their sister Kathleen at Richfield Rich-field for her birthday. They also visited Cleo Holt and family. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley, David Lovell and Ava Anderson attended a mission mis-sion testimonial for Elder Len Anderson, An-derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Anderson. Len leaves for the New Zealand Mission, The testimonial was held in Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Josephine Lyman and Mrs. Janice Pope were in Oak City Sunday Sun-day and attended the mission report re-port of Kenneth Finlinson Sunday night. Dahl and Bonnie (Lovell) Powell and baby son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lovell. They live in Salt Lake City. OASIS RUBY SKEEM """i Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Skeem and J, Mr. and Mrs. Erv n Skeem s.e.u j two days In Salt Lake last weak. Mrs. Rubv Skeem and two child- " j rcn, Delene and Lee. attended th? Mr and Mrs. Ross Barton of St. ' wedding of Mrs. Skeem's nephew George spent a few days with the Jtl11il daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. by tram Eldon Rowley. The men went deer; hunting. I 7.500 Reud It In The CHRONICLE V7 A THORPE Wddi.fiig n ft m DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE OF Don't try for endurance records on the highway. Stop the car every so often and let the whole family get out and stretch the r legs. It's good for the circulation, the Utah Heart Association says. SUTHERLAND Happenings around Sutherland have had the deer hunt as the main point of interest. At the El-nathan El-nathan Abbott home Laurence and Arlene and Bill came down from Salt Lake for the weekend. They, with Elnathan and grandfather Laurence went deer hunting while here. Grandfather Laurence is well over seventy, but still enjoys the I deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele have had several visitors the past week. Wees and Carol Hardy and children of Pleasant Grove were here for several days last week. Sherry visited vis-ited her folks for a week and then returned to California where she has employment as a dental assistant. as-sistant. Mr. and Mrs. Steele took her to Cedar City last Wednesday to get on the bus. While there they visited with Mae Thornton. They report her as well and happy. Doyle and Lena also report they have a new grandchild. Earlene and Mack Dastrup of Los Angeles have a new baby "boy. This makes three boys and two girls for them. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Erickson received word from Price of the birth of a new baby girl to Duane and Diane Erickson. This is their first child. Barbara and Darrell Christensen are vacationing in Arizona this week. Beatrice Erickson is staying with the family. A special work day was held at Relief Soc.ety on Tuesday. The day was spent in quilting and other hand work in preparation for the bazaar which will be held on November No-vember 15th. Our program in Sacrament meet-1 ing on Sunday night was brot by High Councilman Eldon Eliason. Speakers were Mr. Eliason, his wife and daughter Karen. His girls sang a song. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller and two children visited with the Ivo Ogdens. Ivo and Dwight went hunting hunt-ing down Panguitch way and Ivone and elda joined them for two days. The men reported good deer hunting and the women good visiting. visit-ing. Gay Ogden and Leon Suckey of Salt Lake and Dana Kay Ogden of Provo visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Ogden Og-den and Roger Sunday. The MIA held a Halloween party on Tuesday night. Everyone came costumed and enjoyed the evening playing games and dancing. Shir-lene Shir-lene Schena and Loyd DeLapp won prizes as a chicken and a little girl. Ralph Goodman also won a prize when he dressed in a beautiful Indian In-dian costume. THANK YOU CARD Words cannot adequately express our graditude to those who expressed ex-pressed their sympathy and helpfulness help-fulness to us so beautifully at the time of our recent sorrow. May God bless you all. The Family of George P. Stephenson- 7.500 Read It la The CHRONICLE ELECT ONE OF OUR OYH ATTORNEYS FOR OUR DISTRICT JUDGE JAMES P. McCUNE (lj0 -is- A RESIDENT OF OUR DISTRICT , Life-long resident of Nephi and full time practicing attorney in the 5th District for 22 years. QUALIFIED FOR JUDGE Recommended for appointment as Judge in March, 1952 by a Committee of 5th District Bar Association. Qualified by Master of Laws degree and by broad experience in the 5th District. DISTINGUISHED IN HIS PROFESSION President of Utah State Bar in 1957-58. Admitted to practice in Utah. District of Colunbia and Federal Courts. A GOOD CITIZEN Family man with wife and four children. L. D. S. Church worker all of his life. Civic leader and past president of Kiwanis Club. AND HE BELIEVES that the people should fill the vacancy in the Judgeship by election elec-tion in accordance with BOTH THE LETTER AND SPIRIT of the laws for non-partisan judicial selection. Paid Adv. by McCune for Judge Com.. Foster C Gardner. Secretary Utah State Senator (Representing Millard and Beaver Counties) Millard County Resident Veteran of Yorld Yar II FOR 1 Utah Water and Power Board Program $ Efficiency in Expenditure of Tax Monies $ AGAINST I Any Increase in Property Tax $ Paid Political Adv. by Democratic Central Committee burton imports Secret Squad Hush-Hush Team Invades Utah In Desperation Move Proof NEW YORK TIMES Washington, Oct. 21, 1962 "... Americans for Constitutional Action, a conservative conserva-tive group, has assigned secret field men to aid 46 conservative con-servative candidates for Congress ..." "... Assignments are secret, because, according to Admiral Ad-miral Ben Moreel, board chairman of the group, PUBLICITY PUB-LICITY MIGHT JEOPARDIZE THE CANDIDATES CANDI-DATES ..." "... the retired admiral said the group has been linked with the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY in the press ..." "... All are professional political relations men who know how to organize campaigns, raise funds and write speeches ..." "THE GROUP ENDORSES . . . THE ONLY TWO CONGRESSMEN WHO HAVE MADE KNOWN THEIR MEMBERSHIP IN THE BIRCH SOCIETY." "... The group has endorsed the following: Utah Laurence J. Burton ..." For Honest Representation tor Utah RETURN M. BLAINE to Congress Paid Policial Adv. by CITIZENS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT, William Bruhn, Chairman |