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Show Reception for Xetclyireds A large crowd attended the wedding wed-ding reception at the Oak City Ward recreation hall recently for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shipley. The newly weds received many beautiful beauti-ful and useful gifts. Rridal attendants were sisters of the bride, LaRae, Kaylene and Jac- j kie Wheeler. Don Drollinger stood as best man. , Master of ceremonies for the program pro-gram was Roy Martin, brother-in-law of the groom. Appearing on the program were Kent and Sandra San-dra Dewsnup, vocal duet, "Hawaiian "Hawai-ian Love Song"; vocal duet, bride's sisters; p'.ano solo, Newell Anderson; Ander-son; tribute to the 'bridal pair, Ava Anderson; vocal solo, Michael Drollinger. Drol-linger. All numbers were accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Afton Dutson. The beautiful wedding cake was made by Verna Mae Drollinger, sister of the groom. The newly weds are making a home in Salt Lake and invite all friends S-0 call. S i in i mm i ri i ii n L . ji igawiw.w.iHflttttCsg 1 a 7 " r Couple Circle Nuptinl Date Miss LaWana Peterson and Mr. ! Sid Carter will exchange wedding vows Saturday, isov. 17th at the! home of Miss Peterson's parents,! 1 fi QnH fre T lAvrf Patnpcnn ef 1 ft. ftft . ftAUVft A A. J. iUVJU v vr . u . Delta. Mr. Caiter is the son of Mrs.1 Gladys Carter of Hinckley. Bishop Ned Church will officiate at the ceremony. Miss Peterson will be attended by Mrs. Rayola Tolley, and Mr. Doug Carter w.ll serve his brother as best man. THESE WOMEN ! By d'Alessio Couple United Miss Virginia Heaps and Stanley LaVell Bradfield exchanged wedding wed-ding vows Friday, Oct. 26 in a ceremony cere-mony performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Heaps, 4003 S. 4275 West, Salt Lake City. Bishop Reid Nelson officiated. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley Brad- field of Leamington and Salt Lake City. Following the ceremony the new-lyweds new-lyweds greeted friends and relatives rela-tives at a reception. Attending the 'bride were Mrs. Melvin R. Heaps, as matron of honor, Mrs. Harvey M. Heaps, Mrs. Ralph Anderton and Miss Evelyn Bradfield. Eddie Bradfield served his brother bro-ther as best man. Ushers were Melvin Heaps, Harvey Heaps, and Neal Finlinson. The young couple are making a home in Murray. MISS EVELYN JOHNSON Miss Evelyn Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson of Sutherland has joined the staff of competent beauticians at Zerma's Beauty Salon. Miss Johnson specializes special-izes in new styles, high styles and wave setting. Zerma's Beauty Salon, Sa-lon, located at 319 N. 200 W., welcomes wel-comes late calls. CoL and Mrs. John Mcintosh recently re-cently returned from a ten day visit to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., where they attended the 1940 class reunion of the Flying School Cadets, graduates gradu-ates of Kelly Field, Texas. They also attended the dedicatory service ser-vice of the Air Force Academy Stadium Sta-dium and were among the spectators specta-tors of the University of Oregon and Air Force football game. Fidelity Club Thursday, Oct. 25, the Fidelity Club was entertained at dinner with Halloween decorations on the tables, at the home of Clara Kill-pack. Kill-pack. Vivian Holman and Claraj Killpack were the hostesses for the evening. I After dinner Mrs. Maxine Bishop i reviewed the book "The Price of Prejudice," by Dr. Leonard J. Ar-rington. Ar-rington. The book review was of great interest to all of us because it was about the Japanese and the camp at Topaz near Delta, Utah. The following members were present: pre-sent: Clara Killpack, Vivian Holman, Hol-man, Arte Henderson, Hannah Larson, Lar-son, Leatha Bennett, Romania Bird, Ella Black, Thelma Black, Dorothy Gardner, Verna Gardner, Thelma Seegmiller, Ava Starley, and Zola Wright. LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTHLESS WORTH-LESS TO YOU, BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE. A 50c CLASSIFIED MAY KILL 2 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE . . . - ASKS TO CLEAR DATES Mrs. Kathryn Black, Stake Activity Acti-vity Counselor, has the Deseret Stake Calendar in charge and urges all those in charge of scheduling coming events to clear the dates with her. The Stake MIA is work ing with the wards, schools, and civic groups to prevent date conflicts. con-flicts. Please call your dates in to Mrs. Black to get them on the Stake Calendar. Phone 580J2. 1 ii( HMin I ! I H IS 1 Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 1, 192 Fine Arts Guild Federated Fine Arts Guild will meet Saturday, Nov. 30, 3:00 p.m. at Delta High School auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. John D. H lgendorf'of Provo will be in charge of the pro gram of films and music. The meeting meet-ing is open to all guests. College students will oe especially especial-ly interested in west Millard County Coun-ty Order the Chronicle for your student today. r "To begin with, I'm a secretary . . ." Why travel to shop? Shop thru the pages of the Millard County Chronicle. CLASSIFIED AOS CLASSIFIED RATES: 2c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH Wj-EK. For Sale LODE LOCATION BOOKS at The Chronicle, paddert with heavy back. FOR SALE: Horse Trailer in excellent ex-cellent condition. Call 553J1 after 5:00 p.m. 1018tf FOR SALE: Pick up your winter supply of potatoes at my home. Keith Black, 178 W. 200 S., Delta. Phone 580J2. lOjlltf Maxfield for Comm'ssioner Vote Tuesday, November 6 Pd. WEBCO Aluminum Siding, special price $65.00 per square, applied. We will not be undersold by outside applicators. Valley Builders, Delta. 712tf ELECTKOUJX SALES & SERVICE LOVELL & ROPER Phone 2301 llj30tf I want this Job. I'll be good at it. My experience all over the county is varied. Believe me. Maxfield FOR SALE: 22 head young Hampshire Hamp-shire ewes and 1 ram. All are registered reg-istered livestock show sheep. Call 8824 or see Ronald Baker. 10;18tf FOR SALE: 40 acres of land; 30 shares of water. See Harlan Stone or phone 495J1. I ' . FOR SALE: Good used Sparks oil stove; also Silvertone electric gui tar. Phone 5631. FOR RENT: Newly decorated 2- bedroom house, $50. Phone 3851 or see at 391 South 200 West, Delta. 7;i2tf FOR RENT: Furn'shed modern 2-bedroom 2-bedroom home; also, furnished 1-bedroom 1-bedroom home. Phone 4431 or 3261 or see M. II. Workman. lLltf FOR SALE: Good used doors and windows; also kitchen sink and 'metal septic tank. Phone 489J1 or J see Floyd Hardy. lll-8 ROLLAWAY BEDS with mattresses. Link or coil springs. Ideal for that camping trip. Workman's Home Furnishings. .Miscellaneous WANTED: Stenographer. Call 5461 10!18tf Notice to All Barley Producers. The 1963 Feed Grain Program has been announced. Producers who are interested in participating should be aware of some of the important points under the program, pro-gram, according to Gene A. Walker, Walk-er, County Committee Chairman. There will not be a fall sign up for the 1963 program; however, farmers far-mers will need to be aware of the provisions of the program to plan their operations. The new program is voluntary, in which farmers can again divert acreages of corn, barley and grain sorghums to conservation uses. There will be only one program, to include all three crops. A producer pro-ducer may divert a minimum of 20 of his total feed grain 'base for his farm, a maximum of 50, or a total of 25 acres, whichever is higher. A farmer may not divert acreage on one farm and exceed the total feed grain base on another farm in which he has an Interest. This would defeat the purpose of the program if permitted. Farmers who have already plant ed their 1963 barley will be able to participate in the new program providing they reduce their 1963 acreage by at least 20. An opportunity op-portunity will be given to adjust acreage already planted by a disposition dis-position date. Mr. Walker encourages all farm ers to carefully review their plans to determine if the barley program will be advantageous to them. WINTERIZE your car motor with Wynns Casite Bardahl STP Rislone CD2. We stock them all. Delta Auto Supply 419-tf WHY hunt any further. Shop at Quality Market Hardware. dams at Quality Market Hardware. 53tf BATTERIES All sizes on hand-Group hand-Group 1, exchange, from $9.93. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE. Phone 3791. Delta. Utah. . 323ti FOR SALE OR RENT: 2-bedroom modern home. Phone 2401. tf TIME TO WAX YOUR CAR. COME IN FOR ALL TYPES J-Wax Si-moniz Si-moniz Car Plate Turtle DuPont Blue Coral. We are Headquarters. Delta Auto Supply. 419-tf FOR SALE: Choice Whiskey Creek potatoes. Red Pontiacs or Russetts. Place order with Doyle Pace. Ph. 882J3. 920tf catteries for Cars. Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. All adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. Delta, ti THE NEW 1963 Admiral TV's are here. Priced down and ready to go. Full UHF reception. Table and console con-sole models. All '62 Admirals have been sold out. Let's go for a "63. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. Put Maxfield in the County Commissioner seat, Nov. 6 Pd. FOR SALE: 3 -bed room home with 34 basement, central heating system, sys-tem, double garage, patio, beautiful beauti-ful lot. Also, Blazer; small two-wheeled two-wheeled trailer. See Ken Clements. 10;25-li;8 LAND LEVELING Contact Bob Clark, or Phone 5125. 3!22tf W. L. LISONBEE & SONS Repair Service, 271 West Main St., Phone 2421 or 8823. Expert repair service on all makes TV, refrigeration and home electrical appliances. "Free Tube Testing." House wiring. 10; 18-11-8 Better Millard County with Maxfield. Vote Not. 6 Pd. BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will deliver sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83. Oak City, or 4531. Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 9'6tf FOR SALE: Pontiac and Red Bliss potatoes, sorted. $250 a hundred.1 Digging will begin Oct. 27. See. rrtu omtiii in niiu.-K.ey. FOR SALE: Weaner Pigs; Also, would like a good family cow. See Glen Taylor, Hinckley, or phone 695J4. 11,1-15 FOR SALE: 1957 Fairlane Ford in very good condition with new tires. Owners leaving on an LDS Mission. See or call Mr. E. D. Harris. lLltf This campaign has been an humbling experience. Let me put my humbleness to work for you. MAXFIELD Pd. llorell llerefords Production Sale S3 REG. BULLS 35 REG. COWS 25 REG. HEIFERS (Excellent Quality) Yestem Slope Livestock COMMISSION CO. MONTROSE, COLO. t!ov. 24, 1962 1:00 p.m. FOR SALE: Pontiac potatoes. Extra good this year. Melvin Webb. For easy, quick carpet cleaning, rent Blue Lustre Electric Shampoo-er, Shampoo-er, only $1 per day. Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: Baled oat hay; also baled seed hay. (Excellent horse feed). See Robert Webb. 11 1-15 For Ilent FOR RENT: Three largs rooms and service room, located at 132 S. 100 West, Delta. Call La Von Taylor at 2311 or see Eleanor Murray at Quality Market. 927tf HOME IN LYNNDYL FOR RENT. Completely furnished. 2 bedrooms, deep freeze, refrigerator, oil and coal furnaces, water and electricity connected. Ready to be moved into. L.D.S. family preferred. Good character char-acter reference. Respect shown to drAnpt rarneted floors, furniture land flower beds. Contact Bishop Phill C. Nielson at LynndyL Phone 2714. 1025-11,8 WE WILL AUCTION Fat and Feed' er Hogs, every other Tuesday at 12 o'clock Aug. 14, 28, Sept. 10, 24 Bring them in early as our regu lar cattle sale will follow the hog auction. Delta Livestock Auction- Phone 2361. 5il8-tl WANTED: Used television sets, as trade-ins on new 1963 Admirals & Dumont TV. We are sold out of all used TV and have one 1962 model left. Let's make a deal. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. 10,lltf HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for profitable Raw- leigh business in Millard County. Good living at start. Write Raw-leigh's, Raw-leigh's, Dept. UTJ-180-101. Denver, Colo. - lOJll-lljl Maxfield solicits all votes not already pledged Pd. WANTED: an old fashioned metal type organ in reasonable condl tion. Also an old rocker. Will look at other old fashioned furniture. Madeline Wilson, Fillmore. Phone 743-5729, 743-5340. 11 1-29 ATTENTION: Pheasant Hunters & families are invited to eat with us Saturday, Nov. 3 at the Community Church in Delta. We will have a ham dinner with all the fixins' and will begin serving at 12:00 noon Cookies and candy will be on sale, also. Adult dinner, $1.25; children, ioc; toddlers, 50c. EXCAVATING. Baclchoe and Loader; Load-er; water, sewer lines, cisterns Septic Tanks, Outlets, etc K. R Damron. Phone 6982. tf For a Better Millard County, Vote Maxf eld. Nov. 6 Pd. ROLLER SKATING begins at the Hinckley gymnasium, Nov. 3, and will continue every Saturday thereafter. there-after. 11,15 FOR RENT: Two 1-bedroom opts. Jacob Apts. Call Mrs. Delia Lison-bee Lison-bee at 3851. 9 6tf DONATE your deer hides te the Delta Lions Club. Contact Leoyd LovelL Proceeds used for civic bet terment projects. Vote Maxfield for Commissioner Tuesday, November 6 Pd. GET BEADT for winter Radiate, recored, new core, complete ser vice. Get It done now before winter sets In. Bill's Radiator Shop. 927tf DIAPER DOINGS Congratulations to Keith and Pauline Black Tolbert on the birth of a 6 lb. girl, Oct. 25. Gary and Analee Johnson Church on the birth of an 8 lb. boy, Oct. 30. THE GOLDEN SPIKE -"TN NATIONAL ANGUS SHOW r A Kin C A T V Sponsored by the Nf UTAH ANGUS ASSOCIATION Sunday, November 11, 1962 Ogden, Utah 70 LOTS 50 BULLS -' 20 FEMALES The highest quality Consignment at Ogden in many years Attend the "ALL BLACK" DAY The Schedule of Events Judge Angus Breeding Cattle 8:00 A.M. Judge Angus Sale Cattle 2:00 P.M. The Judge Dr. Rufus Cox Kansas State University THE GOLDEN SPIKE ANGUS SALE 3:30 P.M. For Catalogues and Information contact the Sales Management MOODY'S ANGUS SALES SERVICE LONGMONT, COLORADO l ! t WILL TRADE model 97 Winchester pump for double barrel 410 or 20-gage. 20-gage. See Carl Robson, Delta. Ph. 9891 or 4731. II1 1-8 LOST: a 30:40 gun on the Oak City-Holden road between Whiskey Creek road and the Eight Mile-road. Mile-road. If found, please call Hugh Ivie at 5401 or write Hugh Ivie, Box 1131, Delta. 11,1-8 WORK WANTED: Ironing, house work, etc., during school hours. See Mrs. Arlene Parker, 212 So. 200 West, (former RexJensen home) WILL BUY OR RENT home or small , farm with house. Chase Shurtz, Box 6321, Delta. Utah. Ph. 3512. Could see Mr. Shurtz at 407 South 100 W., 1 Delta. 712tf MAKE Quality Market Hardware your ammo and gun headquarters. RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity in Millard County. Coun-ty. Write at once. Rawleigh Dept. UTK-180-105, Denver, Colorado. lljl-22 IT'S FALL and time to fill your! home freezer before the game season sea-son starts. Have it done now at Marion and Dean's, your complete processing plant. We also have pork and beef on hand, quarters! or halves, all at wholesale prices. .Marion and Dean's Call 2441 or Talbot Packing Co. 9.6tf POSTER PAPER IN COLORS now' available at the Millard County' Chronicle. Colors in stock are red, white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cents. JENSEN'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE Is now located at 255 s Ath W. Call 391J1 for repair work on washers, televisions, refrigerators, car radios, small appliances Wiring Service Offered KRAFT Dinner IS thrifty and quick and of cheese flavor Count on Kraft Dinner for tender macaroni that's full of golden cheese goodness. Have it on hand for speedy school lunches and hurry-up uppers. It's good eating any-timet COSTS ONLY 5 A SERVING - RE-ELECT - ROY T0MKIHS0I! COUNTY ASSESSOR " 1 V7 QUALIFIED Raised on farm Business Employment EXPERIENCED Four years in Assessor's Office DEDICATED Works for Equality "I am grateful for your support given me during dur-ing my one term as Assessor. Let me use my experience to your advantage." (Paid Political Advertisement) Good Reasons to Vote LAURENCE l for Congress 1 Laurence Burton is one of the best-qualified candidates for the U. S. Congress Con-gress in years. As legislative aide to Congressman Henry Aldous Dixon for 2 years and as administrative assistant to Governor George D. Clyde for 2' years, he has the background and experience at the "ational and state political politi-cal levels that are hard to beat. (This has been shown clearly in his debates with his opponent.) Blaine Peterson's voting record is one of the worst in Congress. It includes: 90 vote against constitutional government. 89( vote against sound money bills. 93 ' vote against self-government. 67 vote against private ownership. lOOr vote against individual liberty. (According to Americans for Constitutional action.) 89',' vote against Utah Farm measures. (According to Utah Farm Bureau.) 901 vote for labor bosses and COPE. (According to AFL-CIO.) Laurence Burton is honest, courageous, hard-working, forward-looking. He'll work for the best interests of his state and nation. YOTE FOR LAURENCE 1UTOKI for CONGRES, TUESDAY, HOY. 6 REPUBLICAN (Paid Polit'cal Advertisement) |