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Show ' ' Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November I, 1962 $ X i I i ' ? Tiff" ir jif IQL l t I I s AcL a i I I KARL I. TRUMAN FOi? STATE SENATOR Successful farmer and businessman. busi-nessman. Will work for economy econ-omy in government. K V' si FRANK A. LYMAN -FOR- 4-Year County COMMISSIONER Successful farmer and cattleman. cattle-man. Courageous, dignified, experienced. 1 r ) EVA YIIITAKER -FO2- COUNTY RECORDER Courteous, efficient, experienced, experi-enced, qualified. at I i CALVII! P. STEWART FOR . COUNTY SHERIFF Experienced in technique of law enforcement. Well qualified. WALLACE F. BEIIHETT fo? U. S. SENATOR Experienced in the U. S. Senate. Sen-ate. Devoted to the principles of Free Enterprise. Will vote his own convictions. . A PRATT KESLER FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL An experienced practicing attorney. at-torney. Now holds this very important office. LAURENCE J. BURTON v for REPRESENTATIVE (IN CONGRESS) Experienced in Washington as assistant to Congressman H. A. Dixon. Has the courage cour-age to vote for what he believes be-lieves is right. Ye believe in the importance and dignity of the individual. Ye believe in the FREE ENTERPRISE System. Ye believe that Government should do for the people only those things which .they cannot do for themselves. Ye do not believe the Government should tell farmers what crops they must grow and how much of each. We believe the program of tight controls proposed pro-posed by the Kennedy Administration is not a good program for farmers. Ye believe that monopolistic power in any form, whether it be Agriculture, Labor, Business or Government, jeopardizes our Freedoms and leads us away from Self-Government. Ye believe that States Rights and the people within should not have their powers pre-empted by the Federal Government beyond the Constitution and Federal Courts. Ye do not believe in Federal Aid programs that ruin local and individual initiative. in-itiative. Yhen we transfer our educational, medical welfare and other problems prob-lems of responsibility to the Federal Authority. Ye feed the fire of inflation, double the actual cost and further raise the National Debt. Let's stand on our own FEET. Ye believe in the right to work when, where and how we please, without forced forc-ed Unionism. Ye further believe that Labor is entitled to spend their own earnings, not have it coerced from them and spent by someone else. Ye believe and stand unequivocally for tax equality on all levels and strongly strong-ly urge emphasis be placed on reducing taxes rather than increase spending spend-ing at all levels. Last, but by no means least, we believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, as it was conceived and designed to give its Free Citizens individual, God-Given Liberties and Freedom from domination of Government. Elect These Well Qualified PeopHe to Office (Paid Political Adv. by Millard County Republican Central Committee) OTIS WALCH. Chairman GLEN SWALBERG, Secretary LaMAR R. MONROE for REPRESENTATIVE (STATE LEGISLATURE) Successful farmer and cattleman. cattle-man. Has had one term in the Legislature. Understands the problems of farmers. A J' St. 'ID II 4 1 LL 1 I WALTER EKIHS FOR 2-Year County COMMISSIONER Successful farmer and cattleman. cattle-man. Understands problems of Millard County. Will give calm, careful consideration to everyone. M. LeROY TOMKIIISOII FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Fair, dependable, experienced. Knows the problems of Millard Mil-lard County taxpayers., I - -. - w XL I ! ! ! t I i ! ! i i i WILLIAM II. MITCHELL FOR TREASURER A dedicated public servant. J with long experience in hand- . ling this office. |